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Unit 5综合水平测试听力部分(20分)一、听句子,选择正确的应答语。(5分)听力材料:What was your brother doing when you woke up this morning?( B )1.A.I was watching TV. BHe was doing some cleaning.CShe was reading a book.听力材料:Where were you while we were playing basketball at school just now?( C )2.A.It wasnt interesting. BBecause I didnt like it.CI was in the library.听力材料:Sam,why were you late for school again?( B )3.A.He didnt like going to school.BBecause my alarm didnt go off.CWe were going to school on foot.听力材料:I hurt my foot yesterday when I played basketball.( A )4.A.Sorry to hear that. BThats OK.CIt doesnt matter.听力材料:It was cloudy and a little rainy yesterday,wasnt it?( B )5.A.Yes,its cool. BYes,it was. CNo,it wont.二、听小对话,选择正确的答案。(5分)听力材料:W:Mike,did John leave the school?M:Yes,half an hour ago he left the school.What happened to him?W:Oh,he left his bag in the classroom.( C )6.When did John leave the school?AFifteen minutes ago. BTwenty minutes ago.CThirty minutes ago.听力材料:M:Kate,what were you doing when the rainstorm came?W:I was playing games with my cousin Rose in the living room.What about you,Jack?M:Oh,I was taking a shower.( C )7.Where was Jack when the rainstorm came?AIn the kitchen. BIn the living room.CIn the bathroom.听力材料:W:Dad,Im tired so I dont want to walk anymore.I want to relax under that tree.M:Come on,Amy.Mike and your mother are waiting for us at the bus stop.W:Oh,I see.( A )8.Whats Amy doing now?AWalking. BRelaxing under the tree.CWaiting for the bus.听力材料:W:Jack,you missed the bus this morning,didnt you?M:Yes.When I got to the bus stop,it was eight oclock.W:Oh,the bus left fifteen minutes ago.You had to wait for the next one,right?( A )9.When did the bus leave the bus stop?AAt 7:45. BAt 8:00. CAt 8:15.听力材料:W:Whats the weather like in Taiyuan today?M:Its cool.Yesterday it rained heavily.W:Oh,yesterday it didnt rain in Beijing.It was cloudy.Today its sunny.( B )10.How was the weather in Beijing yesterday?ARainy. BCloudy. CSunny.三、听较长对话,选择正确的答案。(5分)听下面一段较长对话,回答第1112小题。听力材料:W:Jim,was your father exercising when you got to the park this morning?M:No,he was talking with Jills uncle,Mr. Green.W:How long does your father exercise a day?M:Hmm,he exercises twice a day and every time he exercises for an hour.W:Oh,he exercises a lot every day.( B )11.What was Jims father doing when Jim got to the park?AExercising. BTalking with Mr. Green.CCalling a man.( C )12.How long does Jims father exercise a day?AHalf an hour. BAn hour. CTwo hours.听下面一段较长对话,回答第1315小题。听力材料:M:Lingling,why didnt you finish your homework?W:Er,Sorry,Mr. Sun.Last night while I was doing my homework,the lights went out.M:Why didnt you go out to buy a candle?W:Oh,I had no money to buy it.M:Well,werent your parents at home?W:No.My grandma was ill.They both went to the hospital to look after her.M:Why didnt you do it this morning?W:Er,this morning,I got up late.When I got up,it was twenty to eight.So I came to school without finishing my homework.( A )13.What was Lingling doing when the lights went out?ADoing her homework. BLooking after her grandma.CLooking for money.( C )14.Where did Linglings parents go last night?ATo the supermarket.BTo Linglings grandmas home.CTo the hospital.( A )15.When did Lingling get up this morning?AAt 7:40. BAt 8:20. CAt 8:40.四、听短文,选择正确的答案。(5分)听力材料:Lily loves her cat,Mimi,very much.Last Friday Lily took her cat to the park.While Lily was reading her book under the tree,Mimi got out of her box and ran away.Lily couldnt find Mimi.She shouted Mimis name.Some people looked at her but Mimi didnt come.Then Lily called the police.While the police were coming,Lily walked around the park.Finally,a little girl came up to Lily and said to her,“Madam,I saw a white cat at the park gate.Is it yours?” When Lily ran to the park gate,she found Mimi there.( A )16.When did Lily took her cat to the park?ALast Friday. BLast Saturday. CLast Sunday.( B )17.What was Lily doing when Mimi came out of its box?AShe was buying a newspaper. BShe was reading a book.CShe was sleeping under a tree.( C )18.What did Lily do when she couldnt find her cat?AShe cried. BShe left the park.CShe called the police.( A )19.What color is Mimi?AWhite. BBlack. CBrown.( C )20.Where did Lily find Mimi?ABy the lake. BIn the street. CAt the park gate.笔试部分(100分)五、单项选择。