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单元综合检测(时间:100分钟;满分:120分).阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分;满分30分)ADo you feel you would like your life to take a more positive turn? Do you feel you want to change your current situation in life and bring about positive changes?Nearly 4 years ago I felt just like you,I knew there were more to life and wanted to bring about a positive change.I felt I couldnt carry on how things were.I saw a healer who told me about a book she claimed would transform the way I looked at life as it was and also the way I looked at my future life.This book changed my life from that.The book I speak about is called The Secret.It really does teach you a whole new way to look at life and introduces you to a whole new way of thinking,which has been used by many successful people,such as Martin Luther King Jr,Mother Teresa,Einstein.The Secret is really the secret to life.The basic teaching is how we make our thoughts become things.If you feel you are looking forward to a positive turn in your life,I would highly recommend reading this book.In case you arent much of a reader,The Secret is also available on DVD and audio CD.Yes,you do need to read it with an open mind then start to put the teachings of The Secret into practice on a small scale to start with,trust me when you start to see the evidence and proof that this actually works,I promise you it will blow your mind!This book is a masterpiece (杰作); it transformed my life in many ways and enabled me to live my dreams.I am very grateful that I learnt about The Secret;in turn I wanted to pass it on to you: I wish you an enlightening (有启发作用的) read,and may all your hopes and dreams come true.【语篇解读】如果你感到迷茫,就读一读The Secret这本书吧,它能帮助你树立积极的人生态度。1Before reading The Secret,the author A. led a very active and meaningful lifeBcouldnt find the key to successChad a negative attitude towards his future lifeDwanted a healer to change his life【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Nearly 4 years ago I felt just like you,I knew there were more to life and wanted to bring about a positive change.”可知,作者在读此书以前,也感到迷茫,也希望生活有积极的变化。所以C项正确。【答案】C2The book The Secret is really about Ahow to achieve our life goalsBhow to achieve success in our lifeChow to communicate with othersDhow to change our attitudes towards life【解析】细节理解题。根据第三段中的“It really does teach you a whole new way to look at life and introduces you to a whole new way of thinking”可知,此书主要是指导人们改变对未来人生的态度。【答案】D3In how many ways is The Secret available to readers?ATwo.BThree.CFour.DFive.【解析】细节理解题。根据第四段中的“In case you arent much of a reader,The Secret is also available on DVD and audio CD.”可知,读者可以从三种渠道阅读这本书。【答案】B4The author of the text manages to convince the readers by A. stressing the importance of the bookBlisting many famous readers of this bookCintroducing his own experiences repeatedlyDmentioning the content of the book repeatedly【解析】推理判断题。通过全文可知,作者在文章中反复提到此书对自己的影响以及自己的切身体会,目的是让人们相信此书的作用。【答案】CB At the Liberty Science Center in New Jersey,kids can learn about science in a fun and exciting atmosphere.Science educator Lisa Silverman showed a group of students how surgery is performed.As she guided the children through the operation,she also taught lessons about infections (感染),the roles of the operating room staff and the kinds of schooling one needs to be a surgeon.Education experts call this “informal” or “freechoice” science learning,since it takes place outside of the school setting.The National Academies will publish a report about the learning of science in such informal settings,including such places as museums,zoos and aquariums (水族馆)The report is meant to address the lack of scientific education among Americans.Many are afraid there will be a shortfall in homegrown engineers and scientists to keep the nation competitive,and a general workforce illequipped to function in an increasingly hightech world.Experts believe science museums can play a big role in teaching and promoting science to both children and adults.The Liberty Science Center expects about 850,000 guests this year.Visitors can walk along a high steel beam in the skyscraper exhibit or practice laboratory experiments.Kids and their parents are welcome to ask as many questions as they like.For many students,the experience is as important as any technical or book lesson,because the information can be related to their families,friends and,most of all,themselves.“The value of science museums is that they allow families to learn together,and even about each other,”says Oregon State University researcher John Falk.“Parents may discover that a daughter is interested in engineering after a trip to a museum.” Sue Allen,who studies museum learning at San Franciscos Exploratorium,said,“In a fastchanging world where people need to keep learning all their lives,science museums provide a model for going outside of classroom education.”