高考英语一轮复习 完形填空学生自练题21

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贵州都匀市2017高考英语一轮完形填空学生自练题(2016高考模拟选编)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的选项中选出最佳选项。 体裁:夹叙夹议话题:发现潜能词数:289时间:16(2015南通二调)True leadership is not just the ability to identify the talent and skill of the polished individuals around you.It involves being able to dig beneath the surface and discover _1_Once there was a boy who constantly sat and talked in his math class,and seemed _2_ in group activities.Most teachers would _3_ think of him as a problem student.However,Anna was different.She believed the student was above _4_ in other areas so she created a strategy to find out.Anna didnt _5_ the parents.Instead,she organized a handful of activities in the class to get more information.In place of calling out for volunteers in class she created a _6_ for each Friday:Girls vs.Boys.The first week the class was totally _7_Everyone wanted to win.Even the boy had his hand up the whole time trying to get a turn._8_,Anna waited,and waited,and waited.Finally the _9_ teacher paired the boy with the most _10_ girl student in class.Now the two teams had a _11_ score;all the students sat back eager to see the result.As the teacher placed the question on the board,most of the students began to _12_ their heads:this was a question they had never _13_ in class.“_14_!”the teacher yelled.Both students started doing it _15_ thinking of how to solve the complex question.Their classmates,full of _16_,exclaimed,“Hurry,hurry,hurry!”The boy finished it just seconds before the girl and spun around with his _17_ raised,“I won!”Almost nobody could believe the student they admired failed until Anna _18_ the result.This was what Anna tried to getit turned out that the student wasnt bad,he was _19_So we can see that _20_ hidden abilities is not always easy but the end results can be magical.Try your hand at this quality of leadership now and report your results.【语篇解读】本文是夹叙夹议文。一个小男孩上数学课总是讲话,大多数老师认为他是一个问题学生,但Anna老师不这样认为。她组织了竞赛,证明了自己的想法,发现了小男孩在数学方面的潜能。1A.truth BtreasureCpotential Dmotivation答案C根据“dig beneath the surface”可知,这里指“发现潜能”,故选C项。2A.active BcautiousCdiscouraged Ddisconnected答案D根据第五段中男孩在Anna老师组织的竞赛中的表现“Even the boy had his hand up the whole time trying to get a turn.”可知,以前男孩对团体活动并不热衷,总是做些不相干的事情,因此用disconnected“分离的,无关联的”。3A.immediately BappropriatelyCabnormally Dscarcely答案A因为男孩的爱讲话和对团体活动的不积极,好多老师直接就认为他是一个问题学生,故选immediately,意为“直接,立刻,马上”。appropriately“合适地,恰当地”;abnormally“不正常地”;scarcely“勉强,刚,几乎不”。4A.limit BaverageCprejudice Dvalue答案B由However这个转折词可以推知,Anna认为这个学生自有超出常人之处。above average“高于平均水平”,符合语境。limit“限制”;prejudice“偏见”;value“价值”。5A.contact Bcomfort Cwarn Dblame答案A根据空后的内容可知,Anna没有“联系”家长,而是通过组织一系列的活动来进一步了解信息,故选contact。comfort“安慰”;warn“警告”;blame“责备”。6A.dilemma BdebateCgame Dcompetition答案D根据后面的“Girls vs.Boys”可知,Anna每个星期五都组织男女生之间的竞赛,故选competition“竞赛”。dilemma“窘境,困境”;debate“争论”;game“游戏”。7A.creative BnoisyCenthusiastic Dcurious答案C根据“Everyone wanted to win.Even the boy had his hand up the whole time trying to get a turn.”可知,刚开始的时候,每个人都非常有激情,故选enthusiastic,意思是“有激情的”。creative“具有创造性的”;noisy“吵闹的”;curious“好奇的”。8A.Yet BStillCSomehow DTherefore答案A根据“Anna waited,and waited,and waited”可知,前后是转折关系,故选A项。still“仍然”;somehow“不知为什么”;therefore“因此”。9A.arbitrary BwiseCridiculous Dpuzzled答案B根据Anna老师对男孩的不同看法以及竞赛活动的结果可知,Anna老师是一位很有智慧的老师,故选wise。arbitrary“武断的”;ridiculous“荒唐的”;puzzled“困惑的”。