高考英语二轮复习 第二部分 题型突破 专题13 阅读填空(二)对点特训

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专题13 阅读填空(二)阅读填空(二)AHow do you stay true to yourself when youre surrounded by friends and/or family that have an opinion on everything you do? Its not easy! 1._ Here are 4 tips which can help you live a dynamic life.2_Stay true to yourself by listening to the only opinions that really matteryour own and those from people who believe in and encourage you. Deep down you know yourself better than anybody else.Dont fear people3_ The reason most people dont take risks, or live on the edge is the fear of what others might think of them. If you want to live the life you truly deserve, you must give up the need to be liked by everybody.Value yourself and your choicesWhen you do, others will too. Own the choices you make in your life. 4._ When you believe in yourself, in time, others will believe in you too. Show confidence in your choices, and what you stand for whether others agree or not.Focus on appreciationNo matter what the circumstances are, there is always something to be grateful for. All successful people ask, “What am I grateful for? How can I improve my situation and use these tough times to inspire others?” 5._These steps, if applied, will help you transform your peace of mind, lifestyle, and productivity.AFocus on your own talents and strengthsBNever let others opinions guide your choicesCTreat every person as they are important.DWhen you doubt yourself, others will doubt you.EStay fearless in everything you will have to do.FBe thankful to life and be helpful to others, and youll lead a successful life.GHowever, there are great possibilities that you can lead the life you really want.体裁:说明文题材:文化教育主题:按照自己的信念做事语篇导读:作者给出了几个如何使你忠于你自己(stay true to yourself)的建议。1G本段的功能是提出主题。只有告诉读者忠于自己是可能的,才能接下面的句子,由此可见答案为G项。2B根据本空下面的内容可知本段的主题是:永远不要让别人的观点影响你的选择,故答案为B项。3E根据主题“Dont fear people”中的fear及E项中的fearless可推知E项为答案。4DD项(When you doubt yourself,others will doubt you.)与下面的“When you believe in yourself, in time, others will believe in you too.”构成对比。5F根据本部分中的appreciation, grateful和F项中的thankful可判断F项为本题答案。BRelax during a job interviewFew people actually like job interviewing. Its nervewracking trying to show your “best” self to a perfect stranger. 1._ Thats not easy, but there are some ways to pull yourself together and feel more confident.Prepare solid talking points. Its always best to overprepare for possible questions by not only researching the company and the person interviewing you, but also by preparing answers and practicing those responses. Review the skills and experiences requested in the job announcement and have two to three examples of how you have demonstrated each one. 2._Remember: Its a twoway street. This is a conversation, not an interrogation(审问). 3._ Remembering that this is a back and forth discussion, where you canand shouldask questions as well as answer them, can help you feel more comfortable.Just breathe. 4._ Your body will relax a lot. You want to avoid upper chest breathing, as it tends to just move your stress upward to your face.5_ If you go into an interview picking apart your outfit or imperfect responses, youre only hurting your chances of coming off as calm and collected. Turn off your negative selftalk and then create a different selftalk message, like “I am here to share the best of my ability and that is all I can really do.”Work it out. Putting in some gym time on the morning of your interview can help you get rid of any nervous tension. Exercise helps calm your nervous system and tends to reduce the intensity of physical manifestations(表现形式) of stress such as restlessness.AStop the negative thoughts.BPut your idea into practice.CWhen faced with an interviewer, you may be nervous.DBefore you walk into your interview, take a few deep breaths.EYoure trying to prove youre the one for the job and that you can handle stressful situations.FDont forget that youre not the only one being interviewedyoure also interviewing the organization.GThis will strengthen your answers and allow you to show how your experience is relevant to the job or organization for which youre interviewing.体裁:说明文题材:人际关系主题:面试技巧语篇导读:面试时我们难免紧张。如何在面试时让自己放松呢?本文给出了一些方法。1E由上句中的trying to show your “best” self和后文的Thats not easy可知此处表示面试时想证明自己并不是一件容易的事情。 2G通读该段的内容可知G项可与前面的内容有效衔接起来。 3F本段的核心话题是面试是双向的,所以F项正好符合此处的语境。4D根据空前的Just breathe和空后的Your body will relax a lot可推知答案为D项。5A原文中的Turn off your negative selftalk and then create a different selftalk message 暗示答案为A项。C(2016四川成都高中毕业班二诊)Some people describe American society as a salad bowl while others think of it as a melting pot.In a bowl of salad, all the ingredients are mixed together. 