中考英语突破复习(第一部分 语法专项)十三 情景交际导学案

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中考英语突破复习(第一部分 语法专项)十三 情景交际导学案_第1页
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中考英语突破复习(第一部分 语法专项)十三 情景交际导学案_第3页
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十三、情景交际【自主学习】()1.I cant find my seat. Could you show me, sir? . May I see your ticket, please? A. Sure B. I agree C. Good idea D. It doesnt matter()2.Would you like to attend Chinas Got Talent(中国达人秀)? But Im busy revising for my test. A. Dont mention it. B. Id love to. C. Thats all right. D. My pleasure.()3.Would you like to go out for a walk with us? , but I must finish my homework first. A. Of course not B. Thats all right C. Id love to D. Yes, I do()4. . We failed in the singing competition. Better times are waiting for you. A. Cheer up B. Best wishes C. No way D. Good job()5.Thank you for your delicious dinner. . A. Dont say that B. Its nothing C. I dont think so D. Im glad you enjoyed it()6.Turn the box over, please. Cant you see the words “”? A. DANGER B. MENU C. THIS SIDE UP D. FRAGILE()7.Would you mind my turning off the noisy radio? . A. Of course B. Youd better do it C. Yes, dont do it D. Of course not, go ahead()8.Excuse me. May I use your eraser, please? Sure, . A. watch out B. well done C. go ahead D. follow me()9.Hows the weather in Changchun now, Lily? . We can make snowman if you are here now. A. Its rainy B. Its November 15th C. Its snowy D. Its 11 oclock()10.Is that Jack speaking? No, . Can I take a message? A. speaking B. he is in C. he is out D. he is coming 参考答案15 ABCAD610 CDCCC【教师点拨】交际用语是英语教学中的重点内容,也是各地中考的热点之一。其目的是考查考生在具体情景中的交际能力和语言应用能力。情景交际试题的特点是试题情景化、语言交际化和有声语言文字化。考查交际用语的题型有听力题、口语考试中的情景反映,单项选择题等形式。解答此类试题要根据对话的情景和上下文句意,并结合中西方文化的差异来有效地答题。现以单项选择题为例,就情景交际用语的常见考点进行归纳。一、建议、劝告及应答建议: Why not do sth.?/ Lets do sth./ Shall I / we do sth.?/ Will / Would you like do sth.?/ Will / Would you like sth ?/ How / What about doing sth? 劝告:Youd better do sth./ Youre supposed to / should do sth./ You need (to) do sth.接受: Good idea./ That / It sounds great. That / It would be very nice./ With pleasure. /Id love / like to./ Ill be glad to./ Yes, please. Certainly / Of course / Sure./ No problem. /I agree. /I think so. 拒绝:Im afraid/ I cant / Im afraid not./ I disagree./ I dont think so./ No, thanks./ Id love / like to, but / Thank you, but 二、问候、介绍和告别问候: Good morning./afternoon/evening./ Hello/Hi./ How do you do./Nice to meet you./ How are you?介绍: This is / My name is 告别: Good bye./ Bye-bye. /See you (later)./ Good night.三、打电话请听电话:Hello. May I speake to , please? / Is that speaking?接电话: Hold on, please. He/ She isnt in. Can I take a message, please?/ Speaking.电话中介绍自己: This is 询问对方是谁: Who is that?四、感谢、祝愿与同情遗憾当别人帮了你或赞扬了你, 你应该表示感谢:Thank you vey much./ Thanks a lot./Many thanks./ Thanks for 当别人要去做一件事时或有喜事时,你应该表示祝愿:Good luck. /Best wishes./ Have a nice time. 当别人发生不幸的事情,应该表示同情与遗憾: What a pity!/ I am sorry to hear that.五、就医、就餐与购物 就医:医生说的话: Whats wrong with you?/Whats the matter with you?/ How long have you been like this? /Take this medicine three times a day./ Nothing serious. 等病人说的话:Ive got a headache/ fever/cold./ I dont feel well/ I am not feeling well./ There is something wrong with for days等。 就餐:服务员说的话: Can I help you?/ What can I do for you?/ What would you like for supper? / Would you like something to drink?/ What else would you like? 顾客说的话: Id like some / Give me some , please. 等 购物:导购员说的话:Can I help you?/ What can I do for you?/ What color do you like?/ What size do you want?/ What else would you like等。顾客说的话: Id like some /Give me some , please./ How much is it/ are they? /Ill take it./ Ill think about it.等。六、天气、请求帮助天气: Whats the weather like ?/ How is the weather ?/ Its sunny/rainy/cloudy/snowy . 请求帮助: Excuse me, would you mind doing sth/ Would you please do sth?七、问路、禁止、警告与常见标志 问路:Excuse me, could you please tell me the way to /which is the way to /if there is a near here等。Go along the road./ Take the second turning on the right/left./ Go down the road to the end. /You wont miss it.等 禁止或警告别人:You cant do./ You mustnt./ You are not allowed to /If you , you will./ Be careful./ Take care./ Look out. 常见标志和说明:EXIT(出口)./ NO SMOKING(禁止吸烟)./ENTRANCE(入口)./NO PARKING.(不准停车)./NO PHOTOS(不准照相) ./ DANGER(危险)./ BUSINESS HOURS(营业时间)等【中考回放】( )1. _! Something is falling down from the tall building. Dear me! its dangerous. (2016广东省卷) A. Look outB. Help yourselfC. What a pityD. Shut up.( )2.Hurry up, or we will miss the sea lion show in the Ocean Park. (2015广东省卷) _. We still have fifteen minutes before the show begins. A. Take it easy B. Good luck C. I guess so D. Take care( )3. Im going to take part in Chinas Got Talent next month.! I am sure you will win. (2014广东省卷)A. Never mind B. Good luck C. What a pity D. My pleasure( )4. Rose isnt here today. Is she ill?.I saw her at the doctors this morning. (2013年广东省卷)A. I hope so B. I dont mind C. I am afraid so D. I dont think so( )5.My new iPhone was stolen when I took a bus yesterday.(2012年广东省卷)A. I am sorry to hear that. B. It doesnt matter. C. Dont be silly. D. Id love to.