牛津深圳版七年级英语上册Unit 3 基础训练

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牛津深圳版七年级上册Unit 3 基础训练姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . People _ a lot of rubbish every day.Aput onBthrow awayCput into2 . - I want to go to school early tomorrow, Mum.- OK. Dont worry. I can _ at 6:00 in the morning.Awakes you upBwake you upCwake up youDwake up to you3 . There _ robots in peoples homes in 30 years.AisBareCbeDwill be4 . There will _ a new library in our school.AareBhaveCbeDhas5 . Let me _ some ice-cream, I like _ so much.Ato eat; itBto eat; themCeat; itDeat; them6 . (甘肃省兰州市2015年中考英语试题)He ate a lot and did little exercise, so he _ 10 pounds.Aput onBput awayCput outDput off7 . About _of the engineers in my company seem to be in their _Asecond-nines; fourtiesBtwo-ninths; fortiesCsecond-ninths; fortiethDtwo-nineths; fourtieth8 . There _ some meat in the bowl.AisBareCbeDhave9 . _ is your jacket ? Its _ green .AWhats ; aBWhat color ; aCWhat color ; /DWhats color ;/10 . We are in _ same class.AaBanCtheDone二、完型填空Do you love dogs? Do you like to watch_ shows? Dog owners (主人) in America have a fashion (时装) show_ their dogs in the Times Square in New York. It is wonderful and _.Its not easy to_ dogs. The dog owners must know _ dogs very well._, they must learn about the forms of the dogs bodies, their colours and what they like and_ Then, the dog owners design and make clothes for their dogs. The well-dressed dogs_ on the catwalk (展台). Some of them are really smart, and some are interesting. At last, an _ dog gets first prize. It looks _a taxi. People all think it is the best one.11 . AfilmBtaxiCtalkDfashion12 . AforBonCtoDat13 . AtiredBinterestingCsadDfree14 . AputBloveCdressDwear15 . AourBtheirCyourDmy16 . AFirstBSecondCThirdDLast17 . AlikeBdislikeCloveDenjoy18 . AwalkBsleepCswimDlook19 . AChineseBJapaneseCEnglishDFrench20 . AlikeBbetweenCforDof三、阅读单选One day when Jack was walking in the park, he saw a young woman he knew sitting on a bench(长椅) with a dog beside her. The dog was looking up at the woman. Jack walked up to the woman and said, “Hello. Sue, how are you? May I sit and talk with you for a while?”Of course, please sit down,”Sue said. Jack sat down next to Sue on the bench, and they talked quietly together. The dog continued to look up at Sue, as if waiting to be fed.“Thats a nice dog”Jack said, pointing(指向)at the animal.“Yes, hes handsome. Hes strong and healthy”And hungry,” Jack said. “He hasnt taken his eyes off you. He thinks youve got some food for him.”Thats true, but I havent.” Sue said,The two friends laughed and then Jack said, “Does your dog bite?”No,” Sue said. “Hes never bitten anyone. Hes always gentle and good-tempered(好脾气).”Hearing this, Jack decided to pet the dog. He put out his hand and touched the animals head. Immediately it jumped up and bit him.“Hey!” Jack shouted. “You said he didnt bite.”“You asked,if my dog bit, and I said no. But its not my dog. My dog is at home.”Sue replied.21 . What did Jack do when he saw the woman ?AHe walked past her.BHe asked to sit next to her.CHe spoke angrily to her.DHe spoke to her dog.22 . The dog looked _.Aangrily at JackBsickCas if he would bite SueDhungry23 . Jack thought that the dog_.Awas illBbelonged to SueCwas terribleDbelonged in a zoo24 . The underlined word “pet” should be _in Chinese.A宠物B喜欢C敲打D抚摸25 . From the story, we can know_.AJack and Sue talked about the same dogBJack didnt know Sue beforeCJack was bitten by Sues dogDJack asked Sue a wrong questionRecycling is a way to take trash and turn it into new products. There are a number of different recycling processes that allow materials to be used more than once.All kinds of materials can be recycled. Some of the most common processes in use today involve(牵涉) recycling plastic, glass, metals, paper, electronics and so on. Items made of these materials include soda cans, plastic boxes, newspapers, old computers, and cardboard boxes.There are many steps in recycling. It isnt actually a simple process and is different for each type of material. For example, paper starts its recycling process by being mixed with water and other chemicals to break it down. This process finally turns the paper into a pulp(纸浆). Then remove the plastics and other useless materials from the pulp. After that, it gets cleaned. Now the pulp is ready to be made into new paper.However, computers and batteries(电池) are usually recycled in order to remove harmful chemicals as well as to find again some valuable materials such as gold.In general, we should follow different steps in the recycling process. These steps are:Collecting recyclable materials, like cans and plastic bottles.Processing(加工) the old materials and making new items.Buying items made from recycled materials.26 . What is recycling?A. It makes your heart and body strong.B. It is to reuse anything that can be used again.C. It means keeping the land , air and water clean.27 . Paragraph 2 mainly tells us _.A. recycling is very easyB. recycling process is differentC. what materials can be recycled28 . Which shows the recycling process of paper correctly?a. cleaning itb. removing useless materialsc. being mixed with water and other chemicalsd. turning the paper into a pulpA. c-d-b-a B. b-a-d-c C. c-a -b-d29 . Batteries shouldnt be thrown into the fields because _.A. the chemicals in them are harmful to the fieldsB. some of the batteries are very expensiveC. the batteries are good for the plants in the fields30 . According to the passage, the first step of recycling is _.A. throwing cans and plastic bottles awayB. collecting recyclable materialsC. buying items made from recycled materials四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据首字母提示填词31 . Would you like me to go with you?Sorry,I want to have a p_ visit to that factory.32 . They arent married,but they have a pretty close r_33 . You will c_pass the exam if you work harder.34 . Cooking breakfast is her e_ job.35 . China is one of the most a_countries of the world.五、完成句子完成句子:根据所给汉语意思,用单词或短语完成下列英文句子。36 . 健康的习惯和规律的锻炼都对我们的身体有益。Both_ and regular exercise are good for our bodies.37 . 我们每个人都为国家的飞速发展而感到骄傲。Every one of us_ of the fast development of our country.38 . 莉莉喜欢在周末和朋友去看电影。Lily likes going to the movies with her friends_.39 . 实现我们的目标的唯一途径就是努力学习。The only way to_ is to work hard.40 . 那个表演在学校达人秀中大获成功。The performance was very_ at the school talent show.六、单词填空根据下面短文内容,在短文的空格处填上一个恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。Homework is a big part of going to school. 41 . , you can do a few things to make homework less work.First, be sure you understand the task (任务). Write it 42 . in your notebook, and dont be afraid to ask questions about it. Its much easier to take a minute to ask the teacher during or after class 43 . to struggle (费力) to remember later that night! If you want, you can also ask how long you should spend in finishing the homework so you can plan your time.44 . , try to do some homework at school. Many schools have study halls that are built to allow (允许) students to study. Its tempting (诱人的) to hang out (闲逛) with friends during study time. But the more work you can finish in school, the 45 . youll have to do that night.Third, if you dont finish your homework during school, 46 . about how much you have left, and then plan your time. Most high school students have between 1 and 3 47 . of homework a night. If its a heavy homework day and it seems that youve got homework in every subject, youll need to spend more time 48 . the homework.第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、完成句子1、六、单词填空1、

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