牛津上海版英语八年级上学期Unit 2 Work and play 单元测试卷

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牛津上海版英语八年级上学期Unit 2 Work and play 单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Im sorry I didnt quite catch you. Could you please _ what you said?AreturnBreachCrepeatDreceive2 . The man has _ money, but he has _ friends.Aa little; a fewBmany; a fewCa few; manyDmuch; few3 . Every morning we discuss the business _ breakfast.AtoBforCoverDin4 . -Do you know something about Peter?-Of course I do. He will _ his post as the head of the major company at the end of next month.Atake upBput upCadd upDbreak up5 . Tom told his friend that he _ hard work in the end.Agot used to doBused to doCgot used to doingDused to doing6 . Directing films is not suitableyou, perhaps you should be a teacher.Afor; instead ofBto; insteadCfor; insteadDto; instead of7 . They were busy the project that they forgot the time.Atoo; discussingBtoo; discussCso; discussingDso; to discuss8 . On Monday afternoon,I often go to the conference (会议)center and _ meetings there.Atake part inBjoinCattendDenter for9 . Which of the following words matches the sound /skses/?AsuccessBsubjectCsurpriseDsuddenly10 . He knocked something _ the shelf when he _ it.Aoff, passedBdown, pastCoff, pastDover, passed11 . There is _ in the classroom. You can lock (锁上 the door now.AsomebodyBeverybodyCanybodyDnobody二、完型填空完形填空。Do you laugh every day? Most people_. Scientists say that people laugh about 17 times a day. That is _ laughter.In India, there are _ laughter clubs. The people in these clubs get together every morning. First they stretch their hands above their heads. Then they pretend to laugh. Soon everyone is laughing naturally. People say they feel good after _ together.Scientists believe that laughter is good _ you. _ ? For one thing, laughter is _ good exererse. When you laugh, you exercise many muscles in your bodyScientists say that one hundred laughs is the same_ ten minutes of running. When you laugh, you _ breathe deeply. This makes you _Why do we laugh? That is a hard question _ We know that people laugh _ in a group. They dont laugh very often when they are alone. Many scientists believe that we use laughter to make friends with _. Laughter helps us feel part of a group.In English, people say that laughter is the best _. Some think that laughter helps sick people get _. Do you think so, too?12 . A. laughB. doC. does13 . A. a lotB. manyC. a lot of14 . A. hundred ofB. hundreds ofC. hundred15 . A. laughB. to laughC. laughing16 . A. forB. atC. with17 . A. WhyB. WhatC. How18 . A. aB. theC./19 . A. asB. likeC. for20 . A. ooB. alsoC. either21 . A. relaxedB. to relaxC. relaxing22 . A. answeredB. to answerC. answer23 . A. less often B. more oftenC. never24 . A. another B. othersC. other25 . A. magazineB. knowledgeC. medicine26 . A. wellB. goodC. bad三、阅读单选Recently, a junior high school sent several students back home because they broke the school uniform(校服)rules. Should students wear school uniforms? The Young World magazineheld a discussion on this topic(话题).Kennedy: The school uniform is very important, because it always reminds me that I am supposed to go out of my way to study hard. It also helps prevent school bullying(欺凌). If everyone wears the same clothes, it is impossible to laugh at other peoples clothing.Manson: The uniform has to be earned(获得)through efforts. Students should start school with no uniforms. As they make progress at school, they start wearing it. I always think children need to be proud of their school. The uniform is important for that. So, make students earn it! If they dont perform well, they should not be allowed to get one.Moorhead: In my opinion, kids dont have to wear uniforms. There should be more choices open to kids in education. They ought to develop their own independence and just be themselves. Their personalities would be expressed through their own clothes at school. And different dress could be one way of showing their understanding of beauty. Besides, they make the school lively and colorful.Patrick: I can see the advantages of wearing school uniforms. They play a very important role in managing schools. However, a school should not depend heavily on uniforms to improve students behaviors. Teaching them how to express themselves with confidence(信心)is more important.27 . What does the writer mean to do in Paragraph 1?APresent an opinion on a subject.BIntroduce a topic for discussion.CProvide a way to solve problems.28 . What is Kennedy in the second paragraph?AA student.BA teacher.CA parent.29 . In Mansons opinion, _ .Astudents have the right to get school uniforms for freeBstudents should be encouraged to earn school uniformsCstudents performing well neednt wear school uniforms30 . According to Patrick, what is more important?AManaging schools by uniforms.BImproving students behaviors.CHelping students express themselves confidently.31 . We can learn from the text that _ .AKennedy cant stand school uniformsBMoorhead is against school uniform rulesCthe writer holds the same opinion as Patricks四、句型转换按要求变化下列各句32 . Our teacher is writing on the blackboard. (一般疑问句)_ your teacher _ on the blackboard?33 . Do your homework at school.