中考英语命题研究 第一部分 教材知识梳理篇 第十课时 八下 Units 1-2(精讲)试题1

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中考英语命题研究 第一部分 教材知识梳理篇 第十课时 八下 Units 1-2(精讲)试题1_第1页
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中考英语命题研究 第一部分 教材知识梳理篇 第十课时 八下 Units 1-2(精讲)试题1_第2页
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中考英语命题研究 第一部分 教材知识梳理篇 第十课时 八下 Units 1-2(精讲)试题1_第3页
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第十课时八年级(下)Units 12,中考基础知识梳理类别课标考点要求词汇攻关1.stomach(名词)胃痛,腹痛_stomachache_2.foot(复数)_feet_3.own(名词)_owner_4.break(形容词)_broken_5.train(名词)_training_6.kind(名词)_kindness_7.climb(名词)_climber_8.strong(反义词)_weak_9.feel(名词)_feeling_(过去式)_felt_10.tooth(复数)_teeth_(名词)牙痛_toothache_短语归纳1.感冒_have_a_cold_2.胃痛_have_a_stomachache_3.躺下_lie_down_4.量体温_take_ones_temperature_5.发烧_have_a_fever_6.休息_take_breaks/take_a_break_7.下车_get_off_8.使惊讶的是;出乎的意料_to_ones_surprise_9.立即;马上_right_away_10.陷入;参与_get_into_11.习惯于_be_used_to_12.冒险_take_risks/take_a_risk_13.用尽;耗尽_run_out(of)_14.切除_cut_off_15.离开;从出来_get_out_of_16.掌管;管理_be_in_control_of_17.放弃_give_up_18.打扫(或清除)干净_clean_up_19.(使)变得更高兴;振奋起来_cheer_up_20.分发;散发_give_out_21.想出;提出_come_up_with_22.推迟_put_off_23.分发_hand_out_24.打电话给(某人);征召_call_up_25.照顾;非常喜欢_care_for_26.参加选拔;试用_try_out_27.修理;装饰_fix_up_28.赠送;捐赠_give_away_29.(外貌或行为)像_take_after_30.建立;设立_set_up_31.影响;有作用_make_a_difference_32.帮助走出困境_helpout_句型再现1.“你怎么啦?”“我背痛。”_Whats_the_matter_?I_have_a_sore_back_.2.我该怎么办?_What_should_I_do_?3.“我应该放些药在上面吗?”“应该。/不应该。”_Should_I_put some medicine on it?Yes,_you_should_/No,_you_shouldnt_.4.昨天上午9:00,26路公交车正行驶在中华路上,这时司机看到一位老人躺在路边。At 9:00 am.yesterday,bus No.26_was_going_along_ Zhonghua Road when the driver_saw_an old man_lying_on the side of the road.5.有人头部受到撞击。Someone_got_hit_on the head.6.作为一名登山者,阿伦习惯于冒险。As a mountain climber,Aron _is_used_to_taking_ risks.7.他们给我讲过去的生活经历,讲过去是什么样子的。They told me stories about the past and how things _used_to_be_.8.她在四岁时就能独自看书了。She could read _by_herself_at_the_age_of_four_.9.有了你的帮助,我才有可能拥有“Lucky”。You helped to_make_it_possible_ for me to have Lucky.10.我喜爱动物,我对拥有一条狗这个想法感到兴奋。I love animals and I was _excited_about_the idea _of_having_a_dog_.语法结构1.情态动词should的用法。2.常用的动词词组的用法。话题1.Health and first aid(健康与急救)2.Volunteering and charity(志愿服务与慈善),青海五年中考真题演练反身代词( A )1.(2015青海23题)Judy and I will go to the beach tomorrow.Its so nice.Enjoy _.AyourselvesByourselfCherself( C )2.(2014青海38题)I feel nervous for tomorrows tennis game.Believe in _,you are the best in our club.AyouByourselvesCyourself动词不定式( B )3.(2014青海33题)The room is big enough for 20 people _.Aliving Bto live inCto live词汇类( A )4.(2013青海34题)Jeff seems unhappy.Whats the matter?He got his bike lost this afternoon.Lets go to _ him _.Acheer;up Bmake;upCset;up5(2012西宁86题)因为公共场所禁止吸烟,我相信越来越多的人将会戒烟。