中考英语突破复习 教材梳理 八上 Units 1-10试题 人教新目标版

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八年级上教材梳理Units 131_adj.精彩的;极好的 2._adj.最多的;大多数的 3._pron.你自己;你亲自4_adj.无聊的;厌烦的 5._n日记 6._vi.似乎;好像7_n活动 8._v决定;选定 9._v尝试;努力10_n商人 11._v惊奇;想知道;怀疑 12._n差异;不同13_n顶部;顶 14._adj.湿的;雨天的 15._prep.到下面16_conj.如同;像一样 17._adj.足够的 adv.足够地 18._v不喜欢;厌恶 19_n家务劳动 20._adv.几乎不;几乎没有 21._adv.曾经;在任何时候22_adv.一次;曾经 23._adv.两倍;两次 24._n节目;程序25_adj.满的;充满的 26._n摇摆;秋千v.摇摆 27._adv.或许;也许;可能28_adj.最小的;最少的 29._n健康 30._n结果;后果31_adj.百分之的 32._adj.在线的adv.在线地 33._conj.虽然;尽管34_prep.穿过;凭借 35._adj.这样的;如此的 36._adv.共同;一起37_v死;枯竭;消失 38._n牙科医生 39._n杂志40_adv.几乎;差不多 41._pron.没有一个,毫无 42._adj.更少的;较少的43_adj.外向的 44._adj. &adv.更好的 45._adv.大声地;高声地46_adv.安静地;平静地 47._adj.勤勉的;努力工作的 48._n竞争;比赛49_adj.极好的;了不起的 50._adv.清楚地;显然地 51._v赢;赢得;获胜52_conj.虽然;尽管 53._adj.有才能的;有天赋的 54._adv.真正,确实55_adj.严肃的;严重的 56._adj.必要的;必然的 57._adj.两者都58_vt.触摸;感动 59._v到达;伸出;达成 60._n心脏;内心61_v打碎;折断;违背 62._v笑;嘲笑 n笑声 63._vt.分享,共享64_adj.最初的,最早的 65._n信息;资料1相当多;不少(后接可数名词)_2.当然_3去度假_ 4.为而学习_5想(做某事)_ 6.在过去_7四处走走_ 8.因为_9找出;查明_ 10.继续_11重要的事_ 12.上上下下_13例如;诸如_ 14. 帮助做家务_15在周末_ 16.多久一次 _17每周一次_ 18.熬夜;睡得很晚_19至少_ 20.进行体育活动_21对有好处_ 22.一点儿也不_1Still no one seemed to be bored.仍然没有人看起来很无聊。点拨:seem 形容词看起来You seem happy today._ 似乎、好像做某事 I seem to have a cold _ 从句看起来好像;似乎 It seems that no one believes you. _好像,似乎 It seems like a good idea. 2It was sunny and hot, so we decided to go to the beach near our hotel.那天阳光明媚,有些热,所以我们决定去宾馆附近的海滩。点拨:_决定做某事 They decide to visit the museum.decide 疑问词 动词不定式 He can not decide when to leave.3too many 太多,后接可数名词复数: too much 太多,修饰不可数名词,修饰动词作状语。We have _ work to do. Dont eat _eggs.much too 太,修饰形容词或副词。The hat is _big for me. 分辨口诀: too much, much too, 用法区别看后头: much 后接不可数, too 后修饰形或副。too many 要记住,后面名词必复数。4And because of the bad weather, we couldnt see anything below.由于糟糕的天气,我们在下面什么也没看到。点拨:because of 介词短语,“因为,由于”,后接名词、代词或动名词,不能接句子。He cant take a walk _ the rain.because 连词,“因为”,引导状语从句,表示直接明确的原因或理由。I dont buy the shirt_it was too expensive.5How often do you play sports? Three times a week.你多久做一次运动?一周三次。点拨:_ 多久一次,用来提问动作发生的频率。回答用:everyday, once a week, twice a month等词语。_多长,用来询问多长时间,也可询问某物有多长。How long does it take to get to Shanghai from here? How long is the ruler?_多远, 用来询问距离,指路程的远近。How far is it from here to the park? Its about 2 kilometers.6How come?怎么会?怎么回事?表示某件事情很奇怪,有点想不通;可单独使用,也可引导一个问句,相当于疑问句 why, 但 how come开头的特殊疑问句使用的仍然是陈述语序。How come Tom didnt come to the party? _?7We found that only fifteen percent of our students exercise every day.我们发现我们的学生只有百分之十五每天锻炼。find 宾语 名词: We have found _.我们发现他是一个好男孩。find 宾语 形容词: He found _. 他发现这个房间很脏。find 宾语 现在分词: I found _ at the door. 我发现她正站在门口。(一)单项选择()1.Dont talk to Tommy like that. Hes only _ elevenyearold boy. Aa Ban Cthe D/()2.Im thirsty. I want to drink some _. What about you, Linda?I want to eat some fruit. Can you give me some _?Aorange; oranges Boranges; orangesCorange; orange Doranges; orange()3.There is _with my computer. Can you help me mend it?Awrong something Banything wrong Cwrong anything Dsomething wrong()4.Is your room _ for you?Yes, I can play with lots of friends in it. Anew enough Benough new Cbig enough Denough big()5.The cake looks _.Yes, and it tastes even _. Awell; good Bnice; better Cgood;worse Dbetter; best()6.Although I want to buy a computer, _ I dont have enough money. A/ Bbut Cso Dand()7.The good news made me _ very relaxed.Afeel Bto feel Cfeeling Dfelt()8.He studies _ at Japanese, but he can still _ speak Japanese.Ahard; hardly