九年级英语全册 Unit 6 When was it invented单元综合测试 (新版)人教新目标版

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九年级英语全册 Unit 6 When was it invented单元综合测试 (新版)人教新目标版_第1页
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九年级英语全册 Unit 6 When was it invented单元综合测试 (新版)人教新目标版_第2页
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九年级英语全册 Unit 6 When was it invented单元综合测试 (新版)人教新目标版_第3页
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Unit 6听 力 部 分 (20分)一、听对话,选择正确的图片。(5分)听力材料:1.M:When was the telephone invented?W:It was invented in 1876.(B)1.Which of them was invented in 1876?A. B. C.听力材料:2.M:I think the clock is the most useful invention.What about you,Lucy?W:I dont agree.I think the zipper is the most useful invention.(B)2.Which of them does Lucy think is the most useful invention?A. B. C.听力材料:3.M:Do you know who invented the light bulb?W:Edison did.(A)3.Who was the light bulb invented by?A. B. C.听力材料:4.W:Mike,your watch is very nice.M:Thank you.Its a birthday present from my uncle.(B)4.Whats Mikes birthday present?A. B. C.听力材料:5.M:What do you think is the most important invention so far?W:Of course the computer.(B)5.What does the girl think is the most important invention so far?A. B. C.二、听小对话,选择正确的答案。(5分)听力材料:6.W:Was the beautiful pen invented by a scientist?M:No.It was invented by one of my classmates.He is only twelve.(A)6.Who invented the pen?AA student. BA teacher.CA scientist.听力材料:7.W:Can you cook the meal with the oven?M:No,I cant.I dont know how to use it.(B)7.What doesnt the man know?AHow to make a meal. BHow to use an oven.CHow to make an oven.听力材料:8.W:Was this kind of mobile phone invented in 2012?M:No.It was invented in 2013.(C)8.When was this kind of mobile phone invented?AIn 2002. BIn 2012. CIn 2013.听力材料:9.M:Who was this kind of machine invented by?W:Sorry,I dont know.Lets ask the teacher.(A)9.What does the boy want to know?AWho invented the machine.BWhen the machine was invented.CWhat the machine was used for.听力材料:10.M:Could I use your camera,Mom?I want to take some photos.W:Sure.Its in my bag.(B)10.What does the boy ask his mother for?AA bag. BA camera. CSome photos.三、听长对话,选择正确答案。(5分)听力材料:W:Hello,Mike.What was your last class today?M:English.W:What did you learn?M:About inventions.W:Do you know when the umbrella was invented?M:Yes,about 4000 years ago.W:What about the earliest bike?M:It was invented in the late 18th century.W:Youre great.Oh,the No.11 bus is coming.Will you take it?M:No.Ill take the No.22 bus.What about you?W:I usually take the No.33 bus.But today Im going to my grandparents home,so Ill take a taxi.(C)11.What was Mikes last class today?AHistory. BPhysics. CEnglish.(A)12.When was the umbrella invented?AAbout 4000 years ago. BAbout 3000 years ago.CAbout 2000 years ago.(B)13.When was the earliest bike invented?AIn the early 18th century. BIn the late 18th century.CIn the late 19th century.(B)14.Which bus will Mike take?AThe No.11 bus. BThe No.22 bus.CThe No.33 bus.(C)15.How will the girl go to her grandparents home?AOn foot. BBy bike. CBy taxi.四、听短文,完成下列表格,每空词数不限。(5分)听力材料:We are going to visit the biggest science museum in LondonCity Science Museum.It was built in 1965.There are many old inventions on show.They were all invented hundreds of years ago.And there are many new inventions,too!They are really amazing!You can go inside and have a look at them.But when you go inside,please dont touch anything.And you are not allowed to smoke in the building.Taking photos is not allowed either.The museum is open from 9 am.to 5 pm.So lets meet outside the museum at 2 oclock this afternoon.Any questions?PlaceCity Science MuseumWhen it was built16.In_1965.RulesDont touch anything!No smoking!17.No_photos!Opening timeFrom 9 am. to 18.5_pm.Where to meet19.Outside_the_museum.When to meetAt 20.2_oclock/2:00 this afternoon.笔 试 部 分 (100分)五、单项选择。(15分)(C)21.My phone is often used _ a camera.AbyBforCasDwith(A)22.Mom!I want to buy a new jacket.My old one is out of _.Astyle Bwork Csize Dcolor(C)23.You did so much for me.Thank you very much.My _!Ahelp Bjoy Cpleasure Dpride(A)24.As we know,both the World Cup and the Olympics _ every four years.Atake place Bhappen Cbreak out Dhold(C)25.What are you cooking,Mum?It _ so good.Afeels Bsounds Csmells Dtastes(A)26.What do you think of the movie?_,it is the most interesting one that I have ever seen this year.AIn fact BWhats moreCAfter all DAll of a sudden(C)27.His famous novel _ into many foreign languages last year.Ahas translated Bis translatedCwas translated Dtranslated(A)28.The sun was shining brightly,but it began to rain heavily _.Aall of a sudden Ball overCall in all Dall around(A)29._ people at the meeting _ twenty.AThe number of,is BA number,areCThe number of,are DA number of,is(C)30.Though I havent seen him for ten years,I can make him out of the crowds because he _ as he was.Alives Blists Cremains Dbecomes(D)31.Bill said nothing could stop him _ his dream.Ato achieve Bfrom avoidingCto avoid Dfrom achieving(C)32.Our English teacher encourages us _ English more after class.Ato invent Binventing Cto practice Dpracticing(D)33.Can we pick some oranges to eat?Cant you see that they are green?They must be _.Asweet Bsalty Chot Dsour(A)34._ is waiting for you at the gate.He wants to say thanks to you.ASomebody BAnybody CEverybody DNobody(C)35.Do you know _ in ancient China?I have no idea.But I know people once used tree leaves to make paper.Ahow paper was made Bhow was paper madeCwhat paper was made from Dwhat paper was made of六、完形填空。