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.Unit 1 Will people have robots?Section A (1a-2c)Studying aim:Master and use :Will you play the piano ? Yes, I will./No, I wont. Will she go to the party? Yes, she will./ No, she wont.Will there be less pollution?Yes, there will./ No, there wont.Teaching procedureStep 1: Daily greeting. Show“Studying aim” to the students.Step 2:Read the following conversations and try to translate them into Chinese: Will there be less pollution?Yes, there will./ No, there wont.Will there be fewer trees? Yes, there will./ No, there wont.Step 3: Practice the conversations above in groups. Then ask some students to act the conversations out.Step 4: Practice listening. 1. Finish 1b , 2a and 2b.2. Check the answers.Step 5: Exercise 1:用所给词的适当形式填空 1. There_ (not be) English classes tomorrow.2. Do you think there will be _(few) cars and more buses in 50 years.3. I hope there will be less _(pollute) in the future.4. Ann, please get up and _(dress) quickly. 5.Its difficult for robots _( think) like humans. 2 汉译英。 1.将会有更少的污染吗? 不,不会。将会有更多的污染。 2将会有更少的树吗?是的, 会有。 3. 孩子们将不用上学。 4孩子们将在家里用电脑学习。教后记:Section A (3a-4)Studying aim: Go on to learn and recite some important sentences.Step 1: Daily greetings. Show“Studying aim” to the students. Step2: learn and compare the differences. Step 3: Work in groups and finish 3a Step 4: Check the answers.Step 5: Practice the following conversations in groups.-What do you think Sally will be in five years.-I think she will be a -What sport will she play?-She will play., Step 6: Finish 3c by themselves and check in groups. .Step 7: Read and recite the following sentences. Then write them down on the exercise books. 1. 五年前他是一个高中生。2. 现在他在大学。3. 五年后, 他将成为一名医生。4. 你认为Sally 将来会做什么?5. 我认为她将成为一名教师。6. 她将做什么运动?她将打篮球。教后记:Section B (1a2c)Studying aims:1、Improve listening skills.2、Recite some important sentences.Step 1: Daily greetings. Show the studying aims to the students. Step2: Look at 1a and fill in the blanks. Then check the answers. Step 3: Work in groups and finish 1b. Step 4: Listen to the tape and finish 2a, 2b. Let the students listen twice. Then check the answerStep5: Listen and repeat twice .Step 7: Learn the following conversations: -Where do you live?-I live in-Where did you live?-I lived in-Where will you live?-I will live inStep 6: Please do exercises. Recite the following sentences. 1. 我住在公寓里。2. 两年前我做火车上学。3. 我是一个电脑程序设计师。4. 我将成为一名宇航员。5. 我将乘坐火箭飞向月球。教后记:Unit 1 Section B (3a4) Studying aims:1. Learn and understand 3a2. Recite some important sentences. Teaching procedure:Step 1: Daily greetings. Step 2: Show the learning aims to the students.Step 3: Task One Read 3a aloud again and answer the following questions. 1. What do you think Ming will be in ten years?2. Will Ming keep a dog ?Please find these answers within 4 minutes. Then check the answers.Step 4: Task Two. Read 3a silently and finish the chart. Then check the answers.Step 5: Task Three. Read 3a again and find out difficult points. Discuss in groups. Help them if necessary. 点拨:fall in love with in+ 一段时间 alone/lonely. keep a pet every day/ everyday wear/dress/in/put on Then listen to the tape.Step 6: Task Four. Please finish 3b within 4 minutes.Step 7: Class ExercisesPlease recite the following sentences. 1. 十年后,我将成为一名老师。2. 去年我去了上海并爱上了这里。3. 我甚至会养一只宠物鹦鹉。4. 在工作日我会穿得很干练。周末我会随意一些。教后记:Unit 1 ReadingStudying aims:1. Understand Section 2.2. Mater some important phrasesTeaching procedure:Step 1: Daily greetings.Step2: Show the studying aim to the students. Step 3: Task One Read Section 2 aloud and answer the following questions.1. Does everyone think that robots will be able to talk to people in 25 to 50 years?2. Will there be more robots in the future?Then check the answers?Step 4:Read 3a again and find out difficult points. Discuss in groups. 