Period 2:reading,Wildlife Protection,the Voice of the Wildlife,especially endangered wild animals,A Sad World !,“ We Tibetan antelopes live a hard life at high altitude of Tibet . We are being killed only because the human beings have a fancy for our wool .”,As a result of illegal hunting, the number has been decreasing continuously and is now a mere 50,000 animals.,Little antelope could not find his mother.,People didnt protect the nature. They destroyed it wilfully.,“ Where is our next meal ? My darling ! ”,Food Shortage !,“ We were a large group before the 1950s , we became endangered through over-hunting .,Now about 30 of us are alive in the wild . Those in zoos lost their natural skills , such as hunting and killing .”,People kill us for our fur, which can be made into beautiful and expensive fur coat.,People killed us simply to satisfy their desire to eat.,Why are they endangered?,1. habitat destroyed 2.pollution 3. a lack of food 4.hunting 5.change of climate,What can we do to help endangered animals?,protect their habitats and create new ones set up nature reserves or natural protection area(自然保护区) protect the environment limit hunting stop buying clothes made of their furs ask people to protect wildlife,Now lets travel with Daisy,Fast reading,1.Where did Daisy go? And who took her there?,2.What kind of animal did she meet in each place?,Tibet Zimbabwe Rain forest,A flying chair,Antelope Elephant monkey,Careful Reading,Paragraph 1,1. How did the antelope feel? 2. Why do people kill them? 3. What may happen to Tibetan antelopes in three years?,Careful-reading,1.How did the antelope feel?,3.What may happen to Tibetan antelopes in three years?,2.Why do people kill them?,The antelope felt sad.,In three years they may all be gone.,People kill them to get fur to make sweaters.,Their fur is _ _ to make sweaters by people.,being used,Paragraph 2&3,1.How did the elephant feel?,The elephant felt excited.,2. How did farmers change their attitudes towards the elephants? And why?,dislike,like,destroyed their farms,with the help of government ,tour companies,farmers,make money from,give a lot of money to,happy with,3.At last what did Daisy say to the elephant?,Shed like to help as the WWF suggests.,suggest (建议) + something /doing something /that (shoud) do,meat,tusk,Paragraph 4&5,1.Why did the monkey rub itself?,2.What does the sentence “No rain forest, no animals and no drugs ”mean?,1.Why did the monkey rub itself?,It rubbed to protect itself from mosquitoes.,protect. from /against 保护 免受,Prevent/stop/keep. from,阻止 ,1.He is wearing sunglasses to _ his eyes from strong sunlight. 2.The heavy rain _ us from going to school.,protect,prevented / stopped/kept,2.What does the sentence “No rain forest, no animals and no drugs ”mean?,The thick rain forest is important for animals,Decide whether each of the following statements is T or F.,1.Every year over 72,000 Tibetan antelopes are killed. 2.The antelope has been protected by far. 3.The elephant used to be well protected . 4.There is not any hunting in Zimbabwe more . 5.Looking after the rain forest can help with wildlife protection. 6. There are no animals or no drugs in rain forests.,T,F,F,F,F,F,Consolidation,Put the following sentence in the right order: 1. In the dream ,she flew in a wonderful chair to talk with an antelope in Tibet. 2. Later she flew to Zimbabwe and talked with an elephant and knew the farmers no longer hunted them. 3. Although finally everything was gone ,she had learned so much about the wildlife! 4. The antelope told her they were hunted because their fur could be used to make sweaters. 5. At last she arrived at the thick rain forest. 6. One day, Daisy dreamed a strange dream. 7. Thats because the government decided to help and the farmers made a lot of money at last.,(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),One day, Daisy _a strange dream. She flew in a wonderful _to _with an _in Tibet. The antelope told her they were hunted because of their _which can be used to make _like hers. In three years they may all be_. Later, she _to Zimbabwe where she talked with an _ and got to know the farmers there no longer _them. Thats because the _ decided to help and the farmers finally made a lot of_. At last she _at the thick rain _where a monkey told her “ No rain forest, no _and no_.” although finally everything was_, she had _so much.,dreamed,chair,talk,antelope,fur,sweaters,gone,flew,elephant,hunted,government,money,arrived,forest,animals,drugs,gone,learned,Fill in the blanks,Suppose you were one of the animals, what would you say to human beings? Try to use the following useful words and expressions as many as possible.,hunt endanger suggest die out in danger,Post-reading activity,protect.from make friends with live in harmony be being done,Human beings,Rain forest,Animals,Live in harmony with,Task 1:Write a summary about Daisys story. Task 2:Each group makes a dialogue between Daisy and the antelope the elephant/the monkey, then act out.,Homework,Thank you!,See you!,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,