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重庆市2019-2020学年中考一模英语试题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . It will take the workers a month _ the work.AfinishBto finishCfinishingDfinished2 . Your jacket is very beautiful(漂亮的). .AWhereBNoCThank youDGood3 . -He will come to play with us unless he _ busy tomorrow.-But we dont know if he _ busy tomorrow.Ais; will beBwill be; isCwere; would beDwill be; will be4 . Lin Dan _ Li Zongwei and _ the game in 2012 London Olympic Games.Abeat; winBwon; beatCbeat; beatDbeat; won5 . How nice the building is! What is it for?It _ an five-star hotel. But Im not sure.AmaybeBhave to beCcan beDmay be6 . it is snowing! Yeah. We can enjoy snow fights!AWhat heavyBHow heavyCHow heavilyDWhat heavily7 . /u/AshowerBshowCaround8 . Be careful and try to makemistakes next time. You will get a better grade.AfewBfewerClittleDless9 . Whether we can enter our ideal senior high schools completely depends on. So everybody, lets try our best to prepare for the final success.AthemselvesByourselvesCourselves10 . I left my keys in the room yesterday. I had to get in _ the window. Im afraid it was dangerous to do so.AinBthroughCoverDto11 . Please 1isten to the teacher carefullyDont _ the windowA1ook toB1ook intoC1ook out ofD1ook up12 . What do you think of your trip to Mt. Niushou last weekend? _. Theres no doubt that spring is the best time to visit there.AOur guide took us thereBIt was really fantasticCWe went there by coachDIt was not far away from our hotel13 . Could you tell us _in the newspaper?Athat there is something newBif there is anything newCif there had something new14 . This is my _. My books are in it.ApencilBbaseballCschoolbagDring15 . Lily is as as her father.AfriendlyBmore friendlyCfriendlierDmore friendlier二、完型填空Its Sunday afternoon. Its my sons eighth birthday today. I go into a _ shop to buy a big birthday cake for him.There_ a lot of people in the shop. When I am _ a cake, I find a little boy watching the cakes for a long time. He is _ old clothes. At last he chooses a cake. Then he gives money to the girl shopkeeper and says to _, “ I want the _ cake.”“Sorry, the cake is 15 yuan, but you only have _ yuan,” says the shopkeeper.“II have no more money, ”says the little boy and he begins to _.“Oh, my boy. Who would you like to _ the birthday cake for? I ask.“My _ , madam.”_doesnt she come and buy one?“My father left us three years ago, ”the boy says. “We dont have much _. My mother has to _ from morning to night every day. She celebrates my birthday every year, but she _ celebrates hers. Its her birthday tomorrow. I want to buy a small cake for her. But I dont have enough money.”“Oh, my boy! Im your _ friend and I work with her,” I say. “I will buy her a nice birthday cake.” I give the money to the shopkeeper and leave the shop.16 . AcakeBflowerCclothesDpresent17 . AisBareChaveDhas18 . Alooking downBlooking afterClooking forDlooking up19 . AonBatCinDwith20 . AsheBheChimDher21 . AsmallBbigCsweetDdelicious22 . A10B15C20D2523 . AlaughBshoutCsmileDcry24 . AlendBmakeCborrowDbuy25 . AgrandmotherBdadCmumDaunt26 . AWhyBHowCWhenDWhere27 . AtimeBmoneyCfoodDfun28 . AstudyBworkCplayDthink29 . AoftenBsometimesCalwaysDnever30 . AfathersBmothersCbrothersDsisters三、阅读单选Circles can be found everywhere in the natural world, but with no exact way to measure(测量) them they are very mysterious and might never be completely understood. When you take the distance around a circle and divide it by the distance across a circle, you will always get Pi. While Pi is about 3.14 when rounded, it is endlessly long. With the help of computers, mathematicians(数学家) have been able to work Pi out to over a trillion decimal places(小数点后万亿位). This makes Pi mysterious, even to the most famous mathematicians.Pi Day is celebrated on March 14, since the way we write this date, 3/14, looks just like Pi when rounded. In 2009, U. S. Congress voted to formally make March 14 Pi Day. Certain parts of the worldplaces where March 14 is written as 14/3will instead celebrate Pi Approximation Day which takes place on July 22nd because of the division(除法) result