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牛津上海版英语九年级第一学期期中基础测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . My father is busy_ in fallAharvestingBto harvestCharvested2 . Work hard ,you will fail the exam .AbutBsoCorDAnd3 . Do you know who taught English?Nobody. He learned it by .Ahis; himselfBhis; himChim; himselfDhe; him4 . So many lovely puppies! Which one do you like _?AgoodBwellCbetterDbest5 . -Do you think the English class _? -No, we all like it.AinterestingBboringClotDa lot6 . Zongzito students for free in our dining hall on Dragon Boat Festival.Really? That sounds cool!.AofferBhave offeredCare offeredDwill be offered.7 . All passengers _ exit at the next stop. The train will not continue.AmustBshouldCcanDmay8 . Can you pass us?Athree bottle waterBthree bottle of waterCthree bottles of waterDthree bottles of waters9 . Bob,look at your room.How dirty it is!You must _.Aclean up itBclean it upCclean them upDclean up them10 . Marys favourite subject is Biology. And she is _ it.Awell inBwell atCgood atDgood in11 . My uncle has two children, a son and a daughter. The son is _ English teacher and_ daughter is a nurse.Aa, theBan, theCthe, aDan, a12 . -It rains heavily this morning.Is everyone here today?-Yes._of us is late for school.ANoneBBothCEitherDAll13 . I hear Peter would like to purchase the new iPad _ about 500 dollars.AofBtoConDfor14 . He can speak good English, but he can write only _.AlittleBa littleCfewDa few15 . Which of the following underlined parts in pronunciation is different from others?AcakeBmainCmapDstay16 . I found _ very easy to learn English well if you put your heart into it.AthatBwhatCitDthis17 . -Whats the matter with my son, doctor?- _ .ASerious nothing.BNothing serious.CSerious anything.DAnything serious.18 . A policeman told him that a shop _.Ahad robbedBhad stolenChad been robbedDhad been stolen19 . - I am going to Paris on holiday this May Day.- Really? _.AYoure welcome.BWish you a good trip.CIts nothing.DBe back soon.20 . -She didnt come to school yesterday, did she ?- _. Though she was not feeling very well.AYes, she didntBYes, she didCNo, she didDNo, she didnt二、完型填空Uncle Sam, is usually used to refer to the United States or the US government. It is the nickname of the country.It is hard to believe that this nickname became known quite by accident and there was a man 75 Uncle Sam.However,not many people have ever heard of such a man.Not even most young Americans.The man was called Uncle Sam Wilson.He was born in Arlington,Massachusetts, September 13, 1776. At the age of 14 Sam joined the American Revolutionary War(美国革命), and 76 in the army under George Washington until the end of the war.He then moved to Troy, New York states, and began a meatpacking business. He earned a reputation(赢得了声誉)for being honest and hardworking. He was locally respected and admired, thus greeted as Uncle Sam.One day in 1812,a group of visitors came to Sams meatpacking plant(肉类加工厂).Among them was Government official. He 77 the capitalized letters(大写字母) EAUS on the packages of meat and asked what they stood for. A worker man replied that EA stood for Elbert Anderson,the businessman for whom Sam was working.And he added 78 that US(actually it was the short form for United States) stood for Uncle Sam Wilson. Soon soldiers were saying all army supplies were from Uncle Sam.In May 1813,this story appeared in a newspaper published in New York.Since Uncle Sam was an example of a hard-working man and a lover of America, the idea ofUncle Sam as the name of this kind of man became well-known rapidly.Uncle Sam was ready to help 79 and place the interest of the nation(国家利益)above all-this is in line with (与符合)the American spirit. This makes the American consider Uncle Sam 80 the symbol of the USA.In 1961 the US Congress made a decision that Uncle Sam is the Americas national symbol.21 . AwasBnamedCaskedDwas called22 . AservedBstayedCjoinedDentered23 . AsawBobservedCstudiedDnoticed24 . ASurprisinglyBseriouslyCjokinglyDcarefully25 . AotherBothersCeveryoneDanother26 . AtoBforClikeDas三、阅读单选Did you know that OK has a birthday? Its on March 23. And this year, the word OK will be 181 years old.OK is widely spoken all over the world, New York Daily News reported.It was first introduced to the world in the Boston Morning Post on March 23, 1839. It read o. k. - oll korrect(all correct ). It was only a joke at that time. But later OK became widely used in documents and telegraphs. People used it to say that all was well.Today, we use it almost every day. How about 2 oclock? OK? OK. The word OK is easy to say and write. It is also clear enough for people to understand.It also has neutrality(中性)that other words dont have. You may say something is great, while other people may say it isnt. But with OK, everyone usually agrees.There are different ways of spelling OK:okay, ok,and O. K. But they all sound the same. However, OK is the most widely used in spelling and is often used in writing. People sometimes use okay when writing because it looks more like a real word.OK is so useful that its known around the world. You may not know the language of someone whos talking to you, but saying OK with gestures(手势)helps you to understand each other.27 . OK was first introduced to the world in a on March 23, 1839.AdocumentBtelegraphCletterDnewspaper28 . People sometimes use when writing.AO. K.BokayCOKDok29 . Which of the following is NOT true about OK?AIt means all is well.BIt comes from all correct.CIt is only used in the US.DIt has its own birthday.30 . What is probably the best title for this story?AThe most often-used English wordBHow to use“OKCOK to celebrate its 181st birthdayDDifferent ways of spelling OK四、句型转换句型转换按括号内的要求转换下列句型,每空填一词。