高二英语下学期期末考试试题1 (3)

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红兴隆管理局第一高级中学20152016学年度第二学期期末考试高二英语试卷注:卷面分值120分; 时间:90分钟。第I卷第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题; 每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AHe is not just a classical music superstar. He is a global superstar. Only 27 years old, the Chinese pianist Lang Lang has become an inspiration to tens of millions around the world.Among his dazzling long list of titles, Lang considered UNICEF goodwill ambassador the most special one.Being a UNICEF goodwill ambassador is the best decision I have made and will definitely be the best experience in my life, Lang said in a recent interview with Xinhua at the UN headquarters in New York. I love children very much, and playing piano for them is my favorite, Lang said, beaming with delight.Named this year by Time magazine as one of the 100 Worlds Most Influential People, the pianist said he hoped music could bring children happiness and enlighten their life.Three months after his nomination (提名), Lang went to Tanzania with the UNICEF team to visit children threatened by malaria(疟疾) and AIDS.Although the southeastern African countrys underdevelopment and harsh living conditions surprised Lang who landed the continent for the first time, he was touched by local childrens passion for music.Most of the kids had never seen a piano before, Lang said. When I played Chopins nocturne or waltz to them, those who were too shy to talk to me suddenly became active and began to share with me about their dreams. How amazing it is! Music can bring hopes to the kids and open their mind, he said.Following his visit to Africa, Lang began to organize fundraising concerts for children. Now it has become his routine to do 15 to 20 fundraising concerts every year. Except for his efforts on fundraising, Lang also established his own international music foundation last year to assist young talents to play piano.So far Lang has chosen five children from the United States and Germany, providing them with scholarships and opportunities to perform at world-class music halls, he said.In December, he will start the selection in China where he would like to focus more on physically challenged kids, like blind kids.1. The best title of the passage is_.A. Lang Lang and His Music B. UNICEF Goodwill AmbassadorC. An Unforgettable Visit to Africa D. Lang Langs Fundraising Concerts2. As a UNICEF goodwill ambassador, Lang Langs work is mainly to _.A. help children who are in great needB. hold more concerts for children in the worldC. assist young talents from different countries play pianoD. create more beautiful music for the people of the world3. Why did Lang Lang go to Africa 3 months after his nomination?A. To finish his plan of global performance.B. To experience the local music thereC. To help those children facing serious diseases.D. To create new music of different styles.4. What moved Lang most when in Africa? A. The poverty of Africa. B. Childrens passion for music. C. Childrens gifts for music. D. The deadly diseases in Africa.BParis may be the city of love and one of the most romantic places in the world. These days Ive been having a little romance with the city itself. I spent the days wandering among some of the main attractions, stopping for office and shopping in stores. It turns out that I love Paris. My hotel was right by the Eiffel Tower. I slept with my curtains open so I could wake up to a pinky sky and the Eiffel Tower. After breakfast I took a short walk up to the Eiffel Tower. I wandered around taking photos. But I decided not to go up the tower because the waiting line was too long. Then I headed to the Palais de Tokyo for a quick look around on my way to the Musee Galliera. It is also known as the Musee de la Mode, or the fashion museum. The display during my visit was French costumes. You might think a dress is just a dress, but when you think about the purpose of the designers, its really interesting. Those clothes created a fashion revolution after the years of hardships caused by the Second World War. The clothes werent just about looking good after years of wearing whatever was just practical, affordable or available during the war. Times were changing and the French wanted to show this celebration in their clothes. Within the museum were rooms filled with dresses from some of Frances most