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Module 1 How to learn English第1单元内容详解1. Welcome back, everyone.欢迎大家回到学校。welcome v. 欢迎welcome sb. to + 地点欢迎某人到某地Welcome you to our school.欢迎你到我们学校来。Welcome home! 欢迎回家!(home为副词,所以前面不用to)welcome n.欢迎,迎接a warm welcome 热情欢迎a cold welcome 冷遇2. Now because its a new term, Im going to give you some advice.新学期开始之际,我想给大家提几点建议。advice意为“建议,意见”,是不可数名词。表示“一条建议”用a piece of advice, 表示“一些建议”用some advice。Ill give you some advice on how to look after your pet dog. 我将给你一些怎样照顾你的宠物狗的建议。搭配 give sb. some advice / give some advice to sb. 给某人提一些建议ask for advice 征求意见follow / take sb. s advice 接受某人的建议7. 拓展advise是动词,意为“建议”,后接名词、代词或动名词作宾语,也可用于advisesb. (not) to do sth.结构,意为“建议某人(不要)做某事”。She advised us to wait (for) one more day. 她建议我们再等一天。3. Why dont you write it down? 你们为何不把它记下来呢?(1)Why dont you do?是英语中一个重要的句型,意为“你(们)为什么不做事呢?”,多用来向对方提出建议。该句型还可简化为“Why not do?”。Why dont you read newspapers in English? = Why not read newspapers English?你为什么不读英文报纸呢?中考链接一Look! Its raining heavily. _ take a raincoat with you?Well, Ill take one right now.A. Why notB. Why dont C. Would you mind D. Would you like解析:四个选项都是提建议的句型,但后跟的动词形式不一样:Why not + 动词原形? Why dont you + 动词原形? Would you mind doing? Would you like to do.?所以只能选A。 答案:A(2)write down意为“写下,记下”,其同义短语为put down。其宾语若是名词,放在down前后均可;若是代词作宾语,须放在down之前。Please write down these new words in your notebook. =Please write these new words down in your notebook.请把这些生词记在你的笔记本上。Please write them down. 请把它们记下来。4. You should always speak English in class. 课堂上大家应该一直讲英语。speak v.说话;讲(语言)Can you speak English? 你会讲英语吗?辨析:say,speak, talk 与 tell1.say “说,讲”,着重译调讲话的内容,指用口头或书面语言表达思想2.speak “说,演讲”侧重于讲话的动作;speak后常接表示某种语言的名词。3.talk “交谈,谈话”,指跟少数人“随意地说”,不侧重说的内容。Talk常与介词to, with, about连用4.tell“告诉,讲述”多指以口头方式告诉某人,常用于讲故事等。He says he will go to Shanghai to visit his grandparents.他说他将去上海看望他的爷爷奶奶。The child is learning to speak.这个孩子正在学习说话。Dont talk with each other freely in class.上课不要随便相互交谈Tell me the time, please.请告诉我时间。一言辨异After she spoke at the meeting, she talked with the students. She told them that what she said was very important.在会上发了言之后,她跟学生们进行了交谈,并告诉他们她讲的东西很重要。5. What else? 还有其他的吗?else常用在不定代词、疑问代词或疑问副词之后作后置定语。He has something else to tell you. 他还有一些别的事情要告诉你。Who else are you waiting for? 你还在等谁?辨析:else 与 other两者都可意为“其他的,另外的”,但用法不同:(1)else用作形容词或副词,常用于修饰不定代词、疑问代词或疑问副词,也可以修饰all, much,little等词,修饰这些词时,else要位于其后,作后置定语。Where else are you going? 你还要去哪儿?Im taking some clothes and books, not much else. 我要带几件衣服和一些书,别的就没什么了。else还可以构成所有格,即elses, 意为“另外的 / 其他的(人或物)”。My books are much more than anybody elses. 我的书比其他任何人的书都多很多。(2)other作形容词,用以修饰名词或代词,位于其前作定语。We learn Chinese, maths, English and some other subjects at school.