牛津上海版英语七年级第一学期Unit Seven Test

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牛津上海版英语七年级第一学期Unit Seven Test姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Before you take medicine, please read the _ on the bottle first.AintroductionsBinstructionsCinventionsDinstruments2 . His father goes to work _.Aon a carBin his carCby a carDtake car3 . Would you like something to drink?_ .AYes,I wouldBYes,pleaseCYes,thanksDYes,give me4 . China Dream is a great way to gather people together and the fast development of our country.Apush forBfit forCdeal withDcheer for5 . May I have some hot tea, please? - _ANo, you may not.BNo, thanks.CGood idea!DSure. Here you are.6 . Get up, its time _ school.AforBto goCatDgo to7 . I want to _ a picnic with my friend at weekends.AdoBgoChaveDplay8 . Simon, what do I need to take for the hiking?-Youd better _ more water than usual. Its hot today.Ato takeBtakeCtakingDtook9 . There are _ people on the crowded bus and I cant get on the bus.Atoo fewBtoo littleCtoo manyDtoo much10 . Where is Changsha?Its in _.ABeijingBHunanCHubei11 . We mustnt _ the rules in school.AobeyBkeepCfollowDbreak12 . You can get off the bus _ Nanjing Road.AonBatCinDby13 . Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?AluckBhuntCuseDsuburb二、完型填空Breakfast is very important. It is one of the most important(最重要的)_of the day. To keep healthy, everyone should_a good breakfast. _the right food is necessary for good health. We may have eggs, bread, milk _breakfast.Many students go to school without breakfast _they get up late or their parents dont cook for them. Its_for their health._breakfast children may not grow fast and may not study and play very well at school. They may_. And when theyre ill, they will_a long time in recovering (恢复).I think everyone should have some good_habits. It is necessary.14 . AmealBmealsCdinner15 . Ato haveBhaveChas16 . AEatingBEatsCEat17 . AinBonCfor18 . AbecauseBsoCbut19 . AgoodBbadCbetter20 . AWithoutBWithCNot have21 . AillBare illCbe ill22 . AspendBtakeCmake23 . AhealthBhealthyCbad三、阅读单选There are two pictures.A man and a boy are in one picture. Who are they ? The man is Mr. White, and the boys name is Bill. Hes the mans son. Now, they are in Bills bedroom. We can see some English books on the desk.Lets look at the other picture. You can see a woman and a girl in it. The woman is Bills mother and shes in her daughter Anns room. You can see a photo of the Whites on the wall. Between the windows is a desk. Whats that on the floor? Oh, its Anns ball.24 . In the two pictures we can see _.Atwo peopleBthree peopleCfour peopleDfive people25 . Mr White is _.AAnns brotherBAnns fatherCBills friendDBills teacher26 . Bills English books are _.Aon the bedBin the deskCon the floorDon the desk27 . Who is Ann?AShes Bills friendBShe is Mr Whites daughterCShes Bills cousin D She is Mrs Whites son28 . In Anns bedroom we can see _.AphotosBa ballCbooksDtwo desks四、阅读判断Read and judge whether the following sentences are true or false.(判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示)Perhaps we will see a kind of little car in the streets in the future. Most of people will like this kind of small cars better than the big ones. The car is as small as a bike but it can carry two people in it. Everybody can drive it easily, just like riding a bike. Even children and old people can drive them to schools or parks.If everyone drives such cars in the future, there will be less pollution in the air. There will be more space for all the cars in cities, and there will also be more space for people to walk in the streets. These little cars can go only 65 kilometers an hour, so driving will be safer. They will not be useful for a long trip.29 . All the people can drive the new kind of small cars.30 . The kind of small car is smaller than a bike.31 . Driving the kind of small cars can make the air dirtier.32 . The kind of small cars can make more space for other cars and people.33 . The kind of small cars will be useful if you travel from Shanghai to Yunnan.五、句型转换按要求改写句子34 . He does his homework every evening. (否定句)He _ his homework every evening.35 . I often play sports after school. (对划线部分提问)_ often _ after school?36 . Do you often have dinner in a restaurant? (用Kitty作主语改写)_ Kitty often _ in a restaurant?37 . There are some tomatoes on the table. (改为否定句)There _ tomatoes on the table.38 . Li Ming is in the Reading Club. (改为同义句)Li Ming is _ the Reading Club.六、根据音标写单词Complete the sentences according to the given phonetic transcriptions(根据所给音标完成句子):39 . This _ /w:n/ sign tells us not to leave rubbish.40 . Timmy isnt having much _ /lk/ today, is he?41 . You have to follow the _ /nstrkn/.42 . They were the first men to _ /lnd/ on the moon.43 . Maths is a _ /ju:sfl/ subject.