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牛津上海版英语九年级第一学期期末基础测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . John is _ in _ in summer.Ainteresting, swimBinteresting, swimmingCinterested, swimDinterested, swimming2 . Look at the fancy new car. Can you guess _?Ahow much did it costBhow much it costChow much is the priceDwhat is its price3 . We _ breakfast when the phone rang.AhadBwere havingCare havingDhave4 . I live far away from my school, _ I have to get up early every day.AandBbutCsoDor5 . - Its very hot in the room!-_ the door open?AWhy dont keepBWhy dont to keepCWhy not keepDWhy not you to keep6 . Look at the young lady in red. Is it Mrs. King?No, It _ be her. She is wearing a white dress today.AcanBmayCmustDcant7 . You look nice in the pink dress._.AThe same to youBThats rightCThank you8 . I buy the T-shirt _ a very good price at Christmas sale.Lucky you.AatBforCwith9 . -Excuse me, may I come in?-Not yet. Please wait on your chair _ your name is called.AandBuntilCafterDsince10 . -Were not supposed to _ those who failed-No one can be a winner all the time.Aturn outBlaughCspread outDshare with11 . There are too many activities. You maysome of them.Acut offBcut outCcut downDcut up12 . With the development of China, Chinese _a bridge to connect China with the rest of the world for years.AbecameBhas becomeCbecomesDwill become13 . In public places; could you please payto your behavior?AattentionBachieveCastronautDairplane14 . All twelve of us left the spaceship and approached the doors carefully.Acame nearBran away fromCwent throughDopened15 . He isnt rude, and I am not, _. Were both polite.AalsoBtooCas wellDeither16 . Why dont you like winter in Beijing?Because it is _ winter in Guangzhou.Aas cold asBmuch colder thanCnot so clod asDnot colder than17 . They went to Shanghai during the winter holiday and everyone had good time.AtheBanCaD不填18 . Hed like a bowl of noodles _ chicken and cabbage.AhasBhaveCwithDin19 . My parents arent in because _ of them are going on holiday.AallBbothCeachDnone20 . -Theresin todays newspaper.You should read it.-Ok.Anew nothingBnothing newCnew somethingDsomething new二、完型填空English is a language spoken all round the world.There are more than 42 _56_ where most of people speak English. Most native speakers of English are found in the United Kingdom,the United States of American ,Canada, Australia, South Afiran, Ireland and New Zealand. In total,for more than 375 million people. English is their _57_language.These people will perhaps speak the language of their own country_58_with their family, but the language of the government ,shool, newspapers and TV is English. We find this situation in countries,_59_ India,Pakistan,Nigeria and the Philippines.Howerer ,a lot of of people learn English as a foreign _60_.They are more than 750 million, Everywhere in the world children go to school _61_English.Most people learn English for five or six years at high schools. In China students learn English at school _62_a foreign language.In only fifty years English has developed into the language _63_spoken and used in the world. English is the _64_language of the most international organizations(组织),international trade( 贸易 ) and tourism. Business and tourists often come to China_65_being able to speak Chinese. English is also the language of global(全球的) culture,such as popular music and Internet.21 . AcitiesBcountriesCschoolsDplanets22 . AsecondBpart-timeCfatherDmother23 . Aat workBat homeCin the schoolDon the playground24 . Aas wellBtogether withCsuch asDfor example25 . AhobbyBlanguageCplayDmovie26 . AlearnBlearningCto learnDlearns27 . AlikeBlookCseeDas28 . Amost widelyBmost beautifullyCmost quicklyDbest29 . AwatchingBdevelopingCworkingDplaying30 . AwithBwithoutCforDunder三、阅读单选In Germany, there is a special museum. It is the only one of this kind in the world and few people know it.Every year,the number of people who come to visit the museum is only one thousand.What kind of museum is it?It is a museum about taxes (税收)In this museum,you can see the history of taxes and all kinds of taxes in different countries in the world.After visiting the museum,people can draw a conclusion(得出结论)That is from 3000 BC.(公元前),the kings,dictators(独裁者)and finance ministers(财政部长)could tax people freely.They taxed people heavily because of such things as wars,weddings(婚礼)or road building.They needed money and they got money by taxing their citizens (公民)In the early times of Egypt,farmers had to pay heavy taxes if the water level(水面)of the River Nile rose.The kings said that if the water level rose,there would be much more earth in farmers fields.So the farmers could get a good harvest and they should pay more taxes.A strange kind of taxWindow Tax appeared(出现)in England.It lasted more than one hundred years.How? If there were more windows in the wall,the people must pay more taxes.So in those years, people built as few windows as possible in the wall.Russian people once paid a tax for their beards (胡子)The people who had paid this tax would get a special piece of paper.But what