我们在学校学习语文、数学、英语,还有一些其他的科目。other作代词,可以单独作主语、宾语、表语,其复数形式为others。Some students are playing under the tree and others are flying kites over there. 一些学生在树下玩耍,还有一些在那边放风筝。_6. Its a good idea to check your vocabulary notebook every day.每天核査一下自己的词汇笔记是个好主意。本句为“It is +名词(短语)+ to do sth. ”句式,it是形式主语,动词不定式短语是句子的真正主语。Its your turn to play the piano. 轮到你弹钢琴了。7. How about listening to the radio or reading a newspaper in English?听听英文广播,读读英文报纸怎么样?How about.?相当于“What about?”,用来与对方商量或者询问对方的情况或意见,about是介词,后跟名词、代词或动名词。I like English. How about you? 我喜欢英语。你呢?How about going fishing? 去钩鱼怎么样?中考链接一How about raising money for the people in Yushu, Qinghai?A. Good idea B. Enjoy yourself C. Never mind D. Youre welcome解析:How about.? 句型用于征求建议,其肯定回答用Good idea。答案:A8. But try not to translate every word. 但是尽量不要逐词翻译。(1)tryto do sth. 尽力去做某事。此结构也是提出建议的一种方式,它的否定形式为:try not to do sth. 尽力不要做某事。拓展try doing sth. 表示“尝试傲某事”。He tried putting some sugar into the coffee. 他试着往咖啡里加了一些糖。(2)translate意为“翻译,译”,是动词。常见搭配: translateinto. 意为“把译成”,也可以表示为 putinto或changeintoWould you like to translate the passage about Zhou Jielun into English for me? Would you like to put the passage about Zhou Jielun into English for me? Would you like to change the passage about Zhou Jielun into English for me?你能帮我把这篇关于周杰伦的文章翻译成英语吗?9. I think everyone should have a pen friend and write email messages to each her.我认为每个人都应该交一个笔友,并互相发送电子邮件。everyone意为“每个人”,相当于everybody,表示一个单数概念。当everyone作主语时,谓语动词要用单数形式。Everyone likes the movie. 每个人都喜欢这部电影。拓展(1)everyone用于否定句,表示部分否定。Everyone here doesnt like durian. Not everyone here likes durian.并不是这里的所有人都喜欢榴莲。(2)everyone在反意疑问句中,反问部分的主语常用they。Everyone is right, arent they? 大家都对,是吗?Everyone comes here,dont they? 大家都来了,是吗?10. She can help me with my homework.她可以帮我做作业。help sb. with sth. 在某方面帮助某人I often help him with maths. 我经常在数学方面帮助他I often help him(to)learn maths.help作名词时,还有如下表达:with the help of 在的帮助下with ones help 在某人的帮助下第2单元内容详解1. Many students ask for advice about improving their English.很多学生咨询提高英语水平的建议。ask for意为“请求”, 有时也用作ask sb. for。If we have any trouble in learning English, we can ask Mr Wang for help.如果我们在学习英语中有什么困难,我们可以请求王老师帮忙。2. I enjoy watching English films and listening to real English songs.我喜欢看英文电影,听原版的英文歌曲。enjoy的用法:(1)enjoy后如果跟动词,要用动词的-ing形式,构成enjoy doing sth. 意思是“喜欢做某事”。The children enjoy watching action movies.孩子们喜欢看动作片。拓展类似于enjoy的用法的动词还有:mind(介意),finish(完成),practise(练习)等。注意enjoy后不用不定式作宾语。(2)enjoy oneself意思是“过得快乐,玩得愉快”,相当于have a good time或have fun.Were enjoying ourselves very much in Shanghai. 我们现在在上海玩得很开心。3. But it takes a long time. 但是会花费很长时间。本句是一个省略句,其完整的表达是:But it takes a long time to watch English films and listen to real English songs, it是形式主语,to watch songs是真正的主语。