高考英语一轮复习 阅读理解统练题(一)1

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高考英语一轮复习 阅读理解统练题(一)1_第1页
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贵州大方县2017高考英语一轮阅读理解统练题(一)阅读理解。阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Recognized as the largest desert in the world, the Sahara runs across North Africa, Covering over 3 million square miles from the Atlantic Coast to the Nile River Valley. Except for an occasional oasis(绿洲), this vast land is mainly made up of sand, stones, and worn out mountains. The burning sun causes daytime temperatures to rise to 70 degrees in the shade, and days without rain commonly last for years.Paintings found on the walls of caves in the Sahara Desert suggest that a few thousand years ago, large quantities of plants grew there and covered the desert floor. Many curious and unusual insects, birds and animals got enough food that allowed them to grow and reproduce. At that time, huge river systems and many oases supported growing communities(社团,社区) where a large number of people lived.Research scientists believe that the land became a desert for several reasons. For centuries people there have wandered from place to place in search of food, water and grazing(吃草)land for their animals. These people have always considered the number of animals they have as a sign of wealth. It is considered more important to have 100 sick and starving animals than 15 healthy ones. The large herds (群)have been allowed to go freely and graze on desert plants and grass. Over time, large sections of land have been left uncovered. In addition to allowing overgrazing, these people cut down whatever trees they could find and used them for firewood. The sand was unable to hold on to the great heat of the day, so nightting temperatures often drop below freezing and nothing was left to hold the soil together.Scientists have been studying different ways to bring back the green desert. Through research and experiments, they hope to be able to produce plants that will once again support the life there. Huge holes filled with much water lie under the desert surface. Scientists believe this rainwater simply flew down through the sand over hundreds of years and collected in the big, rocky holding tanks. By making use of the suns power, scientists in the Sahara have made experiments in which they got huge amount of electricity. This electricity was then used to operate drilling machines and pumps to pull the rainwater from the underground tanks. By drilling the hole one mile deep into the floor of the desert, one machine was able to recover more than 80 gallons of icecold water each second, or 288,000 gallons per hour.Scientists have had some success turning this wasteland into useful farmland. Today the desert is dotted with huge wheat fields watered by a system of pipes that carry water from the underground tanks. Farmers have also learnt that plants grow better if seeds are planted next to stones. Studies show that stones provide protection from the sun, allowing seeds to grow in a shady and cool environment. In addition to that, greenhouses have been built to protect plants from the sunshine so that less water is needed. Another idea is to grow plants that can live on a diet of salt water, since the ocean is so near to the desert.1. What will probably happen if the local people continue their customs and traditions?A. The desert will continue to be enlarged.B. Tourists will begin traveling to North Africa.C. More oases will begin to appear across the desert.D. The number of healthy animals will become larger.2. Which of the flowing statements is a fact presented in the passage?A. The desert is rich in beautiful color and scenery.B. Camels can go for days without drinking any water.C. The Sahara will one day become a beautiful garden.D. Large river systems once supported many communities.3. The author of the passage provides evidences (证据)that scientists are .A. pleased by the progress but do not have the money to continueB. discouraged by the poor results of their experimentsC. hopeful about the chances of life coming back to the desertD. troubled by the lack of water found underground4. Which of the following is the best summary of this passage?A. Drilling machines help to water the desert floor and make plants and animals alive.BScientists have been able to turn this large wasteland into a successful farming community.C. So much soil has become sand that the desert will never be able to support life as it once did.D. The desert no longer supports plenty of life, but researchers hope to change it with new scientific techniques.1、答案解析:答案为A。本题为推理题。