牛津译林版八年级英语8A Unit 3单元测试

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牛津译林版八年级英语8A Unit 3单元测试姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . I _ Space Museum in Moon Town yet.Ahave beenBhavent gone toChavent been toDhave gone2 . I lost my bike yesterday and had to walk home. _.AIt doesnt matterBIts a pleasure.CIm sorry to hear that.DCongratulations3 . -?-He is twelve.AHow is heBHow old he isCHow aboutDHow old is he4 . I suffered a lot _ smoking, so I _ last year.Ato; gave it upBto; gave up itCfrom; gave it upDfrom; gave up it5 . AIn the park.BIn the supermarket.CIn the shopping center.DIn the museum.6 . Its easy _ me _ English. I like it.Afor; to learnBfor; learningCof; to learnDof; learning7 . -How much did you _ for your new car?AspendBpayCcostDtake8 . Its _ hard problem for the twins that _ of them can work it out.Aso; neitherBsuch a; neitherCso a; neitherDsuch a; none9 . Allen, your bedroom is in a mess.Sorry, Mum. Ill _ my things at once.Aput onBput awayCput outDput up10 . Dont hurry; we still have _ timeAlittleBa littleCfewDa few11 . Its a fine day. Lets go _ in the sun.AhikingBhomeCshoppingDbasketball12 . Go across the street and _, then you will get there.Aturn leftBturn to the leftCturn to leftDA and B13 . Children dont write _, because they didnt have _.Acareful enough; enough timeBcarefully enough; enough timeCenough careful; enough timeDenough carefully; time enough14 . Miss Read is goodmusic. She can be goodchildren at school.Aat ,atBwith , withCat, withDwith ,at二、完型填空Korean culture is really popular right now. The Korean Wave(韩流) is sweeping Asian countries including(包括)_Young people are_in Korean TV plays, Korean pop songs and the Korean language.The Korean Wave started_years ago with the TV series(电视系列剧)Winter Sonata(冬季恋歌). This love story is still popular now. People, especially girls, like the beautiful stories and handsome actors_Pei Yongjun ( 裴勇俊).In the music world, Korean stars are making_heard in China. You can often find big Korean names such as Baby Vox, SES and Finkle at the top of the Chinese_charts(排行榜).The Korean Wave_makes young people try the clothes and hairstyles of the Korean pop stars. Besides those, now some girls in China are having plastic surgery(整形手术)_their looks. It is said that many Korean stars look beautiful_plastic surgery.As you see, Korean culture has changed us a lot. Is it_for us to follow in every way? We each should think about it.15 . AChinaBCanadaCAustraliaDEgypt16 . AexcitedBinterestedCsurprisedDworried17 . Aa littleBlittleCa fewDfew18 . AonBatCforDlike19 . AthemBtheyCtheirDthemselves20 . AsportsBhealthCmusicDclothes21 . AtooBalsoCas wellDelse22 . AchangeBchangingCchangedDto change23 . AinsteadBinstead ofCbecauseDbecause of24 . AnecessaryBseriousCpleasantDfriendly三、阅读单选People travel for a lot of reasons. Some tourists go to see battlefields(战场)or religious shrines(圣殿).Others are looking for cultures, or simply want to have their pictures taken in front of famous places. Most European tourists are looking for a sunny beach to lie on.Residentsof northern cities like London, Copenhagen, and Amsterdam spend a lot of their winter in the dark because the days are so short. And much of the rest of the year is in the rain. This is the reason why the Mediterranean(地中海)has always attracted them. They all come for the same reason: the sun!But there are signs that the are is getting more tourists than it can deal with. The Mediterranean has already been one of the most polluted seas on Earth. And with the increasing numbers of tourists, its getting worse. However, none does harm to anyones fun. The Mediterranean is getting more and more popular every year with tourists.25 . Why do most European tourists travel?ABecause they want to see battlefields or religious shrines.BBecause they are looking for a sunny beach to lie on.CBecause they are looking for cultures.DBecause they want to have their pictures taken in front of famous places.26 . The Mediterranean has always attracted Northern European because of.Athe sunBthe seaCthe beachDthe sky27 . What does the underlined word residents in Paragraph2 mean in Chinese?A地方B旅游者C居民D气候28 . What problem does the Mediterranean have because of too many tourists?AMoneyBCrowdCNoiseDPollutionIt takes much time to learn a language. There are many reasons to learn a language. EmigrationWhen you move to a different country or region, learning the local language will help you to communicate with the local community. Even if many local people speak your language, its important to learn their language. It will also give you a better understanding of their culture and way of thinking.WorkIf your work is about languages, talking to them in their own languages will help you to communicate with them. Knowing languages may also increase your chances of finding a new job, getting a promotion or a transfer overseas, or of going on foreign business trips.Many English-speaking business people dont bother to learn other languages because they believe that most of the people they do business with in foreign countries can speak English. The lack of foreign language knowledge puts the English speakers at a disadvantage.TravelWhen you go on holiday you can get more information by speaking English. If people dont understand you, all you have to do is speak slowly and turn up the voice.FoodPerhaps you enjoy the food and drink of a country or region and make trips there. It is very useful to learn a foreign language.29 . The underlined word “chance” means .AopportunityBinterestCinstructionDexplanation30 . There are reasons to learn a language in the passage.AthreeBfourCfiveDsix31 . What is NOT true according to the passage ?AIts important to learn a foreign language when moving to a different country.BLearning a language can give you a better understanding of their culture.CIf people dont understand you , you can speak slowly and turn up the voice.DIts not necessary to learn a foreign language if you are English-speaking business people.32 . Whats the main idea of the passage ?AWhere to learn a language.BWhy to learn to learn a language.CHow to learn a language.DHow many languages to learn.