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九年级英语上册第一次月考测试题听力部分(20分). 情景反应(5分)根据你所听到的内容,选择正确的答语。读两遍 。( )1 . A . It was clould . B . It was Sunday . C . It was June 10th .( )2 . A .Its ten oclock . B .Its 60 yuan . C . there are 30 shirts .( )3 . A . Thats all right . B .Its good. C .Sorry to hear that .( )4 . A . Good idea . B .Help yourself . C .Me , too .( )5 . A .OK .See you later later , Mom . B . OK . goodbye , Mom . C .OK . Good night , Mom.对话理解 (10分)根据你所听到的对话及问题选择正确答案,对话和问题都读两遍 。( )6 .What are they talking about ? A .Buying a birthday present. B .Learning English . C .Having a birthday party .( )7 . What does the woman mean ? A .The man should stop smoking . B . The man should stop drinking coffee C . Drinking coffee is better than smoking .( )8 .What is the most helpful way for Eric to improve his English ?A .Watching English movies . B .Reading magazines. C .practicing speaking English .( )9 .What is the mans attitude(态度) to too much homework? A .To copy others . B .To try his best . C .To forget it .( )10 .What is the girl going to do? A . Go to sleep . B . Get up . C . Sing with the light on .听下面一段对话,回答11至12小题 。( )11 .Where does woman want to go ? A .Bookstore . B . hospital . C . Cinema .( )12 .How may she go there ? A . By taxi . B . On foot . C . By bus .听下面一段对话,回答13至15小题 。( )13 .Where did Jenny go last week? A . a foreign country . B . Shanghai . C . the farm .( )14 .How was the weather there ? A . Sunny . B . Windy . C .Rainy .( )15 .What did Jenny think of the people there ? A .Patient and friendly . B .Friendly and polite . C . Polite and patient .短文理解.根据你所听到的短文的内容及问题选择正确答案,短文和问题各读两遍( )16 .How old was Bill ? A . He was 16 . B . He was 30 . C . He was 60 .( )17.What was wrong with Bill ?A. He caught a bad cold . B. He was always thirsty. C .He was always tired .( )18 . When did Bill go to see the doctor . A . Yesterday morning . B . Last week . C .Last month .( )19 .Why did Bill become ill . A . Because he drank too much beer . B . Because he drank too much milk . C . Because he worked too hard .( )20 .Which of the following is true ?A . Bills wife liked drinking milk . B . The doctors face was very red . C . Bill thought only a baby liked drinking milk .笔试部分(100分).单项选择(本题15小题,每小题1分,共计15分)( )21 _ do you study for the coming English tests? _ listening to the tape every day. A. How, With B. Why, For C. How, By D. Where, To( )22 We shouldnt _the poor children and we should help them.A. laugh at B. laugh C. be laughed D. laughed at ( )23. He will go to the movies _ staying at home this weekend.A. but B. instead of C. without D. instead( )24. _ great day! The sun shines brightly. A . What aB. WhatC. HowD. How a( )25. _, we found the boy won the prize.A. In surprise B. To our surprise C. To ours surpriseD . To his surprise ( )26. Mother_ us stories when we were young.A. is used to telling B. used to tell C. used to telling D. was used to tell( )27. Im sorry to keep you waiting so long.-_ A. I dont think so B. Dont say so C. It doesnt matter D. Id love to( )28. Have you read todays morning paper? -Not_. Whats the latest news about H1N1 disease? A. only B. yet C. never D. just( )29 . Moon-cakes are _the shape of a full moon_the Mid-Autumn night.A. on; in B. on; at C. in; at D. in; on( )30. There was a boy _ on the grass. A. lies B. lying C. to lie D. lay( )31. If you dont know how to use a word, you can _in a dictionary.A. look for it B. look up it C. look if for D. look it up( )32. Why dont you _that silly hat?A .stop wearing B. to stop to wear C. to stop wear D. stops wearing( )33. The teacher told us that light _ much faster than sound .A . travels B .traveled C .would travel D. had traveled ( )34.Do you know if _ back next ? If he _ back , please let me know .A .he comes; will come B .will he come; comesC .he will come ; comes D. will he come ; will come( )35. - Could you please tell me _ next Monday ? -It will start at 7:30 . A .when did the English report start B . when will the English report start C . when the English report started D. when the English report will start .完型填空(本题共10小题,每小题1分,共计10分)根据短文内容,从A.B.C.D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。