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重庆市2019-2020年度七年级上学期期末英语试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Thank you so much._.AThats rightBGood luckCNo problemDSounds great2 . We plan to have a surprise party for Mr. Green. And we are preparing_it.AforBonCatDin3 . -Tom used to be afraid of snakes. - _. I thought they were scary.ASo did I BSo do I CSo was I DSo I was4 . _?Yes, please. I want a white shirt.ACan I help youBWhat do you wantCCan you help me5 . Wendy will have a test _ Friday morning, _ she is studying hard thesedays.Ain; butBon; soCin; becauseDon; and6 . _ of his parents _ English teachers.ABoth ; ofBBoth ; isCBoth ; are7 . There must _ a monkey _ bananas in the zoo.Abe; eatingBhave; eatingCbe; eatsDhave;to eat8 . What syllable is stressed in the word September ?Aseptemb(r) Bseptemb(r)Cseptemb(r)Dseptemb(r)9 . 一Welcome to our hotel!_AThats OKBYoure welcomeCThank youDIm sorry10 . -Is this her ruler?-No, its _, my brothers.AyoursBmineChersDhis.11 . Must I move the table? No, you _.Amay notBneedntCmustntDarent12 . Could I have _ oranges, please?Sure, here are _ for you.Aany, anyBsome, someCsome, anyDany, some13 . The girl _ some beautiful flowers from her friend,but she didnt _ them.Areceived;receiveBaccepted;acceptCreceived;acceptDaccepted;receive14 . My mother likes _ music _ can relax her mind after a long week at work.Asmooth; whatBsmooth; whoCsmooth; whomDsmooth; that15 . Kangkang, Id like you to meet him._ Im looking forward to meeting him.APerfect!BYou bet!CGood idea!DSure!二、完型填空Hello!_name is Li Ming. I_a Chinese boy. I have_sister. _ name is Li Yue. She_a middle school student. She is_Class Four. Its a big class. I_two good friends. They_Liu Hao and Jenny. Liu Hao is a Chinese boy,_. But Jenny is a Canadian(加拿大)_.16 . AIBMeCMyDHer17 . AamBisCareDbe18 . AanBaCtwoD/19 . AHeBSheCHerDHis20 . AisBareCbeDam21 . AonBatCforDin22 . AamBhasChaveDare23 . AisBbeCareDam24 . AtwoBtoCtooD/25 . AboyBgirlCmanDteacher三、阅读单选Cats are the most popular pets among Americans. So it is not surprising there are many expressions about cats. Do you know any of them? Now let me introduce some to you. Some cats like to catch small birds, like canaries. If someone looks very proud or satisfied(满意) with himself, we say he looks like the cat that ate the canary. Sometimes, a cat likes to play with a small animal it catches. So if you play cat and mouse with someone, you change between different kinds of behavior(行为,举止) when dealing with another person. For example, a child might offer something sweet to her little brother, and then take it away when he reaches for it. A cat will often catch a small animal and present(呈现) it to its owner. The saying that looks like something the cat dragged in describes something in bad condition(状况,情形).A fat cat is a person with a lot of money. There are many other expressions about cats in America. How interesting! Which kind of cat are you, or which kind would you like to be?26 . Americans like _best as pets.AdogsBpigsCcatsDmice27 . The canary is a kind of _.AdogBcatCbirdDfish28 . If you have much money, we can call you _.Aa fat catBa happy catCa thin catDa sad cat29 . If someone always thinks highly of himself, we can say _.Ahe plays cat and mouse with someoneBhe looks like the cat that ate the canaryChe is a lazy catDhe has dragged in somethingWendy likes eating but she doesnt like doing sports,so she is a little fat. One day,Wendy gets home and says,From now on,Ill only eat fruit and vegetables for dinner. Why?her mother asks. After class Cathy says I look like a big potato. Wendy says. Oh,1 think its just a joke. But Mom,I really want to lose weight.From then on,Wendy uses a very small bowl to have porridge for breakfast, and some cabbages for lunch. For dinner, she only has some fruit or vegetables. She doesnt eat any