中考英语命题研究 第二编 语法专题突破篇 专题八 动词 第二节 动词短语(精练)试题1

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中考英语命题研究 第二编 语法专题突破篇 专题八 动词 第二节 动词短语(精练)试题1_第1页
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中考英语命题研究 第二编 语法专题突破篇 专题八 动词 第二节 动词短语(精练)试题1_第2页
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第二节动词短语(A )1.(2016贵港中考)Why do you_Bill?Because he is a hero.Alook up toBlook upClook through( C )2.(2016贵港中考)Well,its time to_for the train station.Yes.Our train will leave in an hour.Ahand outBgive outCset out( C )3.(2016河南中考)Almost every university now has a website which allows us to_the information about it.Alook atBlook afterClook through( A )4.(2016海南中考)I want to be a scientist like Tu Youyou when I_in the future.Agrow upBwake upCstay up( B )5.(2016来宾中考)Your toys are here and there.Please_,Linda.Aput away fromBput them awayCput them out( C )6.(2016永州中考)The school sports meeting will be_because of the heavy rain.Aput up Bput on Cput off( A )7.(2016河北中考)We need to do some research to_the answer.Afind outBlook outChand out( C )8.(2016黄冈中考)You arent supposed to smoke in public.Its bad for our health.Sorry,I will_my cigarette right now.Agive upBput downCput out( C )9.(2016南宁中考)Whats the meaning of“secretary”?Let me_the word in the dictionary.Alook atBlook forClook up( B )10.(2016孝感中考)Many teenagers_the old and they often offer their seats to them on buses.Adepend onBcare forClaugh at( C )11.(2016淮安中考)Its cold outside,Sandy.Youd better_your coat to keep warm.Aput up Bput out Cput on( C )12.(2016襄阳中考)You like to drink coffee,dont you?Yes.But Im_drinking tea,too.Aable to Bsimilar to Cused to( A )13.(2016益阳中考模拟)Spring has come.We cant_ the plan.The trees must be planted this week.Aput offBmake upCcome up with( B )14.(2016湘潭中考模拟)When will your new book _?It has not been decided yet.Afind outBcome outClook up( C )15.(2016怀化中考模拟)This bus doesnt go to the train station.Im afraid youll have to _ at the library and take the A52.Atake offBput offCget off( A )16.(2016怀化中考模拟)Do you _ your son after school?No.He comes back home on the school bus.Apick upBlook afterCdrop in( C )17.(2017原创预测)CoCo Lee was born in Hong Kong but _ in America.Apicked upBgave upCgrew up( A )18.(2017原创预测)After hours of discussion,we finally_ a new way to solve the problem.Acame up withBcaught up withCkept up with( A )19.(2017原创预测)We should think of others if we want to _them.Aget on well withBhear ofCget ready for( C )20.(2017原创预测)Mr.Wang is _ his wallet at home,but he cant find it anywhere.Alooking outBlooking upClooking for


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