高二英语上学期期中试题31 (2)

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商丘市一高2016-2017学年第一学期期中考试)高二英语试卷 第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第1节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A When I was growing up in America, I was ashamed of my mothers Chinese English. Because of her English, she was often treated unfairly. People in department stores, at banks, and at restaurants did not take her seriously, did not give her good service, pretended not to understand her, or even acted as if they did not hear her.My mother has long realized the limitations of her English as well. When I was fifteen, she used to have me call people on the phone to pretend I was she. I was forced to ask for information or even to yell at people who had been rude to her. One time I had to call her stockbroker (股票经纪人). I said in an adolescent voice that was not very convincing, This is Mrs. Tan. And my mother was standing beside me, whispering loudly, Why he dont send me check, already two weeks late. And then, in perfect English I said, Im getting rather concerned. You agreed to send the check two weeks ago, but it hasnt arrived. Then she talked more loudly. What he want? I come to New York tell him front of his boss. And so I turned to the stockbroker again, I cant tolerate any more excuse. If I dont receive the check immediately, I am going to have to speak to your manager when I am in New York next week. The next week we ended up in New York. While I was sitting there red-faced, my mother, the real Mrs. Tan, was shouting to his boss in her broken English.When I was a teenager, my mothers broken English embarrassed me. But now, I see it differently. To me, my mothers English is perfectly clear, perfectly natural. It is my mother tongue. Her language, as I hear it, is vivid, direct, and full of observation and wisdom. It was the language that helped shape the way I saw things, expressed ideas, and made sense of the world.21. Why was the authors mother poorly served?A. She was often misunderstood.B. She was unable to speak good English.C. She was not clearly heard.D. She was not very polite.22. From Paragraph 2,we know that the author was .A. unwilling to phone for her mother B. rude to the stockbrokerC. ready to help her mother D.good at pretending 23. After the author made the phone call, .A. they forgave the stockbrokerB. they went to New York immediately C. they failed to get the check D. they spoke to their boss at once24. What does the author think of her mothers English now?A. It confuses her.B. It embarrasses her.C. It helps her tolerate rude people. D. It helps her understand the world.B Giselle and Finnegan have given Mothers Day a strange new style. It seems that a mother dog has adopted(收养)a baby squirrel(松鼠)who doesnt have parents.When Finnegan was in need of help,I took him in. To my surprise,my dog Giselle,who gave birth to babies a week ago,liked the little animal and took him into her home. Giselle seemed to know that the baby was in need of some love. Finnegan was perfectly happy to stay with the little dogs. A mother dog is much like a human mother who feeds,protects,and teaches her children to live in their world. In the early weeks,a mother dog will protect her babies,keep them warm,nurse them and clean them. As they grow older and begin to walk,she teaches them to play outside and keep their living places clean. She also teaches them how to deal with others and how to obey parents. It is natural for little dogs to play,but when they do not behave well,the mother dog will step in. If the play becomes too rough(粗暴的),she will discipline(使守纪律)all the little dogs by holding them down until they stop struggling. Thats why it is best for little dogs to stay with their mother until at least 7 or 8 weeks of age. Giselles doggy methods of mothering may go against the squirrels instincts(本能)as he grows older. I have no doubt that Giselles loving care helped the little squirrel live during those early days.25According to this passage,Finnegan is _.Aa little squirrel that is being looked after by a dogBa warmhearted woman who loves animalsCa little dog whose parents left himDa dog mother who is good at taking care of babies26Which of the following does a mother dog NOT do?AFeed and protect her little dogs.BProvide her babies with milk.CTeach her babies how to fight others.DShow her babies how to keep clean.27Why will the dog mother step in if the little dogs start to play roughly?AShe wants to play with them.BShe wants to punish them.CShe wants them to respect and love each other.DShe wants to correct their behavior.28What is the best title of the passage?AA Mother Dogs Love for BabiesBAnimals and