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陕西省2019-2020学年七年级上学期第一次月考英语试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . There are only _ students in the classroom. Most of them are playing on the playground.AsomeBa lot ofCmanyDfew2 . If you can speak English well, you will have a great _over others while looking for a job.AactivityBarticleCagreementDadvantage3 . A spaceship _to Mars. It has not come back_ .Ahas gone ; yetBhas been ; alreadyChas gone ; alreadyDhas been ;ever4 . There are_in my English test paper.Aa little mistakesBa little mistakeCa few mistakesDa few mistake5 . _weather it is! And it is called Daochunhan in Chinese.AHow coldBWhat coldCHow a coldDWhat a cold6 . The story happened in _ European country.AaBanCtheD/7 . AnightBrunCorangeDEnglish8 . Tina,you should _ some good hobbies.Dont play computer games all day.Abring outBcare forCtake upDlook for9 . -Do you like hamburgers for dinner?- No,I dont want _.Ato eat itBfatCto be fatDunhealthy10 . Alice is very helpful. She likes to help _.AotherBothers peopleCothersDanother11 . He _ be in the office, I think. He is always the last to leave. No, he cant be there, he_ to Hong Kong on business.Amust, has goneBcan, has goneCmust, has beenDcan, has been12 . The sun shone _ and we felt very _.Abright, happyBbrightly, happilyCbrightly, happyDbright, happily13 . Do you want clothes? We sell them_very good prices.AforBatCofDin14 . Kate. Lets run right now. Or well be late._. We still have 25 minutes left.ATake it easyBNot at allCThats all rightDYoure welcome15 . This school is _ as big as that one.AtwoBsecondCthe secondDtwice二、完型填空完型填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题A、B、C三个选项,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将其字母标号填入提前的括号内。Hello, everyone. My name is Grace. Im an English girl, _ Im in China now. My parents work in China, so I come _ with them this year and become a student in an international middle school.The teachers in the school are very _. They are friendly to every student. I like the math teacher best. His first name is Eric and his _ name is Hill. He is 26 years old. He teaches us math in an interesting way and often helps me. I _ he is a good teacher and I like his teaching style(风格). I thank him _ his help with my math very much.I also make _ friends at school. They are from different countries. One of them is a _ from the US. Her name is Judy. We are the same age. Her favorite color is _, mine is blue, too. We both love China and _ school. We always study Chinese together.I really enjoy my life in China.16 . A. and B. but C. or17 . A. here B. there C. home18 . A. oldB. niceC. tidy19 . A. first B. lastC. next20 . A. meetB. callC. think21 . A. atB. to C. for22 . A. noB. one C. some23 . A. boyB. girl C. man24 . A. blueB. brown C. yellow25 . A. yourB. our C. Their三、阅读单选My name is Tom and I am a cat. I have a big problem-Felina. Felina is my owner. You see, she doesnt understand how people should take care of their pets. She has very strange ideas about the relationship between people and pets.Felina treats me like a human child. She worries about me and tells me what to do all of the time. She doesnt want me to go outside and play with other cats. She makes me sit on her lap every night while she watches television. Boring. And the shows she watches! No taste at all!Theres more. Felina brushes and combs me twice a day. She takes me to the Pet Beauty Clinic once a week for a bath and shampoo. Really. Cats can take care of themselves. Doesnt she know that we have tongues (舌头) that we use to lick ourselves and keep clean? She puts something on me to keep the fleas (跳蚤) away. It smells really bad and I think it might make me very sick.Felina thinks she knows what kind of food I like. She doesnt even have a clue. She feeds me very expensive cat food and she puts it in a silver dish. Really! Who cares? All I want is some day-old fish that stinks (发臭). And a little water. Thats all. I s that asking too much?One time I managed to get out of the house. Did I have a good time! I ran around with some other cats in the neighborhood. We ate garbage (垃圾) and ran after a dog. I even killed a bird and ate it. Good fun! But when I returned home, Felina went crazy. She was so angry. She took me right to the Pet Beauty Clinic, even though I had just been there the day before.Once, I got into a fight with my street cat friends. When I came back home, Felina went crazy. She cried and cried. Sure, I was bleeding a little, but it was nothing big. She screamed that she would never let me play outside again, and for the next two weeks, she look me to the vet (兽医) five times. Come on! There was really nothing wrong with me!Im afraid my social life is now over. I will be stuck (困住) indoors with Felina for the rest of my days. How terrible!26 . Which word best describes Toms feeling to Felina?AAfraid.BThankful.CUnhappy.DUnderstanding.27 . How does Tome want to clean himself?ABy going outside.BBy using his tongue.CBy visiting the Pet Beauty Clinic.DBy getting help from other cats.28 . Which statement about Tom is TRUE?AHe likes fleas on himself.BHe likes to sit on Felinas lap.CHe likes expensive cat food.DHe likes to run around the neighborhood.29 . According to Toms problems, what does he probably most want to say to Felina?A“I am a lovely cat!”B“Bring home a bird for me.”C“Home is sweet home.”D“Give me more freedom.”