It takes sb. some time to do sth.(某人花一些时间做某事。)是一个常见的句型。take在此处意为“花费”。4. This is a great way to learn English! 这是学习英语的一个很好的方式!a great / good way to do sth.意为“做某事的一个好方式”,动词不定式作定语。Watching English films is a great way to improve your English.观看英文电影是提高你的英语水平的一个好方式。5. Many people are shy when they speak English, so before you begin, take a deep breath and smile! 很多人说英语时感觉不好意思,所以,在你开始讲英语之前深呼吸一下,笑一笑!(1)此句是一个复合句, so引导的为结果状语从句。在这个句子里还含有when和before引导的时间状语从句。复合句由一个主句和一个或一个以上的从句构成。主句是句子的主体,从句不能独立使用,且从句用陈述语序。时间状语从句常用when (当时候),as (当时候),while(当时候),before (在之前), after( 之后),as soon as (一就)等引导。当主句是一般将来时的时候, 在时间状语从句中,要特别注意用一般现在时代替一般将来时。Ill phone you as soon as I arrive in Beijing. 我一到北京就给你打电话He was tired, so he went to bed. 因为他累了,所以他去睡觉了。(2)breath意为“呼吸”,名词,其动词形式是breathe。 Take a deep breath意为“深呼吸”。 Before he jumped into the water, he took a deep breath.他在跳入水中之前深深地吸了一口气。6. Smiling always helps. 微笑总是很有用的。smiling是动词smile的动名词形式,在句中作主语。动名词作主语时,谓语动词应使用单数形式。Smoking is bad for your health. 吸烟对你的健康有害。7. Li Hao takes a long time to watch films and listen to songs in English.李浩花很长时间看英文电影、听英文歌曲take作“花费”讲时,主语一般不能为“人”,所以此句最好用以下方式表达: It takes Li Hao a long time to watch films and listen to songs in English. Li Hao spends a long time (in) watching films and listening to songs in English8. Do you find it easy to have a conversation in English? 你觉得用英语交谈容易吗?此句中it为形式宾语,真正的宾语为动词不定式短语。当宾语是不定式或动名词时,如果其后跟有宾语补足语,则常常用形式宾语it,而把真正的宾语放到宾语补足语之后。I find it boring to play computer games. 我发现玩电脑游戏很无聊。9. Try to remember all the things youre good at in English,and make a list.尽量记住你在英语方面擅长的事情并列表。be good at意为“擅长,在方面做得好”,后面若跟动词,则用v.-ing形式。He is good at dancing. 他擅长跳舞。拓展do well in 与 be good at 同义。Mike is good at English. = Mike does well in English. 迈克擅长英语。第3单元内容详解1. Why does Mary want to invite other students, too?为什么玛丽也想邀请其他的同学?invite用作动词,意为“邀请;招待”,常用结构为invite sb. to do sth. 意为“邀请某人做某事”。They invited their parents to watch the movie together. 他们邀请他们的父母一起看这部电影.拓展invitation作名词,意为“邀请”,Did you get an invitation to the party? 你获邀参加那场聚会了吗?2. Why does Charlie think borrowing magazines might be a good idea?为什么査理认为借杂志可能是一个好主窻?borrow意为“借”,指从某人或某地借东西。How many books did they borrow from the library yesterday?昨天,他们从图书馆借了多少本书?辨析:borrow, lend 与 keep词条:borrow 辨析:对主语而言为“借入”,指向别人或从别处借东否,为非延续性动词 搭配:borrow sth. from sb. / somewhere 从某人/某处借某物词条:lend 辨析:对主语而言为“借出”,指把自己的东西借给别人,为非延续性动词 搭配:lend sb. sth; lend sth. to sb. 将某物借给某人词条:keep 辨析:“借,持有”,指借用某物一段时间,为延续性动词 搭配:keep sth. for some time 借用某物一段时间He borrowed a dictionary from the library.他从图书馆借了一本词典I lent my bike to him yesterday.1 lent him my bike yesterday. 昨天我把自行车借给他了。How long may I keep the book? 这本书我可以借多长时间?用法诀窍“借”有巧法“借”看执行者,“借出”用lend,“借入”是borrow。如果用keep,表示“借多久”。假如看不完,“续借”用renew。