10A.elegant BcarelessChardworking Dconsiderate答案C根据后面的“Almost nobody could believe the student they admired failed”可知,被选中的这个女生学习非常勤奋,很受其他学生钦佩,故选hardworking,意为“学习勤奋的”。elegant“优雅的”;careless“粗心的”;considerate“考虑周到的,体贴的”。11A.rare Bclose Cpoor Ddifferent答案B根据后面的“all the students sat back eager to see the result”可知,两个队的比分非常接近,故选B项。12A.turn Blift Cshake Dnod答案C根据后面的“this was a question they had never _13_ in class”及“thinking of how to solve the complex question”可知,黑板上的题目是非常难的,所以看了之后很多学生都“摇头”,故选C项。13A.raised BfearedCoverlooked Dcovered答案D根据语境可知,黑板上的题目是上课从来没有涉及过的,故选cover,意为“涉及”。raise“举起,筹集”;fear“害怕”;overlook“忽视”。14A.Go BHurry CLook DTry答案A根据常识,老师说的是“比赛开始”,故选A项。15A.skillfully Bslowly Ccasually Dabruptly答案B根据“thinking of how to solve the complex question”和“Hurry,hurry,hurry”可知,两人都在慢慢答题,故选B项。skillfully“有技巧地”;casually“不经意地”;abruptly“突然”。16A.chaos BanxietyCcourage Dexcitement答案D根据后面的“Hurry,hurry,hurry”可知,所有的学生都非常激动,故选D项。chaos“混乱”;anxiety“焦虑”;courage“勇气”。17A.arms BhopesCconfidence Deyes答案A根据后面的“I won”和竞赛结果可知,这个小男孩觉得自己赢了,举着胳膊转了起来,故选A项。18A.obtained BanalyzedCconfirmed Dadjusted答案C根据前面的“Almost nobody could believe the student they admired failed”可知,直到Anna证实了这个结果,所有的学生才相信,他们一直以来敬佩的学生输掉了,故选C项。19A.upset Bbored Ctired Dspoiled答案B根据前面的“This was what Anna tried to getit turned out that the student wasnt bad”可知,这个小男孩之所以爱说话,可能只是因为无聊,故选B项。20A.foreseeing BassessingCappreciating Drecognizing答案D根据文章内容可知,此处是总结,即发现孩子们的潜能往往并不容易,但结果可能是神奇的,故选D项。foresee意为“预测”;assess意为“评定,估价”;appreciate意为“感激,欣赏”。完型填空。Al was a skilled artistHe had a wife and two fine sonsOne night, his oldest son _36_ severe stomachacheThinking it was only some common disorder, neither Al nor his wife _37_ the condition very seriouslyBut the disease was actually acute appendicitis(急性阑尾炎),and the boy died suddenly that nightKnowing the death could have been prevented if he had only realized the _38 _of the situation, under the enormous burden of his guilt, Als emotional health _39 _To make matters worse, his wife left him a short time later, _40_ him alone with his six-year-old younger sonThe hurt and pain of the two situations were _41_ Al could handle, and he turned to alcohol to help himIn time Al became an _42_ As the alcoholism progressed, Al began to lose everything he_ 43_ his home, his land, his art objects, everything_44_ Al died alone in a San Francisco motel roomWhen I heard of Als death, I reacted with the same disdain(轻视)the world shows for one who _45_ his life with nothing material to show for it “What a complete _46_!”I thought, “What a totally wasted life!”As time went by, I began to re-evaluate my earlier blind _47_ You see, I knew Als now adult son, ErnieHe is one of the _48_, most caring, most loving men I have ever knownI watched Ernie whit his children and saw the free _49_ of love between themI knew that kindness and caring must come from somewhereI hadnt heard Ernie talk much about his fatherIt is so _50_ to defend an alcoholicOne day I worked up my courage to ask him“Im really _51_ by something” I said“I know your father was basically the only one to raise youWhat on earth did he do that you became such a special person”?Ernie reflected for a few momentsThen he said , “From my earliest _52_ as a child until I left home at 18,Al came into my room every night, gave me a kiss and said, I love you, son”Tears came to my eyes _53_ I realized what a fool I had been to judge Al as a failure He hadnt left any _54 _ possessions behind, But he had been a kind loving