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银川市2019-2020年度九年级上学期期末英语试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空Robert was always busy. One day, some naughty children wanted to make fun of_. One of them said to Robert, “There are birds eggs_that tree. Could you please get them for us?”Robert wanted to help the children,_he knew that the naughty children would take away his boots if he left them on the ground. So he tied (捆) the boots to his body .“Well_your boots for you! You can leave them here,” said the children.“Thank you!” Robert replied. “But Im quite busy .As soon as I get the_for you, Ill go home.”1 . AherBhimCyouDme2 . AinBwithCforDwithout3 . AsoBorCbutDbecause4 . Aput onBlook forCtake offDtake care of5 . AeggsBbirdsCkitsDleaves二、阅读单选A bag is useful and the word “bag” is useful, too. It gives us some interesting phrases(短语).One is “to let the cat out of the bag It is the same as “to tell the secret”.There is an old interesting story about it. Long ago, when people sold things in big cloth(布)bags, a woman asked a man for a pig. The man held up his cloth bag. There seemed to be a little pig in it. The woman asked to see it. When the man opened the cloth bag, a big black cat ran out. Not a pig! The mans secret was out and everyone knew it. Now when someone lets out(泄漏)a secret, he let the cat out of the bag. And that is the story where the interesting phrase came from.6 . The underlined word “it” in the passage refers to (指的是).Athe useful bagBthe phraseCthe catDthe chicken7 . The farmers put cats but not chickens in the bags towhen they sold chickens.Atell the secretBsell the catsCget more moneyDkeep the cats quiet8 . Which is the best for the blank (空白处) in the passage?AThe woman was angry to see a cat.BThe man put a cat in the bag.CThe man asked her to see the chicken.DThe woman wanted to see the chicken.9 . The writer wrote the story to tell us.Athe woman was smartBhow farmers sold their catsCthe phrase is usefulDwhere the phrase came fromOne of lifes great treats, for a lover of books( especially fantasy books),is to open a cover to find a map secreted inside and filled with the details of a land about to be discovered. A writers map shows a fully imagined world. A new book, The Writers Map, contains dozens of the magical maps that writers have drawn or that have been made by others to explain the places theyve created. All maps are products of human imagination, writes Lewis Jones, the books editor. For some writers making a map is absolutely central to the skills of shaping and telling their tale.The book includes the map from Thomas Mores Utopia, which were published in 1516 and contained the first fantasy map in a work of fiction, as far as anyone can tell. The book also has the maps that remind fantasy filled childhoods: Middle Earth, the mystenous Narnia, the Hundred Acre Wood,etc. But there are more maps of private treasures here. too. Among these maps, the one for. Treasure Island is a landmark, one of the most typical literary(文学的) mans of all Lewis Jones writes. It comes up more than once in the books reviews, which are written by writers and mapmakers. Robert Stevenson first sketched the map in 1881 for his son, and a red X marks the place where treasure was buried. For many writers, mapmaking is a practical work that pulls them into their own work. “ I always draw my way into stories, writes Abi Elphinstone, the author of the Dreamsnatcher books. “ I begin every story I write by drawing a map because it helps me know where my characters move next. Also, making maps is fun. Mapping does have problems. Frances Hardinge, a British childrens book writer, explains the worlds she dreams up areunmappable. A map helps shape a readers idea of a fictional Place, but it may limit the readers imagination.10 . What is a great treat for a book lover in Paragraph 1?AFinding a map in a book.BReading a book with great imagination.CImproving skills of telling tales.DBeing an editor of a book.11 . According to Paragraph 2, what do we know about Utopia?AUtopiais as famous asMiddle Earth.BUtopiais a book by Lewis Jones.CUtopiacontained the oldest fantasy map.DUtopiais a map by Thomas More.12 . Who first drew the Treasure Island map?AFrances Hardinge.BThomas More.CAbi Elphinstone.DRobert Stevenson.13 . According to Paragraphs 4 and 5,which of following is NOT true about mapmaking!AAbi Elphinstone thinks that mapmaking is helpful and