【真题演练】( )1. The box is heavy. Could you please help me carry it ? _ ! (2016龙东) A. My pleasure B. You are kidding C. Good idea D Thank you( )2 . Would you mind my opening the window ? _ . Its so hot in the room. (2016河南) A. Of course not B. Certainly C. Better not D. Of course( )3. I dont think students should use mobile phones at school. _. They really have a bad influence on our study. (2016黄石) A. I agree with you B. Not at allC. No problemD. Its my pleasure( )4. Do you improve your spoken English by communicating with others or reading aloud? _. I make lots of new friends in this way, too. (2016长春) A. Yes, I do.B. I like English very much. C. No, I dont.D. By communicating with others.( )5. Would you please help me do the dishes, John? _, but Im busy cleaning my room. (2016长春)A. Youre welcome.B. Im sorry. C. It doesnt matter.D. Thats right.( )6. What about going to Shanghai Disneyland Park next month, Harry?_! Well have a lot of fun there. (2016连云港)A. Good luck B. Never mindC. Sounds greatD. Certainly not( )7. Would you like some tea? _. (2016绵阳)A. Yes, please B. The same to you C. Me, too D. My pleasure( )8. (on the mobile phone)Where are you? I cant see you here at the theatre. . Im just one block away. (2016南京)A. Good ideaB. My pleasureC. Im comingD. Nice talking to you( )9. Reading is a good way to pass the time on the plane. . I never go travelling without a book. (2016南京)A.You are jokingB. Thats trueC. I dont think soD. It sounds like fun( )10. You won the first prize in the physics competition._ I made several terrible mistakes. (2016西宁)A. I think so. B. Are you kidding? C. You are welcome. D. It doesnt matter.( )11.Excuse me ,where is the Moonlight Hotel ? Im a stranger myself (2016上海) A. Sorry,I dont know BNo,I dont think so CIt doesnt matter DThank you all the same( )12. The Art Festival is coming Were going to watch the play Twelfth Night . (2016上海) AThats all right BNever mind CYoure welcome DEnjoy your time( )13. Id like to choose yellow as the color of our bedroom . . The color brings me a warm and comfortable feeling . (2016苏州)A. No way B. Sounds great C. In your dreams D. I cant decide( )14. I tried to pass the driving test, but I failed. . Good luck to you next time. (2016天津) A. Thats great B. Its interesting C. Thats a pityD. Glad to hear that( )15. Hi, Diana, how was your summer holiday? ! I enjoyed myself in the sea very much. (2016天津)A. Good ideaB. Wait a minute C. Thats too bad D. Pretty good( )16. Steve, I hear that Peter has won another championship.Its not surprising. _. He practises hardest in the team. (2016无锡)A. Every dog has its dayB. No pain, no gainC. Many hands make light workD. Actions speak louder than words( )17. So you gave her your mobile phone?_. She said shed return it to me after she had hers fixed. (2016无锡)A. My pleasureB. Not exactlyC. With pleasureD. No problem( )18. I think we should ask people to use public transport more often. _. (2016沈阳)A. Never mind B. Not at all C. SorryD. I agree( )19. I had a pleasant winter vacation with my family in the north. _. (2016武汉) A. Oh, thats nice of you B. Enjoy yourself C. Well done D. Glad to hear that( )20.I think students can have mobile phones to help with their studies. _.They often use them to play games. (2016武汉) A. I think so B.I dont agree C. No problem D. Thats a good idea( )21. Would you like to play basketball with us this afternoon? _,but my mother is ill. (2016武汉) A. I dont care B. Its very nice of you C. Of course not D. My pleasure( )22. Mrs. Black, Im afraid that Ill fail the exam. _, dear! Take it easy. Im sure youll pass it. (2016重庆) A. Sorry to hear that B. Come onC. All rightD. Good job( )23. _, or well be late for the meeting. Its only half past one by my watch. We have enough time left. (2016襄阳) A. Hurry up B. Dont worry C. Never mind D. Be quiet( )24. The women badminton players won the Uber Cup._. (2016宿迁)A. What a pity! B. With pleasure C. Never mind. D. Im glad to hear that. ( )25. There will be more and more robots going into peoples homes. . We might be able to leave all the chores to them. (2016宜昌)A. Not reallyB. No way C. Youre kiddingD. I hope so( )26. Jane, your new dress looks very nice you! _. I like it very much. (2015 江苏盐城)A. You are welcome B. I dont think so C. Thanks a lot D. Dont say that ( )27. Thank you for helping me with my physics. _. I hope you can do better in it. (2015天津) A. Good idea B. See you C. Im not sure D. Youre welcome( )28. John, thank you for driving me home. _. See you tomorrow. (2015四川资阳)A. Thats rightB. Im afraid notC. Youre welcomeD. Its a good idea( )29. Could you tell me a good place to eat?_.Theres one nearby. (2015四川绵阳)A. Thanks a lot B. Me neither C. Sorry,Im new here D. Of course( )30. Ellen,how about going to Hong Kong Ocean Park together?_! (2015四川绵阳)A. Enjoy yourself B. Good luck C. Have a good trip D. Sounds fantastic十三、情景交际【中考回放】1-5 AABCA 【真题演练】1-5 ABDDB 6-10 BAADC 11-15 CBCCC 16-20 DBBCD 21-25 AADAC 26-30 CBACA


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