七、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)44 . Would you please buy me some _for me?(battery)45 . If you want to keep fit,youd better exercise_.(regular)46 . Here is the_ of water,flour and sugar. (mix)47 . More fatter people are having some_ problems. (health)48 . We need more money to look after these_ animals. (home)49 . Jack doesnt like eating _dumplings in the fridge. (freeze)八、单词填空50 . How would we travel _1_ maps? It would be a bit adventurous (冒险的) to set off from Oxford University to go to London Bridge if there wasnt a _2_ of the London Underground at each station.In fact, a lot of the early mapmakers were adventurers and explorers, especially in the 15th and 16th centuries.So what did people do before there were maps? Well, _3_ was quite easy to use natural signs like mountains and rivers and followed coastlines.And it was _4_ more logical (合理的) to use time, not distance, to measure (计量) journeys: the next village is _5_ threehour ride, for example.In fact, in the earliest maps, people didnt draw landmarks.They drew the stars.It was very easy to see the night sky _6_ use it for navigation (航行)The sky was a lot clearer before the light pollution from cities _7_we have today.When towns and cities were built, people drew road maps which gave correct distances and directions.The London Underground was opened in 1863 and it also used a road map style.But a man _8_ Henry Beck realized that traveling by train wasnt the same as driving your car across London.Passengers only needed to know which stations to change at.His new design (设计) for the Underground map wasnt very _9_ with the train companies at first.But the passengers loved it and in 1933, 700,000 copies were printed.These days, of course, you can ride a bike, drive a car or _10_ through a forest and know where you are exactly, using a GPS.Its really difficult to get lost!The Siddiqui family live in Birmingham. There are 5 people in the family. Both Mr. and Mrs. Siddiqui work in a g51 . shop, and they live in a f52 . above their shop. The shop is open u53 . very late in the evening, so Mr. Siddiquis mother t54 . care of their two children at home. Michelle is the w55 . of the US P56 . Barack Obama, so shes Americas first lady. She works on important p57 . for the American people, and she also h58 . Mr. Obama with his work. They live in the White House with their family and a P59 . water dog Bo.Paul has a great t60 . with his c61 . . They all get on very w62 . . The boys like going b63 . together. Kelly likes going to the cinema and the m64 . . But they all go s65 . and go to the internet cafe together at the weekends.The Tate Modern has a f66 . c67 . of modern art by famous a68 . around the world. Its on the south s69 . of the River Thames, and is not f70 . from the famous Globe Theatre.九、回答问题阅读短文,回答问题.Here in Siberia (西伯利亚), the winter is always very long and its very, very cold! It starts to snow in November and the snow wont leave until May. The temperature is usually about -25, but its sometimes much colder. When its -35, children cant go to school, but grown-ups still go to work! We wear a lot of warm clothes: socks and boots, sweaters and fur coats. All the houses have heating, so its never cold inside. In winter, we close the windows to stop the wind from getting in, and we dont open them again until spring.In spring and summer it rains a lot, and we dont often see the sun. In summer its often about 25, but the weather is very changeable. One day its 25, and the next day its 10. People say that the weather was even colder in the past.71 . How long is Siberias snowy time?72 . What are used in Siberia to keep the people and houses warm?73 . Do children go to school when its -35in winter?74 . Whats the weather like in spring?75 . How does the weather in Siberia often change in summer?十、将所给单词连成句子根据所提供的单词, 连词成句。76 . these pencils are your77 . helpful is Ted at home78 . is fourth Bobs on Uncle birthday May79 . buy sister of wants pair my to a shoes80 . playing favorite baseball is Trishs sport十一、话题作文81 . Write a passage of at least 40 words on the topic Rules in our school(以“我们学校中的规则”为题写一篇短文, 词数不少于40个)Sentence patterns for reference(以下句型仅供参考)For example, We mustWe mustnt_第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、阅读判断1、五、句型转换1、六、根据音标写单词1、七、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、八、单词填空1、2、九、回答问题1、十、将所给单词连成句子1、十一、话题作文1、

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