fun.BSome writers dont make maps because they dont have the talent.CFrances thinks her dream worlds cant be shown by mapmaking.DMaking maps sometimes may not help the readers imagine.14 . In which part of a magazine would you most probably read the text?ATravel.BBusiness.CCulture.DFashion.The children at the top of the class succeed by knowing a few basic skills that others can also easily learn. Here are the secrets of top students.Study is the first thing. Once the books are open or the computer is on for study, phone calls are unanswered, TV shows unwatched, snacks unnoticed. Study is business; business comes before everything.Study anywhere or everywhere. Study times are different for different children. Some work late at night when the house is quiet. Others wake early. Still others study as soon as they come home from school. It is agreed that consistency (持之以恒) is needed.Get organized. Dont waste time looking for a pencil or missing paper. Keep everything right where one can put ones hands on it. Even for a student who doesnt keep his own study area organized, a bag or a box is needed to put things in to save time.Learn how to read. The secret of good reading is to be an active reader-one who continually asks questions that lead to a full understanding of the writers message.Plan your time. If you want to be a top student, make sure to finish all your tasks before the deadline (最后期限).Take good notes and use them. Reading the text is important, but the teacher is going to test you on what he or she emphasized (强调). Thats what you find in your notes.Another kind of important “secret” of the top students is not so secret at all. For almost all of them, their parents help is important.15 . How can we be an active reader?ATake good notes.BKeep asking questions.CStudy everywhere.DPlan our time well.16 . According to the passage, if a task should be completed next Wednesday, when will a top student complete it?ANo later than next Wednesday.BAs early as possible.CBefore Thursday.DWhenever he is free.17 . According to the writer, what is the real secret in becoming a top student?AStudying in a key school and having good teachers.BAttending after-school classes and educational talks as often as possible.CSome basic skills on how, when and where to learn.Dborn in a wealthy family and supported by the parents of high education.Hengshui is a city in Hebei province. It is well known across China. But thats not because it has a beautiful landscape. Its because of a school there called Hengshui High School.The school has a nickname: the gaokao factory. It does all it can to make its students study hard. There are many strict rules. For example, they set times for students to eat and go to the toilet. Another rule is that students have to get up at 5:30 am and go for a run. There are many discussions about the rules.This month, the school opened a new school in Pinghu, Zhejiang. This started another hot discussion.Some people say the school only cares about the exam scores. It is not good for the all-round development of students, wrote The Beijing News.However, some think that although not everyone agrees with the schools rules, it gives students a way to get into the best universities.Last year, 139 of its students went to Peking University and Qinghua University, reported China Youth Daily. The number is the highest among all Chinese high schools.18 . Why is Hengshui so famous in China, according to the story?ABecause it is a city in Hebei province.BBecause it has a beautiful landscape.CBecause it has a special high school.DBecause it has a special factory.19 . Which is NOT the schools rules?AStudents should have meals in a given time.BStudents should go to the toilet at a certain time.CStudents should study for 12 hours every day.DStudents should get up early to go for a run.20 . What happened to Hengshui High School this month?AThe school started a new school in Pinghu, Zhejiang.BThe school will move to Pinghu, Zhejiang.CThe school will stop their way of education.DUniversities in China took 139 of its students.21 . What makes some people agree with the schools rules?AThe school cares enough about the exam scores.BStudents from this school get all-round development.CIt gives students a chance to get into the best universities.DIt gives the universities a lot of good students.三、选用适当的单词补全对话根据对话内容, 在空白处填入恰当的关系代词(that, who, which)补全对话。