Unit 4《Wildlife protection》公开课课件:课件二十四(26张PPT)(人教版必修2)

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Unit 4《Wildlife protection》公开课课件:课件二十四(26张PPT)(人教版必修2)_第1页
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Unit 4《Wildlife protection》公开课课件:课件二十四(26张PPT)(人教版必修2)_第3页
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Unit 3 life in the future,Period 1&2: 幻灯片9-38页,Unit 4 Wildlife protection 罗定实验中学,panda,Tiger,crocodile,rhino,golden monkey,Elephant,E l e p h a n t,Antelope,REPORT,Some wild animals disappeared or died out. What problems are the wild animals facing?,Discussion,lack of food, bad environment, peoples hunting and killing ,Why should you worry about the endangered animals and plants?,The oxygen(氧气) that we breathe is produced from green plant.,The food we eat is from plant and animal.,Each plant provides food or habitat for another plant or animal.,Background Information,What is WWF?,World Wildlife Fund 世界野生生物基金会,worlds largest privately financed conservation organization protect endangered species and their habitats works in more than 100 countries with nearly 5 million members,http:/www.worldwildlife.org,Fast Reading,What three places has Daisy been to?,What kind of animal did she meet in each place?,Tibet, Zimbabwe and rain forest.,An antelope, an elephant and a monkey.,Careful Reading,Paragraph 1,1.Who took Daisy to Tibet? 2. How did the antelope feel? 3. Why are people hunting and killing the Tibetan antelopes? 4. What will happen to Tibetan antelopes in three years?,1.Who took Daisy to Tibet? A flying chair. 2. How did the antelope feel? The antelope felt sad.,3. Why are people hunting and killing the Tibetan antelopes? In order to get the wool which is used to make sweaters. 4. What will happen to Tibetan antelopes in three years? They may all be gone.,Paragraph 2&3,1. How did the elephant feel? 2. How did life improve for the elephants? Past: Now: 3. How did life improve for the farmers?,1. How did the elephant feel? The elephant felt excited. 2.How did life improve for the elephants? Farmers used to hunt them for destroying their farms. Farmers like them and no longer hunt them.,Past: Now:,3. How did life improve for the farmers? Farmers made a lot of money because the tour companies had to pay them for visiting and hunting the animals.,Paragraph 4,1.Why the monkey rub itself?,Because this protects it from mosquitoes.,2.Why is the thick rain forest important for animals according to this paragraph?,No rain forest, no animals and no drugs.,True or False,The antelopes were killed for food. The elephant is familiar with people now. There is not any hunting in Zimbabwe any more. Looking after the rain forest can help with wildlife protection.,F,T,F,T,Retelling,One day Daisy went to see the animals that gave fur to make her _ in a flying chair. It flew away to _ in China first, where she saw an _. The antelope told her that they were killed for the _ that was taken from their _. Every year over _ of them were killed. Now there are only _ left.,sweater,Tibet,antelope,wool,stomachs,29,000,72,000,Then the chair flew away to _, where Daisy saw an excited _. The elephant said they were endangered in Zimbabwe. _ used to hunt them and the _. The farmers didnt want to _ them even if _ love to see them because they were considered to have destroyed the farms. Daisy took a _ of the elephant quickly.,Zimbabwe,elephant,Farmers,rhinos,protect,tourists,photo,Then the flying chair rose again and almost at once they were in thick rain _. A _ was rubbing a millipede _ which contains a powerful _ over his body because it could protect him from _ . So Daisy decided to produce this new drug with the help of _. The chair rose and flew home.,forest,monkey,insect,drug,mosquitoes,WWF,a. stop man from killing them. b. build the protection zone. c. have them fed by man. .,We should,Ways of wildlife protection,Discussion,Homework,Finish the exercises on Page 27.,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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