高考题型攻略篇 高考题型之四 完形填空 专题十 完形填空之说明文

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专题十完形填空之说明文 限时15分钟AAmerican culture is unique because it is formed and developed under certain conditions.The major factors_1_to the forming of American culture are the hard environment, ethnic diversity and plural(多元的)religion, _2_is quite different from other nations in the world.What is more, these elements are_3_influencing American culture.The early immigrants who were English Puritans_4_in northeast part of America.From 1607 to 1892, frontiers were pushed further west.The frontiersmen_5_for a land of rich resources and a land of promise,_6_and freedom._7_they looked for a better life.So individualism(个人主义), selfreliance, and equality of opportunity have been perhaps the values most closely_8_with the frontier heritage of America.In history, people from different_9_in the world rushed to America three times.They brought their own culture to America and_10_, different cultures were_11_together.Thus the_12_American culture is formed.The fundamental American belief_13_individual freedom and the right of individuals to practice their own religion are at the center of religious experience in the United States.The great_14_of ethnic backgrounds has produced religious pluralism, and almost_15_of the religions of the world are now practiced in the United States.Nowadays, we can see the continual_16_of these elements on the current American society.American family is typically parents and their_17_children.Middleaged and elderly people_18_do not live with their married children.The people in America have a very strong desire to start a new life in a_19_place.A number of people change residences every year.An American moves fourteen times in his lifetime_20_.语篇解读美国是一个多元文化的国家,本文讲述了美国多元文化形成的原因以及对美国社会的影响。1A.contributingBintroducingCapplying Doffering解析考查对上下文的理解。文章首句告诉我们,因为在一定的条件下形成与发展,所以美国文化是独一无二的。下面一句话解释了形成这一事实的主要因素。contribute to“有助于,导致”;introduce.to.“把介绍给”;apply to“向申请”;offer to do “主动提出做”。故选A。答案A2A.whichBthat CasDwhat 解析考查定语从句。在本句中,关系代词which引导非限制性定语从句并指代主句的整个内容。形成美国文化的主要因素是困难的环境、多民族和多元宗教,这一点与世界上其他国家有很大不同。答案A3A.even Bstill Cever Dyet解析考查副词辨析。句中的“What is more”意为“而且”,是对上一句话的进一步说明,再由句中的are和influencing可知此处应选B.still“仍然”。句意:而且,这些因素仍然在影响着美国文化。答案B4A.set down Bcalmed downCgot down Dsettled down解析考查固定短语。set down“写下”;calm down“镇静”;get down“记下,写下”;settle down“定居下来”。此处表示早期的英国清教徒移民定居在了美国的东北部,故选D。答案D5A.hoped Bwatched Cwaited Dsearched解析考查固定搭配。hope for“希望”;watch for“观察,等待”;wait for“等候”;search for“寻找”。此处表示开拓者寻找资源丰富的土地,故选D。答案D6A.opportunity BcompetitionCchallenge Ddifficulty解析考查语境选词。根据语境可知,空格前后为并列关系,且promise, freedom均为褒义词,故选A。开拓者寻找一块资源丰富之地,和一块有前途、充满机会和自由之地。答案A7A.Actually BOppositely CEventually DHowever解析考查语境理解。根据语境可知,空格处所在句进一步解释前一句的内容,故选A.Actually“实际上”。答案A8A.occupied Bassociated Cequipped Dcovered解析考查语境选词。结合语境和句中的with可知,此处应选B.be associated with表示“和有联系”。