meat or rice. She loses weight quickly,but her face looks pale(苍白的).Amanda is Wendys best friend. She wants to help Wendy. On Friday,when Wendy is having lunch at school,Amanda gives a picture to her. There are many kinds of foods in it. And Amanda writes the nutrition(营养)of every food. She says,Doing sports and balanced nutrition are the best ways to be healthy. Wendy is deeply moved(感动).I think I need to eat one more egg and some bread for lunch today. Wendy says,And do you want to play tennis with me tomorrow?30 . Cathy may be Wendys_.AmotherBclassmateCsisterDEnglish teacher31 . Wendys face looks pale because_.Ashe has too much meat and riceBshe never does sports after schoolCshe only eats her favorite vegetablesDshe eats too little food every day32 . The underlined word it in the seventh paragraph refers to _.Athe lunchBthe schoolCthe pictureDthe nutrition33 . What can we infer(推测)from the passage?AWendy never eats meat any moreBWendy is thin and healthy right now.COnly doing sports can make Wendy happy.DWendy will listen to Amandas advice.Its almost time for Science Night.I need a partner who should I ask?I have three friends who all want to help,How can I choose just one for the task?My best friend Jule is fun to be around.But shes as chatty as a bird.When she starts to talk-just watch out!I cant get in a single word.Still, that might work for Science Night;Shed show our project to the crowd.Jules voice would boom out like a drumI wouldnt mind if she were extra loud!And then there s Dan, who s really shyBut wise as an owl- hes so smart? Hedhelp with the thinking for the job.He wouldnt talk, but hed do his part.But what about Shel, who s good at art?He paints and draws and sculpts so well.Our project would look great no doubt!I m sure I should be asking Shel.How can I choose just one from three?I need them all! l m feeling sick.I m as dizzy as a spinning top.When trying to choose I just cant pick!But waitwhy not ask them all to help?A group of four is better than one.Id love to work with all my friends.In such a group, wed have such fun!The work could be shared by four of us.Be me and Shel and Dan and Jule.Wed fit together like puzzle pieces.And take the grand prize in the school!参考词汇:partner伙伴; boom out大声说; drum鼓; dizzy头晕的; spinning top陀螺34 . How many friends does the speaker talk about?AOne.BTwo.CThree.DFour.35 . Who is the speaker of the poem?AA reporter at a school science night.BA student who does not like science.CA teacher hosting science project.DA student choosing a partner for a project.36 . The speaker compares Jules voice to a drum to show _.Ahow loud jules voice isBthat Jule likes to play drumsChow Jule likes to give ordersDJule can make different sounds37 . How does the speaker feel about Shel?AHe talks a lot.BHe is a good artist.CHe is shy but very smart.DHe helps with the thinking for the job.38 . What does the speaker learn in this poem?AEveryone has a talent.BProjects should be done alone.CPuzzles are easy to put together.DDeciding on a topic for a project is difficult.四、句型转换句型转换。39 . It was sunny yesterday. (对划线部分提问)_ the weather yesterday?40 . I did my homework last night. (改为否定句)I _ my homework last night.41 . They want to go to the movies tonight. (同义句转换)They _ to go to the movies tonight.42 . Anna took many photos at the museum. (一般疑问句)_ Anna _ many photos at the museum?43 . Is there a post office near here? (否定回答)No, _.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空一、根据所给首字母或中文提示完成单词44 . My _ (邻居) are all friendly to me.45 . We want to make a _ (火) to get warm.46 . Mikes bike is b_. He has to walk to school.47 . I dont know a_ in this town. Im new here.48 . I miss my grandparents so much. I must v_ them this Sunday.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡的横线上。