(10分)James Dyson is a famous British inventor.One of his wellknown inventions is the bagless vacuum cleaner (真空吸尘器)He _36_ it in 1978.Today Dyson still _37_ that day.“.I was the only man in the world with a bagless vacuum cleaner!” he said.Dyson,65,wasnt a(n) _38_ at first.When he studied art at the Royal College of Art in London,he began to show an interest in design.There he invented his first product, the Sea Truck.It was a boat for _39_ anything between islands.Then he started his first company to make and sell _40_ invention,the Ballbarrow,a kind of vehicle (交通工具)But later Dyson left his _41_He didnt agree with his partners.After that Dyson began to improve on the vacuum cleaner.In 1985,Dyson took his product to Japan and _42_ the Japanese to sell it.However he didnt make much money.Several years later Dyson decided to _43_ and sell the machine himself.By 2005,Dyson controlled both the European and American _44_45_ the way,Dyson discovered the secret of success,“People buy products if theyre better”(B)36.A.discovered Binvented Cproduced Dfound(A)37.A.remembers Bforgets Cnotices Dtastes(A)38.A.engineer Bdirector Clistener Dsoldier(C)39.A.taking Bfetching Ccarrying Dbringing(C)40.A.other Bthe other Canother Dothers(A)41.A.company Bcircle Ccountry Dresearch(C)42.A.hoped Bmade Callowed Dsupposed(A)43.A.produce Bdivide Ccreate Dthrow(B)44.A.baskets BmarketsCwebsites Dorganizations(B)45.A.Below BAlong CTowards DTo七、阅读理解。(30分)APotato chips were really invented by accident.The popular food was invented in 1853 by George Crum, who was a cook at Moon Lake Restaurant in Saratoga Springs,New York.A guest complained that the fried potatoes that Crum had cooked were too thick.Crum thought the guest was making trouble.In return,he cut potatoes paper thin and fried them.The guest loved what soon became known as “Saratoga Chips”,and the new dish became the most popular in the restaurant.Other restaurants in the eastern United States borrowed the idea,but potato chips were not produced for home use until William Tappenden of Cleveland,Ohio started the first potato chip factory in Cleveland,which made lots of money for him.Potatoes are made up of about 25% solids (固体),mostly starches (淀粉) and sugar,and 75% water.Marsha McNcil Sherman,Director of Fast Food Association in Los Angeles,explains,“Frying is a way to dry the potato.More of the water can be found in the middle of the potato.So,the edges (边) of potatoes are fried faster than the middle.”(A)46.What did George Crum do?AA cook. BA teacher. CA policeman. DA boss.(D)47.Whats the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “complain”?A表扬 B鼓励 C自责 D抱怨(B)48.What do you think of William Tappenden?AOutgoing. BClever.CBrave. DHardworking.(A)49.What are potatoes mainly made up of?AWater. BStarches. CSugar. DOil.(C)50.What does the passage mainly tell us?AWhy potato chips are so popular.BHow to make potato chips.CHow potato chips were invented and what potatoes are made up of.DThe edges of potatoes are fried faster than the middle.BMarconi,an Italian inventor,who gave us the radio,probably didnt know how much his great invention would have done for the world in the years to come.Radio has perhaps done as much as any other communication tool.Things of the world can be reported to people everywhere a few seconds after they happened.Travelers in outoftheway places,ships at sea and even astronauts round the earth are able to keep in touch with each other by radio.Television is another important invention.It lets us see as well as hear the actor.Since it was invented,TV has changed a great deal in the daily life of people everywhere.Many programs are now on TV.Perhaps the most modern invention is “telstar”,a “star” moving round the earth.It makes it possible for people all over the world to be closer than ever before.Now on TV a family in Chicago can watch a motor car race in Italy,a table tennis competition in Beijing or a volleyball match in Japan as these events are actually happening!(D)51.Where did Marconi come from?AAmerica. BChina. CJapan. DItaly.(B)52.The passage tells us that people can keep in touch with each other by _.Atelephone Bradio Cmobile phone Dtelstar(A)53.What does the writer think of television?AUseful. BExpensive. CNecessary. DLarge.