I believe more and more people will _give_ _up_ smoking because its not allowed in public.,青海中考重难点突破give up放弃【满分点拨】give up的用法(1)give up是动副短语,后接代词作宾语时,必须放在两词中间。(2)give up后接动词时需用动词的ing形式,相当于stop doing sth.。【归纳拓展】give的相关短语【考点抢测】1整天玩电脑游戏对你的健康有害。你应该放弃它。Playing computer games all day is bad for your health.You should _give_ _it_ _up_2你应该戒烟。You should _give_ _up_ _smoking_( C )3.He failed to break the world record for long jump many times,but he never_his hope.Atook offBput awayCgave upcheer up(使)变得更高兴;振奋起来【满分点拨】cheer up的用法(1)cheer up也可以单独使用,表示“变得高兴;振奋起来”。(2)cheer sb.up意为“使某人高兴起来”,相当于make sb.happy。如果宾语是名词或词组,可放在cheer up的中间或后面,若是代词作宾语,则只能放在cheer up的中间。【归纳拓展】本单元中up短语【考点抢测】1振作起来吧!你的困难不久就会过去的。_Cheer_ _up_!Your trouble will soon be over.2橙色能带给我们成功,使我们振作。Orange can bring us success and _cheer_ us _up_( C )3.We failed in the singing competition._Better times are waiting for you.ANo way BBest wishesCCheer uptrouble n问题;苦恼【满分点拨】trouble的用法【归纳拓展】trouble作动词,意为“打扰;使烦恼”,常用搭配为:trouble sb.to do sth.麻烦某人做某事be sorry to trouble sb.很抱歉打扰某人【一言辨异】Dont trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.麻烦没找你,你别找麻烦。【考点抢测】1不要嘲笑处于困境中的人。Dont laugh at the people _in_ _trouble_2We have some trouble _working_(work) out the problem.( B )3.(2015泉州中考)Jack,I have _ working out the math problem.Dont worry.Let me help you.AfunBtroubleCexperience辨析lonely与alone【满分点拨】考点词义用法alone单独的;独自的(形容词)作表语只有;仅仅;单独(副词)作状语lonely孤独的;寂寞的;偏僻的作定语、表语,宾语补足语【一言辨异】I was travelling alone in the lonely mountain.I didnt feel lonely though I was alone.我独自在荒凉的山里旅行。虽孤身一人,但我并不感到寂寞。【考点抢测】1虽然他单身,但是他没有感到孤单。Although he is single,he doesnt _feel_ _lonely_.( B )2.They left their daughter _ in the house.Alonely BaloneClone Dloneliness( B )3.(2015娄底中考)His grandparents live _ in a small house,but they dont feel _Alonely;alone Balone;lonelyClonely;lonelyraise v募集;征集【满分点拨】辨析raise与rise两个词都有“举起;提高;升起”之意,但其用法不尽相同。rise不及物动词上升;上涨;提高不规则动词,过去式rose,过去分词为risen。raise及物动词使升高;提高;饲养规则动词,过去式和过去分词均为raised。图解助记:【考点抢测】( B )1.The sun _ in the east every morning.Arose BrisesCraised Draises( B )2.After a heavy rain,the water in the river _ high.Arode BroseCraised Dgoes( B )3.The old man has got a serious disease,lets _ money for him.AriseBraiseCgive4如果你知道答案,请举手。If you know the answer,please _raise_ your _hand_.辨析repair,mend与fix【满分点拨】考点不同例句repairrepair常指损失重大或构造较复杂的事物,如房屋、汽车、桥梁的修理。也可指修鞋。Mary repaired the radio just for the fun of it.玛丽修理收音机只是为了消遣。I am going to have my bike repaired tomorrow.我打算明天找人把自行车修理一下。续表考点不同例句mendmend着重指修补小至日常用具,大到较复杂的物体。很多时候可与repair互换。Can you mend a broken dish?你能修理破碟子吗?She is mending her shoes.她正在修理她的鞋子。fixfix则侧重于“安装”,有时也用作“修理”。The workers are fixing the machine.工人们正在安装机器。Have you had your watch fixed?你已找人修你的表了吗?【考点抢测】( C )1.His car is broken.He is going to get it _.AfixedBmendedCrepaired( A )2.There is a hole on her jeans.She is going to ask her mother to _ it for her.Amend Bfix Crepair3迈克的工作就是给客户安装空调。