Bhardly; hardly Chard; hard Dhardly; hard()9.Mary is busy _ her homework now.Ato do Bdo Cdoing Ddoes ()10.The room is _ clean _ it was yesterday.Sorry, I forgot to clean it.Aas; as Bso; as Cnot so; as Dmore; than()11.I have been to Shanghai. I _ there last month.Ago Bwent Chave gone Dwill()12.Its not easy for me _ English well.Astudy Bstudying Cto study Dstudies()13.85 percent of the students in our school _ from Guangdong.Ais Bare Cwas Dwere()14._ does your brother surf the Internet? Once a week. AHow long BHow often CHow many DHow soon()15.We are in _ same school, but we are in different _.Athe; class B/; classes Cthe; classes D/; classes()16.The letter from my uncle was short. There wasnt _ news. Amany Ba few Cmuch Dfew()17.I believe that _ you work, _ result you will get.Athe harder; the better Bthe hardest; the bestCthe greater; the worse Dthe more; the more()18.He wonders_. Awhere Jim lives Bwhere does Jim liveCwhere Jim live Dwhere does Jim lives ()19.When did your uncle arrive _ China? He got to Guangzhou _ the morning of the 16th of April. Aat; in Bin; in Cto; on Din; on ()20.Would you mind if I sit here?_. Its for Miss Zhang. ABetter not BNever mind CNot at all DOf course not (二)完形填空Do you think of your parents? “Yes, of course,” you may answer, “I buy a present for my mother on_1_. And I give my father a present on Fathers Day, _2_”Then what about the other days of a year? Always_3_to think of your parents, not just on some important days.I have a friend who_4_alone, because her parents live in another city. One day I went to see her. We had a nice chat. Then she wanted to make a_5_. She dialed the number, but then she put the phone_6_. After about ten seconds, she dialed the number again, “Hi, Mum”Later I asked, “Why did you dial the number_7_? ”She smiled, “My parents are old. They cant get close to the telephone_8_. I always do so when I call them. I just want to give them_9_time to answer the call.”My friend is a good girl. She is always_10_her parents. You also want to be a good child, right? So why not learn from her?()1.A.Fathers Day BMothers Day CTeachers Day DMothers Day()2.A.too Balso Ceither Dyet()3.A.refuse Bforget Cdecide Dremember()4.A.live Blives Clived Dliving()5.A.face Bcard Ccall Dcake()6.A.up Boff Cdown Don()7.A.once Btwice Cseveral times Dmany times()8.A.lonely Bslowly Cquietly Dquickly()9.A.less Blittle Cenough Da lot()10.A.thinking of Blaughing at Cpicking up Dlooking for(三)短文填空It was Sunday. The weather was very fine. The students of Class One went out for a _1_. They went by _2_ with fruits, vegetables, meat, cookers and some _3_ things. At about half past ten, they _4_ at the foot of a hill. There was a big lake and many green trees there. Birds were singing and the air was very fresh. The students were _5_ preparing for the picnic. Some of them were getting _6_ from the lake, some were washing vegetables and fruits, and others were putting a big cloth _7_ the grass. At about twelve oclock the lunch was ready.After lunch, they had a good time by singing, dancing, drinking and talking. At three oclock, they began to _8_ the hill. The hill was quite _9_, but they all tried to reach the _10_ of it. On the hill, they felt very excited and all cheered.1_2._3._4._5._6_7._8._9._10._八年级上教材梳理Units 46(这是边文,请据需要手工删加)八年级上教材梳理Units 461_n剧场;电影院 2._adj.舒适的;充裕的 3._n屏幕;银幕4_adj.最坏的;最差的 5._v选择;决定 6._adv.小心地;认真地7_n记者 8._adj.新鲜的;清新的 9._adv.舒服地10_adj.