HumansCA Mother Dogs DayDA Dog and Its Owner CYour job is important and part of what shows who you are. However, in order to be truly successful in life you need to be balanced. After fifteen years in the Information Technology industry, I have learned a few lessons that have helped me maintain my sanity (明智) at work.The key for me has always been to have hobbies and interests outside of work. It doesnt matter what you do, but you need time away from your work, time away from your family and time that is strictly yours for enjoyment. This blog, for example, is one of my new hobbies. Without hobbies, or at least a time to decompress, I feel that by the end of the week Im dead and no use to my family all the weekend long.I put family first. This doesnt mean Im a clock-watcher at work, but means that I leave my work at work and make time for my family. I make sure Im there for supper almost every night and I spend time with my family (And watching TV doesnt count). My overall life runs a lot better when I make sure I give time to my family.If I dont do something active like running, playing soccer or rock climbing, I tend to be ill-tempered. This is the way I deal with my stress; its not only something that makes me feel good, but also means that I can focus on work.I take time for personal reflection (反省). It makes me feel like all those goals I havent reached yet are attainable (可达到的) if I stay focused and on course.29. We can learn from the text that the author .A. thinks people are what they do B.posted this text in his blog C. seldom has supper with his family D. worked in the IT industry 15 years ago30.What does the underlined word “decompress” in Paragraph 2 mean?A. Play sports. B.Reduce stress. C. Be with the family. D. Improve oneself.31.The author puts family first, . A. for he doesnt like his work much B. so he often watches TV with themC. for a good family life does good to his overall lifeD. so he always expects to go home at work32. According to the author, we should to deal with stress.A. do much reading B. focus on our work C. keep a good mood D. do something activeDAre you a dog person or a cat person? With so many photos and videos of cats and dogs doing cute things online, its easier than ever to answer which of these furry friends you like more. There are many reasons why people prefer one type of pet over the other. So, have you ever wondered what your preference for cats or dogs says about you? In fact, a 2010 study done by Sam Gosling, a psychologist at the University of Texas, US, and his graduate student Carson Sandy found that dog people are more extroverted (外向的), agreeable(有礼貌的) and con- scientious (认真的) than cat people. “Cats will occasionally engage in social activities, but usually after only a few minutes they will abandon the game. Dogs, on the other hand, will often engage in play, like fetching a thrown ball, for hours at a time,” said Modern Dog magazine. Just on the basis of dogs nature being more sociable than cats, you may expect that the personalities of dog people also reflect higher sociability. And Goslings study found that dog people are generally about 15 percent more extroverted and 13 percent more agreeable, both of which are linked with social orientation (态度). In addition, dog people are 11 percent more conscientious than cat people. “Conscientiousness” is a tendency (趋势) to show self-discipline (自律), to complete tasks and aim for achievement. This trait (特点) also shows a preference for planned rather than spontaneous (一时冲动的) behavior. In comparison, cat people are about 12 percent more anxious, but they are also 11 percent more “open” than dog people, due to a general appreciation for art, emotion, imagination, curiosity, adventure, unusual ideas and variety of experience. And people high on openness(率直的)are more likely to hold unconventional (非传统的) beliefs. Despite vast differences, there are some things that cat people and dog people have in common. “Both types of people consider themselves close to nature, dislike animal-print clothing and are generally optimists,” noted Mother Nature Network.33What does the article mainly talk about?A. Differences between dogs and cats in their personality traits.B. Factors that influence peoples preference for dogs or cats.C. How raising a pet helps shape your personality.D. What your preference for dogs or cats tells about you.34According to the study done by Sam Gosling, dog owners tend to _ than cat owners.A. be more imaginative and creativeB. live a more organized lifeC. be more easygoing and adventurousD. love to get close to nature more 35According to the article, both dog people and cat people _.A. are generally self-disciplinedB. like