All parents love their children . Many parents want their kids to 36 well-known people when they 37 .Most of them want their kids to live better than others. Many of them 38 their kids will be singers or actors. Actors and singers can 39 money easily in our country. When they appear in the advertisement, they will get 40 money which a farmer or a worker cant make all his life. Some of the parents want their kids to be businessmen 41 doctors. If they work hard, they will have cars and big houses in several 42 .Some parents want their kids to work in cities and towns .They dont 43 them to work in the countryside . People who work in the cities and towns can get money after the 44 .If you are a famous man, especially an actor, youll get much but pay a little. A farmer is 45 -he gets little but pays much. ( )36. A. do B. become C. like D. work ( )37. A. grow up B. get up C. stand up D. set up ( )38. A. make B. like C. love D. hope ( )39. A. lose B. make C. remember D. take ( )40. A. many B. a little C. much D. a few ( )41. A. or B. and C. but D. else ( )42. A. days B. weeks C. years D. months ( )43. A. play B. need C. enjoy D. want ( )44.A.retire B. leave C. die D. move( )45. A. happy B. different C. rich D. lucky . 阅读理解(本题共15小题,每小题分,共计3分)A. Little Tom down the street calls our dog The keep dog.Zip is a sheep dog. But when Tom tries to say Seep, it comes out keep. And in a way Tom is right. Zip is always bringing things home for us to keep! Ill tell you about some of them.Zips first present was a shoe. It was made of green silk . We didnt know how Zip found the shoe. But after a moment Mary, my big sister, told me the shoe had a strange smell. I nodded(点头)and held my nose. What do you think it is? It smells like something for cleaning. I think someone tried to clean a spot (污点) off the shoe. Then he put it at the door to dry. I said. We should take it back. We cant .said my sister . I know we cant, I said.We dont know where Zip found it.” Maybe little Tom is right, Mary said. Maybe Zip is a keep dog!( )46. The writer and Mary didnt know_. A. what Zips first present was B. how Zip carried its first present home C. who owned Zips first present D. what Zips first present was made of( )47. Tom calls Zip the keep dog because _. A. the dog likes keeping things B. the dog likes playing with shoes C. he doesnt know the dogs name D. he cant pronounce the word sheep well( ) 48.What made the shoe strange was _. A. its colour B. its smell C. its sizeD. that it was a silk one( ) 49.The word keep in the last sentence means _ A. keeping things for itself B. bringing things for other to keep C. not letting it run about D. taking care of a small child( ) 50.We can know from the reading that the dog _. A. likes to give presents to people B. has been kept in at the writers home C. has brought some trouble D. likes to be called the keep dogBHe is quiet and shy. He likes to hide his eyes behind his hair. He doesnt smile very often. However, if you talk to him about music, hell have a lot to say. This is Jay Zhou, the 24-year-old Taiwanese pop king(天王). His fans are so excited because he will sing songs in Beijing on September 12. Those songs are from his new album (唱片), Ye Huimei, and the album was released (发行) in July and was named after his mother. Zhou grew up just with his mother. He did not talk much and did badly in many school subjects. His mother noticed the boys special interest in music and sent him to learn piano when he was only three years old. He loved it and kept on practicing. Zhou is not very handsome. He does not speak clearly when he sings or talks. But the singer has huge crowds of fans. He is really good at music. It makes him attractive (有魅力 的) to me, said Liu Jiajun , a Junior 2 student in No. 101 Middle School in Beijing. He is true to himself. He never follows others, said Zhang Yujie , a Junior 1 girl at Huaibei Middle School in Sihong , Jiangsu Province. ( )51. From this passage, we know that Jay Zhou_. A. is very handsome B. has a bright smileC. often makes too much noise D. is a pop music star( )52. His fans are so excited because_. A. he released a new album in JulyB. he will sing new songs in BeijingC. he can play the piano very wellD. his new album was named after his mother( )53. When he was a little child, he_. A. talked a lot every day B. did well in his study at schoolC. started to like music D. had huge crowds of fans( )54. According to one of his fans, Jay_. A. is a good student B. has long and beautiful hair C. is a well-known pianist D. is very attractive to them( )55. The sentence He never follows others in the last paragraph means_. A. he always has his own style(风格) B. he likes to walk aloneC. he doesnt like other peoples songs at all D. no one can catch up with him.CIf you look at the sky one night and see something moving and shining that you have never seen before, it might be a comet (彗星).A comet sometimes looks like a star. Like a planet, a comet has no light of its own. It shines from the sunlight it reflects (反射). Like the earth, a comet goes round the sun, but on a much longer path (轨道) than the earth travels. If a comet isnt a star, what is it then? Some scientists think that a large part of a comet is water frozen into pieces of ice and mixed with iron and rock dust and perhaps a few big