3. Its difficult to understand TV programmes in English. 理解英文电视节目是困难的。“It is +adj. +of / for sb. to do sth. ”是一个常用句型,若形容词是描述不定式行为者的性格、品质的,如 kind,good,nice,right,clever, careless,polite, foolish等,用of sb. 若形容词仅仅是描述事物,不是对不定式行为者的品格进行评价,用for sb.,这类形容词有 difficult, easy, hard, important,dangerous, (im) possible, necessary 等。Its very kind of you to help me. 你能帮我真是太好了。Its careless of you to leave the keys in the car. 你真粗心,把钥匙落在车上Its important for you to listen to the radio in English. 对你来说收听英语广播很重要。中考链接Is _ easy to _ who picks the fruit and vegetables on your net farm?A. that;find B. it;finding C. that? find out D. it; find out解析:It is + adj. + to do sth. 意为“做某事”,“查明,发现”用find out ,故选D。答案:D4. I left my homework at home. 我把作业忘在家里了。leave的用法:(1)leave vt. 离开;留下;剩下,忘记;保持(某种状态)He often leaves his home in the morning. 他经常在早晨离开家。He left the door open. 他开着门就出去了。Please leave the book on the desk. 请把这本书留在桌子上。I always leave my books in my classroom.我总是把书忘在教室里。(2)leave vi. 离开,出发He is leaving for Tianjin tomorrow. 他明天要动身去天津。温馨提示leave与forget这两个词都有“忘记”之意,但leave经常和表示地点的介词短语连用;forget通常不与表示地点的介词短语连用。因此,不说:I always forget my books in my classroom. leave还有“留给”的含义。leave后可接两个代词作宾语,如:leave sb. sth.留给某人某物。Last time you left the umbrella at home. Today,you mustnt forget it any more. 上次你把雨伞忘在家里了,今天一定别再忘了带。5 but how can I practise speaking English? 但我怎样练习说英语呢?practise doing sth. 表示“练习做某事”。I often practise playing the guitar.我经常练习弹吉他。practise的名词形式是practice,表示“练习;实习”。Piano playing needs a lot of practice. 弹钢琴需要多练习。注意practise后接动名词,不接不定式。辨析:practise 与 exercisePractise 指为了求得学问上或技术上的熟练而一再地练习Exercise 指为了锻炼身心而有规则地按照一定方式练习一言辩异I practised volleyball every afternoon it was also great exercise for me.每天下午我都练习打排球,对我来说,这也是个很好的锻炼方式。6. Its good for your vocabulary. 那对你的词汇有好处。be good for. 对有好处(有益处)Many people love this time of year, because it is good for sports.很多人喜欢一年中的这个时节,因为它适合运动。Eating fruit is good for our health. 吃水果对我们的健康有益。拓展be bad for. 对有害Eating too much is bad for our health. 吃得太多对我们的健康有害。7. If there isnt, why dont you start one with your friends?如果没有,你和你的朋友们为什么不开办一个呢?one作代词,用于泛指前面提到过的名词,其复数形式是ones。Your coat is good. I also want to buy one.你的外套很好。我也想买一件。辨析:it与one(1)it作代词,可用来指代前面提到的同一人或物,其复数形式为they。I want to use your ruler. Lend it to me,please. 我想用你的尺子。请把它借给我。(2)one所代替的是同类亊物中的一个,泛指前面所提到的人或物,其复数形式为ones。I have no exercise books. Lend me one. 我没有练习本。借给我一个。I have a new hat and several old ones. 我有一顶新帽子和几顶旧帽子。(3)it还可以代替上文中的句子或句子中的某一部分,而one则不能。My pen dropped on the ground when I was walking in the park. A woman saw it happen when she was walking past. 当我在公园里散步时,我的钢笔掉在地上了。一位女士路过时看见了。(此句中的it指my pen dropped on the ground 这件事)(4)可以在one / ones前加冠词表示特指。The one in the red coat is Miss White. 那个穿红色外套的是怀特小姐。