点拨:1. science fiction movies 2. in the future 3. Help with the housework 4.hundreds of 5.try to do 6.the same things as 7. be fun to do 8. Be able to 9. Talk to/with 10. Would not like 11. get bored 12. some, others 13. Look for 14. It seems that . Help them if necessary. Step 4: Read 3a and then listen to the tape Step 5:Class Exercise. Recite the important phrases.自查、互查后默写在作业本上。教后记:Review Unit 1Studying aim: Review the words and sentences of Unit 1.Step 1: Daily greetings. Show“studying aim” to the students. Step 2: Recite the words of Unit 1. Write them down on the paper. Check with your deskmates.Step 3: Recite the sentences of Unit 1. Write them down on the exercise book. Let two students write them on the blackboard. Then check then each other.Step 4: Correct and recite the mistakes. 教后记:Unit 2 What should I do? Section A (1a-2c)Studying aim:Master and use :-What should I do? You should say sorry to your parents.-What should I do?-You should talk with your friend.Teaching procedure: Step1: Daily greetings. Show the studying aim to the students. Step2: Task One Read the sentences in 1a and try to translate these sentences into Chinese. 比谁翻译得正确. Step3:Read 1a aloud.比谁读得流利 . Then practice like that in pairs. Let several groups act out.Step4: Task Two. Listen to the tape and circle the problems you hear in 1a. Listen and finish 2a,circle the word “could” or “should”. Listen again and do 2b. Then read aloud. Step5: Class Exercises. 一、翻译下列句子。 1. -你怎么了?-我的衣服过时了。-可能你应该去买一件新的。 2. -你怎么了?-我的哥哥播放CD声音太大了。3. -她怎么了?-她和好朋友吵架了。 Classwork:做基训第一题。 教后记:Unit 2 Section A Studying aim:Go on grasping the following important sentences:What should I do ?Teaching procedure:Step1: Daily greetings,and show the aim to the students.Step2: Task One. Read the conversation write your idea next to the sentencesThen check the answers.Read conversation together.Step3: Practice 3b like this : A: I need some money to buy gifs for my family. What should I do ? B: I think you should borrow some money from your friend.Step4:Task Two Pair work . Make a list of things Jim could do.Step5: Class Exercises. 做基训第一、二题。 教后记:Unit 2 Section B Studying aims:1. Practice the listening.2. Recite some important sentences.Teaching procedure:Step1: Daily greetings. Show the studying aims to the students. Step2: Task One Read the sentences in 1a.Step3: Task Two Listen to the tape and finish 2a. Then check the answer . Listen again and finish 2b. (2b 有一些难,如果做得不好再听第二遍。) Read after the tape .Step4: Task Three Pair work.Step5: Class Exercises. 一、Recite the following sentences. 1.我的朋友穿和我一样的衣服。 2.我的朋友留着和我一样的发型。 3.我不喜欢我朋友的衣服和发型。 4.它们很时髦。5.它们很昂贵。 Write from your memory. 二、做基训单选题。教后记:Unit 2 Section B Studying aims:1. Learn and understand 3a.2. Recite some important sentences.Teaching procedure:Step1: Daily greetings. Show the studying aims to the students. Step2: Task One 3. Read Section 2 aloud and finish Section 3.Then check the answers.Step 3:Read again and find out difficult points. Discuss in groups. 点拨:1. enough 的用法 2. taketo 3. notuntil4.its time for5.try to do 6.complain about 7. take part in 8. be always doing sth 9. learn to 10. on the one handon the other hand 11. by oneself 12. send to 13. find it +adj.+to do sth.14. seem to do . Help them if necessary. Step 4: Read the article after the tape . Step 5:Class Exercise. Recite the important phrases.自查、互查后默写在作业本上。