31 . Must I leave here right away? (作否定回答)No, _. You can leave an hour later.32 . You must finish the work on time. (改为被动语态)The work must _ on time.33 . I borrowed this book two days ago. (用for two days改写句子)I _ this book for two days.34 . How will you deal with the old car? (改为同义句)_ will you _ with the old car?35 . He didnt miss school. He was ill. (合并为一句)He didnt miss school _ his illness五、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms. (用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子):36 . The life in the suburb is quite _from that in the city centre. (difference)37 . We can go _ here. (camp)38 . If you want to stay_, you should go to bed early and get up early. (health)39 . _, bake the dough in an oven for 15 minutes at 200. (final)40 . We have not got any _, please go and buy some. (battery)六、用单词的正确形式完成短文用方框内所给单词或短语的正确形式填空。exact someone leave use different show walk manner nervous politeSatoshi:You must be really excited about 41 . for Japan tomorrow, Steve!Steve:Yeah, I am. But Im a little 42 . ,_too.Satoshi:Nervous about what?Steve:Well, for one thing. I dont know how 43 . chopsticks very well. And I dont know how to behave at the dinner table. Satoshi:Oh, I see. I could give you a little lesson on Japanese table 44 . if youd like. Steve:Really? That would be great.Satoshi:Hmmm. Let me see. One45 . is that sometimes its polite to make noise when youre eating. It46 . that you like the food. Steve:Really! Thats interesting.Satoshi:Here are some chopsticks rules: its47 . to stick your chopsticks into your food. And you shouldnt point at48 . with your chopsticks. Steve:Oh, OK. I wont. Satoshi:And also, this isnt about table manners49 . ,but you should know that its rude to eat or drink while 50 . down the street.Steve:Huh.七、单词填空In many parts of the world, 51 . (大学) students work in summer. They dont want to have a52 . (轻松的) summer. They need money! Also it is good for their future job. Usually, they get some traditional summer jobs. These days, 53 . (然而), more and more students are working online. Working on the Internet is a new summer job for todays young people. Some students say they cant 54 . (忍受) the old jobs. Since they already know a lot about computers, they can do a good job on the Internet. There are other good 55 . (理由) about the new summer jobs. Some students get more money 56 . (通过) their new summer jobs. Students can also get good 57 . (经历) from the jobs. They see these jobs as a good start for their future. The work is also 58 . (有乐趣的) for most. Working on the Internet needs new ways of thinking. Students spend a lot of time 59 . (改善) their work on the Internet. Some students 60 . (甚至) leave school to start their own business on the Internet.八、回答问题阅读下文并回答问题。There are many useful inventions in the world. Do you want to have an umbrella that makes your hands free? Alan has invented the Nubrella, which means new umbrella. It is the first truly hand-free umbrella in the world.One cool thing about the Nubrella is that you dont need to hold it like a usual umbrella, you can wear it. The shoulder straps(肩带)of the Nubrella can hold the umbrella for you. The Nubrella is big enough to cover your whole head and your body. You dont need to worry about getting wet in the rain. So when walking in the rain with the Nubrella, youre able to use your cell phone or drink a cup of hot coffee.The idea for the invention began on one rainy day. Alan was standing in his shop and found that it was hard to keep their umbrellas in the right place for the people. At that moment an idea came into his mind. He wanted to have an umbrella which could make a rainy day easy and fun.Nowadays, Nubrella is on sale all over the world. The price of it is 59 dollars in America. You can also find it on Taobao. Would you like to have such kind of umbrella?61 . Is Nubrella only sold in America?62 . What does the word Nubrella mean?63 . How can Nubrella help our hands free?64 . Which one do you prefer to use, a Nubrella or a usual umbrella? Why?九、话题作文65 . 今年入春以来,长江中下游地区遭遇了50年一遇的大旱,人们的生产、生活受到了极大的影响,使我们再次认识到水的重要性。请你根据以下提示,写一篇短文谈谈水的重要性,以及如何保护水资源和节约用水。存在问题:树木被大量砍伐;工厂废水、生活污水任意排放;浪费水现象严重。提示词:plants, animals, humans, cut down, pour, waste, laws, stop, reuse, turn off ,tap要求:(1)词数80左右(文中给出部分不计入总词数)。(2)提示词必须全部用上,并适当发挥。(3)短文中不得出现与考生本人相关的真实姓名和归属地等信息。第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、七、单词填空1、八、回答问题1、九、话题作文1、

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