unit 4 《wildlife protection》:课件二(18张PPT)(人教版必修2)

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Book 2 unit 4 wildlife protection,Designed by Zhang Wentao Gaozhou No. 2 Middle School,2006,11,8,words,野生动植物 敌人 地面,面积 和平 胃 申请,应用 厚,粗,浓的 昆虫 结果,效果 最近 凶猛的 懒惰的 不仁慈的,Wildlife Enemy Area,cover an area of Peace, peaceful Stomach,stomachache Apply,application,applicant,appliance Thick Insect Effect,effective Recently,recent Fierce,fiercely Lazy,laziness, Unkind,kind,kindly,phrases,结果 灭亡 和平地 在危险中 保护不受 注意 形成,产生 关心,As a result Die out Peaceful In danger Protect from Pay attention to Come into being Be concerned about,Word spelling,1.This book c_ all the information you need. 2.Their opinions will not_ my decision. 3.The dog looks_.Youd better keep away from it. 4.Much _ should be paid to protecting our environment. 5.The _tsunami caused great damage to the south Asian countries.,contains,affect,fierce,attention,powerful,6.Drunk-driving can not only cause traffic accidents, but also e_ the lives of pedestrians. 7.He wore a thick overcoat as a p_ against the bitter cold. 8.The doctor said I got a s_ . 9.The l_ caused by the rainstorm was great. 10.The mother is r_ her baby against mosquitoes.,endanger,protection,stomachache,loss,rubbing,Result As a result不是连词,而是副词短语,只作状语 As a result of sth接名词,代词,动名词 Result in=cause/lead to前因后果 Result from前果后因 My friend Martin was very sicj with strange fever;_, he could neither eat nor sleep.(2005 Jiangxi) A. as a result B. after all C. anyway D.otherwise,apply,1.I want to apply for the job. 2.The rule does not apply in all cases. 3.A nurse is applying some medicine to his wound. 4.What I have said does not apply to you. 5.The new comer applied his mind to the job.,Apply for 申请(得到什么东西) Apply适用,应用 Apply to把涂上,把实施于,专心于 Apply to关系到,being,1.Being=existence Come into being=come into existence The Irish Free came into being in 1922. 2.a living creature Human being The little boy said he saw a strange being from another planet last night.,suggest,1.I suggest that you (should work) hard. 2.Her words suggested that he was unwilling to do me a favor. 3.I suggested sending for a doctor immediately. 4.She made a suggestion that we (should )hold a meeting tomorrow.,involve, include, contain, hold,Taking the job _living abroad. 接受这项工作就一定要住在国外。 The price _postage charges. 价格包括邮资在内。 Beer _alcohol. 啤酒里含有酒精。 How much water does the pan_? 那盘子能盛多少水?,involves,includes,contains,hold,involve, include, contain, hold,involve 指必然包括的结果 include 指包括属于整体的部分 contain 指包含在内或含有几种成分 hold 常指含有多少容量,可与contain互换,Affect,effect,& influence,Affect指“产生的影响之大足以引起反应”,着重“影响”反动作,有时含有“对产生不利影响”的意思 This article will affect my thinking. Effect常作名词,常用短语有have an effect on/upon, take effect, come into effect, bring/putinto effect Influence指“通过说服,举例等对行动,思想,性格等产生不易觉察的,潜移默化的影响”. Influenced by a high school biology teacher,he took up the study of medicine.,Pay attention to,You must pay attention to pronounce the new word.(改错) 要更加重视保护森林. 请大家注意! Bring sth to sbs attention使某人注意到某事 Invite/draw/call sbs attention to sth促使某人注意到某事,Much attention should be paid to protecting the forests.,May I have your attention, please?,effect,1你应学会分清因果. 2这些建议即将付诸实施. 3实际上,这两种制度完全一样. 4阿司匹林药片见效快. 5气候对当地居民有很大影响.,You should learn to distinguish between cause and effect.,The suggestions will soon be put into effect.,In effect, the two systems are identical./exactly the same.,The aspirins soon take effect.,Climate has much effect on the local people.,Effective/effectively,1.Aspirin is a simple but highly effective treatment. 2.The company must reduce costs to compete effectively. 3.You deal with the situation very effectively.,Translation,1.他的懒惰导致他的失败. (result in ) 2.要高度重视加强体育锻练.(pay attention to) 3.他努力学习想申请奖学金. (apply for) 4新的法律已形成,明年开始实施. (come into being, putinto effect) 5.我建议要重视环境保护. (suggest/make a suggestion that) 6.最近有许多学生提议取消这条规定. (recently) 7.中国有960万平方公里. (cover an area of),1.His laziness resulted in his failure. 2.Much attention should be paid to strengthening physical exercise. 3.He is working hard to apply for scholarship. 4.A new has come into being and will be put into effect next year. 5.I suggest that much attention should be paid to protecting the environment. 6.Recently many students have suggested canceling the rule/regulation. 7.China covers an area of 9,600,000 km2,Thank you!,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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