8. How about playing a few games and listening to some music?做几个游戏并听一些音乐怎么样?a few的用法:a few意为“一些,几个”,用于可数名词复数前,相当于several或some,表示肯定概念。I have a few books about pronunciation. 我有几本关于发音的书。辨析:few, a few, little与a little意义:否定(几乎没有,少) 修饰可数名词复数:few 修饰不可数名词:little意义:肯定(有些,有几个) 修饰可数名词复数:a few 修饰不可数名词:a littleThere are few eggs in the fridge, so I must buy some.冰箱里几乎没有鸡蛋了,所以我必须去买一些.There are only a few eggs in the fridge, so I neednt buy some at once.冰箱里还有几个鸡蛋,所以我不必立刻去买。Theres little rice in the bowl. 碗里没多少米饭了。I can only speak a little French. 我只会说一点儿法语。用法诀窍同学们使用little,a little, few,a few这几个词语时,常常弄错,为便于记忆,特编成下面几句顺口溜,供同学们学习时参考:few,little有异同,修饰名词(可数或不可数)要记清,其前有“a”表肯定,其前无“a”表否定。只有几粒豆子 a few beans只有一点儿牛奶 a little milk几乎没有豆子 few beans几乎没有牛奶 little milk9. And don t forget to watch TV 不要忘了看电视辨析:forget to do sth. 与 forget doing sth.词条:forget to do sth. 辨析:忘记去做某事 例句:He forgot to tell her about it. 他忘记告诉她这件事了。(没告诉)词条:forget doing sth. 辨析:忘记做过某事 例句: Im sorry. I forgot meeting you in Shanghai last year. 很抱歉,我忘了去年在上海见过你了。中考链接Dont forget _ an umbrella _ you. Its going to rain.A. to take;to B. taking;to C. to take;with D. taking;with解析:由后一句可知,天还没下雨,所以是不要忘记带把伞,用forget to do;take sth. with sb.随身携带某物,所以选C。答案:CModule 2 Experiences第一单元内容详解I. Have you ever entered a competition? 你曾经参加过比赛吗?(1)ever用作副词,意为“曾经”,常用于现在完成时态的句子中,位于助动词和过去分词之间。 Have you ever read Harry Potter? 你曾经读过哈利波特吗? Yes, I have. / No,never. 是的,我读过。/ 不,我从未读过。注意. ever的反义词是never,意为“从未,从来没有”0注意:ever的反义词是never,意为“从未,从来没有”。副词ever的用法比较灵活,现归纳如下:句型:一般疑问句 含义:曾经;以前 例句:Have you ever travelled to Mount Huang? 你曾去黄山旅游过吗?句型:否定句 含义:无论何时;至今 例句:We hardly ever drink coffee. 我们从未喝过咖啡。句型:条件句 含义:任何时候;任何场合 例句:If you ever have any trouble, Ill help you. 任何时候你有困难,我都会帮助你。(2)enter表示“报名参加”。take part in,join也可以表示参加。join指的是参加组织、团体,take part in常指参加活动。join the army 参军take part in Project Hope 参加希望工程2. Has she visited China before ? 她以前来过中国吗?before的用法:(1)作为副词,意为“以前”。常与现在完成时连用,也可与一般过去时连用。通常位于句末。He has never seen such a huge stone before. 他以前从未见过这么大的石头。(2)作为介词或连词,意在“在之前”,可表示时间、位置、顺序等。My father usually goes to bed before 9:00 pm. 我父亲通常在晚上9点之前去睡觉。(介词)Turn off the light before you leave the room. 离开房间前关上灯。(连词)辨析:ago 与 beforeAgo 指从现在算起的一段时间以前,因而动词用过去式Before 指某一时间点之前,用于多种时态用法诀窍Before 常在点之前,ago常在段之后。Before时态不确定,一般过去用ago。3. So I think shell like it here 所以,我认为她会喜欢这儿的。I think 意为“我想;我认为;我觉得”,后面常接一个宾语从句,表示“我认为”的内容,指说话人的看法。在这一句型中,可以用其他主语替换I,表示别人对某事的看法。I think you are wrong. 我认为你错了。She thinks you are right. 她认为你对了。拓展在I / We think ( suppose, believe, imagine )等句式中,若从句有否定意义,则否定词应前移至主句中,即否定转移。I dont think he will come. ( ) I think he will not come. ( )4. And Sally has invited me to stay with her in England one day. 而且萨莉已经邀请我有时间到英国去她那儿(待几天)。one day意为“某一天”。