牛津译林版九年级下册英语 Unit 1 Asia-Integrated skills 同步练习

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牛津译林版九年级下册英语 Unit 1 Asia-Integrated skills 同步练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Hi, Bob! _we go for a trip tomorrow?Good idea! That sounds fun.ADoBAreCShallDMay2 . The weather is fine. Shall we go out for a walk? . Lets go.AThank youBGood ideaCIm not sureDYou are all right3 . If people change the wetlands to make space_ farms, the birds will not have enough space _.Afor, to liveBfor, to live inCfrom, livingDto, living in4 . The backpack is blue.The pencil is _,too.AblueBwhiteCredDblack5 . Is Bill from Cuba ?_ . He is from Canada.A/BNo.CYes, he isnt.DYes, he is.6 . Did you have a sports meeting yesterday?No, we didnt. It was put off _ the heavy rain.Ainstead ofBbecause ofCas forDacross born7 . Sarah seems to be confident about her performance tomorrow.So she is. Shes gotten prepared for it.AsorryBfamousCready8 . The Forbidden City is _ Beijing.Ain front ofBbehindCin the middle ofDat the back of9 . You should find a _ chance to explain everything to your mother, because shes still angry with you.Aserious Bdifficult Cproper Dnormal10 . Tom, Ill make a banana milk shake. Please go and buy some bananas and milk._, Mom?AWhat elseBElse whatCWhat otherDOther what二、阅读单选Its hard to believe how times have changed since the first modern Olympics were held in Athens, Greece, on 6th April 1896. Over one hundred years ago, there was very little reliance(dependence)on modern technology. There were no landing mats(海绵垫), no stopwatches and no photo finishes. In fact, cameras and stopwatches were not used until the 1932 Olympic Games in Los Angeles, the USA.Today technology has completely revolutionized(changed) sports. Take sports equipment(装备)for example. Starting blocks are now equipped with electronic pressure sensors(传感器), which provide exactly correct race time and also help to catch runners who “jump the gun”. As athletes cross the finishing line, special digital cameras can also easily decide the winner. The clays of “_” are gone.Athletes have also benefited(受益) from technological developments. Body-hug-ging suits, which reduce(减少) wind drag, can help cut up to one-tenth of a second from runners race times. Top athletes are even provided with tailor-made sports shoes. These shoes are made to fit the athlete exactlyand there are even air compartments in the shoes that can be filled to meet each runners individual needs.Technology has also changed the way that many sports are performed. Take one examplethe pole vault(撑杆跳). The inclusion of a landing mat obviously made a big difference to the vaulting style(方式)as athletes no longer needed to worry about hurting themselves as they fell. Without these worries, athletes could obviously jump higher. These days, polevaulters do not even need to worry about the crossbar as the uprights are now fitted with light-emitting diodes(LEDs) that measure(测量) how high the athlete vaulted. Technology has even been to the advantage of swimmers. New pools have been designed to reduce wave interference and sports scientists have even developed a new style of swimming that increases buoyancy and reduces drag in the water.The increasing importance of these technological developments has led many sportsmen to suggest that the “Olympic spirit” is being lost in a rush to break records and win medals. Many developing countries say that technology has become too important in sport and that athletes from developing countries that cannot afford such technology are disadvantaged. There are no easy answers but one thing is surewe cannot turn back time. Technology cannot go backwards.11 . How many pieces of high-tech sports equipment are mentioned in paragraph 2 and 3?AOne.BTwo.CThree.DFour.12 . The underlined phrase “dead heats” means “_”.Asports equipment which was out of dateBrunners who jumped the gun while runningCdiseases which killed runners in hot weatherDraces in which runners finished at the same time13 . What can be inferred from the fourth paragraph?ALEDs can measure the speed of swimming.BThe pole vault was not quite safe in the past.CPolevaulters jump higher with landing mats.DNew pools have changed the style of swimming.14 . The purpose of the writer in writing this article is _.Ato suggest we should keep up with the timesBto show us the future of modern OlympicsCto prove that the athletes have done betterDto introduce high-tech sports equipment三、用单词的正确形式完成句子your, is, first, number, are, his, and15 . This clock _ nice.16 . Zero is a _.17 . This is a boy. _ name is Bob.18 . My jacket is red _ white.19 . Gina is the _ girl in the family.第 6 页 共 6 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、阅读单选1、三、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、

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