Mikes job is _to_ _fix_ airconditioner for clients.4亡羊补牢,犹未为晚。It is never too late _to_ _mend_ the fold even after some of the sheep have been lost.run out(of)用尽【满分点拨】run out短语的用法(1)run out意为“用尽”,相当于be used up,其主语通常为时间、食物、金钱等名词;run out是不及物动词短语,其后不能带宾语,无被动形式。(2)run out of sth.(use up sth.)意为“用尽某物”,主语一般是人。【考点抢测】1我们的煤用光了,只好烧木头。We _ran_ _out_ _of_ the coal and had to burn wood.2快点!我们快没时间了。Hurry up!Our time is _running_ _out_.( C )3.The food and drink _ early,but the party was a great success.Aran out of Bwere run outCwere used up Dused up( C )4.He told the interviewer that he had run_out_of money to buy old bikes.Aput away Btaken outCused updifficulty n困难;难题【满分点拨】difficult/difficultly/difficulty的用法辨析difficult形容词“困难的”,作定语、表语或宾语补足语。difficultly副词“困难地”,作状语。difficulty名词have difficulty(in)doing sth.做某事有困难。【考点抢测】1当你做决定有困难时,可以打电话给我。You can call me if you have _a_ _difficult_ decision.( B )2.Do you have any difficulty in _ English?Yes,but I try to make myself _Ato speak;understoodBspeaking;understoodCto speak;to understandWhats the matter?怎么了?I have a stomachache.我胃痛。【满分点拨】(1)Whats the matter?意为“怎么了?”常用来询问身体有什么不适或有什么不顺心的事,也可以用来询问某物出了什么故障,后面可接with sb./sth.,表示“某人或某物怎么了?”。(2)由ache构成的复合名词(3)“havea名词”型短语【归纳拓展】【考点抢测】( C )You look really tired._?I didnt sleep well last night.I had a headache.AHow about youBWhat should I doCWhats the matterShould I take my temperature?我应该量一下体温吗?【满分点拨】(1)should作情态动词,有实际的词义,但它不可单独作谓语,须与动词原形连用,没有人称和单复数的变化。You should work harder.你应该更努力地工作。(2)常用句型:You should/shouldnt do sth.“你(不)应该做某事”。【温馨提示】should表示预测和可能性,意为“应该;可能”。We should arrive by supper time.我们在晚饭时间应该能到了。She should be here at any moment.她随时都可能来。【考点抢测】( C )After you read the article Why fast food is slowly killing you,you _ stop eating fast food.AcanBmayCshouldThanks_to Mr.Wang and the passengers,the doctors saved the man in time.多亏了王先生和这些乘客,医生才及时挽救了这个(老)人。【满分点拨】thanks to“由于;幸亏”,介词短语,后接名词、代词,强调感谢的对象。Thanks to your help,we can finish the work on time.多亏了你的帮忙,我们才准时完成工作。【归纳拓展】thanks for“因而感谢”,客套用语,thanks相当于thank you。for为介词,后接名词或动词ing,强调为何而感谢。Thanks for inviting me to your party.谢谢你邀请我参加你的聚会。【考点抢测】( C )Thanks _ Mr.Hu,we have learnt many English songs.Afor BatCto,常考话题写作指导健康与急救命题探索从青海及全国近五年健康与急救相关话题书面表达的命题来看,此类作文命题通常从以下两个角度考查:1保持健康已经成为人们关注的热点话题之一,健康包括哪些方面、中学生面临的健康问题、保持健康的重要性。如:2014青海;2012西双版纳;2011福州。2如何保持健康。如:2015西宁;2015盐成;2014毕节;2011长沙;2011青海。结合青海考情,可以预测第二个考查角度几率更大。典例剖析(2015西宁中考)学校英语俱乐部开展“健康生活”征文活动,现面向全校同学征稿,题目为:My Healthy Life。请根据表格信息写一篇80词左右的短文,谈谈你如何通过饮食和运动保持健康,并提出至少两条建议与大家分享。(标题和首句已给出,不计入总词数)My Healthy LifeWhat to eatfruit,vegetables,meat,milk,egg/junk foodWhat to dorun,play basketball/watch TV,play computer gamesOther advicehappy,confident,helpful,friendly/nervous,angryMy Healthy LifeHealth is very important for everyone._【审题指导】细读所给的文字提示,提取信息:1谈谈你如何通过饮食和运动保持健康,并提出建议。因此文体为说明文。