结合前三段可知,撒哈拉沙漠原本是绿洲,后由于人类过度放牧(overgrazing)、滥砍乱伐(these people cut down whatever trees they could find )导致了沙漠的形成和扩大,因此可以推断,如果当地人继续沿袭他们的老传统,会导致沙漠继续扩大。故答案为A。2、答案解析:答案为D。本题为推理题。考生需看清题意,要求选择与原文符合的事实。由第二段最后一句话 “At that time, huge river systems and many oases supported growing communities where a large number of people lived.”可知,答案为D。由第一段 “Except for an occasional oasis, this vast land is mainly made up of sand, stones, and worn out mountains.”可知,A选项错误;B选项未提及;C选项也不是事实。故答案为D。3、答案解析:答案为C。本题为推理题。由最后两段可知,科学家一直在研究让沙漠变绿洲的办法,并且已经付诸实践,取得了一定的成效,故可推断,科学家满怀希望想使撒哈拉沙漠恢复生机。故答案为C。4、答案解析:答案为D。本题为主旨大意题。本文揭示了撒哈拉沙漠形成的原因,重点是介绍科学家依靠科学技术试图让这片沙漠变成绿洲的方法。故答案为D。阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。【2014高考英语综合能力测试题】Some are born great. Some achieve greatness. Some have greatness come up to them. We can at least think of two youngsters who have achieved greatness. One is Sachin Tendulkar. He first competed for India in test cricket(板球对抗赛) when he was sixteen. He is hailed as the boy wonder of Mumbai. The other is Kutraleeswaran, the child genius from Chennai who created waves as a swimmer. He was born in the year 1981. Kutraleeswaran took to swimming when he was in Grade Two. He was drawn to Marina. He started practising in the sea. He used to swim for hours. The first event he participated in was known as the Rippon Meet. He won his first medal and moved to higher levels of competition. Soon he started participating invarious long-distance swimming competitions across the world. Kutraleeswaran swam across the English Channel. That was his first cross-country swimming. He swam across the Palk Strait at a very young age. He reached the top of his career when he swam six waterways in the same calendar year. That was how his name and picture got into The Guinness Book of World Records. He instantly became popular. He was invited by many countries. He visited England, Australia, Turkey and Italy. He owes his success to two things: practice and perseverance. Here is an interesting incident. When Kutraleeswaran went to Italy in 1994, the government officials were impressed by his performance. They offered Kutraleeswaran all training facilities and asked him to represent their country. He declined the offer politely because he was an Indian through and through.36. The underlined word hailed in Paragraph I most probably means_. A. asked B. hired C. admired D. criticized37. It was _and practice that made Kutraleeswaran succeed. A. ability B. bravery C. luck D. perseverance38. Why did Kutraleeswaran refuse the offer in Italy? A. Because he loved India. B. Because he was an Italian. C. Because his wife was an Indian. D. Because his wife was from Italy.39. How is the passage organized? A. Topic - Argument - Explanation B. Topic- Examples - Conclusion C. Introduction- Comparison- Discussion D. Introduction- Examples - Explanation40. Which statement about Kutraleeswaran is NOT true according to Paragraph 3? A. He became famous immediately. B. He swam across the English Channel. C. He appeared in The Guinness Book of World Records. D. He went to many countries like England, China and so on.【参考答案】36-40 CDADD有些人是天生非凡,有些人则是靠后天达成,而有些人是不得不强大。本文所讲述的两位小伙子属于第二类。36. C。词义猜测题。根据上下文语境和第一段最后一句中的“wonder”可以猜测出答案。37. D。细节理解题。根据最后一段的He owes his success to two things: practice and perseverance.可以得知。38. A。推理判断题。根据最后一段的.because he was an Indian through and through.得知。39. D。文章结构题。第一段总起,继而介绍了两个案例,后面则是对案例二Kutraleeswaran的具体说明。40. D。细节推理题。根据第三段He visited England, Australia, Turkey and Italy.可知答案。社会生活类 Life can present us with many surprises, disappointments, obstacles and even tragedies. Its important to learn how to be more positive in spite of difficulties, because a positive attitude helps us achieve more in life. Think more positive thoughts in life. Focus on exchanging your negative thoughts for positive ones. Make it a habit every day to get out of bed thinking more positive thoughts and engage your mind in preparing positive plans for a good dayat home, in school or at work. Feel more positive emotions. Choose to have positive feelings whenever a challenge or an opportunity awakens your emotions. You can be more positive at home, in school or at work by developing good thoughts that cause more positive feelings to surface, instead of negative ones. Use your positive thoughts and feelings to handle difficult tasks with a positive attitude. Harvest more positive benefits. Enjoy the rewards of your more positive thoughts, feelings and behavior in lifethrough success in school, accomplishments at work and happiness at home. You will have earned them!Help others be more positive in life. Help others to share your new, more constructive frame of mind. Point out the advantages