教后记:Unit 2 Reading Maybe you should learn to relax !Studying aims:3. Learn and understand the article.4. Grasp some important phrases.Teaching procedure:Step1: Daily greetings. Show the aims to the students. Step2: Task One Read the article aloud and try to find the problem.Then check the answers.Step3: Task Two Read 3a silently and find out difficult points.Then discuss in groups.重点的短语: be popular 受欢迎 find out 发现 was invited 被欢迎be + v.(过去分词) 被动语态 else 用于疑问词/不定代词之后 what to do (特殊疑问词+不定式)Step4: Look at 3b and finish it. Step5: Please recite the following sentences. 1. 我总是认为我在学校很受欢迎。2. 除了我,班里其他的每个人都被邀请了。3. 我很失落不知道做些什么。4. 我发现我的朋友们正在为我最好的朋友举行一个生日 派对,但没有邀请我。 Write from your memory.教后记:Unit 2 Review of U2Studying aim: Review the words and sentences of Unit 2.Step 1: Daily greetings. Show“Studying aim” to the students. Step 2: Recite the words of Unit 2. Write them down on the paper. Check with your deskmates.Step 3: Recite the sentences of Unit 2. Write them down on the exercise book. Let two students write them on the blackboard. Then check then each other.Step 4: Correct and recite the mistakes. 教后记:Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?Section A (1a-2c)Learning aim:To know the Past Progressive Tense.Teaching procedureStep 1: Daily greeting. Show“Learning aim” to the students.Step 2: Learn the following conversations: - Where were you when the UFO arrived? - I was in the-What were you doing when the UFO arrived?- I wasStep 3: Practice the conversations above in groups. Then ask some students to act the conversations out.Step 4: Practice the listening. 1. Finish 1b, 2a and 2b.2. Check the answers.Step 5: Class Exercise 一、.把下列动词后加ing stand study clean sleep make get eat cut cook shop walk 二、 汉译英。 1. 当UFO来时你正在做什么?我正在制作奶昔。 2. 当UFO起飞时那个女孩在做什么? 那个女孩正在沿着街走3当外星人走出来时他正在做什么? 他正在逛街。教后记:Section A (3a-4)Learning aims:1. Learn and understand 3a2. Recite some important sentences. Teaching procedure:Step 1: Daily greetings. Step 2: Show the learning aims to the students.Step 3: Task One Read 3a aloud and check “T” or “F”.1.I was sleeping when a UFO landed. ( )2. I didnt follow it to see where it was going. ( )3. While the alien was in the museum, I called the TV station.( ) Please find out these answers within 4 minutes. Then check the answers.Step 4: Task Two. Read 3a silently number the pictures. Then check the answers.Step 5: Task Three. Read 3a again and find out difficult points. Discuss in groups. Help them if necessary. 点拨:unusual/usual in front of/ in the front of leave/ left Isnt that amazing? Then listen to the tape and follow.Step 6: Task Four. Please finish 3b within 4 minutes.Step 7: Class ExercisesPlease recite the following sentences. 1. 上星期上午九点你正在做什么?我正在睡觉。/ 我正在做我的作业。2. 你不是在开玩笑吧?3. 上星期天我有一个不同寻常的经历。4. 我跟着他看他去哪里。5. 不令人惊奇吗?教后记:Section B (1a2c)Learning aims:1、Improve listening skills.2、Recite some important sentences.Step 1: Daily greetings. Show the learning aims to the students. Step2: look at 1a and fill in the blanks. Then check the answers. Step 3: Listen to the tape and finish 2a, 2b. Let the students listen twice. Then check the answers.Step4: Listen and repeat for twice .Step 5: Learn the following conversations: -While John was walking to school -While John was walking to school, he saw a cat in a tree.Step 6: Please do exercises. Recite the following sentences. 1. 看见小猫在一棵树上。2. 打电话给报社。3. 拍照4. 骑自行车5. 当John走路上学时,他看见一只小猫在树上。教后记: Section B (3a4) Learning aims:1. Learn and understand 32. Recite some important sentences. Teaching procedure:Step 1: Daily greetings. Step 2: Show the learning aims to the students.Step 3: Task One Read 3a aloud again and answer the following questions.1. Where was Lindas dog? 2. What was Davy doing when Linda finally saw him? Please find these answers within 4 minutes. Then check the answers.Step 4: Task Two. Read 3a silently and find out the answers to the questions in 3.Then check the answers.Step 5: Task Three. Read 3a again and find out difficult points. Discuss in groups. Help them if necessary. 