pieces of rock. When sunshine melts (融化) the ice in the comet, great clouds of gas go trailing after it. These clouds, together with the dust, form a long tail. Many people perhaps have seen a comet. However no one knows how many comets there are. There may be millions of comets, but only a few come close enough for us to see.An Englishman named Edmund Halley, who lived from 1656 to 1742, found out a lot about the paths that comets take through the sky. Some comets move out of our sight and never come back. Others keep coming back at regular times. A big comet that keeps coming back was named after Halley because he was the one who worked out when it would come back again. Maybe you have ever seen Halleys Comets because the last time it came close to the sun and the earth was in the year 1986. Then people all over the world were outside at night to look at it. You will probably be ableto see Halleys Comets when it comes near the earth again.( ) 56. A comet is like _. A. sun B. moon C. sunlight D. the earth( )57. A large part of a comet is _. A.water and rock B. water frozen into pieces of ice and mixed with iron C. ice, iron and rock dust D. only a few big pieces of rock( )58. Maybe many people _. A. havent seen any comets B. have seen all comets C. have seen a comet at daytime D. have seen a comet( )59. Some comets keep coming back _. A. at any time B. at noon C. at regular times D. at daytime( )60. Halleys Comets came back _. A. in 1990 B. in 1980 C. in 1986 D. in 1989 第二卷(非选择题 共45分) .根据句子的意思填写单词 。(共8分,没小题1分)61. Do you know the difference_ “beside and besides?62. The sun rises in the _.63. He is a thief . He often _ things from others.64. _usually falls on December 25 and it is the most important in the US .65. Students shouldnt pay more _to clothes than their studies .66 . The hen _ five eggs last week .67 . A good teacher must be _ with students .68 . Its an _ coat , its only 100 yuan . . 句型转换(每空一个单词,一空1分,共8分)69 . I found that learning English well was important . I found _ _ to learn English well .70 . Is he right or not ? I wondered .I wondered _ he _ right.71 . Can you tell me how I can get to the park ? Can you tell me _ _ to the park ?72 . I know the boy , his name is Bob . I like the boy _ _ . . 选择下列单词并用其正确形式填空。(6分) begin, die, delicious , remind , fly , lie73 . His mother is _ in bed because she is ill .74 . Easter celebrates the _ of new life .75 . He was sad because of his dogs _ .76 . The music often _ me of my hometown . 77 . Change _ up to the moon after she drank the medicine .78 . How _ the mooncakes are ! . 任务型阅读 。(共8分,每一任务2分).Whenever the sun dropped and the blue sky came up, my father and I used to climb the mountain near my house. Walking together, my father and I used to have a lot of conversations through which I learned lessons from his experiences. He always told me, “ You should have goals(目标) like climbing the mountain.” Without the mountain climbing that we both enjoyed, we couldnt have enough time to spend together because my father was very busy. I really got a lot from the mountain climbing. It gave me time to talk with my father and to be in deep thought as well as develop my patience(耐力). Once we climbed a very high mountain. It was so challenging(有挑战性的) for me because I was only ten years old. During the first few hours of climbing, I enjoyed the flowers and trees, and the birds singing. But as time passed, I got a pain (痛)in both of my legs. I wanted to give up climbing, but my father said to me, “You can always see a beautiful sky at the top of the mountain, but you cant see it before reaching the top. Only there can you see all of the nice things, which is just like your life.” At that time, 我太小以至于不能理解他的话. But later after that, I got to know the meaning of hope in life. I found myself standing at the top of the mountain, and the sky was as clear ascrystal(水晶).任务一:Did the writer and his father often climb the mountain in the morning? _.任务二:从文中找出含有下列英语意思的单词或词组。 dont want to continue : _ a feeling that believe yourself : _任务三:Why did the writer want to give up climbing the high mountain ._任务四:将文中划线句子翻译成英语 :姓名:_ 班级:_.书面表达 15分九年级了,林涛感到学习英语非常困难,于是在英语周报网站发了如何学好英语的帖子。假如你是编辑史密斯,请给林涛一个满意的答复。答复内容必须包含以下要点:1、学习英语并不困难,但需要付出努力。2、给他提三条以上学好英语的建议或方法。3、鼓励他好好学习,不要放弃。注意:书写要规范、工整;不少于60词。Dear Lin Tao, _I hope you will make great progress in the future. Yours, Mr. Smith 第一卷(选择题共75分)123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960第二卷(非选择题 共45分) .根据句子的意思填写单词 。(共8分,没小题1分)61. _ 62 . _ 63 ._ 64 . _65. _ 66 . _ 67 ._ 68 . _ . 句型转换(每空一个单词,一空1分,共8分)69 . _ _ 70 . _ _71. _ _ 72 . _ _ . 选择下列单词并用其正确形式填空。(6分)73. _ 74 . _ 75 ._ 76. _ 77 . _ 78 ._ . 任务型阅读 。(共8分,每一任务2分).任务一:_任务二:_任务三:_任务四:_

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