I met him in the street one day last month. 上个月的某一天我在街上遇见他了。辨析:some day 与 one daySome day “将来的某一天”,用于一般将来时态中。One day “将来的某一天”或“过去的某一天”,用于一般将来时或一般过去时的句子中。5. The problem is the price of the ticket. 问题是机票太贵了。problem作为名词,意为“问题,难题”。Pollution brings a lot of problems. 污染带来了许多问题。辨析:problem 与 question词条:problem 辨析:着重指难以解决(solve)的“问题”或“难题” 例句:The government is trying to solve the problem. 政府正在努力解决这一问题。词条:question 辨析:指提出(ask)并有待回答(answer)的“问題”“疑问” 例句:Can you answer this question? 你能回答这个问題吗?6. Take off from Beijing Capital Airport and land in London. 从北京首都机场飞抵伦敦。take off的用法:(1)take off为动词短语,属于动副结构,在本句中表示“起飞”,与其相对应的词为land,意为“降落,着陆”。Please drive faster. My plane is taking off. 请再开快一点,我的飞机马上就要起飞了。The plane will land soon. 飞机很快就要降落了。(2)take off 还可意为“脱掉;休假”, take后可接名词或代词作宾语。Its very hot here. Take off your coat. 这里很热。脱下你的外套吧。He is going to take three days off from work. 他打箅休3天假。中考链接1. The plane will _ from Beijing Capital Airport and land in London.A. take up B. take out C. take away D. take off解析:本题考查由take构成的动词短语。take up开始从事,占据;take out拿出,取出;take away拿走;take off起飞。由句意“这架飞机将从北京首都机场起飞,然后在伦敦降落”可知本题应选D。答案:D7. Write about a wonderful experience. 写一篇关于美好经历的短文。experience在此用作名词,意为“经历”,是可数名词。Jay Chou has a lot of unusual experiences. 周杰伦有很多不平凡的经历。拓展(1)experience用作名词,还可表示“经验”,是不可数名词。表示做某事的经验时,其后常接 in / of doing sth.Mr Wang has so much experience in teaching. 王老师在教学方面有如此多的经验。(2)experience还可作动词,意为“体验;经历”,后面必须接宾语。The girl has never experienced sadness. 这个女孩从未体验过悲伤。8. It sounds brilliant! 那听起来棒极了!sound用作连系动词,意为“听起来”,后面常接形容词作表语,有时也可接介词短语。The story sounds boring. 这个故事听起来很无聊。拓展sound也可用作名词,意为“声音”,指自然界中所有的声音,可以是悦耳的声音,也可以是噪音。We heard a strange sound. 我们听到了一个奇怪的声音。Light travels faster than sound. 光比声音传播得快。温馨提示初中阶段出现的连系动词有:一“是”(be),一“感觉”(feel),一“保持”(keep),三个“变得”(become,get,turn),四个“起来”(look. sound, smell,taste)。它们中除be和become等可接名词作表语外,一般都接形容词作表语。9. When you go to sleep,what do you dream about? 当你睡觉时,你梦到什么?dream about意为“梦见,梦到”,相当于dream of。固定短语:dream of / about sth. 梦想/梦见某物dream of / about doing sth. 梦想做某事The soldier dreamt of home.这个士兵梦见了家。He dreams of becoming a pilot.他一心想当飞行员。dream与not, little,never等连用时,意为“想不到”。I little dreamt of it. 我做梦也没想到这件事。第2单元内容详解1.Wei Ming has been all over China by plane. 魏明乘飞机到过中国很多地方。By plane 乘飞机We went there by plane. 我们乘飞机去的那里。拓展交通方式常用的表达方法:(1)take + the+表示交通工具的名词,在句中作谓语。He takes the train to Shenyang every year. 他每年乘火车去沈阳。I usually take the subway to go home. 我通常乘地铁回家。(2)by+表示交通工具的名词,表示泛指乘某种交通工具。如:by bus乘公共汽车, by train乘火车,by bike骑自行车,by taxi乘出租车。该介词短语在句中作状语。He goes to Shenyang by train every year. 他每年乘火车去沈阳。I usually go home by subway. 我通常乘地铁回家。1. by+ sea by+ water by+ ship 乘船/由水路2.by+ air by+ plane 乘飞机3.by+ land 经陆路 by+ train 乘火车 by+ bus 乘公共汽车(3)on / in+限定词+表示交通工具的名词,可用来表示具体的交通方式。