英语七年级上册Unit 2 Lesson 6 课时同步检测卷

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英语七年级上册Unit 2 Lesson 6 课时同步检测卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The English teacher told me to get there_ half past ten.AinBatConDof2 . The Spring Festival is usually_January or February and its often cold_this time of year.Ain; onBat; inCin; atDon; at3 . My family always get together to watch the Spring Festival Gala the evening of Chinese New Year.AonBat.CinDby4 . - _ do you visit your grandparents?- Once a month.AHow farBHow manyCHow longDHow often5 . We played badminton _ Sunday afternoon.AonBinCatDFor二、补全对话5选4补全对话(选择) A: 6 . B:Table tennis!A: I like table tennis,too.B: 7 . A:Good idea!B: 8 . A: Byebye.AGoodbye.BThank you.CWhats your favourite sport, Tom?DIts Monday.ELets play table tennis tomorrow.三、阅读单选As a parent, its necessary to know how to best support your child in school. Today well talk about how you can support your child.1) Your child will be tired. The new school year means a while new schedule(进度表), so with the period may come a bit of fatigue.You should Make sure your child get enough sleep. prepare and pack in the evening for the next day of school.2) Your child may feel nervous. Everything is new! Everything is different!You should Talk, talk, talk! Ask about the day and ask how he is feeling. Know your child. Maybe he needs a bit of time after school and wants to talk in the evening, or maybe hes tired in the evening and wants to chat after school. Find it out an follow!3) Your child wants to do well. He really does. Remember that no matter what last year looked like, this year is a fresh and new start!You sho uld Make it clear that you want to help him. Celebrate successes!4) Your child really needs you. No matter what he says, your child needs you.You should Be there when he needs you. Know what is going on. Know what your child needs for class and get it for him.9 . What does the underlined word fatigue mean in Chinese ?A疲倦B亢奋C尴尬D孤独10 . What should parents do if their child feels nervous ?ATell him to get enough sleep.BHave a relaxing chat with Mm.CTell him to be independent.DGet everything ready for him.11 . What can be the best title for the passage ?ALearn to let goBSchoolchildren are not easyCProblems of schoolchildrenD, Ways to support schoolchildren12 . We can probably find the reading in a (n) magazine.AtravelBbusinessCeducationDsports13 . Who might be interested in this reading ?AStudents.BParents.CTeachers.DDoctors.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据下列句子及所给的首字母,写出各单词的正确、完全形式(每空限填一词)。14 . Sometimes our maths teacher is very s_ with us.15 . It s a q_ to eight now. The class will soon begin.16 . In summer, I take a s_ every day because it is very hot.17 . Whats ten and f_? Its fifty.18 . We have to w_ the uniform at school.19 . I am in the s_ telling club. The people here are all good at speaking.20 . Do you like e_ ? They are big and heavy animals from Africa.21 . There are 60 m_ in an hour and there are 24 hours in a day.22 . It is my d_ to become a singer when I grow up.23 . Tom is really a l_ boy. He never cleans his room.根据中文提示拼写单词24 . Miss Yang likes reading on S_(星期日).25 . She _(借) some money from her parents last week.26 . He is only eight, but he can wash his _(衣服) himself.27 . We have many sports _(俱乐部). Welcome to join us.28 . David has some Chinese _(功课) every week.第 6 页 共 6 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、二、补全对话5选41、三、阅读单选1、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、2、

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