英语七年级下册测试Unit 3 How do you get to school?Section A(1a-2e)

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英语七年级下册测试Unit 3 How do you get to school?Section A(1a-2e)_第1页
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英语七年级下册测试Unit 3 How do you get to school?Section A(1a-2e)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . I cleaned my room last night,_you?I did my homework.AWhatBHowCWhat aboutDWhat like2 . -Do you usually take a walk or do your homework after dinner?. Its good for me.AYes, I doBNo, I dontCTake a walkDIt doesnt matter3 . Im going to HongKong for vacation._.AYoure rightBIm sorry to hear thatCAll rightDHave a good time4 . Many basketball fans believe that Cavaliers (骑士队) will win the NBA playoffs(季后赛) Champion_.Afrom time to timeBin troubleCwithout doubtDin style5 . We _ peanut before we eat them.AeatBhitCpeel二、补全对话7选5V. 补全对话(有两项多余)Peter:Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the Jingyue Park?John:1. 6 . Its on the left side of the street. By the way, where do you come from?Peter:2. 7 . John:Ive been to Tangshan before.Peter:How do you like it?John:3. 8 . Have you ever been to Changchun before?Peter:4. 9 . John:What do you think of the city?Peter:Changchun is much more beautiful than Tangshan.And the traffic in Changchun is too heavy.John:5. 10 . But the government of Changchun is trying to make every road much wider than before. I think the traffic problem in Changchun will be solved in a short time.Peter:I hope so.A. Thats right.B. Its a very beautiful city.C. Sorry, I dont know. Im new, too.D. I come from Tangshan.E. No.This is my first visit.F. Yes. Go straight along the Jingyue Street.G. Bad luck.A. Thats right.B. Its a very beautiful city.C. Sorry, I dont know. Im new, too.D. I come from Tangshan.E. No.This is my first visit.F. Yes. Go straight along the Jingyue Street.G. Bad luck.三、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。11 . His father is a worker on a _ (农场)12 . Her mother goes to the _ (商店)13 . Mr Li is the school bus_ (司机)of our school.14 . Lisa and Linda are of the _ (相同的)age.15 . The _ (警察)station is in front of the hospital.16 . You can go to the _ (剧院)this Saturday.17 . The girl is Mrs Smiths_ (女儿)18 . My _ (阿姨)is a nurse at the hospital.19 . The woman in red sits on my _ (左边)20 . Her_ (丈夫)is handsome.四、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给单词的适当形式填空21 . He gave me a lot of good_ (suggest) on how to learn English.22 . I find it difficult_ (remember) all the things.23 . Mark used to stay up, but now he is used to _ (go) to bed early.24 . Our school lies in the _ (east) part of our town.25 . _ (base) education is very important to every person.第 5 页 共 5 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、二、补全对话7选51、三、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、

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