中考英语复习 教材整理复习篇 七下 Units 7-12巩固练习(一)

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中考英语复习 教材整理复习篇 七下 Units 7-12巩固练习(一)_第1页
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七年级下册 Units712一、单项填空( )1. Can you play basketball? .Its difficult.A. Yes, I can B. No, I cant C. No, I can D. Yes, I cant( )2. My brother can play guitar, while my friend Jack can play _baseball. A. a; the B. the ; a C. / ; the D. the ; /( )3. The apples good. He likes A. tastes; them B. tastes; it C. taste; them D. taste; it( )4. Does Anna have a ? Yes, she at a book shop. A. work; works B. work;jobs C. job; works D. job;jobs ( )5. Are they good at ? Yes, they are. A. dance B. to dance C. dancing D. dancer( )6. It will take me two hours my work. A. finish B. to finish C. finishing D. finishes( )7. Dont late for school.A. is B. be C. arrives D. are( )8. Kids get up at 6:00 am on Sunday morning, because they dont go toschool on that day.A. have to B. cant C. dont have to D. am( )9. Lets the club.A. join; swim B. join; swiming C. joins; swimming D. join; swimming( )10. Mike is a careless (粗心的) boy. He often his homework at home.A. leave B. forgets C. leaves D. forget( )11. Jill his classmates and telling jokes. A. is good at; is good with B. is good with; is good with C. is good with; is good at D. is good at; is good at( )12. My friend always helps the housework(家务) weekends. A. to; by B. with; by C. with; on D . to; on( )13. he brush his every day?A. Does; tooth B. Do; teeth C. Does; teeth D. Does; tooths( )14. Thank you for me. A. help B. helps C. helping D. to help ( )15. Bob is boy. A. a 8-year-old B. an 8-year-old C. a 8 years old D. an 8 years old ( )16. The _ woman has two sons.A. forty years old B. forty year oldC. forty years-old D. forty-year-old( )17. My son often _TV on Sundays. Today is Sunday. He_ TV now. A. is watching; watches; B. watches; is watching C. watches ; watches D. is watching; is watching ( )18. Each of the girls _ singing.A. like B. likes C. liking D. to like ( )19. Please go _ this road and_ right. You can find the supermarket.A .down; turn to B. along; turn C. straight; turn the D. down; turn the ( )20.Good afternoon! May I _ your order? A. get B. make C. take D. put二、完形填空My name is Cathy. Im eleven years old. Im from London. But I live _21_China with my parents now. They _22_in Nanjing. We live on Zhongshan Road.Im tall and slim. My eyes_23_big and blue. I have short blonde(金色的) hair. But my classmates all have black hair. Thats interesting. In America,the_24_of peoples hair are quite different. Some people have black hair, some have brown hair and others have blonde hair.I like 25 and Im in the school swimming team. I like playing tennis, _26 .But my classmates dont play 27 tennis. They often play basketball and football after school. They like playing badminton(羽毛球),too. They are all very kind. I often play with 28 .I love Chinese food. We often 29 dinner in the restaurant. I have 30 friends here. Thats great!21. A. on B. at C. in D. for22. A. visit B. come C. work D. play23. A .is B. are C. have D. has 24. A .sizes B. colors C. names D. places25. A. swimming B. skating C. fishing D. shopping26. A. also B. too C. either D. so27. A. a B. an C. the D. /28. A. him B. her C. them D. us29. A. have B .make C. drink D .cook30. A. much B. many C. any D. a lot 三、阅读理解Its Sunday afternoon, Peggy goes to do the shopping with her mother. Her mother wants to buys some food for supper. Peggy wants to buy a new skirt and some school things. They come to a new shop.“What does your shop sell?” Peggy asks. “A lot of things.” The girl in the shop says.“You can buy food, drinks, clothes in the shop, school things and so on.”Peggy and her mother go in. There are many people in the shop. Peggy finds a nice white skirt. “How much is the skirt?” Peggy asks the girl in the shop.“Its eighty yuan.”“Thats too dear. Can I find a cheap one?” “What about the green one? It looks nice. And its only thirty yuan.” “OK, thanks a lot.” “You are welcome.”After that, Peggy buys some school things, too. Her mother buys a lot of food, like bread, meat and fish. They get home very late.31. Peggy goes to do the shopping with her mother on _.A. Saturday afternoon B. Saturday morningC. Sunday morning D. Sunday afternoon32. Peggy wants to buy a new skirt and _.A. some school things B. some drinks C. some clothes D. some food33. Peggy finds a nice _ skirt, but its too dear.A. green B. white C. red D. cheap34. The green skirt is _.A. nice and cheap B. nice but dearC. not nice and cheap D. not nice but cheap35. Peggys mother doesnt buy any _for supper.A. fish B. bread C. meat D. eggs四 、完成句子36. Tony喜欢在周末去购物。Tony likes _ _ weekends.37.我们正在等一辆公共汽车。We are _ _ a bus.38.他想和他的朋友去骑马。Hed like to_ _ _with his friends.39.你的学校旅行怎样? your ?40 .医生告诉我卧床三天。The doctor told me to stay_ _for three days.参考答案一、15 BDCCC 610 BBCDC 1115 CCCCB 1620 DBBBC二、2125 CCBBA 2630 BDCAD 三、3135 DABAD四、1. shopping on 2. waiting for 3. ride a horse 4. How was ; school trip 5. in bed5

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