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动词时态语态(1)语法知识精练I单句填空1(2015广东揭阳一中、潮州金山中学联考)So the questions must _(deal) with carefully,the same way you would handle any other hot potato.2(2015内蒙古师大附中月考)As a child,I lived in a poor family.the worst impression is that I _ (feel) hungry all the time.3(2015黑龙江双鸭山一中月考)Sandy:What about his sister,Kate? Did she pass?Tom:Oh,yes.It seems she_(get) good marks.4(2015河南洛阳一高月考)I think Chinese people choose chopsticks,rather than knives and forks,because Chinese people,under the influence of Confucianism,_(consider) knives and forks as symbolizing a type of violence traditionally.5(2015辽宁锦州市质量检测一)He jumped out of the car,_(seize) a boy and pushed him up against the parked car.6(2015河北邯郸市一模)Simon:Right.And how many people are coming? Did you say about 8?Linda:Yes,they said 8 at first,but_(change) to 6 this morning.7(2015山西太原五中模拟)He goes to a Buddhist monk for advice and expects to _(tell) how to live a more simple life.8(2015辽宁锦州市质量检测一)“He _(hurt),and hes too heavy for me”9(2015黑龙江大庆一中段考二)He _ (work) hard at his lessons every evening for months.He wants to go to Oxford University next year.10(2015黑龙江哈三中一模)If you _(happen) meet a girl online who is intelligent,kind,honest,and you get a good feeling of her,wont you have the desire to get to know her in person?11(2015山西太原五中模拟)There _ (be) more than 100 million references to the word “tuhao” on social media since early September this year.12(2015黑龙江哈三中二模)All the discoveries in human history have _(make) as a result of curiosity.13(2015甘肃嘉峪关市一中六模)China _ (be) famous for tea production since ancient times.14(2015广东汕头一模)When they _ (rescue),they told how they had been abandoned by their captain,while he sailed to safety in a lifeboat.15(2015宁夏银川一中一模)Well,I _ (walk) down to the basement in my house about three weeks ago when I slipped and bumped my head pretty hard on the steps.16(2015甘肃民乐一中诊断)She took me from a poor,unhappy college student and _ (bring) me into her world.17(2015辽宁锦州一模)Besides,shopping at this time of the year was not a pleasant experience:people stepped on your feet or _ (push) you with their elbows(肘部)18(2015哈尔滨三校联考)The machine _ (equip) with securing cameras and alarms and looks like a mini shop with a brick front,a grey roof and a display window.19(2015山东青岛一模)In recent years,the commercial pressure from supermarket chains _ (force) village shops across the country to close.20(2015山西太原一模)Tai Chi _ (call) “shadow boxing” in English.2has been working句意:马蒂一直以来真的很努力地写这本书,他认为他到星期五就能写完了。他的书还没有写完,现在正在努力写,用现在完成进行时表示过去到现在一直持续的动作,并且很有可能还要持续下去。3was to become/would become句意:大学的时候,奥巴马不知道他会成为美国的第一位黑人总统。表示“注定成为”要用be to do;主句是一般过去时,所以从句要用过去将来时。4will be built句意:四川将建设更多的高速公路以促进当地的经济(发展)。根据时间状语soon可知,此空为将来时;主语expressways和动词build之间为动宾关系,故要用一般将来时的被动形式。5will be teaching句意:琼不能参加今天下午3点钟的会议,因为那时她将在上课。时间状语at that time指的是前面的at 3 oclock this afternoon,表示将来某个时刻正在做某事,要用将来进行时。