英语七年级第一学期Module One Test

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英语七年级第一学期Module One Test姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Let him do his homework _.AheBhisChimDhimself2 . -There _ pear trees and a coffee bar in our school. How beautiful!- Thats wonderful, but there _ juice for sale in my school. Thats cool!Aare, isBis; areCare; areDis; is3 . Mr Wang taught usin the river last summer.AswimmingBswamCto swimDswims4 . I have many foreign friends. Some of them are British, while _ are American.AotherBanotherCthe otherDothers5 . -I like documentaries _ I like comedies-I like comedies _ I dont like documentariesAand:andBand;butCbut;andDbut;but6 . _ Australia is far away from our country.AABAnCTheD/7 . After his fathers _ , he decided _ his life.Adie, to changeBdead, changingCdeath, changeDdeath, to change8 . He wrote a card to thank me for _ from him danger.AsavedBsaveCsavingDsaves9 . Are you going to visit the car factory this afternoon?_.AThank youBI dont know yetCIm sorryDIm busy now10 . Mary and Kitty are friends of _.AthemBtheirsCtheyDtheir11 . _school is very large. How about_?AOurs, yoursBOur, yoursCOurs, yourDOur, your12 . Is the boy _?No.He is asleep.AcleverBawakeChappyDhealthy13 . I wanted to help him, but he told me that he _ any help.AneedBdidnt needCneednt toDdidnt need to二、完型填空Have you ever thought about your body changes? Up to about the age of eight or nine, girls and boys look almost _. They have similar shaped bodies(相似的形体) and their_ sound alike. As they grow, all their organs (器官) grow, _.At the same time after the age of ten, often at eleven or twelve, both _ bodies start changing. This time of change _ puberty(青春期). The changes mean their bodies are getting ready so that theyll be able to have children when they are _ enough.But the changes dont _ everyone at the same time. Each person has his or her own body changing timetable. By the time theyre eighteen, they should be finished. Girls start changing some years _ than boys. Until theyre fifteen or so, they grow faster than _ of the same age. As years go by, boys can catch up and grow _. Whats more, their faces become fuller. Not only the changes you can see are happening, but also other important changes that you cant see are happening inside your body at the same time.14 . Athe sameBdifferentCstrongDwonderful15 . ApersonalitiesBvoicesCfeelingsDlooks16 . AeitherBalsoCtooDneither17 . AgirlsBboys and girlsCboysDboys and girls18 . AcalledBcallsCwas calledDis called19 . AstrongBhealthyColdDclever20 . Atake placeBhappen toCcome outDcare about21 . AlaterBfewerClessDearlier22 . AboysBteenagersCchildrenDgirls23 . AtallerBshorterCyoungerDfunnier三、阅读单选Dragons are not real animals, but look like a combination (组合体) of many animals such as snakes, fish and deer. They have two horns (角) and a long moustache (胡子)With fantastic powers, they fly in the sky or swim in the sea. They can make rain, too. The Chinese dragon is a symbol of strength and good luck. The emperors of ancient China loved dragons. Their clothes were covered with pictures of dragons.We are proud to call ourselves the “ descendants ( 传人) of the dragon ” In Chinese, “excellent” people are often called “dragon” A number of Chinese sayings and idioms talk about dragons, for example, “Hoping ones child will become a dragon,” which means he or she will be successful.It is said that people born in the Year of the Dragon have certain characteristics. They are creative, confident, brave and quicktempered. There are some famous “dragons” who have done excellent things, for example, Deng Xiaoping, the famous businessman Li Jiacheng and the movie star Zhao Wei. They are all successful.There are also some traditional festivals about dragons in China, such as Dragon HeadRaising Day and the Dragon Boat Festival. We have different kinds of activities to celebrate them. These two festivals come every year, but the Year of the Dragon comes every twelve years.The dragon is very important in Chinese culture. As the “descendants of the dragon”, it is necessary for us to know the views on dragons in our culture. It can help us understand why our parents always want us to be “dragons”The year 2024 is the Year of the Dragon. Good luck to you!24 . What does the Chinese dragon symbolize?AA combination of many animals.BChinese sayings and idioms.CTraditional festivals.DStrength and good luck.25 . In the passage, the underlined sentence “Hoping ones child will become a dragon,” means “” in Chinese.A龙马精神B龙飞凤舞C望子成龙D龙腾虎跃26 . What characteristics may the people born in the Year of the Dragon have?ACreative, confident, brave and powerful.BCreative, confident, brave and quicktempered.CLovely, confident, brave and quicktempered.DLucky, confident, creative and successful.27 . Which of the following years is the Year of the Dragon?A1988.B1998.C2008.D2018.28 . According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?ADragons are real animals.BThere are many Chinese sayings and idioms about dragons.CPeople born in the Year of the Dragon must be successful.DThe “descendants of the dragon” are often called “dragons”四、阅读判断My name is Lucy King. Im English. Im 12 years old now. Im a student. Look! This is my school-No.5 Middle School. Im in Class 2, Grade 1. I have a friend. She is a girl and her name is Mary. She is at home today. My English teacher is Mrs Green. She is very good . I love her.