(否定句)_ _ your homework at school.34 . Ann is wearing a yellow skirt. (同义句变化)Ann _ _ a yellow skirt.35 . I think I can make cakes. (否定句)I _ _ I can make cakes.36 . There istwobabies on the bed. (对画线部分提问)_ _ babies are there on the bed?37 . I can seea lighton the table. (对画线部分提问)_ _ you _ on the table?38 . That kite istheirs. (一般疑问句并对画线部分提问)_ _ _ _? _ kite is it?39 . They are English books. (单数)_ is _ _ _.40 . Go there, please. (否定句)_ _ there, please.41 . He can live in it. (一般疑问句并回答)_ _ live in it? Yes, _ _.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentence with the given words in their proper forms.(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)42 . After graduation the young man works as a _ in a five star hotel. (wait)43 . Lily posted a photo of _ which is taken in the new school to her parents.(she)44 . What_ the fish in the river last night? The noise of swimming in the water.( frightening)45 . _, Helen got a poor mark in the monthly maths examination this time. (luck)46 . If you keep on eating too much, Im afraid that you will gain a lot of_.(weigh)47 . Everyone should take the responsibility to make the sky_ than before. (clear)48 . My uncle has_ in the arm for more than three and a half years. (service)49 . The old man has been a _ all his life and is fond of sea very much.(fish)六、根据音标写单词50 . Lu Han is _ /ppjl(r)/ among students, especially young girls.51 . The manager is talking with a _ /klant/ about the price of our products.52 . Could you _ /rpi:t/ what I have just said?七、用单词的正确形式完成短文阅读下面短文,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文意思正确通顺(每词限用一次,其中有两个词是多余的)。after, America, other, before, busy, but, at, study, cousin, she, on, wish Todays story is about Zhu Hui, a student from Shenzhen. Hes now 53 . in the United States. Hes living with an 54 . family in New York. Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. Its 9:00 am. and Zhu Huis family are 55 . home. His mom and aunt are 56 . making zongzi. His dad and uncle are watching the boat races on TV.Is Zhu Hui also watching the races and eating zongzi? Its 9:00 p.m in New York, and its the night 57 . the festival. But there isnt a Dragon Boat Festival in the US. So its like any 58 . night for Zhu Hui and his host family. The mother is reading a story to 59 . young children. The father is watching a football game on TV. Zhu Hui is talking on the phone to his 60 . in Shenzhen. Zhu Hui misses his family and 61 . to have his moms delicious zongzi. Zhu Hui likes New York and his host family a lot, 62 . there is still “no place like home”.八、单词填空短文填词Today Id like to say something about my motherI often asked my mother for help when I had63 . (difficult) But she always said,Do it yourself,dear I thought she 64 . /si:md/ to be the laziest mother in the worldOne day, I decided to 65 . (邀请) some friends to my home My room was not tidy (整洁的) Books were 66 . /evriwe(r)/, and I didnt make the bed I asked my mother to help me clean it,but she 67 . (拒绝)me and saidDo it yourself, girl againBecause of my lazy mother, I had to 68 . (wash) my clothes and clean my roomI had to help my parents deal69 . the housework It was really hard for me to do everything well,70 . (但)I learned a lotNow, I come to know71 . my mother always said that,Because of herlaziness, I became72 . (help) and diligent (勤奋的) What a great mother!九、回答问题These days, What do you want to do when you grow up? is the wrong question to ask children in the USA. The question should be: What job are you doing now? American companies are employing more and more young people as consultants(顾问)to evaluate(评估)products for child consumers. The 12-to-19 age group spends more than $100 billion a year in the USA. Specialist agencies help manufacturers ask kids about all the latest trends in clothes, food and other markets. One company, Teenage Research Unlimited, has groups of teenagers who give their decisions on products like jeans. Another company, dole Research Associated, holds two-hour meetings in a room called the imaginarium. Children are encouraged to play games to get into a creative mood. They have to write down any ideas which come into their heads.Some manufacturers prefer to do their own market research. The software company Microsoft runs a weekly Kids Council at its headquarter in Seattle, where a group of school children give their decision on the latest products and suggest new ones. They are called young consultants. One 11-year-old consultant, Andrew Cooledge, told them they should make more computer games which are suitable for both boys and girls. Payments for the work are increasingly attractive. Andrew Cooledge was paid $250 and given some software. However, even if their ideas are valuable, the children will never make money. They cannot have the copyright to their ideas.73 . Do children of 12-to-19 age spend more than $100 billion every year in America? _74 . What do the specialist agencies do? _75 . The imaginariun is a place where children play games and try to find new ideas, isnt it? _76 . How often does Microsoft run a Kid Council at its headquarter? _77 . What was Andrew paid for his job? _78 . What is your opinion about being a young consultant? _十、话题作文79 . 书面表达我们的生活中处处充满着爱,有父母的爱,有老师的爱有同学的爱,有朋友的爱请以“Love around me”为题,写一篇短文。内容要点如下:(1)父母为你做早餐,送你上学;(2)老师传授知识,照顾你;(3)同学一起学习,和睦相处;(4)朋友在网上交流,分享快乐与烦恼;(5)(自拟一点)。参考词汇:网上交流chat online要求:(1)词数:80100个(2)开头已给出,不计入总词数。(3)要点齐全,行文连贯,可适当发挥。Love Around MeThere is lots of love around me in my everyday life. _第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、根据音标写单词1、七、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、八、单词填空1、九、回答问题1、十、话题作文1、

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