四、句型转换按要求完成下列各题30 . The library is in front of the science lab.(对画线部分提问)_?31 . There are some pears in Li Leis bag.(改为否定句)_.32 . Polly is five years old.(对画线部分提问)_33 . _(根据答语写出问句) The library? Oh, its next to the office.34 . There is no park on this street.(改为同义句)There _ park on this street.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。35 . Tom missed a lot of school through _ (ill) last year.36 . We know nothing about him except he is a famous _ (write).37 . Wei Shusheng is a famous _ (educate) who comes from Hebei Province.38 . Walking through the forest in the dark, I was _ (great) afraid.39 . Everyone tries his best _ (get) first in the long jump.六、根据音标写单词Part II Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar语音,词汇和语法Fill in the blanks with proper words according to the phonetic symbols (根据音标写出单词):40 . The Lis went to Hainan _ for a holiday. alnd41 . Our parents will listen to the school _ in the hall at three ten. kwa42 . I promise to _ shopping bags. rijuz43 . Friends of the earth look after the _. nvarnmnt44 . My aunt would like to be a bank _ in the future. klk七、用单词的正确形式完成短文阅读下面的短文,根据其内容从所给的12个单词或短语中选择10个,并用其适当形式填空come from, health, other, like, to have, interesting, girl, hate, watch, dangerous, something, go toPlaying sports is good for everyone, especially for boys and 45 . . If you want to keep 46 . , you should exercise often.Let me tell you 47 . about a new kind of sport Parkour(跑酷). Its an 48 . sport. It 49 . France. It began in the 1980s. Around 2000, Chinese boys learned this sport and were going to 50 . it little by little. They like showing it to 51 . people. People enjoy 52 . them doing this sport.Do you want 53 . a try? But the sport can be 54 . , so you should be careful.八、单词填空根据下面短文内容,在短文的空格处填上一个恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。In the very cold world, there lives a group of legendary white-haired beasts(传说中的雪怪) Yetis. And Migo is one of 55 . . He looksawkward (笨拙的) but he is a smart scientist.In the big world of the Yetis, the real 56 . animals are humans. The human is a monster(怪兽) with wild eyes and an ugly face and feet that are amazingly, small! Because of 57 . small feet, they have become the legendary “Smallfoot”. But the Yetis think there is 58 . real human on the earth, so it was impossible to find them.One day, Migo met a strange animal with small feet a live human. He was climbing the 59 . mountain in the Yeti world. From there, he could see the whole world from the top.When Migo went back to his village, he told the kids what he had seen, “Its an animal 60 . perfect white teeth, and the only hair it has on its body is on top of its head!” However, no one believed his story. They thought he was 61 . a big lie.Migo soon joined a secret organization(组织) of Yetis to start his adventures (冒险) to look for the humans. He believed there were humans on the earth.Could Migo succeed? You can 62 . out the answer in Migos adventures. Smallfoot is a fun story about friendship and courage.九、回答问题Passage 5Flynn Garry,al5- year-old boy, is known as “the countrys hottest chef(厨师)”Garry started cooking four years ago. Before he tried cooking at home, he read some cookbooks and surfed the Internet. He thought he could do it. Garry said, Every time I try it, I hope to get better and better, I just love cooking.”Garry said he could cook, also partly thanks to his mum. His mum didnt really like cooking, and when she did cook, he didnt like her food, so he decided to try something simple. Within a year, he has produced most of the dishes in the cookbook and was ready for a bigger plan. “I wanted to create my own dishes and I started cooking for more people than just my family too. The young man had a strong passion(热情) for cooking. He even turned his bedroom into a test kitchen. Every day he practised his cooking skills there after school. Soon he could really create more complicated(复杂的) dishes of his own. At that moment, the real I want to be a chef dream came into his mind. Now Garry and his mother set up Eureka, a super club business that organizes monthly events inside his home. Garry, who has also cooked in top-class restaurants around the US, says hes not doing it for the money, but because he loves cooking. At the point in your life where you stop caring if youre going to be famous or do well, your dream will come to you. I did something with my heart and people can see it. I hope to keep getting better and better. ”63 . How old was Garry when he began cooking?_64 . What made Garry begin cooking?_65 . What did Garry do for his “bigger plan”?_66 . When did Garry really want to be a chef?_67 . How did Garrys dream come to him?_68 . What can we learn from Garry?_十、话题作文69 . 书面表达请以Do you think breakfast is important?为题写一篇短文,词数60-80词。内容必须包括提示中的四项要求,不要使用真实姓名及所在学校名称。提示:1. Does everyone have breakfast in the morning?2. Why is breakfast important?3. What should we eat for breakfast?4. What is your opinion of having breakfast?Not everyone has breakfast in the morning. _第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、根据音标写单词1、七、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、八、单词填空1、九、回答问题1、十、话题作文1、


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