答案B9A.areas Bcities Cregions Dcountries解析考查历史常识。根据常识可知,历史上,全世界不同国家的人涌向美国三次。故选D。答案D10A.later on Bat once Cso far Duntil then 解析考查固定短语。移民者把自己的文化带到了美国,后来,不同的文化混合在一起。later on“后来”;at once“立刻,马上”;so far“迄今为止”;until then“直到那时”。故选A。答案A11A.united Bgathered Ccollected Dmixed解析考查动词。结合语境和选项可知此处应选D。unite“联合,联手”;gather“集合,聚集”;collect“收集,采集”;mix“混合”。答案D12A.only BuniqueCcomplicated Dsingle解析考查上下文暗示。此处与第一段第一句中的“American culture is unique”相呼应,故选B。答案B13A.in Bon Cto Dof解析考查固定搭配中的介词。名词belief后常接介词in,此处指对个人自由的笃信,故选A。答案A14A.diversity Bsimilarity Cequality Dexistence解析考查名词辨析。种族背景的多样化产生了宗教的多样化。diversity“多样化”;similarity“相似点”;equality“平等”;existence“存在”。结合语境特别是文中的“pluralism”可知选 A。答案A15A.all Bnone Csome Dmost 解析考查语境理解。almost常与all搭配,意为“几乎所有”。此处表示现在世界上几乎所有的宗教在美国都有所体现。答案A16A.influence BeffortCimprovement Dpractice 解析考查名词。此处表示如今,我们可以看到这些因素对美国目前社会的持续影响。故选A。答案A17A.intelligent Bunmarried Cdelicate Dunhappy解析考查对文章的理解。结合下文中的“do not live with their married children”和生活常识可知,此处应选B。答案B18A.strictly Babsolutely Cgenerally Dexactly解析考查副词辨析。美国的中年人以及上了年纪的人一般是不会和他们已婚的孩子们住在一起的。四个选项中只有generally“一般地”符合语境。strictly“严格地”;absolutely“绝对地”;exactly“准确地”。答案C19A.new Bgood Cdeveloped Drich解析考查上下文暗示。下文提到“change residences every year”,所以此处表示在新的地方开始新的生活。故选A。答案A20A.normally Bmainly Cusually Daveragely解析考查副词辨析。此处表示在美国人的一生中,平均搬迁十四次。normally“正常地”;mainly“主要地”;usually“经常的”;averagely“平均地,一般地”。故选D。答案DBTrekking poles(登山杖)help hikers and walkers by improving their strength and stability, especially in rough and hilly terrain(地带)Trekking poles minimise the_1_on walkers knees,especially when going down hills.They also provide_2_for the back, legs, and feet.In addition, trekking poles improve balance and help to_3_speed.Trekking poles have two main parts: the pole and wrist strap(腕带)Users should know how to make the_4_adjustments to these parts in order to have a_5_walk.It is important to use the wrist strap correctly to_6_making hands ache and spraining(扭伤)wrists.To check the_7_of the strap, open it so that the hand can slip through the loop(环)easily from below.The loop should be_8_around the wrist so that_9_the user opens the palm it is easy to grab the_10_of the pole.The user should be able to_11_the hand so that the strap does most of the work._12_of trekking poles claim that they_13_the pressure on body parts by up to 20 percent.If the strap is set_14_, it should be a firm but comfortable_15_.If the strap is too tight, then it is too short, and if there is little or no support, then the strap is too long.To_16_the length of the strap, pull the side that has a small plastic wedge at the end.This adjusts the strap so that the user can make the loop longer or shorter to_17_the wrist.Hikers in hilly terrain should bear in mind that they need to adjust their_18_during the walk.Users should shorten the pole when ascending hills and lengthen it when going down._19_, when following a slope that zigzags(曲折前进), it is best to use more than one poleone longer and one shorter, and then alternate them at each turn.Hikers should test different pole lengths to find the most_20_measurement for the terrain.