of being more positive in thought, word and deed which include greater success and personal satisfaction at home, in school and at work. The evidence in life supports the superior outcomes of a positive attitude. Its not easy for many of us, so try to help others see the light as often as you can. Above all things, one way to be able to be more positive and constructive in life is through continuing education. Keep learning throughout your life to help yourself and others continually improve. Positive emotional energy is the key to health, happiness and wellbeing. The more positive you are, the better your life will be in every area. 1. The passage mainly talks about. A. being more positive in lifeB. life full of tragedies and difficultiesC. adopting a correcting attitude in lifeD. the importance of giving a hand2. If you meet with obstacles at work, you should. A. exchange your negative thoughts for positive onesB. prepare positive plans for a good dayC. keep good thoughts in mindD. give up the negative thoughts3. Which of the following is the best fit for the blank? A. Take a positive attitude in life. B. Be careful of your behavior in life. C. Develop positive thoughts in life. D. Take more positive actions in life. 4. How can you help others on being positive? A. To tell them your future project in detail. B. To show them the cases of your success. C. To give them practical advice. D. To encourage them to be independent thinkers. 5. In the eyes of the author, the most important for being positive is. A. to take further study regularlyB. to feel more positive emotionsC. to think more positive thoughts in lifeD. to help others be more positive in life【参考答案】16.ACDBA 社会生活类 The bus journey from Dali to Lijiang was very unpleasant and I was feeling really unwell and was sick by the side of the road. It is a pity that I did not feel so good as the scenery and housing along. The bus journey was truly beautiful but it is not humanly possible to enjoy such things when all you can think of is this Chinese bus going to get some of my carrots on its floors and seats? I was very relieved to arrive in Lijiangthe place seemed bigger than Dali and initially more pretty as a picture. However, after walking for a bit around the place, I got the feeling that the place seemed overly touristy. This traditional and old-looking town had a very new feeling to it as most of the old style buildings looked very new. This was hardly surprising as the town suffered a major earthquake in 1996, but all over the place even now, they were still building “old” style housing. Feeling rather let down by the place, Peter, Rashad and I headed out for a meal. There were lots of barbecue (烤肉) type places where you selected your food to eat. Peter spoke to the restaurant people who told him that the place was cheap. We then made the big mistake of staying in the place without seeing the menu. Amongst other things, such as meat, we had also some tree and normal looking mushrooms cooked. When the bill arrived, it felt like we were having our pants pulled down. We did not think that Lijiang could get any worse until we saw the nightlife. The music was loud in the clubs or bars along the streets. “Cool, this might be some sort of Chinese dance off.” I was thinking. Given my previous bad experiences of Lijiang, I should really have known better. However, the good things about the place are numberless, such as the attractive natural scenery, the ancient architecture, the century-old practices, and the hospitable locals. 1. From the first paragraph we can learn that. A. the bus journey was boring and uncomfortableB. the sides of the road were polluted seriouslyC. the scenery isnt beautiful as expectedD. the bus jogged along on the rough road 2. The underlined word “initially” means. A. indeedB. at firstC. in the endD. really3. The author had a very new feeling because. A. it was the first time that he had visited LijiangB. many tall buildings had sprung upC. the ancient town took a new lookD. the ancient town was man-made in a way4. How did they feel while they were in the restaurant? A. They thought they had appreciated good food. B. They believed the bill was wrongly calculated. C. They regretted having ordered mushrooms. D. They had a more expensive meal than expected. 5. Which of the following is TRUE according to the last paragraph? A. The author had a good impression of the music in the clubs. B. The author once visited the town and loved Chinese dance. C. Most of the people in Lijiang are warm-hearted. D. The natural scenery has been damaged by noises. 【参考答案】17.DBDDC


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