of 22/7.Pi has appeared in movies, comics, music, and more. “In modern movies, any time the filmmaker wants to create a sense of mystery, the symbol Pi is used,” says Blatner. People also love working to remember the digits(数位) of Pi and competing against others to see who can remember most. The Guinness World Record for remembering the most digits of Pi is held by Lu Chao of China, who successfully remembered Pi to nearly 67,000 decimal places.Above all, Pi Day is about having fun with the number, according to Blatner. People will celebrate Pi Day by eating pie and throwing pie, and with fun Pi-related games. Princeton, New Jersey holds a series of Pi-related festivities. Events this year include a surprise birthday party for Albert Einstein whose birthday also falls on March 14, and a “Walk a Pi Event” where participants will walk 3.14 miles together. Just like the number itself, the possibilities for Pi Day are truly endless.31 . What makes Pi mysterious?AWays to divide a circleBWays to use it when roundedCBeing unable to write it as an expressionDIts endless decimal places32 . Why is Pi Day celebrated in some places on July 22nd?ABecause it is announce formallyBBecause it was corrected originallyCBecause the division result is similar to PiDBecause that day is easier to remember33 . What is the goal of using Pi in films according to Blatner?ATo move more viewersBTo call for viewers attentionCTo make the films more frighteningDTo add something mysterious to the film34 . What can we learn from the text?ALu Chao is the first Chinese to recite PiBMany states in the USA celebrate Pi day on July 22ndCThere are many different events to celebrate Pi Day in the worldDScientists will try their best to work out the digits of Pi thoroughlyAmerican magician David Blaine left the glass box in which he had lived for 44 days without food on October 19. Hundreds of people came to watch the end of hisstarvation experiment, which had become one of Londons main tourist attractions.Looking thinner and darker, 30 year-old Blaine was taken out of his box over the River Thames (泰晤士河) and sent to hospital at once. Doctors said he had to eat food slowly, or he would risk losing his life. He had been drinking only water since September 5.Blaine was brought up by his grandparents in Brooklyn, New York since he was born. He first became known as a street magician in the early 1990s. He soon found himself doing magic tricks in bars for the likes of American actor Leonardo DiCaprio and his super model friends.Over the last ten years Blaine has become famous with a combination of breathtaking magic and clever tricks aimed at getting a lot of attention.In 1999, he was buried in a coffin (棺材) for one week and, in 2000, he spent 62 hours in a giant block of ice. Last year he stood on the top of a 25-meter pillar (柱子) in the center of New York for 35 hours before jumping into a pile of boxes.“I think a lot of people are unable to accept that theyre able to do what they can do,” he said. “They dont realize we can survive. The human being is an amazing creation.”But he seemed to have suffered from spending so long in the glass box. He said that sometimes he was unable to see, had serious back pains and lost his sense of taste.35 . The underlined word “starvation” means _ in Chinese.A疼痛B冷冻C魔术D饥饿36 . Having spent such a long time in the glass box, he suffered (遭受) the following EXCEPT that_.Ahe became blindBhe had serious back painsChe lost his sense of tasteDhe was in weak health37 . Which of the following can best describe David Blaine?AMad.BBrave.CCrazy.DCreative.38 . Which of the following is NOT TRUE of David Blaine?AIn Blaines opinion, people can create a wonder.BBlaine was born and brought up in England.CBlaine was sent to hospital at once after he was taken out of his box.DBlaine once performed magic tricks for the famous actor and his friends.wonder of the natural worldWhen I arrived, it was early morning and it was raining. I looked to the eastthe sky was becoming grey. I got out of the car, went through a gate and walked along a dark path. There was nothing to