【语篇解读】你有没有去过科学博物馆?专家们认为通过参观科学博物馆的方式学习科学知识是一个很好的选择。5What do we know about “informal” or “freechoice” science learning?AIt was created by the National Academies.BIt is a fun and exciting way to learn.CMany experts are against it.DIt should be limited to museums.【解析】推理判断题。从第一段的“At the Liberty Science Center in New Jersey,kids can learn about science in a fun and exciting atmosphere.”及第三段的“Education experts call thisinformalorfreechoicescience learning”可知B项正确。【答案】B6The National Academies report will A. criticize learning science in informal settingsBanalyze the cost of museums,zoos and aquariumsCdiscuss the shortage of scientific education in AmericaDmention the contribution of homegrown engineers and scientists in detail【解析】细节理解题。从第四段的“The report is meant to address the lack of scientific education among Americans.”可知C项正确。【答案】C7According to the last paragraph,Sue Allen A. thinks classroom education is better than museum earningBthinks museum learning has its own disadvantagesCthinks museum learning is the main way to realize lifelong educationDthinks highly of museum learning【解析】推理判断题。从最后一段的“In a fastchanging world where people need to keep learning all their lives,science museums provide a model for going outside of classroom education.”可知D项正确。【答案】D8The passage was written mainly to tell us A. science learning is of great importanceBscience learning is not that easyCmuseum learning plays an important role in scientific educationDmuseum learning is becoming more and more popular【解析】写作意图题。本文主要讲述了通过参观科学博物馆有利于学习科学知识。【答案】CCThere are many acceptable varieties of English throughout the world.Whichever variety is used in your country,the most important thing is that students pronunciation must be good enough for another person to understand what they are trying to say.In a PPP lesson,teachers naturally include a good model of the pronunciation when they are presenting new vocabulary,grammar or functional language.It is important to start by helping your students recognize sounds before you expect them to pronounce them.Spoken British English has 44 sounds,but there are only 26 letters in the alphabet for written English.This sometimes makes English pronunciation and spelling different,so it is not always best to write words on the blackboard at the early stages.Also,some sounds in English do not exist in some other languages.This can make it very difficult for students to recognize these sounds and even more difficult for them to pronounce them correctly.So some students need to do a lot of work on these sounds,listening to them,trying to recognize them and trying to copy them.If you can understand and pronounce the symbols of the phonetic alphabet,this will help you to pronounce any word in the dictionary.You can teach this phonetic alphabet to your students and this will make teaching pronunciation much easier.However,you can teach pronunciation effectively without knowing the phonetic alphabet.Pronouncing English well is not just about getting the individual sounds right.Students need to know:which parts of a word are stressed(spoken louder and longer);which parts of a sentence are stressed;basic intonation patterns;what it means when we change the intonation in a sentence (the music of the language);how to link together the sounds within a sentence.Students need practice in all these areas to improve their pronunciation.【语篇解读】英语的种类如此之多,如何能让别人更好地理解你要表达的意思?本文作者向我们介绍了如何教授英语发音。9Following the passage,the author would probably A. emphasize the importance of correct pronunciationBsay how to teach the phonetic alphabetCwrite about how to teach pronunciation without the phonetic alphabetDexplain in detail how to practise the five suggestions【解析】推理判断题。从全文特别是文章的最后两段便能推断出答案。【答案】D10Which of the following can NOT prove that English pronunciation is difficult?A. There are more sounds than letters in English.BEnglish contains some unique sounds that other languages dont have.CKnowing how to pronounce every word doesnt mean pronouncing English well.DStudents pronunciation must be good enough for another person.【解析】细节理解题。A、B、C三个选项都与问题有关联,只有D项与问题无关。【答案】D11. In the authors opinion, A. students should pronounce every word as precisely as native speakersBthe English phonetic alphabet is a must in teaching pronunciationCit is not necessary to pronounce every word correctlyDpronunciation means more than knowing how to pronounce every single word【解析】细节理解题。从文章倒数第二段的“Pronouncing English well is not just about getting the individual sounds right.”这句话便可知作者的态度。【答案】D12. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A. The English Phonetic Alphabet and PronunciationBSuggestions on Teaching English PronunciationCOther Things to Be Done besides Pronouncing Every WordDListening Comes First in Teaching Pronunciation【解析】标题概括题。