1._ Together, however, the ingredients make up a unity. All the ingredients of a salad contribute to the finished product. They may be covered with the same dressing(调味酱),but the green vegetables, tomatoes and cooked corn can all be seen for what they are.From this point of view, America is very much like a salad bowl where individual ethnic groups mix together, yet maintain their cultural uniqueness. People may work together during the day at similar jobs and in the same companies, but at night they may return to their ethnic groups where their own individual culture directs their way of life. 2._ Each ethnic group has its own special customs, language, food and traditions to protect and defend. This idea of the salad bowl is referred to as cultural diversity; that is, American society is a collection of various cultures living together in harmony within one country.3_ Here, society is like one large pot of soup. All cultural aspects are mixed together, sacrificing their original identity and keeping a bit of what they were to become a new reality. The longer the soup is cooked, the better the taste and the more likely it will be for the mixture to dissolve. In this sense, America can surely be seen as a melting pot where people from all over the world come to live and work together forming one nation. There are dozens of shared symbols. 4._ In such a culture, symbols like the flag and the nations official song serve to break down the walls which separate ethnic groups.Whether a salad bowl or a melting pot, America can be best described as a mixture of both. 5._ABoth are correct depending on ones point of view.BThey never lose their shapes, colors or tastes.CThis is why there is so much diversity within America.DIn other words, America is a nation where there is unity in diversity.EThus, one needs to abandon ones culture to be considered “American”FThey serve to develop the various ethnic groups to create a new American culture.GThe other theory, which is also used to describe American society, is the melting pot.体裁:说明文题材:社会文化主题:美国被称为“沙拉碗和大熔炉”语篇导读:有的人把美国社会描述为“沙拉碗”,有的人认为它是“大熔炉”。实际上,美国的特点并非非此即彼,而是在差异中存在统一。1B根据设空处前面的a bowl of salad及本段最后一句,分析各个选项可知,只有B项“他们从来不会失去他们的形状、颜色和味道”描述的与沙拉有关。They指代前句中的all the ingredients(所有的材料),故选B项。2C根据分析,本段继续描述美国像“沙拉碗”,前后因果关系:“多个民族”融合,但是“保持着各自的独特性”,使得人们白天可能从事形似的工作,但是下班后沿用各自民族的生活方式,这就是美国“多样性”的原因。3G文章第一段提出“沙拉碗”和“大熔炉”两个理论。第二、三两段详细描述了“萨拉碗”理论。设空处位于第四段段首,再根据本段中的one large pot及a melting pot可知选G项,引出下文对第二个理论的描述。4F本段第三句围绕shared symbols(共享的符号)展开:有许多“共享的符号”,因而“它们”有助于不同的民族发展以便创造一个新的美国文化,而在这样的文化中,美国国旗和国歌这些符号有助于打破种族分裂的藩篱。F项中的They指代前句中的shared symbols,故选F项。5D本段两句话总结全文:“美国将沙拉碗和大熔炉两大特点融合在一起。换句话说,美国是一个多样性中存在统一的国家”。D项中unity in diversity是第一句中的a mixture of both的另一种说法,故选D项。D(2016重庆巴蜀中学高三一诊)Making Short Videos“A picture is worth a thousand words”, or so they say. Well, motion pictures can contain even more memories. 1._ Here are some apps you can use to make your own short videos.Fun DubbingReciting lines from movies is an effective and classic way to learn English. So what if you could dub(配音) recordings accompanied by movie clips and then share them with friends? 2._ You name it. By contributing your voice, you can either mimic(模仿) the original soundtrack or create something completely new of your own.Shorts3_ With the help of the Shorts app, you can make pictures in your album into a slide show. Choose from any of the offtheshelf themes“holiday”, “travel”, “friendship” and “party” for the exampleeach matched with its own theme music and slide background. But if youre not satisfied with the combinations, feel free to do a little change by adding text to the pictures or replacing the music with something on your own playlist.Viva VideoVideo making and editing once seemed awfully hard. 4._ But this app will ease you into the field with straightforward functions and clear direction to help you “create your own video story”. Apart from filter, stickers and text, the coolest part of this app is that you can write the narratives yourself and add your own voice to the video. 5._ Viva Video requires a relatively powerful phone to run smoothly.ABut here is a little reminder.BThats why short video are booming.CThese apps have a variety of identifications.DThis app has movies, animations, lectures and TV series.ENewbies and amateurs didnt dare to even give it a try.FVideos and pictures arent merely for separate purposes.GVideo making and editing is what Apple fans want to try.体裁:说明文题材:介绍说明主题:手机应用语篇导读:本文介绍了几款可以制作视频短片的手机应用,包括应用的名称、功能等。1B根据第一段前两句可知,动画电影包括了更多的信息,更加吸引人,空后一句介绍几款可以用来制作视频短片的手机应用。因此,设空处起到承上启下的作用,B项(这也是视频短片兴起的原因)符合语境。2D根据第2空后的You name it.(只要你能说得出来的。)可知,第2空应该为列举例子,而选项中只有D项包含“电影、动画片、讲座、电视剧”的举例,故选D项。3F根据第3空后两句提到,在这款名为Shorts的应用的帮助下, 你可以将相册里的照片制作成幻灯片,以及挑选不同的主题匹配不同的主题音乐和幻灯片背景,此应用使视频和音乐融合在一起。F项意为“视频和照片不仅仅是为了不同的目的而存在”,也就是说除了分开,还可以融合在一起,符合本段大意,故选F项。4E根据第4空前的awfully hard(非常难)及空后But表转折可知,该空应是介绍Video making艰难的地方或者导致的结果。E项(初学者和业余爱好者甚至都不敢尝试)符合语境。5A根据第4空后的the coolest part of this app可知,是在夸赞此应用;再根据第5空后的a relatively powerful phone可知,此应用对手机要求高,由此判断设空处表转折,A项“但是有一个小小的提醒”符合语境,故选A项。

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