famous designers. Then I had some of the most delicious macaroons Ive ever tasted in a caf to regain my strength before I set out for Galerie Vivienne, a shopping mall opened in 1823.5. The passage is probably taken from_. A. A travel guide B. A poster C. An advertisement D. A travel journal6. The author left the curtains open in order to _. A. Take photos B. Watch the Eiffel tower under the night sky C. Enjoy the beautiful view in the morning D. Let the fresh air in7. What can we know about the French costumes after the Second World War A. Only womans clothes were changed. B. They showed peoples pleasure of seeing the end of the war. C. They were interesting and expensive. D. They were mostly designed by famous designers.CMarch 21 has been declared World Sleep Day, a time to recognize and celebrate the value of sleep. Many sleep experts hope it will be a wake-up call. According to a poll (民意调查)by the National Sleep Foundation, nearly 4 in 5 Americans dont get as much sleep as they should during the workweek. On average, adults are thought to need at least eight hours of sleep a night, although some can manage with less and some wont do well without more. But the survey found that, on workdays, only 21% of Americans actually get a full eight hours of sleep, and another 21% get less than six.To many of us, the thought of spending more time sleeping is, well, a big yawn. On the other hand, the thought of being smarter, thinner, healthier and more cheerful has a certain appeal. And those are just a few of the advantages that can be ours if we consistently get enough sleep, researchers say. Also on the plus side: Were likely to have better skin, better memories, better judgment, and, oh, yes, longer lives.“When you lose even one hour of sleep for any reason, it influences your performance the next day,” says Dr. Alon Avidan, director of the UCLA Sleep Disorders Center.A study published last year found the same to be true even of children. When kids aged 8 to 12 slept for just one hour less for four nights, they didnt function as well during the day.But sleeping has an image problem. “We see napping or sleeping as lazy,” says Jennifer Vriend, a clinical psychologist in Ottawa, Canada, and the leading author of the study with children. “We put so much emphasis on diet, nutrition and exercise. Sleep is in the back seat.” In fact, she adds, no matter how much we work out, no matter how well we eat, we cant be in top physical shape unless we also get plenty of sleep.8. The underlined part in Paragraph 1 means _.A. To wake up the sleepers B. To draw peoples attentionC. To serve as a morning call D. To declare the special day9. From Paragraph 3 we can infer that _A. Enough sleep is the guarantee of the appealing thingsB. Sleeping has nothing to do with ones expectations C. Spending more time on sleeping is a waste of time D. Being healthier is one of the advantages for us10.What Jennifer Vriend said in the last paragraph implies that _.A. Sleeping is an image problem B. People care little about sleepingC. Lazy people tend to sleep long D. Sleeping is only part of our life11.What is the purpose of the passage?A. To talk about peoples sleeping problems.B. To provide an investigation result of sleeping.C. To arouse the awareness of enough sleeping.D . To stress the function of sleeping at night.DIf you like travelling, you can go to the following cities.Marrakech, MoroccoThe city is known as the “red city” for its rose-colored buildings. The citys Medina, an old city, is a really famous place. 1000-year-old monuments(历史遗迹) can be found in Medina. Today, the place is a crowded marketplace with traditional Moroccan goods for sale. Make sure to visit an outdoor theater in the city. Storytellers and musicians perform there.Siem Reap, Cambodia Visitors can see hundreds of ancient Buddhist temples in and around the town. After a long day at the temples, tourists can enjoy one of the towns many bars, restaurants and nightclubs. If you go there, you can pay a visit to the Phnom Kulen National Park in Siem Province. The parks two waterfalls offer great swimming areas.Istanbul, TurkeyTurkeys largest city has one foot in Europe and other in Asia. The city is a great place for history lovers. If you go there, make sure to see Istanbuls most famous religious buildings: the Hagia Sophia and Blue Mosque. At night, you can try sailing on the Bosporus