to wear animal-print clothingC. are likely to hold unconventional beliefsD. are usually positive and care about nature第二节根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Earthquakes are a common incident, rumbling(隆隆声) below the earths surface thousands of times every day. 36 Here are some things to do to prepare for a big earthquake and what to do once the ground starts shaking.Safety Tips37 Such a plan can make you become prepared and keep calm.Consult a professional to learn how to make your home stronger.Locate a place in each room of the house that you can go to in case of an earthquake. It should be a spot where nothing is likely to fall on you.Prepare some food and other necessary tools. Keep a supply of canned food and 3 gallons of water per person. 38Know how to turn off your gas and water pipes.If Shaking BeginsDrop down. Take cover under a desk or table and hold on.39 Stay away from bookcases or furniture that can fall on you. Stay away from windows. In a high-rise building, expect the fire alarms and sprinklers to go off during a quake. If you are in bed, hold on and stay there, protecting your head with a pillow. If you are outdoors, find a clear spot. 40 If youre on a sidewalk near the building, duck into a doorway to protect yourself from falling bricks, glass, plaster, and other debris. If you are in a car, slow down and drive to a clear place. Avoid overpasses, power lines, and other dangerous things. A. If youre in a wheelchair, stay in it.B. But big earthquakes are less common.C. Keep an up-to-date first aid tools, dust masks, and a battery-operated radio and flashlights.D. Move quickly to a clear area away from trees, signs, buildings, electrical wires, and poles.E. Dont try to leave until the shaking is over, and then leave in a calm, orderly manner.F. Stay indoors until the shaking stops and youre sure its safe to exit.G. Have an earthquake readiness plan.第二部分 完形填空(共20小题,每题1.5分,共30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 “Mum,youre always on the computer!” Laure complained.“No,Im not,”I _41_“Every day I come home from school youre working on the computer.”“Well,at least Im here _42_ you!” My daughter was right. Day after day,in my home office,I would stare into space as my _43_ typed out the thoughts of a speaker or research completed for an article. It seemed that my work as a writer and speaker _44_ my fingers to the keyboard and my mind to valuable ideas. What Laure did not _45_ was that during her day away,Id also be doing a lot of housework. It was only around three in the afternoon that Id _46_ seat myself at my desk for a few _47_ moments of deep thought. Then shed come from school. I was _48_ of myself on being available to my children. After all,I am a speaker on child behavior and parenting. But Laures observation _49_ my heart. In her eyes,I must have been a mom who was _50_ but unapproachable. I wouldnt make such an image (形象) before her. My relationship with my children is more _51_ than any other work.“Laure,” I called,“come here a minute.”She wandered to my doorway. I had decided to have her _52_ me when I was too devoted to work. I wanted her to have the _53_ to let me know when she thought I was cold.After I explained my _54_ and the fact that I chose home office to be accessible to her and her sister,I offered Laure the following _55_“ Whenever you feel Im ignoring you or you need my_56_,I want you to _57_ me,” I said.“Just come up and give me a little hug. Thatll be our signal that you _58_ me.” Years later we still have that _59_ sign. Ive become much more sensitive to my daughters comings and goings._60_ she always gives me a little hug to remind me of the real reason why I work at home.41A Thought B refused C defended D agreed42 A after B over C against D for 43 A handsB feet C eyes D ears44 A connected B turned C gave D added45 A admit B believe C realize D recognize46 A luckily B finally C instantly D gradually47 A anxious B precious C busy D rare48 A scared B ashamed C afraid D proud49 A filled B broke C touched D mended50A suitable B reasonableC acceptable D available 51Aobvious B funny C importantD wonderful52A warn B persuade C remind D encourage53 A power B time C patience D honor54 A pattern B schedule C dream D choice55 A truth B chance C answer D promise56A attention B help C decisionD advice 57A kickB shake C kiss D hug58 A miss B hate C need D scold59A unspoken B unexpected C unfinished D unknown60 A But B And C Or D Yet第三部分写作 (共三节 共50分)第一节语法填空 (共10小题共15分 每题1.5分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Some inventions happen in strange ways. The potato chip is one of them.Moons Lake House was _61_restaurant in New York