高考英语一轮复习 Unit 2 The universal language课时跟踪检测B卷(选修8)

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高考英语一轮复习 Unit 2 The universal language课时跟踪检测B卷(选修8)_第1页
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高考英语一轮复习 Unit 2 The universal language课时跟踪检测B卷(选修8)_第3页
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The universal language课时跟踪检测B卷.完形填空(2015宿迁市第二次质量检测)I have been through every one of the 17 toll booths (收费亭)on the OaklandSan Francisco Bay Bridge on thousands of occasions.Usually I hand over some _1_ ;I might get change;I drive off.I never had an exchange with anybody worth _2_.One morning I headed for lunch with a friend and I _3_toward one of the booths.I heard loud _4_.It sounded like a party.I looked around.No other cars with their windows _5_.I looked at the toll booth.Inside it, the man was _6_.“What are you doing?”I asked.“Im having a party,” he said.“What about the other _7_?”I looked over at other _8_;nothing moving there.“Theyre not _9_.”I had a dozen other questions for him,_10_somebody in a big _11_ to get somewhere started pushing his horn (喇叭) behind me and I _12_.But I made a note to myself:Find this guy again.There is something in his eyes that says theres magic in his toll booth.Months later I did meet him again, _13_with the loud music.Again I asked, “What are you doing?”“Dancing.Im going to be a dancer someday.”he said, “What do those look like to you?”He pointed down the row of toll booths.“They look like toll booths.”I said.“No _14_!”he laughed,“I think they are vertical coffins (竖起的棺材)At 8:30 every morning,_15_people get in.Then they are _16_for eight hours.At 4:30, coming to life, they reemerge (重新出现) and go home.For eight hours, brain is on hold, dead on the job. Sixteen people dead on the job, and I am the seventeenth, in precisely the _17_situation, but I figure out a way to _18_.”He and I did have lunch later, and he said, “I dont understand why everybody would think my job is _19_.I have a corner office, glass on all sides.I can see the Golden Gate, San Francisco, the Berkeley hills; half the Western world vacations are here and I just come every day and _20_dancing.”1A.permissionBgiftsCmoney Dtickets2A.remembering BdiscussingCtalking Darguing3A.walked BrunCdrove Drode4A.shouts BmusicCnoise Dhorn5A.open BbrokenCdusty Dshining6A.waving BsingingCyelling Ddancing7A.drivers BpeopleCguests Dfriends8A.cars BboothsCoffices Dcoffins9A.delighted BallowedCinvited Danxious10A.or BsoCand Dbut11A.hurry BneedCsurprise Dpanic12A.got off Btook offCdrove off Dleft off13A.even BeverCalready Dstill14A.imagination BgoodCuse Dreason15A.sleepy BenergeticCcommon Dlive16A.dead BrestingCworking Dsilent17A.actual BsameCstrange Ddull18A.work BliveCrecover Dchat19A.valueless BimproperCboring Dabnormal20A.practice BadvertiseCperform Dpromote.阅读理解(2015无锡高三模拟)Some people are convinced they are already out there: swarms of tiny flying drones (无人机) cautiously surveying the world on behalf of their shadowy masters. In 2007 antiwar protesters in America claimed they were being watched by small hovering robots that looked like dragonflies. Officials maintained they really were dragonflies. Whatever the truth, robotic flies actually are now getting airborne (升空) This week the successful flight of what are probably the smallest hovering robots yet was reported in Science by Robert Wood and his colleagues at the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard. These robots are the size of crane flies. Wingtip to wingtip they measure 3cm and they weigh just 80 milligrams. Like true flies, and unlike dragonflies or butterflies, they have but a single pair of wings.Dr. Wood, as he is quick to point out, is not trying to build a military drone. Rather, it is the basic science behind flying insects that he and his team are interested in. No doubt the armed forces are taking