纵观全文,此文的主题是关于如何教授英语发音的建议。【答案】BDEaves,born in 1910,recently graduated from a high school.As a girl she never went to school for her parents didnt encourage education,so when her older brothers left the family to start their own lives,Eaves had to work.“My father had only one arm and didnt have any boys to help work on the farm,so I worked,”said Eaves.Eaves married at 17 and worked in a cafe before giving birth to her only child at the age of 20.She was married for 62 years when her husband died in 1989.Eleven years later,relatives brought her to a nursing home (私立养老院) because they didnt think she could live alone anymore.During a talk with her greatgranddaughter Coleen Reynolds,Coleen said she was eager to study and take the test to receive her GED (高中文凭)Eaves had no selfconfidence at the beginning but Coleen kept saying,“You can do it,you can do it.”Eaves took a big step when she decided on that.By studying on her own and with the help of relatives and friends,Eaves finally passed the GED exams.Eaves was tested on writing,reading math,social studies and science.“I enjoyed math most”,she said.“And for me,the hardest was general science.”She had to score at least 410 to get her GED,Eaves lowest score on any of the tests was 450.She was surprised to learn that her highest grade,510,came from her hardest subjectscience.“Now I can do anything”,she said.She may have a lot of time to figure out what she wants to do next because longevity (长寿) is in her genesher oldest sister is 103.【语篇解读】百岁老奶奶高中求学的故事足以为“活到老,学到老”的格言添加一份令人信服的注脚。13Eaves didnt go to school when she was young because Aher family was too poor to afford her to schoolBher parents didnt think much of educationCthere was no school for girls at that timeDher father was disabled【解析】细节理解题。文章第一段提到她的父母不鼓励教育。【答案】B14Eaves attended school Abefore her husband passed awayBafter she gave birth to her only childCafter she was about 90 years oldDbefore she met her greatgranddaughter【解析】细节理解题。17岁结婚,62年后丧夫,又过了11年后上学。17621190。【答案】C15The underlined word “they” in the second paragraph refers to her “ ”ArelativesBfriendsCclassmatesDneighbors【解析】词义猜测题。前面提到的是亲戚。【答案】A.阅读填句(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 【导学号:78880053】Any car accident is frightening,but an accident in which your vehicle is thrown into the water,with you trapped inside,is absolutely terrifying. 16 However,most deaths result from panic,without a plan or understanding what is happening to the car in the water.By adopting a brace (支撑) position,acting decisively and getting out fast,you can save yourself from a sinking vehicle.Brace yourself for impact (撞击力)As soon as youre aware that youre going off the road and into a body of water,adopt a brace position.The impact could set off the airbag system in your vehicle,so you should place both hands on the steering wheel in the “ten and two” position.Undo your seatbelt. 17 Unbuckle the children,starting with the oldest first.Forget the cell phone call.Your car isnt going to wait for you to make the call. 18 Leave the door alone at this stage and concentrate on the window.A cars electrical system should work for up to three minutes in water,so try the method of opening it electronically first.Many people dont think about the window as an escape option either because of panic or misinformation about doors and sinking.Break the window.If you arent able to open the window,or it only opens halfway,youll need to break it with an object or your foot.It may feel counterintuitive (有悖常理的) to let water into the car. 19 Escape when the car has equalized.If it has reached the dramatic stage where the car cabin has been filled with water and it has become balanced,you must move quickly and effectively to ensure your survival. 20 While there is still air in the car,take slow,deep breaths and focus on what youre doing.ABut the sooner the window is open,the sooner you can escape directly through it.BSuch accidents are particularly dangerous to the risk of drowning.CIt takes 60 to 120 seconds for a car to fill up with water usually.DThis is the first thing to attend to,yet it often gets forgotten in the panic.EIn conclusion,if you know what to do in the water,you will be safe.FSurviving a sinking car is not as difficult as you think.GOpen the window as soon as you hit the water.【答案】1620BDGAC.