(D)54.What is “telstar” used to do according to the passage?ATo receive and save information.BTo send pictures taken in space to the earth.CTo help people make telephone calls.DTo help people see what is happening in other places.(A)55._ kinds of inventions are mentioned in this passage.AThree BFour CFive DSixCWe love potatoesPotatoes are very important food.75% of a potato is water.People first grew potatoes in the mountains of South America.In the 16th century potatoes were brought to Europe.Today more than 100 countries grow potatoes.An American eats an average (平均) of 64 kilograms of potatoes each year.Over 23 kilograms of them are French fries.Fast foodFast food is not a modern invention.Scientists say even ancient Greeks enjoyed takeout.In every town in ancient Greece,there were lots of snack bars (小吃店) and markets.People could buy any meal they wanted there.They could buy food like hamburgers and sausages (腊肠)Today,the only new things about fast food are mass production (批量生产) and fastfood chains (连锁店)Museum of Fries!The Frietmuseum in Bruges,Belgium is the first museum that shows French fries in the whole world!The museum provides answers to such important questions as:Where does the potato come from?Where French fries invented in Belgium?Whats the secret of making good French fries?Of course,the museum is not only about Q&A.It is also famous for inventions such as the first deep fryer and other innovations (创新) that have improved the making of French fries!Find out more about the museum at http:/www.frietmuseum.be/en/index.htm.根据短文内容,完成下列句子,每空一词。5675 percent of a potato is made up of water57Potatoes are now grown in over 100 countries.58Fast food is actually a(n) ancient invention,and mass production and fast food chains are new things about fast food.59Visiting the first museum about French fries can help people learn more about them.60You can see the first deep fryer in the Frietmuseum.八、词汇运用。(10分)A)根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。61A year is divided (分开) into four seasons.62Please dont forget to lock (锁上) the door before you leave.63The first fridge (冰箱) appeared in the 1920s.64I can find out some information on the websites (网站)65This is Mr.Green.He is one of my old customers (顾客)B)根据句意,选择方框中的单词并用其适当形式填空。66He bought a house at a low price.67When to start the project wasnt mentioned in Mrs.Xiaos speech.68Our school bought some physics instruments last week.69You can say something about your daily life.70I think most of astronauts are heroes九、根据汉语意思,完成句子。(10分)71这些孩子都很敬仰这名棒球运动员。The children all look up to the baseball player.72我是偶然想到这个主意的。I came up with this idea by accident73一个小男孩掉进了河里。幸运的是,他的狗救了他。A little boy fell into the river.Luckily,his dog saved him.74刚才,她误把盐放进茶里了。She put salt into her tea by mistake just now.75据说今晚将上演一部新电影。Its said that a new movie will be on tonight.十、选择方框中的单词并用其适当形式完成下列短文。(每词限用一次,有两词多余)(10分)because,work,invent,die,thing,it,from,large,ride,put,use,inThe bicycle is one of the simplest yet most useful inventions in the world.What the most surprising is that it was not 76.invented earlier,although the great inventor Leonardo da Vinci had drawn pictures for bicycles and also for flying machines and some other 77.thingsThose things were not produced until long after he 78.diedA person riding a bicycle 79.uses very little energy to make the bicycle move,and there is no pollution at all when you are riding.Even so,80.in developed countries,most people dont travel to work by bicycle.It is not 81.because the bicycles are expensive or people feel tired if they ride to work.Its because the number of cars on the roads becomes 82.largerIt certainly becomes more dangerous to ride a bicycle.If a car knocks into a bicycle 83.rider,it may be fatal (致命的)As a result,more people 84.put their bicycles away and go to work in their cars.And in this way,the situation is made more serious.Perhaps the best way to make riding safer and more popular is to create paths only for bicycles,and to make 85.it so difficult and expensive for drivers to take their cars into the city that they will go back to use their bicycles.十一、书面表达。(15分)在英语口语课上,老师要求你们围绕“你所知道的发明创造”这一话题进行简短发言,请你根据下表内容提示为此次发言作准备。WhatWhoWhenThe telephoneAlexander BellIn 1876The carCarl BenzIn 1885The TVJohn BairdIn around 1927Hello,everyone!There are many inventions that have changed the world.Heres a short introduction of some useful inventions.The_telephone_was_invented_by_Alexander_Bell_in_1876.Using_a_telephone,people_can_talk_to_each_other_no_matter_how_far_theyre_from_each_other.The_car_was_invented_by_Carl_Benz_in_1885.The_car_takes_people_from_one_place_to_another_quickly_so_as_to_help_people_save_time.The_TV_was_invented_by_John_Baird_in_around_1927.It_helps_people_to_know_what_is_happening_all_over_the_world.People_can_not_only_learn_a_lot_but_also_relax_through_watching_it.Thats all.Thanks!


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