a keen interest in this sort of work. But civilian applications such as search and rescue, he thinks, are likely to be as important as military and security ones. Indeed, the idea that inspired the study was that of using swarms of robotic flies to pollinate (授粉) crops.Flies, as anyone who has tried to hit one knows, are the most intelligent of flying creatures. Dr.Wood and his colleagues considered it impossible, even with the best miniaturised (使小型化) mechanical and electrical parts currently available, to build an artificial version of one that would show anything like that level of aerial prowess (空中实力). They therefore had to come up with a new form of manufacturing, which they call smart composite microstructures (SCM), to do the job.Dr.Woods robots are modelled on a hoverfly called Eristalis. They have a long way to go before they can mimic the precision of such a creatures flight. They can, nevertheless, hover. They can also carry out simple movements. These include turning by flapping one wing harder than the other.These skilful movements are possible because of the flightcontrol system Dr.Wood has designed. Like jet fighters, flying insects are naturally unstable. And so are Dr.Woods robots. Insects have nervous systems to deal with this. Fighters have computers. Dr.Woods flies are similarly computercontrolled and this, for the moment, is where the illusion (幻觉,错觉) breaks down, because the computer is on a desktop and is connected to the robot by a thin copper wire.That could be fixed with a suitable chip. But the wire also carries electric power: 19 milliwatts, which is equal to the power consumed by a flying insect of the same size. Batteries light enough to fly with do exist. But they would keep the robot going for only a few minutes.1Why did Dr.Wood and his colleague invent a new form of manufacturing called SCM?ABecause they could model robots on a hoverfly called Eristalis.BBecause they were only interested in the basic science behind flying insects.CBecause they found it impossible to build an artificial version of intelligent flying insects.DBecause they have created the smallest hovering robots with but a single pair of wings.2About Dr.Woods hovering robots, we can know that _.Athey are able to fly as precisely as a flyBthey have nervous systems like insectsCthey fly stably with flightcontrol systemsDthey are insectlike and no bigger than a fly3What is the meaning of the underlined word “mimic” in Paragraph 5?AIncrease. BCopy.CPractise. DImprove.4From the last paragraph we can infer that_.Awhat is needed may be a breakthrough in batteryBthese flying robots should be changed into smaller and lighter onesCflying around the laboratory is more important than flying outdoorsDmore research should be done on the size and weight of the flying robots.书面表达(2015扬州高三调研)阅读下面短文,然后按要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。A teenager passed his driving test and was eager to drive his fathers car. His father agreed. He asked his son to drop him off before the son took the car for servicing. The father then wanted his son to pick him up at four in the afternoon so that they could go home together.The boy dropped off his father, took the car to the garage and went to watch a film. Losing track of time, he continued to watch the film until six pm.Afraid his father would scold him for being late, the boy collected the car, arrived at the place and said, “Dad, Im sorry Im late but it took longer than usual to service the car.”“Son, I phoned the garage,” his father replied. “The car was ready at four pm.”The boy looked down and said, “Im sorry, but I went to watch a film.” “Son, Im very angry,” replied the father. “But not with you. Im angry with myself. Where did I go wrong as a father? Why did you have to lie to me? Take the car home. I will reflect on it as I walk.”The boy followed his father, begging him to sit inside the car. But his father continued walking silently all the way back home. From that day on the son never again lied to his parents.