(15分)( D )21.Here is _ news for you,Lucy.Aa Ban Ca piece Da piece of( D )22.Peter closed his eyes and listened to his mother _ silence.Aof Bfor Cat Din( C )23.You look _ in the blue sweater.Try another one.Alovely Bsmart Cstrange Dbeautiful( A )24.Its raining _ outside.Lets stay at home.OK.We can watch a movie.Aheavily Bslowly Cquickly Dhardly( B )25.Sally was cleaning the blackboard _ the teacher came in.Aalthough Bwhen Cif Dunless( D )26.Lily,please pass me that box of _.I will make a fire to cook meals.Awood Blight Cgames Dmatches( D )27.Ben was helping his mother when the rain began to beat heavily _ the windows.Abelow Bacross Cbehind Dagainst( A )28.Why are you late for school,John?Because my alarm didnt _,and I got up late this morning.Ago off Bgo up Cgo down Dgo away( C )29.Can you _ your mistake?No.I dont think I did anything wrong.Aguess Boffer Crealize Dbeat( A )30.I like to sit on the beach and watch the sea water _ and fall.Arise Btravel Cclimb Drun( B )31.What time did you sleep last night?I went to bed at nine,but I _ at about eleven.Agot up Bfell asleep Cwoke up Dwas asleep( B )32.I called you yesterday,but no one _.Acame up Bpicked up Clooked up Dgave up( B )33.I was playing computer games at 10 last Sunday morning.What about you?I _ TV.Aam watching Bwas watchingCwatches Dwill watch( D )34._ he didnt agree,but later he did.AAt most BAt least CAt last DAt first( D )35.Lily is already 40 years old._?She looks so young.AWhy not BWhat happenedCHow are you DAre you kidding六、完形填空。(10分)I looked at my watch.It was ten to six.There was just ten minutes left before we _36_ leave for home.Suddenly the earth began to shake.In no time the shake became very _37_“Earthquake (地震)!” someone shouted.I _38_ the others to the door but we couldnt get out.I stayed under a desk,covering my head and neck with my arms.“Will someone save me _39_ the building falls down?Is this the end for me?” I kept thinking about that.Several minutes _40_ the shake stopped.Two of my workmates tried to open the door again,and they made it!We ran quickly to the street.It was such a(n) _41_ that we couldnt believe our eyesthe street was full of debris (碎片) and broken wood.More and more people came out and many were injured (受伤的)Lots of them did _42_ but look up into the sky in shock.We walked a long way home not saying much.Some were praying (祈祷) and some were crying._43_ in such a situation was difficult.Our phones didnt work because of the earthquake.So it was _44_ to find out if our friends were okay.I had no way of letting my family in China _45_ that I was still alive (活着)I just hoped that they wouldnt hear about the earthquake until tomorrow.( A )36.A.could Bcouldnt Cneed Dneednt( C )37.A.tall Bfar Cstrong Deasy( C )38.A.helped Ballowed Cfollowed Dwaited( D )39.A.since Bwhile Cuntil Dif( C )40.A.ago Bbefore Clater Dafter( A )41.A.mess Baccident Cproblem Dmistake( D )42.A.everything Banything Csomething Dnothing( A )43.A.Communication BNoticeCDiscussion DReport( B )44.A.normal Bimpossible Cnecessary Dimportant( D )45.A.feel Bremember Cimagine Dknow七、阅读理解。(30分)ALast Sunday Mary was very busy.She did many things.Morning8:009:00visit Aunt Wang in Renmin Hospital9:3011:00have a piano classAfternoon13:0014:00practice speaking English14:3015:30play tennis with friends16:0017:00play chess with grandpaEvening17:30have dinner with her family18:3019:30do her homework19:3020:30watch TV with her family( B )46._ was ill in hospital.AMarys grandpa BMarys auntCMarys friend DMary( A )47.Mary was having a piano class at _.A9:30 B17:30 C14:30 D8:00( B )48.Mary played tennis with her friends for _ hour(s)A0.5 B1 C1.5 D2( C )49.Marys family were _ at 17:30.Aplaying chess Bwatching TVChaving dinner Dplaying tennis( D )50.Mary was _ at 19:00.Ahaving a piano lesson Bplaying tennisCvisiting Aunt Wang Ddoing her homeworkBI was waiting outside the examination building.My son was taking his exam.When the students came out,they were discussing the exam.It was really crowded and noisy there.Suddenly I saw a boy with a look of fear (恐惧) on his face.He didnt speak to any other student.He noticed me and then gave me a look.I smiled at him and walked towards him.I started to talk with him.I told him,“You will do well in the exam.” He said that he was always a top student in his class but his parents were busy and didnt care about him.I told him that he should study for himself because good education would really help him in the future.Hearing this,the boy said that he would try to overcome (克服) all the difficulties in his life.A few days later I met the boy outside the examination building again.He looked very different.When he saw me,he gave me a big smile.He walked to me and said happily,“I did well in the exam.Thank you for what you said to me last time.” It was a great moment for me.( D )51.The boy was _ when he came out of the examination building at first.Ahappy Bexcited Cactive Dscared( C )52.The boys parents _.Ahelped him overcome the difficultiesBalways took good care of their sonCwere too busy to care about their sonDwere good parents( B )53.The writer helped the boy _.Aovercome all the difficultiesBfind the confidence (信心) againCget his parents care againDget good grades( B )54.We can know from the passage that _.Athe writers son did well in the examBthe writer was happy to help the boyCthe boys parents helped him oftenDthe boy didnt thank the writer at all( A )55.What can we learn from the story?AA small act of kindness can help others a lot.BIt doesnt matter whether we care about a man we dont know or not.CWe cant receive pleasure while we are kind