银川市2019-2020年度英语八年级下册单元随堂测Unit 1B卷

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银川市2019-2020年度英语八年级下册单元随堂测Unit 1B卷_第1页
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银川市2019-2020年度英语八年级下册单元随堂测Unit 1B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Wu Dajing, a _Chinese skater, set a new world record at the Short Track World Cup last year.A25-years-oldB25 year oldC25-year-oldD25 years old2 . What is your hobby?_ playing chess, I also like collecting stamps.AExceptBButCBesideDBesides3 . Could you tell me? Certainly. In half an hour.Awhen will the train to Beijing leaveBwhen the train to Beijing would leaveCwhen the train to Beijing leftDwhen the train to Beijing leaves4 . -Dont _ too late, or you will feel sleepy in class.-I wont, Mum. Good night!Aput upBcut upCend upDstay up5 . Mum, may I go to see a film with my cousin?- You _ go if you have finished your homework.AmustBneedCshouldDcan6 . _ do you hang out with your friends? About once a week.AHow soonBHow oftenCHow long7 . There is a _ tree behind our school.A20 meters tallB20-meters-tallC20-meter-tallD20 meter tall8 . It _ me twenty minutes to do my homework yesterday.AspentBtookCcostDpaid二、完型填空完形填空。What comes to your mind when you talk about donations? You probably think of a group of people with _ in hand asking people to donate money. But my school think of a _ way of raising fundsFun Night.Fun Night is like a party. Students pay money to get in and have dinner at school. The _ they pay will go towards helping poor children _.Two months ago, I took part in Fun Night. There were all kinds of _ in Fun Night. The most popular game was the “jousting ring(夺环)”. I “jousted” with several of my _ and tried to knock plenty of them off the ring. _,they developed different strategies(策略) to win, such as starting in a crouched position(蹲姿)to gather more strength when pushing.Sometimes they attacked me _ I was ready. It would usually be _ as cheating(作弊), but we didnt care and _ playing. After all, it was just a game, not _.The best of Fun Night was not the fun activities. The fact was that we raised a lot of money by having a _ time. A lot of students at my school wouldnt _ money if they were simply asked to hand it over. But this kind of event not only made them _to give, but also allowed them to have a great time playing games with friends. I realized that _ can be fun. We raised 2,000 yuan on that night.9 . Aboxes Bbooks Cschoolbags Dclothes10 . AanotherBdifferent CsillyDmagic11 . AseatBattentionCstationer Dmoney12 . Ain danger Bin needCin a hurryDin love13 . ArulesBsubjectsCgamesDlessons14 . Aneighbours BcousinsCvisitorsDfriends15 . AHowever BLuckilyCOtherwise DHopefully16 . Abefore BunlessCafterDif17 . AnamedBtreatedCcalledDdiscovered18 . AfinishedBstartedCcontinuedDstopped19 . Aa competitionBan opinionCa researchDan experience20 . AtiringBhardClongDgood21 . AsaveBmakeCdonateDspend22 . AafraidBgladCsorryDangry23 . AfriendshipBknowledgeCcharityDclub三、阅读单选Confucius was born on September 28, 551BC. Chinese regard(看待) Confucius as the greatest thinker and also the greatest teacher. He had about 3,000 students. For more than 2,000 years, Confucius ideas have been around in peoples everyday life. Now they have gone far into east and south Asia. People can still hear them today.Why are his ideas so popular? Because they help a lot in everyday life. Confucius said young people should take care of the old. People should give up thinking of themselves and work for others. As a great teacher, Confucius said all should go to school if they could.24 . Confucius ideas have gone far into _.Aeast and south AsiaBnorth and west AsiaCeast and south AfricaDnorth and west Africa25 . Confucius thought_.Ayoung people neednt take care of the oldBpeople should think of themselvesCpeople should work for othersDall the people could go to school26 . Whats the passage mainly about?AAll should go to school.BThe old and the young.CWork for others.DConfucius and his ideas.四、完成句子根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词27 . 上周我和我的学生们产生了矛盾。I _ my students last week.28 . 他对他的学生一直很有耐心。Hes _ his students all the time.29 . 我们确信贝蒂后悔拒绝了你。Were sure Betty _ you.30 . 你可以打服务热线寻求关于你的问题的建议。You can call the helpline to_your problems.31 . 那个男孩拒绝参加那个无聊的游戏。The boy_ the boring game.五、材料作文32 . 假如你叫李华,你是你们班的班长,澳大利亚朋友Tommy要来你们班学习,但他对你们班情况不了解,他给你写信要求你简要介绍一下,请你根据以下提示写一封回信。1请你简要给Tommy介绍一下你的班级情况(课程、学生和教师等);2告诉他你们可以相互帮助学习英语和汉语;3,向他介绍一下你们班同学的学校生活。注意:1词数80左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数);2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、完成句子1、五、材料作文1、

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