about the people who didnt pay for their beards? Of course,their beards would be cut.But without a beard for a man is a way to scorn(蔑视)God.He would also be punished.31 . Which is right about the museum?AIt is in Germany.BIt is a museum about taxes in German history.CIt is the only museum in the world.DIt is very famous in the world.32 . Which is the best title for this museum?AA German museumBA tax museumCThe only museum in the worldDA very small museum33 . The history of taxes may have lasted _ years at least.A3, 000B5, 000C6, 000D2, 00034 . Which is right?AOnly Egypt, England and Russia have taxes.BThe taxes are free now.CThe taxes were heavy.DThe taxes were completely used for people.35 . Which is right?AEgyptWindow Tax,EnglandWater Level Tax,RussiaBeard TaxBEgyptWater Level Tax,RussiaWindow Tax,EnglandBeard TaxCEgyptWater Level Tax,RussiaBeard Tax,EnglandWindow TaxDEgyptBeard Tax,RussiaWater Level Tax,EnglandWindow Tax四、句型转换Rewrite the sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空限填一词)36 . Wendy seldom goes out for a walk after dinner.(改为反意疑问句)Wendy seldom goes out for a walk after dinner,_ ?37 . Tom didnt pass the driving test last week.(保持原句意思)Tom_ pass the driving test last week.38 . We give a computer instructions by putting a program into it.(对画线部分提问)_ we give a computer instructions?39 . The maths problem is so difficult that he can t work it out in such a short time.(保持原句意思)The maths problem isnt_for him to work it out in such a short time.40 . read, necessary, is, us, for ,more, books, it, to (连词成句)_五、用所给单词的正确形式填空根据句意及括号内所给单词的提示填空。41 . I heard sounds of _ (laugh) in the next room.42 . These visitors are going to travel in some _ (south) cities in China.43 . How many _ (record) did they sell yesterday?44 . I think this CD _ (belong) to Peter.45 . I tried to find him in the crowd (人群), but had no _ (succeed).六、用单词的正确形式完成短文从方框中选出恰当的词完成短文内容。forest, train, England, yellow, windPeople travel to see autumns colourful leaves. Many people visit the Northeastern United States, Canada, Japan and46 . . People especially enjoy47 . tours in autumn. The train takes them through the48 . . They can see the bright fall colours from the train.People write poems to describe autumn. Here is one:Leaves are falling all around.Red and gold,49 . and brown.A chilly wind blows them here and there.The feeling of autumn is in the air.根据短文内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,并将单词填写在答题卡对应的横线上。每个单词只能用一次,每空一词。find walk back shall hungry mouse where free with caughtOnce a deer, a crow, a mouse and a turtle were great friends. One day, the deer was 50 . . He went out to look for food. He was 51 . in a net. In the evening, the deer didnt return to his friends.The mouse said to the crow, “Would you fly over the trees and 52 . the deer? Then fly back to us and tell us53 . he is.” The crow flew away. He came54 . half an hour later. He said, “Our friend, the deer is in the net. ”“What 55 . we do?” said the mouse and the turtle.“I will take the 56 . on my back.” said the crow, “He will bite through the net and set the deer free.”“Yes,” said the mouse, “I will do that.”“And I will 57 . to the deer and help him.” said the turtle. The crow took the mouse on his back and flew58 . him to the deer.The mouse bit through the net. The deer was 59 . . The four friends were all very happy together.七、语法填空Reading books is a good habit. Most children like fairy 60 . (tale). When I was a child, I liked to watch JourneytotheWest on TV. I was interested in different k61 . of characters in it. When I was older, my father bought many fairy tale books for me to read. Also, he encouraged me 62 . (express) my feelings after finishing reading. A63 . I couldnt do it very well at first, that didnt matter. Later, I made great progress. Now, I still like this kind of books. When I open the pages, I feel as if they are 64 . (stretch) out their arms to hug me.八、回答问题The students were having their chemistry class. Miss Li was telling the children what water was like. After that, she asked her students, “What is water?” No one answered for a few minutes. Miss Li asked again, “Why dont you answer my question? Didnt I tell you what water is like?”Just then, a boy put up his hand and said, “Miss Li, you told us that water has no color and no smell. But where to find such kind of water? The water in the river behind my house is always black and it has a bad smell.” Most of the children agreed with him.“Im sorry, children,” said the teacher, “Our water is getting dirtier and dirtier. Thats a serious problem.”Answer the questions according to the passage.65 . Why didnt the children answer the teachers question at first?_66 . Please use a sentence to describe what water is._67 . Why does the water in the river have color and smell?_68 . Do you think the boy who answered the teachers question is stupid?_69 . Is water important for us? Why?_九、材料作文70 . 根据表中的信息,以“My friend”为题写一篇60词左右的短文。My friend_第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、2、七、语法填空1、八、回答问题1、九、材料作文1、

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