49 . Its important to brush your _ (tooth) twice a day. 50 . - Could you lend you eraser to me please? -Wait a minuite. I _ (use) it now. 51 . You dont need _ (change) your liftstyle because it is healthy. 52 . His blue jeans _ (match) his white shirt very well. 53 . They have a lot of fun on _ (child) Day every year.七、完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子54 . 只要你坚持努力学习,你的梦想就会实现。As long as you _ studying hard,your dream will come true.55 . 既然那样,你可以先离开。_,you can leave first.56 . 他们是在去年结的婚。They _ last year.57 . 遗憾的是,他错过了那次机会。_ that he missed the chance.58 . 这本英语书中总共有14个单元。This English book has 14 units _.八、单词填空阅读下面短文,然后根据括号内所给汉语意思写出单词的正确形式(每空一词)。Hello! My name is Linda Green. I can59 . (说) my Chinese name-Li Mei.60 . (现在) Im in Shengzhou. These are my family photos. The boy in61 . (黑色) is my brother, John. Look! Whats62 . (在下) his hand? Oh, its a63 . (字典). And I have64 . (七) cousins, they are sitting(坐) near the65 . (桌子). We all go to the same school. In66 . (我们的) school, we have friends67 . (到处). I like volleyball, I think its68 . (轻松的).九、填空阅读短文,根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。Left foot, right foot, left foot, right footyou can travel fast or slow. The movement of your feet gets you where you need to go. But it also gets you so much more! Walking is such basic, simple exercise that almost everyone can take part in it.Walking helps you in many ways. First, it makes your heart stronger. Studies show regular walking lowers your chance of heart disease. Walking for 30 minutes per day also helps control blood pressure. It can reduce your chance of having a stroke or developing some cancers, too. Want to lose weight? You need to burn 600 more calories each day you eat. Walking is the easiest way to do that.Walking helps your brain health. As people age, their brains dont work as well. One in 14 people over 65 years old suffers from memory loss. Older people who walk six miles or more per week keep their brains in better shape. Putting one foot in front of the other isnt difficult. You dont have to think about it, so you can consider other things. You can consider problems or think of ideas. You can think over conversations again or just remember funny things that have just happened recently.Walking is also good for your wallet. It saves the cost of going to a gym. Walk quickly for 150 minutes each week to get a good workout. A pedometer(计步器) can get you started. Begin with trying to take 1, 000 steps in 10 minutes to set the right pace.You can make walking part of your day. Instead of parking right next to your office, park a distance away and walk. Do not take the elevator, but walk. You can even have walking meetings. They are what they sound like. Rather than sit, you walk and talk things over.Make walking a habit, and see how it makes you feel. 69 . your way to better healthIntroductionWalking is such a basic, simple exercise thats 70 . for almost everyone.AdvantagesStronger hearts Walking lowers your chance of 71 . disease. Walking reduces your chance of having a stroke or developing some cancers. Walking helps you lose your 72 . .73 . brainsWalking can keep old peoples brains in good74 . because walking is 75 . . While walking , they can think about other things.Thicker walletsYou neednt spend any money in going to a 76 . .Ways Park your car far away from your77 . and walk. Do not take the elevator, but walk. Have walking meetings.ConclusionMake walking a 78 . , and see how it makes you feel. 十、书信作文79 . 书面表达初中生活即将过去,是时候对自己三年的学习生活进行反思了。请根据下列表格所提示的内容,将三年来的学习生活进行总结与回顾。对自己满意的方面对自己不满意的方面对进入高中后的打算交了一些好朋友,并且玩得愉快七年级时,我在课堂上不努力学习更加努力学习加入了不同的学校俱乐部八年级时,我的英语成绩很差,在发音和读课文方面有困难加入学校游泳队九年级时我的英语水平已经提高了要求;语句连贯,词数80左右。_第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、句型转换1、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、完成句子1、八、单词填空1、九、填空1、十、书信作文1、


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