6has been reached句意:尽管之前进行了几次谈判,但到目前为止双方没达成任何协议。考查现在完成时的被动语态。根据时间状语so far可知此处要用现在完成时,主语agreement与动词reach之间为动宾关系,故要用现在完成时的被动形式。7had left句意:我刚到学校门口,就意识到我把书落在咖啡厅了。realized后省略了that,这里是一个宾语从句,从句时态与主句保持一致,“落下”的动作发生在“意识到”之前,故要用过去完成时。8will be built句意:据报道,未来几年将在月球上建造空间站。根据in years to come可知应为将来时态,再者station和build之间构成被动关系,故用将来时的被动语态。9was chosen句意:令我高兴的是,从好几百人中我被选出参加这次开幕式。表示发生过的动作要用一般过去时,“我被选中”应该用被动语态,故答案为一般过去时的被动形式。10has been writing句意:彼得去哪儿了?我到处找不到他。他早饭后去了图书馆,自那以来,他一直在那里写论文。根据句意,可以看出早饭之后,彼得一直在持续写的动作,很有可能现在还在持续,故用现在完成进行时。11asked句意:在我问“现在你想让我干什么?”时,我无法掩饰自己的迫切心情。从句中的时态应该和主句中的时态保持一致,而不是和直接引语中的时态保持一致。12is found句意:除非一些额外的钱被找到,否则剧院就会停业。主语是money,所以要使用被动语态,而从主句的情态动词will 的使用上来看,从句也要用一般将来时态,但在条件状语从句中要使用一般现在时态代替一般将来时态,所以用is found。13has seen句意:这些报告在2012年后就不见了,而且自那以后就没有人看见过它们。根据since可知,要用现在完成时态,所以用has seen。14have been trying句意:自从人类开始从事园艺工作以来,我们就一直在努力使我们的环境更美。根据Since the time humankind started gardening以及try to make our environment more beautiful 这一动作现在还在进行可知,设空处需用现在完成进行时。17am filling句意:你好,让我们去滑冰吧。对不起,我现在正忙着呢。我正在填写一份找新工作的申请表。题中所给的时间状语right now 说明现在正在忙,所以用现在进行时与这个时间状语搭配是最佳的,答案是am filling。18was coming/would come句意:詹姆斯刚到,但是直到昨天我才知道他会来。主句的谓语动词是一般过去时,从句的时态应用过去的某种时态,根据句意可知该空表示过去将要发生的动作,所以要用过去将来时。19stayed句意:好长时间没见到你了!你去哪儿了?我去宁夏支教了一年。答句由and 连接两个并列的谓语动词,根据went及句意可知,此处表示的动作发生在过去,“待”这个动作与went这个动作几乎同时发生,故用一般过去时态。20will check句意:现在几点了?我不知道。但是等一下,我将给你查一下。表示马上就会做某事,要用“will动词原形”。 .ComII语法填空(语篇填空)【广东省中山市第一中学2017届高三上学期第一次统测】阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 In recent years many TV shows have become extremely popular among Chinese audience. Those programs, ranging from talent or dating shows to reality shows 1 (receive) both commercial success and public attention. Their popularity is 2 (main) based on simple facts. First, they care 3 social concerns. Second, without exception, they explore a perfect balance between the international forms and Chinese expressions. Despite apparent highlights, much room 4 (leave) for improvement. Above all, _5_ (commerce) interests often outweigh educational purposes, causing many complaints about the 6 (bearable) advertisements. In addition, some sharp remarks, 7 they are eye-catching, may have misleading effects on the youth. In my opinion, such shows should shoulder more responsibility instead of merely 8 (entertain) the public. 9 is expected, these programs should be positive in their forms as well as functions. Meanwhile, the 10 (medium) should also safeguard the values of our society.【解析】试题分析:近年来,许多电视节目在中国非常受欢迎。1. have received 考查时态,根据第一句的时间状语in recent years和谓语形式,以及句意的理解,此处用现在完成时态。2.mainly 考查形容词和副词,修饰谓语用副词形式。3.about 考查介词,care about关心,在乎。4.is left 考查时态和语态,该句意指这些节目还有很多有待于提高的空间,主语是room,用一般现在时态的被动语态。5.commercial 考查形容词,修饰名词用形容词。故填commercial。6.unbearable 考查语意(构词法),此处意为这些节目中多得让人无法忍受的广告引起了人们的抱怨,根据句意,bearable应用否定意义,加上表反义的前缀un-


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