更坏的;更差的 11._v服务 12._adv.相当地adj.漂亮13_n一餐;膳食 14._adj.创造的,创造性的 15._n天赋;才能16_n魔术师 17._n奖品;奖金 18._adj.可怜的;贫穷的19_n新闻;消息 20.adj.教育的;有教育意义的 21._n. &v.打算;计划22_v&n.希望 23._n讨论;谈论 24._v站立;忍受25_vi.发生;碰巧 26._v预期;期待;盼望 27._adj.无意义的28_n行为;活动 29._n卡通;漫画 30._adj.著名的;有名的31_v变成;成为 32._adj.富有的;丰富的 33._adj.成功的;圆满的34_adj.主要的;最重要的 35._n原因;理由 36._vt.丢失;失败 vi.失败37_adj.简单的;易做的 38._n军队;陆军 39._n工程师40_n小提琴手 41._n飞行员 42._n钢琴家43_n科学家 44._n大学 45._n教育46_n药,医学 47._n文章,论文 48._v邮寄,发送49_adj.外国的 50._v讨论,商量 51._n承诺,诺言52_v改进,改善 53._n业余爱好 54._adj.本人的,拥有55_adj.个人的,私人的 56._n关系;联系1离近_ 2.到目前为止_3共同;共有_ 4.世界各地;全世界_5例如 _ 6.认真对待 _7认为_ 8.(梦想、希望)实现;达到_9查明;弄清楚_ 10.从获得;向学习_11尽某人最大努力_ 12.打扮;梳理_13代替;替换_ 14.干得好_15碰巧做某事_ 16.盼望做某事_17成长;长大_ 18.对有把握_1the other, the others, other, others, another 辨析_ 表示特指两个或者两部份中的另一个或另一部分,可直接接单数名词或复数名词。表示两个中的一个另一个时,常用_。例:He has two brothers, one is a teacher, _is a doctor.There are forty students in our class, twentyone are girls, _nineteen are boys._特指某一范围内的其他的(人或物),是the other的复数形式,相当于the other复数名词。the other 名词复数any other 名词单数。例:You two stay here, _ go with me. other 作代词或形容词,可修饰可数名词单数或复数。例:We learn Chinese, maths, English and _ subjects.others作代词,泛指“其他的人或物”。例:Some students are doing homework, _ are talking loudly.another 泛指同类事物中的三者或三者以上的“另一个”,只能代替或修饰单数可数名词。例:I dont like this one. Please show me _ one. 2I like to follow the story and see what happens next.我喜欢跟着故事情节看接下来会发生什么事。(1) happen v发生,一般指偶然发生,主语为事,不能为人。sth. happens to sb.某人发生了某事A traffic accident _ his elder brother yesterday. 昨天他哥发生了交通事故。sth happens 地点/时间,意为:某地/某时发生了某事An accident happened on Park Street.公园街发生了一起事故。(2) happen v,表示“碰巧”,主语可以是人,后常跟动词不定式to,表示“碰巧”sb. happens to do sth. 某人碰巧做某事I _ my uncle on the street.在街上我碰巧看到了我叔叔。(3)take place 意为“发生,举行,举办”,一般指非偶然性事件的“发生”,即这种事件的发生一定有某种原因或事先的安排。例:Great changes have taken place in China.The meeting _ next Friday. 下周将举行一次会议。3,but you can expect to learn a lot from them,但你能期待从他们身上学到很多,expect v. 期待,盼望,预期,后常接四种结构:1)expect 名词/代词,期待某事/某人,预计可能发生。Im_Li Lins letter.2)_ 预计做某事Lily expects to come back next week.3)expect sb. to do sth.I _ early. 我期待我妈妈早点回来。4)expect 从句预计I expected_. 我预计我下周一回来。4He is a serious man.他是一个严肃的人。_ adj. 严肃的,认真的。_对某人/某事当真Peter is serious about Jenny. He wants to get married to her._对某事当真Hes serious about selling his house.5when 与 while 的区别_表示“当时候”,既指时间点,又指一段时间,when 引导的时间状语从句中的动词可以是终止性的也可以是延续性的。When the teacher came in, the students were talking.When she arrives, Ill call you._表示“当时候”,仅指一段时间,从句中的动作必须是延续性的,一般强调主从句的动作同时发生, while还可以作并列连词,意为“而、却”,表示对比关系。Lisa was singing while her mother was playing the piano.Tom is strong while his younger brother is week.6Im going to practice basketball every day.我打算每天练习篮球。everyday 与 every day 区别_adj. 每天的;在句中作定语,位于名词前。This is our everyday homework._副词短语, 在句中作状语,位于句首或句末。He reads books every day. (一)单项选择()1.He doesnt play _ basketball well, but he plays _piano wonderfully.Athe;/ Bthe; the C/;the D/;/()2.I dont like this backpack. Please show me _one.Aother Bthe other Canother Dthe another()3.My borther is _ than any other boy in his class. Aathleticer Bmore athletic Cathletic Dmost athletic()4._ does your brother go to the library? Once a week. AWhen BHow often CWhat DHow soon()5.Whats she doing this summer holiday? She_ for her sister. Ababysits Bbabysitter Cis babysitting Dbabysat()6.Whats today? I dont know. Lets look at the_.Acalendar Bnotebook Cschoolwork Dpostcard()7.Can you come to my birthday party? _AThats too bad. BNo, they cant. CSure, Id love to. DI dont love.