see, but I knew it was there.After about a mile, a stranger appeared beside the path. “Am I going the right way?” I asked. He knew where I was going. “Yes,” he replied. “youll get there in five minutes.” Finally, I came to some rocks and stopped. I looked over them, but it was silent and there was no sign of it.Suddenly, the rain stopped and the clouds cleared. The sun rose behind me and shone on the rocks. Far below me, the ground fell away and down to a river. I was looking across one of the wonders of the natural world the Grand Canyon.I looked down to the Colorado River, a silver stream nearly one mile below me. If you put the two tallest buildings in the world on top of each other at the bottom of the canyon, they still would not reach the top. Then I looked across to the other side of the canyon. It was about fifteen miles away, maybe more. Finally, I looked to my left and to my right, and on both sides the canyon went far away for more than 200 miles. The Grand Canyon was not just big. It was huge!I remained by the canyon for about half an hour, and I asked myself, “Is the Grand Canyon the greatest wonder of the natural world?” I certainly know the answer. What do you think?39 . Where does the passage most probably come from?AA magazine B. A grammar bookBA dictionary D. A storybook40 . Why was there nothing to see?ABecause there was nothingBBecause it was too darkCBecause it was rainingDBecause it was in the morning41 . Which direction was the writer facing while he/she was looking over the Grand Canyon?ASouth B. North C. East D. West42 . Which of the follow is wrong?AThe writer visited the Grand Canyon by car in the morning.BA stranger showed the writer the wrong direction of the Grand Canyon.CThe Grand Canyon is more than fifteen miles.DThe writer realized the Grand Canyon was the great wonder at least.43 . What is the writers purpose in writing this passage?ATo give facts about the natural world.BTo say how he feels about the natural world.CTo tell an interesting story about the Grand Canyon.For most people,the wordfashionmeansclothesBut people may ask the question,What clothes are in fashion?And they use the adjective (形容词)fashionablein the same way:She was wearing a fashionable colorBut of course there are fashions in many things,not only in clothesThere are fashions in holidays,in restaurants,in films and booksThere are even fashions in school subjects,jobsand in languagesFashions change as time goesIf you look at pictures of people or things from the past,you will see that fashions have always changedAn English house of 1750was different from his grandson in 1860Today fashions change very quicklySome of this is natural (自然的)We hear about things much more quickly than in the pastNewspapers,radios,telephones and television send information from one country to another in a few hoursNew fashions mean that people will buy new things,so you see there is money in fashion44 . From this passage we know thatfashionmeans AclothesBmany thingsCmost of the popular thingsDeverything45 . Which of the following things is fashionable today?ASurfing on the InternetBHaving a family dinner on New Years DayCLearning to sing songs on the radioDDoing morning exercises at school46 . Today fashions change very quickly because APeople read newspapers every dayBradios send information from one country to anotherCnew things that people like are often shown on TVDpeople quickly learn what is happening in the world47 . There is money in fashionmeans Aclothes are expensiveBmoney comes from fashionCpeople like new thingsDthere are no fashions without money四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及汉语提示完成单词48 . Tony plays the piano at the_(音乐会).49 . They_(花费)five days finishing the work.50 . This house is too _(昂贵的)for me.51 . There are many new _(电影)I want to see.52 . She likes reading _(杂志)in the morning.53 . This _(连衣裙)is for Lucy. That is for Lily.54 . My sister wears a _(丝绸)skirt.55 . My grandfather does some _(锻炼)in the morning.56 . There is a football _(比赛)in our school this afternoon.57 . That woman is only 25 years old, but she has lots of _(钱).