Strait. It divides this city into the European and Asian areas.Hanoi, VietnamVietnams capital has tree-lined streets, lakes, and some 600 temples and towers. If you go there, dont miss the Temple of Literature. It was built in the year 1070. You can also enjoy a slow walk down the Old Quarters coffee street. Enjoy a cup of local coffee while being there. The peaceful Hoan Kiem Lake is also a nice place to go to. It is one of the prettiest places in central Hanoi.12. Medina in Marrakech is most likely a nice place for those who love_. A. watching movies outdoors B. buying expensive dresses C. visiting old monuments D. playing outdoor sports13. What can you do if you go to the Phnom Kulen National Park? A. Buy traditional goods. B. Swim near a waterfall. C. Visit restaurants and nightclubs. D. See hundreds of ancient temples.14. What do we know about Istanbul? A. It lies between Europe and Asia. B. It is the largest European city. C. Its near the Bosporus Strait. D. Its attractive to history lovers.15. The text is written to_. A. encourage us to visit the cities B. tell us about some countries C. tell about some old cities D. show why people visit the cities第二节(共5小题; 每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。Study for an approaching examStudying hard for a few days can be tiring, but it always pays off! Most people clearly recall the fear they felt when they realized that an exam was near. If youre in this situation, dont worry. Many people have proven that there is still enough time to study, if you do it properly. Here are some strategies to help you. Calm down! Fear will only make your situation worse. _ 16 _ Many times, fear can even hurt your chances of doing well in the exam. If you are nervous, take deep breaths, and tell yourself strategies to help you. Study the most important topics first. Exams usually cover a few main ideas, concepts, or skills. When you are short of time, focus your energies on the key areas. Review the highlighted topics in textbooks and the parts your teacher stressed repeatedly. _17 _ . Determine what subjects you dont know enough about. _18_ . The parts you know more about still need reviewing, but they will come to you more easily. So try to focus on the more challenging topics. _ 19 _ . You dont get extra points for going it alone. Classmates can be helpful in studying, and choose someone who will be able to help you. Ask for help from your parents, brothers or sisters. _ 20 _ . Form a study group. Not only do you have additional help, you also have the advantage of studying with people you know wellA. Do more study on these topics.B. Studying together can be helpful.C. This way, you will for sure get a better grade.D. They may really appreciate being asked.E. You will be focusing on the horror, not the coming exam. F. They are all clues as to what are really the vital topics. G. Realize that last-minute studying is not the best way to study.第二部分 英语知识运用(共二节,满分45分)第一节: 完形填空 (共20小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出最佳选项。Two-year-old Christopher Merrett has such severe food allergies that even the smell can send him into potentially deadly shock MrsMerrett said she first _21_ something was wrong with her son when she stopped 22_ him with breast milk at six months old and _23_ onto cowsmilk. She said her son spent three weeks in _24_ after sitting in a supermarket trolley which had tiny traces of _25_ in itShe said,“It looked _26_ We put him there and with minutes his feet and hands had _27_ blue and we knew there was something extraordinarily _28_ We realized then he must have put his _29_ in his mouth after touching the trolley and it must have _30_ had some sort of milk product on it.” MrsMerrett said“We cannot have _31_ when he is in the house as his allergy is _32_ just by the smellI remember going to Pizza Hut for my daughters birthday and Christopher coughed the moment we got in there _33_ it is only now that I realize it is because he was allergic”MrSMerrett,who took time off her job to _34_ her son,and her husband Michael,47,have spent hours _35_ ingredients labels(成分标签)and carrying out _36_ research on the Internet trying to find specialist food their son can eat,so the son does not _37_ out on treats and candies Because Christophers allergies are so _38_ that the couple has prepared an entire cupboard for his foodHe also has his own shelf in