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)Two close friends,Sam and Jason,met with an accident on their way to Boston City.The following morning,Jason woke up 21 and Sam was still unconscious.Dr.Berkeley was standing at his bedside 22 at his health chart and medications with a 23 expression on his face.When he saw Sam awake,he beamed at him and asked,“How are you 24 today,Sam?”Sam tried to 25 a brave face and smiled back saying,“Absolutely wonderful,Doctor.I am very grateful for all 26 you have done for me.”Dr.Berkeley was 27 at Sams deed.All that he could say was,“You are a very brave man,Sam,and God will make it up to you in one way or 28 ”While he was moving on to the next patient,Sam called back at him almost pleading,“Promise me you wont 29 Jason anything.”“You know I wont do that.Trust me.”And he walked away.“Thank you,”whispered Sam.He smiled and looked 30 in prayer,“I hope I live up to your 31 .Please give me the strength to be able to go through this.Amen.”Months later when Jason had recovered,he 32 connecting with Sam.He felt embarrassed to spend time with a disabled 33 like Sam.Sam was lonely because he didnt have anybody else other 34 Jason to 35 on.Things went from bad to worse.And one day Sam died in 36 When Jason was called on his burial,he found a letter 37 for him.Dr.Berkeley gave it to him with a face without 38 and said,“This is for you,Jason.Sam had asked me to give it to you when he was gone.”In the letter he had said:“Dear Jason,I have kept my promise in the end to 39 you my eyes if anything had happened to them.Now there is 40 more that I can ask from God,than the fact,that will see the world through my eyes.You will always be my best friend.Sam.”【语篇解读】本文向我们真实地呈现了一个为朋友献出自己的双眼却不计回报的感人故事。21A.wellBgoodCblindDsad【解析】由下文可知因为事故导致Jason失明,最后一段给出明确提示,因此选用blind“看不见的”。【答案】C22A.lookingBseeingCfindingDwatching【解析】根据后面的介词at可判断应用词组look at。【答案】A23A.sadBhappyCthoughtfulDcool【解析】医生在观察病人的时候是用关切的表情。【答案】C24A.feelingBguessingCconsideringDowing【解析】“How are you feeling today?”是一个日常习惯用语,意为“你今天感觉怎么样?”【答案】A25A.come upBput inCcome inDput up【解析】文章中是Sam努力“表现出”勇敢,故选D。【答案】D26A.whatBthatCwhichDhow【解析】考查定语从句。all代替的是物体,在定语从句中先行词是all,关系代词用that而不用which。【答案】B27A.interestedBsurprisedCamazedDmoved【解析】由下文可知Sam把自己的眼睛捐给了Jason,故医生对Sam的行为表示很感动。【答案】D28A.anotherBothersCelseDsome【解析】one way or another意为“无论如何都”。【答案】A29A.askBask forCtellDtell about【解析】Sam请求医生不要把自己捐眼睛给Jason的事情告诉他。根据tell的用法,后面可以直接跟名词。【答案】C30A.awayBupCoffDdown【解析】向上帝祈祷应该是抬头向上看,因此选B。【答案】B31A.needsBactionsCwordsDideas【解析】注意前面词组live up to意为“实现,不辜负”。句意:我希望我能实现你的愿望。【答案】D32A.stoppedBbeganCcontinuedDwent【解析】Jason出院的时候和Sam中止了联系,因为他认为和Sam这个残疾人在一起很不舒服。【答案】A33A.patientBpersonCbrotherDdoctor【解析】根据全句,只是表示Sam是一个残疾“人”。因为已经出院,已经不能称为病人,因此可排除patient。【答案】B34A.toBofCthanDbut【解析】other than“除了。”句意:Sam除了Jason没有任何其他的人可以依靠了。其他三项无此搭配。【答案】C35A.countBcallCbegDfollow【解析】count on为固定词组,表示“依靠”之意。【答案】A36A.despairBjoyChappinessDsadness【解析】in despair“绝望”。出院后Sam的生活非常孤独,所以他是在“绝望”中死去的。【答案】A37A.expectingBaskingCwaitingDlooking【解析】根据下文“Sam had asked me to give it to you when he was gone”可判断,信是Sam生前留下给他的,意为有一封信在“等待”他。【答案】C38A.expressionBviewCeyesightDsight【解析】从文中我们可看出Dr.Berkeley对Jason的行为没有好感,又因为Sam的去世,所以给他信的时候没有任何表情。expression“表情”。【答案】A39A.makeBgiveCborrowDlend【解析】此处要用lend“借出”。Sam把自己的眼睛给了Jason。【答案】D40A.anythingBnothingCsomethingDnone【解析】句意:现在我只请求上帝能让你用我的眼睛看到这个世界,其他别无所求。【答案】B.语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)41 artist had a small daughter.Sometimes he painted women without any clothes on,and he and his wife always tried to keep the small girl out when he was doing this,“She is 42. young to understand,”they said.But one day,when the artist 43. (paint) a woman with no clothes on,he forgot 44. (lock) the door,and the girl 45. (sudden) ran into the room.Her mother ran up the stairs 46. her,but when she got to the room,the little girl was already in the room,47. (look) at the woman.Then her parents waited for her to speak.For a few 48. (second) the little girl said nothing,but then she ran to her mother and said 49. (angry),“Why do you get her 50. (go) about without shoes and socks on when you dont let me?”【答案】41.An42.too43.was painting44.to lock45.suddenly46.after47.looking48.seconds49.angrily50.to go.短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)Mike buy his fiveyearold daughter,Kate,a beautiful parrot.She was fond it very much.One day it escaped from its cage.The family turned the house upside down but finally found it.Several weeks late,while Kate was at school,it escaped from the cage again.Kate searched mad but never found it.Hoping to make the loss more painful for Kate,Mike took the other cage out of her room.When Kate came home from school that afternoon,she sat besides her mother.“Weve got a serious problem,”she announces.“Not only was my parrot going again,but this time it took the cage.”【答案】.书面表达(满分25分) 【导学号:78880054】 根据右面图示,以“The New Grading System in Our School”为题为你校英语报写一篇100词左右的短文,说明这一举措以及你对学校实施这一举措的看法。注意:开头已给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇:评分体制grading system参与participation图中信息:testsnoteshomeworkclass participationteamworkThe New Gradin

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