to others.DThe writers words didnt change the boy in his life.CTuesday,Jan. 6,9:50 pm.We were sitting in our warm living room.The TV was on,and everything was peaceful.Suddenly the light went on and off for a few times and then went out completely.Then the rain started,and everything went black.We found the flashlight and some candles and went to bed.Wednesday,Jan. 7,7:30 am.My first thought after waking up was that it was pretty cold in my bedroom.Clearly,the power (电力供应) didnt come back.After one look out of the window,I felt even sadder:it was still raining heavily.The room was becoming colder and colder.We had no idea when the power would come back,so my wife started a fire in the fireplace.Thursday,Jan. 8,12:30 pm.The snow started.The poor trees now had to carry the heavy snow.The storm seemed to last (持续) and we had nothing to do but stay at home.Friday,Jan. 9,6:00 pm.Still no power.Even though we lit (点燃) a few candles,it was still difficult to do anything in the weak light.I was sitting near several candles,but I had trouble reading.Saturday,Jan. 10,1:00 pm.The storm stopped this morning,and I drove my car to look for an open store.The trees along the roads were broken.I only bought the most necessary things:bread,some fruit,more drinking water and batteries (电池) for the flashlight.On my way home,the power came back and people were very happy.( B )56.How did the writer feel when he found it was still raining heavily?AAngry. BSad. CScared. DShocked.( D )57.Why did the writer say it was hard to do anything during the storm?AIt was too cold in the room.BThe flashlight had no batteries.CThe light kept going on and off.DThe light of candles was too weak.( A )58.What did NOT the writer buy when he drove out?ANewspapers. BWater. CBatteries. DFood.( D )59.How long did the storm last?ATwo days. BThree days.CLess than two days. DMore than three days.( B )60.The material is probably from a _.Aguidebook BdiaryCnotice Dscience magazine八、词汇运用。(10分)A)根据句意及汉语提示写单词。61I was sleeping when the storm suddenly (突然) came.62There are two new words in the passage (段落)63The news reported (报道) that 209 people died in the ship accident.64This is a development area (地区) in our city.65If you look through the window (窗户),you can see the garden.B)根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。66Be careful!The road is icy (ice)67The meeting began (begin) at nine and finished at eleven.68You should try your best to find out the truth (true) of the matter.69I knew the girl in red,but I completely (complete) forgot her name.70My grandmother felt lonely recently (recent) and asked me to live with her.九、情景交际:从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。(10分)A:Hi,Mrs. Wang!B:Hello,Mrs. Lin!A:I called you at 8:00 this morning,but there was no reply.B:I was shopping at that time.A:71._B_B:Yes,I bought two Tshirts and a pair of sports shoes.But there were too many people in the shop.A:72._G_B:It took me the whole morning.I hate shopping in the crowded shop.A:73._E_ And I like shopping online.B:Shopping online?A:Yes,its fast and easy.74._A_B:That sounds interesting.75._D_AIt can save a lot of time.BDid you buy anything?CWhat did you buy?DI think Ill have a try.ESo do I.FIt took me a long time.GHow long did it take you?十、综合填空:从方框中选择合适的单词并用其正确形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。(10分)without,walk,help,possible,that,jump,hold,they,by,hospital,nobody,quickMr. Black was a kind person.He liked to take a walk after breakfast.It was a cold winter morning.Mr. Black was 76.walking along the street when he heard a cry for help.He turned around but could see 77.nobodyHe stopped and looked here and there.At that moment,a boy ran up to him.The boy was in such a hurry 78.that he couldnt say a word but pointed towards the river.Mr. Black ran to the river as soon as 79.possibleBoth of them ran along the river and saw a girl in the water.She was 80.holding a piece of wood.It was carrying her away.It was too dangerous.81Without saying a word,Mr. Black took off his clothes as 82.quickly as he could and jumped into the river.He swam to the girl,took her back near the bank and lifted the girl up.The boy 83.helped pull her out of the water.Then they stopped a car and took the girl to the 84.hospitalAt last the girls life was saved,and she thanked 85.them very much.What a kind man Mr. Black was!十一、书面表达。(15分)Judy上周六下午去她叔叔家了。请根据表格信息,描述她刚到她叔叔家时看到的情景。可适当发挥,70词左右。Judys unclelooking through a newspaperJudys auntreading a bookJudys cousinwatching a movieTheir dogdrinking waterOne possible version:Judy_went_to_her_uncles_home_last_Saturday_afternoon.When_she_arrived,her_uncle_was_looking_through_a_newspaper_on_a_chair_while_her_aunt_was_reading_a_book_on_the_sofa.Her_cousin_John_was_watching_an_English_movie_on_the_computer_in_his_bedroom.Their_dog_Jimmy_was_drinking_water.When_they_saw_her,they_were_very_happy.The_dog_even_kept_jumping_around_her.9

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