A: I dont have many friends in this city. B: Havent you met any people here?A: Of course. But the people22 . Ive met here dont share my interests. I like reading and going for quiet walks. However, the people work with me seem to like parties, watching TV, playing sports and going to restaurants. Their interests 23 . they have been so different from mine. B: Your interests dont involve(涉及) other people. Its hard to do things with other people when your hobbies can be done alone. You should find some interests you can do with other people, like tennis or dancing. A: The activities 24 . involve other people cost money, and I dont have a lot of money. B: There are many parks in this city 25 . have free tennis courts. In fact, there are a lot of things 26 . are free or very cheap in this city. I can give you a list of free activities, if you want. A: Thanks. Id love to have the list.四、单词填空27 . When we talk about the climate(气候)of the UK, you may think of f_London and rainy weather. Actually, after many years, London is not as foggy as it used to be because the government is trying their best to solve the p_of air pollution, which is the major(主要的) r_of the thick fog in London.However, it is t_that it often rains in the UK and the weather always changes quickly. Maybe you wish to play tennis with your friend after work when you see the beautiful sunshine in the morning, but suddenly the wind comes and it r_when you go to work.The difference in temperature b_winter and s_is not so great in the UK as in China. The average(平均的)t_for winter is about 4.5, and for summer about 15.5.And the best time to visit the country is in summer. It is often s_and you can enjoy outdoor sports and have a picnic h_in such weather.五、语法填空Once upon a time, some children 28 . (fish) at seaside when they caught a turtle. They beat it with stones. Just at that time, a young man came up and 29 . (drive) them away. The turtle was very thankful and said, “Thanks for your kindness. I would like to invite you to a fantastic place.”The young man rode on the turtles back and30 . (take) to a secret palace in the sea. When he reached the palace, he was amazed at the sightseeing, “What a nice palace!”31 . (thank) him, the king of the turtles gave him a very big dinner. He32 . (not eat) so much delicious food before. He was pleased with everything.After dinner, the king said, “Im going to give you two boxes, but you mustnt open both. Do 33 . (remember) it!”The young man promised (发誓) that he 34 . (open) only one. Just then, a large wave sent him out of the sea.After35 . (go) back home, he opened the bigger box. To his surprise, the box was full of gold36 . (shine) brightly.“My God!Im rich now!”Then he thought, “There must 37 . (be) something more expensive in the other box.”He broke his promise and opened it. Suddenly he became an old man who was over 80 years old. He was so sorry for what he did, but it was too late.六、多任务混合问题It is very common for students marks to fall. Sometimes it is because of situations (情况) outside schools such as problems at home. Sometimes it is only because the exams get harder. When your marks start to fall, you should try talking to a friendly teacher. He or she will be able to help you with the subjects you feel difficult. Stop (1)把自己同其他的学生比较. It doesnt matter if other students get higher marks than you. What is important is that you do your best. Before each exam, you should go through your notes from class. You should remember the most important things you have written in a shorter form. Look through your notes again before the exam. You will be surprised when you find you remember so much. It may take hard work and you may not improve your marks straight. But let your confidence rise by every mark. Soon they should begin to climb again. Remember: (2) Nothing is possible if he or she doesnt have confidence. Besides(3)this, right ways are also needed by you. Keep on working hard, and sooner or later, you will be successful. 阅读短文,按要求完成下面的任务。38 . The reasons for students marks to fall include situations_.39 . 把(1)处汉语译为英语。_40 . 将(2)处复合句改为简单句。_41 . 写出(3)处“this”所指代的内容。_42 . The best title of the passage may be “_”.七、书信作文43 . A你的好朋友Lucy 英语不是很好,单词记不住,听不懂老师的讲述,已丧失了学习的信心,想放弃。请你根据自己学习英语的体会,给她发封Email,告诉她如何学习英语,劝她别灰心,相信她一定能学好英语。(3040词,共5分)_第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、完型填空1、二、阅读单选1、2、3、4、三、选用适当的单词补全对话1、四、单词填空1、五、语法填空1、六、多任务混合问题1、七、书信作文1、

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