in the 1850s. George Crum was the cook there. Many rich people often came to the restaurant _62_(enjoy) his cooking.The one thing that really upset Crum was _63_ a customer complained about the food and sent it back to the kitchen to be done over. He would often return it overcooked. He was happy to see the customer walk out of the restaurant _64_(angry)On August 24,1853,a customer returned his fried potatoes to the kitchen,_65_they werent crunchy(脆的) enough. Crum reacted in his _66_(usually) way. He cut the potatoes very thin and cooked them in hot oil. They were so crunchy and Crum was sure that the man would refuse _67_(eat) them. Instead,the man loved them. He even asked for more.Now,do you know _68_invented the potato chip?Its George Crum!He _69_(late) set up his own restaurant. He named it Crums House. He put baskets of his potato chips on all the tables. They made his restaurant a very popular place. Today,potato chips are one of Americans _70_(favor) foods!第二节 短文改错 (每题1分共10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。 Last Sunday our class organized an environment protection activity in the nearby park. On arrive there, all the classmates divided into three groups. The first group collected the rubbish, such as waste papers, cigarette ends, plastic bags and so on. The second group set up several boards to remind the visitors to take the care of the flowers and trees. The last group give a speech to the visitors in the danger of “white pollution” and the importance of protecting the environment. I think it very important for us to protect the environment. For the sake of peoples health or happiness, measures should be taking to control and prevent pollution. Somebody should make a contribution to it. 第三节(25分) 作文:某高校校报要求学生以如何用英语记日记为题写一篇稿件发表在校报上。要求:文章必须包含以下要点: 1、用英文记日记的好处。 2、用英语记日记可能遇到的问题。 3、解决遇到问题的方法(至少写出两个方法)。 4、字数在80120字之间。 高二英语期中考试答案一、阅读理解2124 BACD25答案A由第一段第二句话“It seems that a mother.parents”和第二段中“When Finnegan was in need of help.her home”知。26答案C由第三段“A mother dog is much like a human mother.and clean them”知ABD正确,由第四段知C项错误。27答案D由第四段一、二句话知。28答案A由全文知讲述了狗妈妈的博大的爱。答案:29-32 BBCD答案:33C 34D 35A36 40BGCFD二、完形填空【语篇解读】 本文主要讲述了作者在发现自己和孩子们之间的相处出了问题之后,如何平衡工作和家庭之间的关系的故事。41【解析】 根据语境“No,Im not”可推知,作者并不承认女儿的说法,作者在为自己的行为进行辩解,defend“辩解,辩白”,故C项正确。【答案】 C42【解析】 根据下文中的“the fact that I chose home office to be accessible to her and her sister”可知,作者选择在家工作是为了孩子们,故D项正确。【答案】 D43【解析】 与“typed out”和下文中的“my fingers”呼应可知,是用手把想法转换成文字打出来,即A项正确。【答案】 A44【解析】 看起来作为作家和演说家的作者就是要把自己的手指和键盘连接起来,把自己的思想和有价值的观点连接起来。connect.to.“把和连接起来”,符合语境,即A正确。【答案】 A45【解析】 Laure没有意识到的是在她白天不在家的时候,作者也做了许多家务活。admit意为“承认”;realize意为“意识到”;believe意为“相信”;recognize意为“认出,认可”。【答案】 C46【解析】 根据上文中的“Id also be doing a lot of housework”可知,作者一天在家里也会忙着做许多家务,因此在下午3点左右的时候才终于有空来工作,即B项正确。luckily意为“幸运地”;gradually意为“逐渐地”;instantly意为“立刻,马上”;finally意为“最终”。【答案】B47【解析】 根据上文可知,作者要忙着做很多家务,因此用来工作的时间就弥足珍贵了,故B项正确。anxious意为“焦虑的”;precious意为“珍贵的”;busy意为“忙碌的”;rare意为“稀少的”。【答案】 B48解析】 作者为能够和孩子们在一起感到骄傲。proud意为“骄傲的,自豪的”;ashamed意为“惭愧的”;afraid意为“害怕的”;scared意为“害怕的”。【答案】 D49【解析】 根据下文作者的反思可知,Laure的观察触动了作者的心,即C项正确。fill意为“充满”;break意为“(使)破”;touch意为“触动,感动”;mend意为“修理”。【答案】 C50【解析】 在Laure的眼里,作者肯定是一个能找得到但是难以接近的妈妈。上文“myself on being available to my children”也是提示,故D项正确。【答案】 D51 【解析】 作者认为与孩子们的关系比任何其他的工作都重要。故C项正确。【答案】 C52 【解析】 作者决定让Laure在作者太专注于工作时提醒作者。下文“she always gives me a little hug to remind me of the real reason why I work at home”也是线索,故C项正确。【答案】C53【解析】 由作者想让孩子提醒自己可知,她想赋予孩子这样的权利去让自己知道自己忽略她们了,即A项正确。have the power to do sth.意为“有权利做某事”。patience意为“耐心”;time意为“时间”;power意为“权利”;honor意为“荣誉”。【答案】 A54【解析】 根据上文“I had decided”可推知,作者已经下定决心做一些改变,这属于计划的内容,故B项正确。pattern意为“模式,图案”;dream意为“梦想”;schedule意为“工作计划”;choice意为“选择”。【答案】 B55【解析】 根据对下文的理解可知,作者是在给孩子做出承诺,故D项正确。【答案】D56【解析】 作者说:“无论什么时候你感觉我忽略了你或者你需要我的关注时,我想让你来拥抱我一下。”与“Im ignoring you”形成呼应,孩子需要作者的关注,即A项正确。【答案】 A57【解析】 与“just come up and give me a little hug”呼应,故D项正确。【答案】 D58A.miss 【解析】 根据“or you need my _16_”的提示可知,孩子的拥抱提醒作者孩子们需要她,故C项正确。【答案】 C59【解析】 多年以后我们仍然沿用这种心照不宣的信号。unspoken“心照不宣的”,故A项正确。【答案】 A60 【解析】 而且她总是给作者一个小小的拥抱来提醒她在家工作的真正原因。根据上下文可知,此处表示逻辑上的顺承关系,即B项正确。【答案】 B三、语法填空【语篇解读】 本文告诉我们薯条是怎么被发明出来的。61【解析】 考查冠词。restaurant是名词,此处表示泛指,故用不定冠词a。【答案】 a62【解析】 考查非谓语动词。这里用动词不定式作目的状语,表示许多富人常常来这里吃他烹饪的饭菜。【答案】 to enjoy63【解析】 考查表语从句。此处应用when 引导表语从句,且在从句中作时间状语。【答案】 when64【解析】 考查副词。根据前面“walk out of the restaurant”可知,后面应用副词angrily修饰动词。【答案】 angrily65【解析】 考查连词。根据语境可知,此处表示“因为油炸的薯条不够脆”,强调原因,故用because。【答案】 because66【解析】 考查形容词。根据后面的名词way可知,此处应用形容词。【答案】 usual67【解析】 考查动词不定式。refuse to do sth.“拒绝做某事”。 【答案】 to eat68【解析】 考查疑问词。根据后面“Its George Crum”可知,此处问的是谁发明了薯条。【答案】 who69【解析】 考查副词。根据后面的“set up”可知,这里应用later。【答案】 later70【解析】 考查形容词。根据后面的“foods”可知,这里需要用形容词,且表示“


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