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空I. 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词33 . Professor Li will give a _(演说)in the hall tomorrow.34 . My parents have taught me that love is about _(信任).35 . Look, how beautiful those _(手工的)scarves are!36 . Love truth, and _(宽恕)error.37 . Mark Smith is a student at a _(职业的)school.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。38 . English is my favorite subject. I am _ in it. (interest)39 . The dumplings taste _! I like them! (good)40 . On school days, my brother has breakfast _ and then goes to school. (quick)41 . Our Chinese teacher is good at _ stories. (tell)42 . Mike is from America. He is an _. (America)六、句子配对43 . What kind of home do you live in?44 . Sorry, I dont know the way to the train station. You can ask that policeman.45 . How many model cars do you have?46 . Oh, your new clothes look very nice!47 . Would you like to play games with us?七、单词填空Im glad to be your guide. Let me tell you something about our trip. From the square you can begin your short48 . (旅行) of London49 . (穿过) the square, and you will get to the National Gallery. There are lots of50 . (著名的) paintings in it. Walk along the red street to Buckingham Palace. Turn left and reach the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben. 51 . (在对面) you can see the Lon-don Eye. It can take you 135 metres 52 . (在上) the River Thames. On a clear day you can see 53 . (大部分) of London. Take the boat near Big Ben. Get off the boat at Tower Bridge. Next to it is the Tower of London. Its 54 . (超过) 900 years old. Take the boat back to the railway station. Go 55 . (经过) the station and go on. Turn left 56 . (进入) Kings Street and you can see a 57 . (教堂). This is where youll finish your tour.八、填空阅读短文,根据短文内容完成下列表格中所缺的信息。Clothing is a language. We can look at traditional clothing to know more about culture.Africa has a long history and a rich culture, and this is shown in traditional dress. The three colorsred, gold and green, are commonly used in the clothing. The first color stand for the blood of millions of people who fought for freedom; the second , rich resources of the African earth; and the third, the grassland of home.Because clothing has strong social meanings, people are very careful in choosing what to wear. It would be a serious mistake to wear the wrong clothes, or to dress in the wrong way. For example, in Ghana, a woman should wear her waistband(腰带) differently according to the importance of the social event. Traditional dress also tells us about everyday life. African designs are famous for loose(宽松) clothing. The temperature there can be very high during the daytime but very low at night, so it requires that the clothing are comfortable for daily life.Today although more and more young people like wearing Western clothes, especially in big cities in Africa, traditional African dress is still quite important. This is because it has deep culture meanings.Traditional dress in AfricaDifferent colorsThe three most58 . colors used in clothing are red, gold and green.Different colors59 . for different things.Social meaningsBecause clothing has strong social meanings, people have to choose what to wear60 . .Woman in Ghana even wear different waistbands according to how 61 . the event is.Everyday lifeBecause the temperature62 . greatly, clothes are usually loose and comfortable.Though Western clothes are popular with young people in some areas, traditional clothes are still of great importance.九、回答问题Today is a holiday. Sam wants to visit the Star Park on Lucky Island with his classmates. He puts on his new T-shirt and a white cap. He walks to the bus stop. The bus stop is near his home. He and his classmates are going to meet there. It is quite a long way from his home to the park. So they are going to the Star Park by bus. They are going to take the No. 40 bus. They want to see a flower show there. Sam thinks that they are going to have a good time. And his father has told him to buy some beautiful flowers because next Monday will be his mothers birthday.63 . What does Sam put on today?_64 . How are they going there?_65 . Is Sams home near or far away from the park?_66 . Which bus are they going to take?_67 . Why is Sam going to buy some flowers?_68 . How will Sams mother feel?_十、书信作文69 . 假如你是李华,你的英国朋友Jessie来信询问你暑假的度假情况。暑期中,你和父母外出度过了愉快的一周。请给Jessie写一封电子邮件,从交通方式目的地、天气状况、旅行经历和感受等方面,介绍这次难忘的旅行。要求:1. 语法正确,语句通顺,书写工整;2. 60词左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Jessie,I had a really interesting trip with my parents last week. _Yours,Li Hua第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、句子配对1、七、单词填空1、八、填空1、九、回答问题1、十、书信作文1、


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