father, and he _55_ one of the finest, most giving men I have ever known36Adiscovered Bdeveloped Cbore Dcomplained37Athought Bheld Ctook Dlooked38Apuzzlement Bseriousness Csource Dcause39Aworsened Bresponded Cfell Ddeepened 40Apersuading Blosing Cfollowing Dleaving 41Aless than Bmore than Cother than Drather than42A advocate Balcoholic C artist Damateur43Apossessed Bsupported Creserved Dused44Apersonally BShortly CUnbelievably DEventually 45Alives Benjoys Cends Dsaves46Achange Bconcern Cfailure Dbreak47Acomplaint Btreatment Cjudgment Dstatement48Akindest Brichest Ccleverest Dablest 49Apass Bcharge Ckick Dflow 50Auseful Bhard Cworthwhile Dready51Aamazed Bfrightened Cpleased Dpuzzled 52Amemories Bperiods Cdeeds Dfeelings53Auntil Bif Cas Donce 54Apublic Bmaterial C precious Dpersonal55Aheld back Btook on Cfigured out Dleft behind【参考答案】36-40 BCBAD 41-45 BBADC 46-50 CCADB 51-55 DACBD阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中选出可以填入空白的最佳选项. Culture shock is a complex topic, but Im a simple man with simple perspectives. So my experience of foreign culture boils down to three basic stages: anger, acceptance and appreciation.When I _36_ my life in China I was often filled with frustration and _37_over the way things were. Things were seen as clearly “_38_” and I rejected the view of there being other ways of doing things. Afterwards I came to _39_different ways of doing things _40_still saw my own ways as superior.My views were still heavily colored by _41_and I often accepted situations I felt _42_by simply coining the phrase Thats China, _43_ China was a backward country that simply didnt do things correctly. Finally, _44_, I came to understand and appreciate the new _45_ and ways of doing things, sometimes using them as effectively as the_46_.For example, fish is never _47_ with the head in my country, thus my feelings went from “Ugh! I cant eat this! The fish is _48_at me saying, Youre a _49_ man. Take this off the table,” to “Ill let my friends enjoy, but Ill just stick with the other_50_,” and to Would anyone mind if I eat the eyeball?It is not the same with every westerner, and some take _51_ than others to go through the three stages. It all depends on how _52_ you are and how tightly you _53_to your own culture. It took a little over a year of living in China _54_ I finally appreciate the new culture. Now, Im more _55_in China than in my own country.36. A. ended B. began C. continued D. enjoyed37. A. curiosity B. fear C. purpose D. anger38. A. wrong B. right C. wise D. smooth39. A. find B. use C. accept D. refuse40. A. or B. but C. while D. so41. A. preferences B. references C. facts D. standards42. A. necessary B. important C. nervous D. stupid43. A. mentioning B. saying C. meaning D. referring44. A. therefore B. however C. besides D. thus45. A. character B. personality C. revolution D. culture46. A. locals B. foreigners C. researchers D. citizens47. A. bought B. sold C. served D. separated48. A. glancing B. laughing C. shouting D. staring49. A. kind B. cruel C. brave D. unique50. A. fishes B. vegetables C. dishes D. soups51. A. more B. less C. further D. longer52. A. adaptable B. considerable C. dependable D. enjoyable53. A. get B. hold C. catch D. insist54. A. since B. as C. before D .when55. A. anxious B. welcomed C. comfortable D. miserable【参考答案】3640. BDACB 41-45 ADCBD 46-50 ACDBC 51-55 DABCC

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