牛津译林版(2020)英语七年级下册Unit1 Study skills同步测试卷(I)卷

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牛津译林版(2020)英语七年级下册Unit1 Study skills同步测试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . _ of the information on the event _ from the Internet.ATwo thirds; areBTwo thirds; isCTwo third; is2 . There are _months in a year The_ month is DecemberAtwelfth, twelveBtwelve;twelfthCtwelve;twelve3 . Many young adults find it hard to make their own decisions.Well, they have to choose _ and be responsible for their actions.AloudlyBquietlyCtotallyDwisely4 . There are_ five people in my family.Amany thanBmuch thanCmore thanDmore5 . Thank you _ me the life in your hometown.Ato tellBtellCtellingDfor telling6 . -Do you like the book? -_. I like it best.AYes, I can.BYes, I do.CNo, I cant.DNo, I dont.7 . of our school is covered with trees and grass.AThird-oneBOne-threethCOne-thirdDOne-thirds8 . I like the bathroom _ a shower and a bath.AhaveBhasCwithDand二、阅读单选Dear Kitty,News! We have a new flat! The rooms are small, but they are comfortable. There are more rooms here than in our old flat. This is good because now I have my own room. In the old flat, I shared with my sister.My bedroom is my favourite room in our flat. I can be alone in it. I can read or draw. I can listen to my radio or play CDs. I can play games on my computer and send e-mails to my friends.My second favourite room is the kitchen. I love helping my mother cook our meals. She is a very good cook. She is teaching me how to make many different kinds of dishes. She lived in Morocco when she was a girl, and she can cook Moroccan food. Its very delicious.Thats all for now. Write soon and tell me about your home. Please get on the Internet so that we can send e-mails to each other.All good wishes Anna9 . What is the main idea of this article.?AAnna told Kitty something about her familys new flat.BKitty lives with her family in America.CAnna likes her bedroom.DAnnas mother is teaching her to cook Moroccan food.10 . What is the difference between the old flat and the new one?AThe rooms in the new flat are bigger.BThe rooms in the old flat were smaller.CThere are more rooms in the new flat.DThere were more rooms in the old flat.11 . Why is Anna very pleased with the new flat?ABecause she has to share a room.BBecause she has a big room.CBecause she has a small room.DBecause she has her own room.12 . Which room is Annas favourite?AThe living room.BThe kitchen.CThe bedroom.DThe bathroom.13 . What does Anna do in the kitchen?AShe helps her mother cook their meals.BShe plays computer games.CShe teaches her mother how to cook.DShe reads about Moroccan food.三、填写适当的单词补全句子用表示房屋类的单词或短语填空14 . There is a dining table and six chairs in the _.15 . The_ is big and clean And there is a big bed in the centre of it.16 . I grow a lot of beautiful flowers in my_.17 . My mother is cooking supper in the _ and Im doing my homework in the study.18 . There is a sofa in the _. I like sitting on it and watching TV with my family.19 . I like sitting on the _ and enjoying the sun.20 . Bill lives in a small _ on a quiet street alone.21 . My dream home has a very big _. I can have a shower in it every day.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据中文提示、首字母提示或上下文语境写出单词,每空一词。22 . They want to learn about homes in different_(国家)23 . My_(理想的)teacher is kind and handsome24 . Who lives in a _(宫殿)?25 . There are a lot of beautiful _ (海滩) in Hong Kong.26 . In China,_(大多数的)people like to exercise in the morning27 . Do you live in an _(公寓)or a house?28 . Do you know the c_ of England?Yes. Its London.29 . September is the n_ month of a year and my birthday is in this month.30 . Where can we find your brother at weekends?In the football f_ .31 . Is the winter in _ very cold, Tony ?Yes,of course. And there are many ice engravings(冰雕) on the Red Square.根据下列句子及所给的首字母,在答题纸上按题号写出个单词的正确、完全形式(每空限填一词)32 . Please try to d_ what the thief looks like.33 . He was so hungry that he ate a_ everything on the table.34 . The bicycle-sharing system may help reduce air p_ in big cities.35 . Behind gifts and Christmas trees l_ the true meaning of Christians.36 . I have to do it myself, because I cant find a _ to help me.37 . Tea, one of the most favorite drinks in the world, was invented about five t_ years ago.38 . Lets ask o_ some questions and think about them before we make a big decision.39 . The development of the app Wechat can make s_ be friends.40 . Yesterday Mike fell o_ his bike, but luckily he wasnt badly hurt.41 . W_ you do, Ill be behind you and support you.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空B根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空42 . The schools in the UK are _ (real) different from the schools here.43 . _ (woman) Day is coming. Id like to buy a gift for my mother.44 . My favourite singer is Jolin Tsai, so I like her _ (well).45 . Do you think the _ (dinner) room is beautiful?46 . Which apple do you want, my daughter?I want the _ (big) one, please.用所给动词的适当形式填空47 . Look! The girls _ (write) on the wall.48 . Would you like something _ (eat)?49 . Dont _ (stand) behind the wall!50 . I want _ (take) some books to the classroom.51 . Lucy is running. Lily _ (not run).52 . There _ (be) a football and two flowers on the table.53 . Let the boy _ (watch) TV.54 . What can you _ (see) in the picture?55 . _ the old woman _ (drink) tea now?56 . You must _ (look) after your things.六、填写适当的单词补全对话根据所给的首字母提示,完成下列对话Mr Green: Hello?Jacky: Hello. May I s57 . to Andy, please?Mr Green: S58 . . He is not in now. Who is that s59 . ?Jacky: T60 . is Jacky, his classmate.Mr Green: Hello, Jacky. Would you like me to take a m61 . for you?Jacky: Please ask him to call me b62 . .Mr Green: OK. Does he have your telephone n63 . ?Jacky: I am afraid not. It is 5822608.Mr Green: Is that five, eight, d64 . two, six, O, eight?Jacky: Yes it is. Many t65 . .Mr Green: Youre welcome. I will tell him to c66 . you when he is back.七、其他根据所给单词完成句子。要求符合语法,语句通顺,大小写正确,单词不得重复使用,标点已给出。67 . does, learning, physics, like , he_?68 . food, delicious, the, tastes, how_!69 . do, best , subject, like, which, you_?70 . dont, drive, can, think, I, her, cars_.71 . at, what, I, he, was, say, yesterday, surprised_.从四个选项中选出一个重音位置与其他三个不同的单词72 . AkitchenBlessonClibraryDidea73 . AJanuaryBFebruaryCJuneDJuly74 . AAugustBSeptemberCOctoberDNovember75 . ADecemberBMondayCWednesdayDThursday76 . AsunnyBsweaterCsubjectDpotato77 . AafterBafternoonCalsoDalways78 . AbasketballBbeautifulCbrotherDbehind79 . AvolleyballBbasketballCfootballDbeside80 . AT-shirtBtennisCspecialDtomorrow81 . AOKBUSACa. m.Dp. m.第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、二、阅读单选1、三、填写适当的单词补全句子1、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、2、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、2、六、填写适当的单词补全对话1、七、其他1、2、

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