the fridge and ovenLittle Christopher was taken out of nursery school when he was given cheese _39_ and ended up in hospitalHis _40_ now worries about what could happen when he eventually goes to schoo121Aheard Badmitted Crealized Dforgot22Afeeding Bsupplying Ctreating Dpresenting23Adeveloped Bcontinued Cmoved Dqueued24Amarket Bschool Ckindergarten Dhospital25Awater Bmilk Cjuice Dcheese26Adirty Brough Cclean Dsmooth27Aremained B1eft Cpainted Dgone28Awrong Bsensitive Cimportant Dstrange29Afeet Bfingers Ctoys Dmedicine30Apreviously Bpresently Cnowadays Dafterwards31Apizza Bpancakes Cnoodles Dchicken32A1eft out Bkicked off Cturned in Dbroken into33Awhen Bor Cwhile Dbut34Aattend to Bworry about Cappeal to Dtake over35Awriting Bexplaining Cdictating Dreading 36Aheart-touching Bpainstaking Ceasygoing Dpeace-loving37Asell Bmake Cmiss Dgive38Aslight Bsevere Cspecific Dsimple39Aafter all Bon purpose Cby accident Din fact40Ateacher Bbabysitter Cfriend Dmother第卷注意: 将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。第二部分 英语知识运用(共二节,满分45分)第二节 (共10题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式There once was a goat and a donkey, 41_ lived on a farm. The donkey worked the hardest so the farmer fed it the 42_ (much) food. Sometimes the donkey was given more food 43_ it could eat. This made the goat so jealous 44 it began plotting against the donkey. “Hey, donkey,” the goat said one day, “I think you do too much work on this farm. You carry such heavy things from morning to night. Why dont you pretend 45_ (get) sick so you can take a day 46 ?” The donkey thought the goat had a good idea. So the next morning, the donkey lay in the stable on its side with its eyes 47 _ (close). Right away, the farmer called the doctor. 48 _ looking at the donkey, the doctor said it needed a special medicine 49 _ (make) from the heart of a goat. So the farmer killed 50 goat and gave the donkey medicine made from its heart.第三部分: 写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节:短文改错(共10小题;,每小题1分,满分10分)此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。短文中共有10处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(),并在此符号下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分Dear Xiao Ming,I am delighting to learn that you are going to visit to me during the week-long vacation. Both my parent will also be very happy to see you, but Im sure you will enjoy every minute here. I know you are fond of swimming. We can go swimming in the river, that lies not far away from my home. I think this will be very pleasant to swim in such hot summer days. In every big room of my home there is air-conditioner. You can watch TV, play CDs or read books very comfortable at home. About two miles away from my home stood a mountain which is really worth toured. When we climb to the top of the mountain, we can have a wonderful view of the whole village.第二节 书面表达(满分25分)假如你是李华,你的美国朋友Peter想选修中文作为外语,为此写信征询你的意见。请按以下要求给Peter写封100词左右的回信。1、鼓励他选修中文;2、中文的魅力(两点);3、学好中文的意义(两点)。注意:信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Peter, Nice to receive your letter, in which you sought for my advice on whether you should choose Chinese as a second language._ _Yours,Li Hua阅读(每题2分,共40)14 BACB 5-7 DCB 8-11 BABC 12-15 CBDA 16-20 EFABD完型(每题1.5分,共30)21-40 CACDB CDABA ABDAD BCBCD语法填空 (每题1.5分,共15)41.who 42.most 43.than 44.that 45.to get 46.off 47.closed 48.On 49.made 50.the短文改错(每处1分,共10分)1. delighting改成delighted 2. 去掉visit后的to 3.parent改成parents 4. but改成and或so 5. that改成which 6. this 改成it7. air-conditioner前加an 8. comfortable改成comfortably 9. stood改成stands 10. toured改成 touring书面表达 25分Dear Peter, Nice to receive your letter, in which you sought for my advice on whether you should choose Chinese as a second language. I count it as a wise choice. For one thing, Chinese is certainly one of the oldest and most beautiful language that are still being used in the world. For another, the handwriting of Chinese is quite special and unique, thus helping you create a new thinking way. Learning Chinese well, you can communicate with the largest population in the world, which helps you with more opportunities to make a career. Whats more, the Chinese language is sure to give you a glimpse of the colorful culture of China. May you do well in learning Chinese. If you have any problems, dont hesitate to write to me. Best wishes! Yours, Li Hua


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