点拨:at / outside/ around the train station ran away shout at/to came in next to side to Then listen to the tape.Step 6: Task Four. Please finish 3b in groups. Tell the stories with each other.Step 7: Class ExercisesPlease recite the following sentences. 5. 当Linda 正在买报纸时,小狗从盒子里出来跑走了。6. 当她正在打电话时,Davy在车站外见到了另外一只小狗。7. 在他们附近有一个警亭。8. 当Linda 最后看见它时,它正在做什么?Unit 2 ReadingLearning aims:3. Understand Section 2.4. Mater some important phrasesTeaching procedure:Step 1: Daily greetings.Step2: Show the learning aim to the students. Step 3: Task One Read Section 2 aloud and answer the following questions.1. Who was killed on April 4, 1968.2. What did our teacher ask us to do when the bell rang?3. When did Yang go into space?Then check the answers.Step 4:Read 3a again and find out difficult points. Discuss in groups. 点拨:1. for example 2. one of +最高级3. heard from/ about 4. on/ in the playground 5. in silence 6. took place 7. In more recent times 8. not all 9. In space 10. all over the world 11. be killed/ murdered 12. On the moon Help them if necessary. Step 4: Read 3a and then listen to the tape Step 5:Class Exercise. Recite the important phrases.自查、互查后默写在作业本上。教后记:Review Unit 3Learning aim: Review the words and sentences of Unit 3.Step 1: Daily greetings. Show“Learning aim” to the students. Step 2: Recite the words of Unit 3. Write them down on the paper. Check with your deskmates.Step 3: Recite the sentences of Unit 3. Write them down on the exercise book. Let two students write them on the blackboard. Then check then each other.Step 4: Correct and recite the mistakes. 教后记:Unit 4 He said I was hard-working?Section A (1a-2c)Learning aim:Grasp the new structures:sb. +said/told +从句.Teaching procedure: Step1: Daily greetings. Show the learning aim to the students. Step2: Task One Look at 1a and try to translate these sentences into Chinese. 比谁翻译得正确. Step3:Read 1a aloud.比谁读得流利 . Then practice like that in pairs. Let several groups act out.Step4: Task Two. Listen to the tape and number the statements you hear in 1a. Listen and circle true or false for each statement in 2a. Listen again and circle the correct answers in 2b Then read aloud. Step5: Class Exercises. 一、翻译下列句子。1. 他说他对Mary很生气。 2. 她说她正在为Jim举行派对。3. 他说他每周六去沙滩。4. 他告诉我他第二天将会给我打电话。5. 她说她会说三门语言。二、做基训第一题。 教后记:Unit 4 Section A Learning aim:Understand 3a.Teaching procedure:Step1: Daily greetings. Show the learning aims to the students. Step2: Task One Read the 3a aloud and fill in blanks. Discuss in groups and try to understand 3a. 点拨:1、first of all 首先,第一。强调要谈到的第一件事情,通常是就顺序而言。 2、at first 起初,开始时。常暗示后来情况有所变化。 3、first 首先,第一。表示一系列事物或事情中的第一步,第一件。 to understand 3a. Read after the tape.Step3: Task Two Finish 3b. Then check the answer . Step4: Task Three Groupwork . Role play. Use the role play cards to have a conversation. Step5: Class Exercises. 一、Recite the following sentences. 1.首先,Mary告诉Ben她打算为Lara举行一场惊喜的派对。 2.Lara告诉Ben她不在生Mary的气了。 3.并且,她将会在周五晚上去Mary家。 4.我想要把书递给他。5.你被期望今天早上车在站见面。 Write from your memory. 二、做基训单选题。教后记:Unit 4 Section B Learning aim:Go on grasping the language goal.Teaching procedure:Step1: Daily greetings,and show the aim to the students.Step2: Task One. Read the sentences in 1a.Then check the sentences that are true for you.Step3: Practice listening. Listen and fill in the speech bubbles. Listen again .Which is Scotts report card?Step4:Task Two Pair work . Practice the conversation like this : A : What did your math teacher say? B : He said I was hard-working.Step5: Class Exercises. 做基训第一、二题。


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