五、用所给单词的正确形式填空根据句意,用括号中所给的汉语提示或单词的适当形式填空,使句意完整,每空一词。58 . Its fine today.Why not go _, Kate? (swim)59 . The card on the _ desk is quite beautiful. (teach)60 . Marry goes to the_ Club every Monday and Saturday. (dance)61 . Lisa hopes her dream _ true. So she works very hard. ( come)62 . To learn English well, its a good way to keep _ every day. (diary)63 . He does morning _ at 6:30 a.m. on weekdays. (操)64 . What _ do you want to do at the weekend? (其他)65 . As we know, China is a great country with a long _. (历史)66 . If you dont want to buy the books, you can _ books here. (借)67 . Peter and his parents visit the museums about twice a _. (月份)六、用单词的正确形式完成短文move, restaurant, reach, around, at, read, die, born, nothing, hungryEinstein was one of the greatest scientists in the world. He was 68 . in Germany. And in 1930 he left his country and 69 . to America. He stayed there for 25 years until he 70 . . One day, someone invited him to an important meeting. As his train did not 71 . New York on time, nobody met him at the station. He did not know where to go. He felt a little 72 . . He went to the nearest 73 . to look for something to eat. He sat down at a table. Suddenly he remembered an important problem and began to think about it. A waiter came up to him, pointing to a menu (菜单),and asked, “What would you like, sir?” Einstein looked 74 . the menu for a long time, but he saw 75 . . He did not wear glasses, so he could not see it clearly. Einstein said, “Please read it for me.” The waiter looked 76 . and said in a low(低的) voice, “I cannot 77 . , either.”七、单词填空Today, many people like to watch Readers. It is a TV show on CCTV. It invites(邀请) some famous(著名的) people to r78 . aloud on the stage(舞台). The show also tells the good s79 . behind those people. They can read poems(诗), b80 . , and letters between friends and family m81 . , etc. By reading aloud, the words on the paper come to life.Many people enjoy w82 . the show. We often see a whole family sit in front of the TV, waiting for the show. The show gives people a special p83 . to read. It is a reading pavilion(朗读亭). You can find them in many c84 . , such as Shanghai, Hangzhou and Xian.The pavilion is very s85 . . Only one person can come into it to read each time. Your voice(声音) will be recorded(录制). Then the show will pick(挑选) some readers and ask t86 . to read on TV.“Reading should be just like singing and talking,” said Dong Qing, the host(主持人)of the show. “We can say out our true feelings by r87 . aloud.八、填空任务型阅读Not only adults but also teenagers have problems in their life. Here is a survey showing the main problems of teenagers. The first one is that they feel stressed because they have too much homework to do both at school and at home. They have lots of exams to take. And parents usually send them to different classes at weekends. The second one is that more and more teenagers are getting short-sighted. They often read in bed or keep reading for a long time without having a rest. Some of them are crazy about playing computer games. Some spend too much time watching TV. Another serious problem among teenagers is that many of them are becoming fat. They eat too much food, but they take little exercise. I think teenagers should think of ways to deal with the problems. They should make a plan for study and hobbies and find time to relax as much as possible.88 . The survey shows _ main problems of teenagers.89 . The teenagers feel stressed because _.90 . _ is caused by computer games.91 . _ make teenagers become fat.92 . Teenagers should _ to relax themselves.九、话题作文93 . 每年的5月15日是国际家庭日,为迎接今年的家庭日,你校将开展以“Families and Health”为主题的家庭日活动。请结合你的家庭实际,按要求用英文写一篇演讲稿。内容要求:1. 你家存在的健康问题;2. 问题形成的若干原因;3. 提出你的一些建议,让家庭生活更健康。注意:1. 文中不得出现你的真实姓名和学校名称;2. 语言通顺,意思连贯,条理清楚,书写规范;3. 词数80左右,文章的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。Dear teachers and fellow students,I am very glad to give a speech on Families and Health here today. _ _Thats all for my speech. Thanks for listening!第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、七、单词填空1、八、填空1、九、话题作文1、


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