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石家庄市2020年(春秋版)七年级上学期期末英语试题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . _ does your mother go to England?By plane.AHowBWhatCWhereDWho2 . I cant get to my food. It means: _.AI cant buy my foodBI cant reach my foodCI cant bring my foodDI cant get my food3 . Tom needs some help _ his homework. Can you help _?Ato, heBwith, himCto, hisDwith, his4 . How much_ these books_?Ado; spendBdo; costCare; spendDare; cost5 . Hi, Frank!_.AHello, FrankBHi, GraceCGood morning, Grace6 . Parents always try to provide us _a good environment.AtoBforCwithD/7 . _ will it take you to get to the post office?About half an hour.AHow oldBHow longCHow soonDHow often8 . _. Is this your pencil? Yes, thank you.ASorryBExcuse meCHelloDsorry9 . The bag was so heavy, but who _ yesterday?Apick it upBpick up itCpicked it upDpicked up it10 . The CCTV Spring Festival Gala(春晚) of 2017 held _the eve of the lunar new year.This is _amazing and traditional ceremony, which is also one of _ most important celebration customs for all Chinese people.Aon, an,theBon,an,aCin,a,the11 . Their school has more than two_ teachers and_ students.Ahundreds of; thousands ofBhundred; thousands ofChundred of; thousandDhundreds; thousands of12 . Where is your book, Mike?Oh,its_the table.AforBtoConDwith13 . You should_the answers again carefully before you hand in your test papers.Sure. Ill do as you say.AexamineBwriteCreadDwatch14 . Im not sure _ the highway will close soon. Lets set off earlier.AwhetherBwhenChowDwhy15 . All of us have to _ rubbish to keep the classroom clean. You are right!Apick upBcheer upCgive upDturn up二、补全对话6选5完成对话根据对话内容和所给句子选项,将对话补充完整,使其通顺达意。答题时,将所选句子的序号写在答题卡上相应的空格内。Shopkeeper: Good afternoon, Madam. 16 . Mum: I want to buy a pair of gloves for my daughter.Shopkeeper: Whats your size?Daughter: Maybe Size M.Shopkeeper: Would you like the red pair?Daughter: Sorry. 17 . Shopkeeper: Sure. Here you are. They match your sweater very well.Mum: 18 . Shopkeeper: Yes, theyre very warm and comfortable.Daughter: They fit me very well. 19 . Shopkeeper: $89.Mum: A little expensive. But you look beautiful in them. Ill take them.Shopkeeper: Heres your change.Mum: Thanks. Bye!Daughter: Oh, Mum. Im hungry. 20 . Mum: Sound great! 21 . Daughter: Pizza is my favourite.AHow much do they cost?BWestern food or Chinese food?CWhat can I do for you?DHow about going to a restaurant nearby?EAre they made of wool?FCan I try on the orange pair?三、阅读单选Cindy likes eating ice cream very much. She often buys ice cream in the shop and takes it home. So does her husband(丈夫). One day her husband sees the ice cream and thinks, Good! Now, I can have a delicious dessert(甜点).When Cindy comes home from work in the evening, the ice cream is not there and her husband says, “Oh, you see the fridge (冰箱) is broken(坏的). Its not cold at all.” “Really?” Cindy says. And at the same time, she put her husbands arm into the fridge. Cindy says Keep it in the fridge for an hour. Dont move it away before I come back. She goes to cook dinner. Oh, no. her husband shouts loudly.22 . What does Cindy like to eat?Aice creamBeggCfish mDmeat23 . What does So does her husband. mean?A她丈夫不爱吃。B她丈夫也是。C她丈夫是的。D所以是她丈夫。24 . The fridge is broken. Is it true?AYes, it is.BNo, it isnt.CYes, it isnt.DNo, it is.25 . Does Cindy know her husband eats her ice cream?AYes, she does.BNo, she doesnt.CI dont know.DIt doesnt tell.My name is Peter. Im a student of Class Two, Grade Seven. Today our class has a class meeting. We want to go to the West Hill to have a picnic this Sunday. Wang Lin wants to go there by bike. She thinks it is fun and she also wants to take some food and water. Yang Xiong would like to sing for us. He can sing many nice songs. We all like his songs. Lucy wants to cook for us. She can cook fish. Li Ying would like to play the guitar. I would like to fly a kite. We ask our teacher Miss Green to go with us. She is very glad. We are all very excited at the class meeting. We think we will have a good time.26 . What class is Wang Lin in?AClass Two, Grade Eight.BClass Seven, Grade Seven.CClass Two, Grade Nine.DClass Two, Grade Seven.27 . Who can cook fish?ALucy.BLi Ying.CYang Xiong.DPeter.28 . How many students can we know in the passage?AThree.BFour.CFive.DSix.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空.根据句意和首字母或中文提示填写单词29 . We are not going to play basketball, but v_ this afternoon.30 . The s_ of the football game was four to one.31 . Im not good at tennis. I always _(打不中)the ball.32 . Bad luck! Anna _(受伤)her feet in the football match yesterday.33 . Sometimes, we call the National S_ “Bird Nest”(鸟巢).五、完成句子根据所给中文意思完成句子,每空限填一词。34 . 你迟到的理由不合情理。Your reason for being late doesnt _.35 . 我们学校至少有800名学生。There are _800 students in our school.36 . 李明经去过北京许多次了,难怪他对它这么了解。Li Ming has been to Beijing many times._he knows it so well.37 . 你上了火车后请给我发个短信。Please send me a(n)_when you get on the train.38 . 飞机突然向下倾斜,人们变得担心起来。The plane_,and the people became worried.六、填写适当的单词补全对话根据对话内容,补全下列对话。A: Excuse me, could you tell me the 39 . to the bank?B: Yes, go along No. 1 Street and turn right 40 . the first crossing. Walk 41 . and go 42 . the bridge. Its about two hundred meters 43 . on the left. Its on the 44 . of No. 2 Street and Xinhua Road. You cant 45 . it.A: Thank you. But how 46 . is it from here?B: About one kilometer. You can walk there. Itll 47 . you about ten minutes.A: 48 . very much.七、材料作文49 . 书面表达亲爱的同学,本场考试结束后,你即将迎来一个轻松愉快的假期。对如何度过一个有意义的假期,你有哪些建议和想法?请写出来与大家分享。Some ideasplan the time carefullykeep a balance between .and .play with friendsdo different sportsdo some reading.要求:1.文章必须包含所提供的主要信息,可以适当发挥;2.词数:90词左右(开头已写好,不计入总词数)。The winter holiday is coming.We will have lots of time to enjoy ourselves.八、其他单词辨音50 . AgetBelseCgeographyDbest51 . AlateBhaveCtakeDname52 . AglassBgoCorangeDgreen53 . AbeginBsitCthisDmine54 . AnoonBfootCfoodDtoo55 . AsoBsnowCsureDelse56 . AbreadBsweaterCteacherDheavy57 . AwhatBwatchCwantDwater58 . AmallBallCwallDhalf59 . AcolourBnurseCherDgirl第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话6选51、三、阅读单选1、2、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、完成句子1、六、填写适当的单词补全对话1、七、材料作文1、八、其他1、


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