根据短文内容判断,正确的写(T),错误的写(F).29 . Lucy is a Chinese girl.30 . Lucys family name is Green.31 . Lucy is in Class 2, Grade 1.32 . Lucys friend is a boy.33 . Mary is Lucys English teacher.五、句型转换根据所给提示,完成句子。每空一词,含缩略词。34 . I dont know where I can look up the opening time(改为同义句)I dont know_look up the opening time.35 . People get to know our National Mountaineering Team by watching the film The Climbers(就划线部分提问)_people get to know our National Mountaineering Team?36 . He put Kathys letter in the backpack(改为被动句)Kathys letter_in the backpack by him.37 . He used to feel stressed out each time he had a test.(改为一般疑问句)_ he _to feel stressed out each time he had a test?38 . 进入初三之后,他开始认真对待自己的学习。(完成译句)Being a student in Grade 9, he started to_about his study.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)39 . Saturday is the _ day of a week. (seven)40 . Usually people are afraid of _ because they may eat humans. (wolf)41 . Lei Feng is a good example for us to learn to _ the people. (service)42 . If people still dont care enough for the environment, the air will become much _. (bad)43 . We can learn a lot from _ events. (history)44 . It is good for you to do all the homework _. (you)45 . Being kind to others and giving a hand to them when necessary is _helpful.(usual)46 . In order to be safer, we have to _ that bridge. (builD.七、根据音标写单词根据所给音标填空47 . Its impolite to _ /ste(r)/ at others all the time48 . He worked on the program for a _ /hu l/ night.49 . Would you take a seat for a _ /mumnt/, please?八、用单词的正确形式完成短文A traditional B no longer C artist D took up E imaginesAgnes Kasparkova, a granny from a small village in the Czech Republic(捷克共和国),was once an agricultural worker Thirty years ago, an accident happened to her Therefore, she 50 . did the heavy agricultural work and had to retire She then 51 . the paintingGrandma Agnes gets her inspiration(灵感)from 52 . art in the southern Czech Republic She paints intricate(复杂的)flowers patterns with bright blue paint and a small brush She never plans out her work in advance Instead, she draws whatever she 53 . Agnes is aiming to make her village more charming九、单词填空根据短文内容及所给提示,补全文中单词或用所给单词的正确形式填空。Lily and Lucy are twin (双胞胎) sisters. 54 . they look the Same, there are many differences between them. Lily is careless. She often forgets to take her homework to school and she often makes 55 . (错误)in the exam, but she is56 . outgoing girl, so she has many friends. Lucy is a serious girl and she studies really hard. She can get much 57 . (good) grades than Lily does. But they have some common hobbies, such as reading and swimming. They go swimming 58 . (two) a month.十、回答问题Are you looking for something fun and would you like to help others in your free time? Then join usto be a volunteer(志愿者)! Were a non-profit(非营利的) organization(组织). We have volunteer jobs of all ages. Anyone aged12-70 can become a volunteer.You can help people in many ways. Schools need help with taking care of children while parents areworking. Hospitals need volunteers to look after children while their parents are seeing a doctor. Animallovers can help take care of those dogs and cats without homes. There is something for everyone.“As a volunteer, I dont want to get anything. Im happy to work for the children and see their happy faces.”said Carlos Domingo, an old woman of 62. “I often played computer games in my free time before.Now I help older people learn how to use computers,” said another volunteer at the age of 18.If everyone helps out a little, well have a better world to live in. Interested? What are you waiting for? Start volunteering now! Call us on 1-800-555-5756or visit our website: www.activol.com.59 . Who can be a volunteer?_60 . What does Carlos Domingo want to get when she helps others?_61 . Does Carlos Domingo do volunteer work for children?_62 . Where can we read this passage, in a newspaper or in a story book?_63 . What do you often do in your free time?(请自拟一句作答)_十一、将所给单词连成句子Make the sentences with the following words (连词成句)64 . are, there , the airport , plenty of, at , shops_.65 . a , take , bus , every , school , day , I , to_.66 . there , long , it , walk , how , take , does , to_?67 . indoor , your, is , activity , what, favourite_?68 . obey , should , the , rules , everyone , traffic _.十二、话题作文69 . 书面表达。中学生对未来生活充满了种种幻想,并渴望能够实现梦想。请以I Want to Be a/an .为题,写一篇80个单词左右的短文。要求在文中讲述你的梦想,以及你为什么有那样的梦想和你会通过怎样的努力去实现这个梦想。_第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、阅读判断1、五、句型转换1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、根据音标写单词1、八、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、九、单词填空1、十、回答问题1、十一、将所给单词连成句子1、十二、话题作文1、

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