语篇解读本文为说明文,主要介绍了如何使用登山杖。文章分为三段:第一段介绍了登山杖的好处,第二段介绍了如何正确使用登山杖,第三段介绍了使用登山杖时的注意事项。1A.height Bpressure Cstrength Dweight解析考查名词辨析。根据语境和句中的minimise再结合选项可知,此处讲的是登山杖的作用。另外结合生活常识也可推断出,登山杖可以减轻膝盖的压力。故选B。答案B2A.spirit Benergy Crest Dsupport解析考查名词辨析。此句与上一句都是在讲登山杖的作用,结合选项并联系上一句可知,此处表示登山杖也可为背、腿和脚提供支撑,故选D。答案D3A.control Bincrease Creduce Dmanage解析考查动词辨析。此句介绍登山杖的另一种用途。因为登山杖既可以增速度又可以减速度,结合选项可知此处表示登山杖可以控制速度,故选A。答案A4A.quick Bgood Cnecessary Dcareful解析考查形容词辨析。从句中的adjustments可知,此处指对登山杖的杆和腕带的调节,结合选项可以看出,此处表示根据自己的需要对杆和腕带进行必要的调节,故选C。答案C5A.comfortable Bslow Cfast Dlong解析考查形容词辨析。结合常识可知,对杆和腕带进行调节的目的是使步行舒适,故选A。答案A6A.cause Bstop Ccure Dprevent解析考查动词辨析。从句中的“to use the wrist strap correctly”和important可知,此处是指正确使用登山杖的重要性,再结合后面的“making hands ache and spraining(扭伤)wrists”及选项可知,此处表示预防弄疼手和扭伤手腕,故选D。答案D7A.weight Bheight Cwidth Dlength解析考查名词辨析。根据后面的“open it so that the hand can slip through the loop(环)easily from below”可知,此处表示检查腕带的长度,故选D。答案D8A.moved Btied Csupported Dstood解析考查动词辨析。根据上一句中的“slip through the loop(环)easily from below”并结合语境可知,此处应选B,表示把环系在手腕上。答案B9A.if Bbecause Cwhen Dsince解析考查连词辨析。分析句子逻辑关系并结合选项可知,此处应选C,表示当使用者摊开手时。答案C10A.top Btrunk Chandle Dbody解析考查名词辨析。根据前面的“the user opens the palm it is easy to grab”并结合选项可知,此处表示抓住杆的手柄,故选C。答案C11A.use Brelax Cfix Drise解析考查动词辨析。根据后面的“so that the strap does most of the work”并结合选项可知,使用者应该使手放松,这样腕带就承担了大部分工作,故选B。答案B12A.Users BMakers CInventors DBuyers解析考查名词辨析。根据文章意思并结合常识可知,对登山杖的客观评价应该来自其使用者,故选A。答案A13A.reduce Bprovide Csupply Dincrease解析考查动词辨析。根据文章第一段第二句中的“Trekking poles minimise the 1(pressure) on walkers knees”并结合选项可知,此处表示减少对身体的压力,故选A。答案A14A.carefully Bquickly Ccorrectly Dtightly解析考查副词辨析。根据下文中的“it should be a firm but comfortable”并结合常识可知,只有正确使用,才可能舒服,故选C。答案C15A.seat Bfit Cchair Dplace解析考查名词辨析。此处讲述的是登山杖,故排除A项、C项和D项。由上文中的“If the strap is set 14(correctly)”可知,腕带系得正确,它就是一个牢固但舒适的搭配,故应选B。答案B16A.increase Bshorten Creduce Dadjust解析考查动词辨析。根据上文中的“If the strap is too tight, then it is too short, and if there is little or no support, then the strap is too long.”可知,此处指对腕带的调节,故选D。答案D17A.relax Bsuit Cstress Dmeet解析考查动词辨析。根据上文中的“This adjusts the strap”和“make the loop longer or shorter”及后面的“the wrist”可知,调节腕带的长短,使它适合手腕,故选B。答案B18A.hands Bfeet Cpoles Dstraps解析考查名词辨析。根据文中的adjust及“during the walk”,再结合下文中的“Users should shorten the pole when ascending hills and lengthen it when going down.”可知,此处指对杆的调节,故选C。答案C19A.However BTherefore COtherwise DBut解析考查副词辨析。根据下文中的“it is best to use more than one pole”与上文的内容,并结合选项分析可知,此处的逻辑关系为转折,故选A。答案A20A.comfortable BcarefulCnecessary Dsuitable解析考查形容词辨析。根据“Hikers should test different pole lengths”可知,登山人员调节杆子的长度就是为了找到合适的长度,故选D。答案D


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