一般情况下,无厢、无舱的只能用on,如on the bike,其他的既可用in,也可用on,如 in / on the plane。但只能说 in the car,不能说on the car。I hope more and more people go to work on their bikes.我希望越来越多的人骑自行车去上班。I usually take my daughter to school in my car.我通常开车送女儿去上学。(4)动词+to+地点名词。动词walk,ride, drive, fly等可直接表达交通方式,后接to再跟地点名词,表示“通过/用(交通方式)去某地”。I hope more and more people ride to work.我希望越来越多的人骑自行车去上班。2. Is there anywhere she hasnt visited? 还有什么地方她没去过吗?(1)句子she hasnt visited作定语修饰anywhere,为定语从句。(2)anywhere可用作副词或代词,意为“任何地方”。I cant find my bag anywhere. 我哪儿也找不到我的书包了。辨析:anywhere, somewhere, everywhere与nowhereAnywhere “任何地方”,用于否定句和疑问句Somewhere “某个地方”,用于肯定句Everywhere “到处”Nowhere “没有一处”,表示否定的含义3. Ive never been to Shanghai!我还没有去过上海!have been to的用法:(1)Have been to意为“曾经去过”,表示一种经历,实际上讲的是过去的情况,强调去过,着重指到目前为止的一个结果。I have been to the Great Wall. 我曾经去过长城。(2)have been to后可接次数(如once, twice, three times等),表示“去过某地几次”,也可与just, never, ever等连用。My father has been to Beijing twice. 我父亲去过北京两次。拓展 have gone to意为“到去了”,表示现在人可能在去的途中或已经在那儿了,实际上讲的是现在的情况,着重指现在人不在,限用于第三人称,不用于第一、二人称。She has gone to Shanghai for holidays. 她已经去上海度假了。 have been in后面可接表示地点的名词,表状态,意为“在某地”,也可接表示组织、团体的名词,意为“加入”。He has been in the Party for two years. 他入党已经两年了。He has been in England for 3 days. 他在英国待了三天了。注意have been to, have gone to 和 have been in后接表示地点的副词 there, here等时,介词to和in常省略。They have gone there. 他们已经去那里了。用法诀窍巧记have been to与have gone to的用法区别been to, gone to意不同,两者用法要记清,have been to + 地名,“曾经到过某地”行。have gone to +地点,“到了某地”无踪影。中考链接 Have you ever been to Shanghai, Mary? Yes. I _ there for three days with my parents last month.A. have gone B. have been C. went D. was解析:本题考查现在完成时与一般过去时的区别。由答语中的last month可知,答语应用一般过去时,故排除A、B两项。而went是非延续性动词,不能与 for three days连用,故选D。答案:D4. I like San Francisco very much because theres a lot to see and do there.我非常喜欢旧金山,因为那里有很多可看和可做的。a lot意为“许多,大量”,其近义词为many, much;反义词为few, little。We learnt a lot from our teacher. 我们从老师那里学到了很多。拓展(1)a lot作副词用,意为“很,非常”,相当于very much。Thanks a lot. 多谢。a lot作副词用时主要是作状语,也可修饰比较级。但very much不可用于修饰比较级。I am feeling a lot better. 我现在感觉好多了。(2)a lot of = lots of意为“许多,大量”,作定语,常用在肯定句中。后面接可数名词时同义词是many;后面接不可数名词时同义词是much。There are a lot of / lots of people in the shop today.(相当于 many)今天商店里有很多人。There is a lot of / lots of rain in summer here. (相当于 much)这里夏天多雨。5. Hes given concerts all over China and the tickets have always sold out. 他在中国各地举办过演唱会,门票总是一售而光。sell out意为“售完,卖光”,该短语为动副型结构的短语,可用于被动语态,表示商品已经卖完。该短语后面不接宾语时,作不及物动词短语,要用表示事物的名词作主语;若后面接宾语时,该短语用作及物动词短语,要用表示人的词作主语。The tickets for the game have sold out. 比赛的门票已销售一空。She has sold out all the books. 她把所有的书都卖了。6. At the end she got up, and Zhang Ziyi was in the seat beside her.


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