2内容涉及以下三个方面:吃什么;做什么;其他建议。要点不能遗漏。3本文要求谈谈自己的健康计划,因此写作时用第一人称,时态为一般现在时,其他人称和时态具体情况具体对待。4词数为80词左右;不得在文中提及真实的人名、地名或校名。【写作导图】My HealthyLifeIntroductionHealth is very important for everyone.How to keephealthyFirstly,eat properly.Secondly,do sportsregularly.Thirdly,stay happy.ConclusionHope everyonewill be healthy.【范文点评】My Healthy LifeHealth is very important for everyone.So we must try to keep healthy.Here are some of my ways to keep healthy.Firstly,eat properly.For lunch,I eat meat and rice but I never eat junk food,such as hamburgers and French fries.I know they are bad for my health.I often eat vegetables and fruit.Water and milk are also my favorite.Secondly,do sports regularly.I always play basketball after school.I dont play computer games for long because I need to have enough sleep.Thirdly,stay happy.Try to be helpful and friendly.These bring me lots of friends and help me feel less nervous.This is what I usually do.Do you think Im living a healthy life?I hope everyone will be healthy.点出健康的重要性。并启下表明要说的话题。使用Firstly,Secondly,Thirdly这三个词使要说明的内容条理清晰。总结全文,表达祝愿。,中考热点素材拓展Hot Web TV 网络综艺节目编者按:近期,拜托了冰箱你正常吗等一系列网络节目热播,风头甚至有盖过传统电视节目之势,一场网络革命正在悄然掀起。根据短文,从方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。This summer,webonly reality shows seem to be stealing the thunder(抢占了风头) of traditional TV.According to Chinese video websites plan,1._D_:talk shows,debate programs,parenting shows.The most popular among them include Go!Fridge(拜托了冰箱) and Sstyle Show(姐姐好饿)There are over 10 million clicks on both of the programs every day.2._A_.Many famous TV hosts including He Jiong(何炅),Wang Han(汪涵) and Xie Na(谢娜),have joined in the web revolution(革命)In the meantime,3._E_.A report said earlier this month by China Internet Network Information Center shows that the country has around 700 million Internet users.This huge market means that online video sites are being transformed from supplementary broadcast platforms(辅助性的播放平台) to original program suppliers(原创节目供应商).4._C_,aiming their programs mainly at the post1990s generation who are the most active users of the Internet.Online shows work on the needs of their viewers.However,5._B_.Besides,as the time goes on,web shows are actually no different than TV shows.The existing online shows havent maximized(最大化) the advantage of Internet.Real interaction(互动) should be based on live streaming(实时直播)AOnline shows are no longer just the home of new faces and unknown starsBthe success of online shows is popular mainly because of the wellknown hosts and guestsCCompared to traditional TV,most web shows suit the tastes of young viewers exactlyDthere will be over 90 shows covering different kinds of styles coming out this yearEit appears that some traditional TV shows are losing their attraction

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