()8.Although I want to buy a computer, _ I dont have enough money. A/ Bbut Cso Dand()9.The mother tiger knows that the baby tiger cant look_ itself. Afor Bat Cafter Dup ()10.It takes_ two hours _ every day. AI;read Bmy;read Cme;to read Dme;reading()11.She often gets to school_ her bike. Aat Bby Cover Don()12.Im going bike riding to the Great Wall after I finish _ the book. Ato write Bwrites Cwriting Dwrote()13.She should _ a dentist if she has a toothache. Alook at Bwatch Clook Dsee()14.You shouldnt _ a baby alone in the house. Ato leave Bleave Cleaving Dleft()15.Your book is on the desk. _ is in my bag.AMy BMine CI DMe()16.My mother doesnt _. She had a bad cold. Afeel well Bfeeling well Cfeeling good Dfeels good()17.Liu Ying is not_ good at sports_ her sister.Amuch;than Ba little;than Cas;so Dso;as()18.He wants to know_. Awhere Jim lives Bwhere does Jim liveCwhere Jim live Dwhere does Jim lives ()19.An hour means _ minutes. Asixth Bsixty Csixteen Dsix()20._? I have a fever. AHow ofen do you exercise BWhats the matterCWhere are you going DWhat do you do(二)完形填空Jimmy is five years _1_. He is a lovely boy. He plays_2_ other children in a small park each day. The park is near his building. His mother buys new clothes for_3_. The clothes are expensive and nice. Jimmy is very happy. “Mom, can I go out and play with my friends? I want them to _4_ my new clothes,” asks Jimmy. “Yes, please keep your clothes _5_,”says his mother. “Im going to do some cooking. Well _6_ supper after your father comes back.” _7_ six oclock Jimmys father comes back from work, Jimmy goes home for supper.“Why do you have so much earth(泥土)on your clothes?”_8_ his mother. “Because I have some falls(跌倒),”answers Jimmy.“You shouldnt make the nice _9_ dirty,”says the mother. “Im sorry, Mom,”says Jimmy, “I had _10_ time to take off(脱下)my clothes when I fell.”()1.A.young Bold Cshort Dtall()2.A.with Bto Cfor Dabout()3.A.he Bhis Cher Dhim()4.A.meet Blook Csee Dwatch()5.A.clean Bnice Cblue Dbig()6.A.keep Bget Chave Dhas()7.A.With BAbout COf DAt()8.A.tells Basks Csees Dsays()9.A.clothes Bshorts Cshirt Dsweater()10.A.much Bno Cmany Dlots(三)读写综合A信息归纳下面是一篇有关Tom的短文。根据所提供的信息,完成信息卡内容。Tony, a 14yearold Chinese school boy, lives in Guangzhou with his parents. Tony is his English name. Tony began to love computer games three years ago. Every day, he spends most of his time playing computer games. Usually he plays until midnight in his room. But his parents dont know. And he never takes sports. Whats more, he loves junk food very much. He eats it more than four times a day. Bad lifestyle makes him unhappy. He is tired in class. So he cant study well. And he is often ill. Yesterday he had a fever and cough, and he didnt go to school. Information Card 1Is Tony an English boy?2How old is Tony?3Does Tony exercise every day? 4How often does Tony eat junk food? 5What was the matter with Tony yesterday? B.书面表达假如你是Tony的朋友Carl, 你知道Tony生病了。请写一封email问候他,并对他的学习和生活给予一些好建议:希望他认真学习,不要玩太多的电子游戏,少吃垃圾食品,多进行体育锻炼,同时你也相信他能好好学习,身体健康。(单词数70个左右。)Dear Tony,Im sorry that you were ill yesterday._Yours, Carl八年级上教材梳理Units 710(这是边文,请据需要手工删加)八年级上教材梳理Units 7101_n污染;污染物 2._n未来 3._v污染4_n环境 5._n行星 6._v种植,n.植物7_n和平 8._n空间;太空 9._adv.甚至;愈加10_n人;人类adj.人的 11._adj.危险的 12._adv.已经13_n工厂 14._v相信 15._v不同意16_n形状 17._v倒塌;跌倒 18._adj.不可能的19_v倒;倾倒 20._n酸奶 21._n蜂蜜22_n勺,调羹 23._v增加 24._adv.最后,最终25_n糖 26._n干酪,奶酪 27._n玉米,谷物28_n机器 29._n


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