写作内容1用约30个词概括上文的主要内容。2用约120个词谈谈你对“说谎”的看法,内容包括:(1)你怎么理解故事中儿子爸爸的反应;(2)描述一次你(或你的朋友)说谎的经过及其结果;(3)这次经历给你(或你的朋友)的教训和启示。写作要求1作文中可以使用亲身经历或者虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料中的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子。2作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。评分标准概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,篇章连贯。答 案. 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。“我”在一次偶然的情况下发现了在收费亭工作的一个有趣的人,在大多数人眼里,这是一份枯燥的工作,但是这个人却能通过自己的方法从中找到乐趣。1选C根据上文中的“I have been through every one of the 17 toll booths (收费亭)”及下文“I might get change”可知,“我” 经过的是收费亭,所以要交钱。2选A根据第三段中的“I had a dozen other questions for him”以及“But I made a note to myself:Find this guy again.”可知,“我”之前一直没有碰到值得记住的人。3选C根据下文中的“No other cars with their windows .”可知,“我”是开车去的。4选B根据第四段中的“.with the loud music”可知,此处表示“很大的音乐声”。5选A根据语境可知,“我”听到有很大的音乐声,原以为是其他车里的音乐声,可是发现其他车的车窗没有开着。6选D根据第四段中的“Dancing.Im going to be a dancer someday.”可知,这名男子在跳舞。7选B根据上文中的“Im having a party.”可知,男子说自己在举行一个聚会,而事实上只有男子一个人,所以“我”就问他其他人在哪儿。8选B根据上文可知,有十七个收费亭,而这个跳舞的男子又说在举行聚会,所以“我”看了看其他的收费亭,想知道是否里面的人也被邀请了。9选C根据语境可知,跳舞的只有男子一人,所以他并没有邀请其他人。10选D根据语境可知,前后句之间表示转折关系。11选A根据下文中的“started pushing his horn (喇叭)”可知,这个按喇叭的人很着急。in a hurry“急切地”,符合语境。12选Cget off“下车”;take off“脱下,起飞”;drive off“开车离去”;leave off“停止,中断”。根据语境可知,有人催“我”离开,所以“我”就开车离开了。13选D上文提到“我”第一次遇见他时,他在放着音乐,所以此处表示“再次见面时,他仍然放着音乐”。14选A上文提到他问“我”这排收费亭像什么,“我”认为像收费亭,再根据下文中的“I think they are vertical coffins (竖直的棺材)”可知,男子认为它们像竖起的棺材。所以,男子认为“我”没有想象力。15选D根据下文中的“coming to life”可知,人们进去的时候是活着的。16选A根据下文中的“coming to life .For eight hours,brain is on hold,dead on the job.”可知,八个小时里他们都处于“死亡”状态。17选B根据上文可知,这个男子也在收费亭工作,所以他和其他十六个人的工作环境是一样的。18选B根据上文中的“Sixteen people dead on the job”可知,这个男子找到了一种不同的方式,即在工作时是活着的状态。19选C上文提到收费亭就像竖起的棺材,人们进去工作后,就处于“死亡”状态,说明这种工作很枯燥乏味。20选A根据上文可知,这名男子每天上班时都会开着音乐跳舞,并且认为自己某天会成为舞者;所以,此处表示“练习舞蹈”。.语篇解读:文章介绍了一种世界上最小的飞行机器,谈及 Wood 博士及其同事研发该机器的初衷,描述了该飞行机器的外形特征、用途及须改善之处。1选C细节理解题。文章第四段中提及 Wood 博士及其同事认为,即使拥有目前最好的微型机械和电气零件,也无法研制出一个具有实际苍蝇飞行能力的人造苍蝇。因此,他们不得不采用一种新的制造形式来完成这项工作,他们将其称为智能复合材料微观结构( SCM)。故答案为 C。2选D细节理解题。根据文章第二段第二、三、四句可知,答案为 D。3选B词义猜测题。文章第五段指出,Wood 博士的机器人是模仿一种被称作蚜蝇 (Eristalis) 的食蚜蝇而制造的。精确模仿这种生物的飞行还需要大量的工作才能实现。尽管如此,它们现在已经可以悬浮在空中。它们还可以完成简单的飞行动作。因此 mimic 是“模仿”的意思。故答案为 B。4选A推理判断题。文章最后一段指出“这也可以利用合适的芯片替代。但该引线也可运载 19 毫瓦的电力,相当于大小相同的飞虫消耗的功率。利用轻质电池也可实现该技术。但是它们仅供机器人飞行几分钟”。可推知,还需要在电池方面作改进。故答案为 A。.参考范文:A teenager lied to his father when he failed to pick him up on time. Instead of scolding the boy, the angry father walked home to punish himself. The son felt guilty and never lied again. I totally understand the fathers reactions in the article. He might have reflected he himself had done wrong somewhere so that his son wasnt frank with him and that it was his own fault. The deep love and concern toward his child is vividly conveyed in his selfcriticism.This story reminds me of an unforgettable experience. One weekend, last year, I was supposed to attend an enrichment class. Somehow, it was cancelled. Instead of staying at home, I lied to my mother and spent that whole afternoon hanging around with my friends. That evening when I got home, my angry mum, who actually had learned about the truth from my classmates earlier, taught me a good lesson. I ended up with my mum accompanying me to every enrichment class. I was really sad to have lost my mums trust.From this experience, I have realized that telling lies can do nothing but worsen our faults. Any attempt to lie will get us to risk losing the trust from others. Therefore, we should face our mistakes bravely and deal with the troubles before they get worse. No one will refuse to forgive a sincere person who has righted the wrongs.


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