牛津上海版英语七年级第一学期Unit Four 自测练习 3-4

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牛津上海版英语七年级第一学期Unit Four 自测练习 3-4姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . She was so glad to see her good friend. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?A/gld/B/gled/C/gl:d/D/gld/2 . We are happy to hear that Miss Peng will teach_English this term.AourBoursCourselvesDus3 . -Can you hear a girl _ next door, Miss Zhou? -Yes. How beautifully!AsingBto singCsingingDsings.4 . He is ready football with us when we ask him.Afor playedBfor playCto playDto playing5 . Both John and his brother always _ hard at school.Aare studyingBwill studyCstudiedDstudy6 . Lets open the window and enjoy some _ air.AgentleBfreshCluckyDfamous7 . The 2022 Winter Olympics will in Beijing, making the Chinese capital become the first city to host both Summer and Winter Olympic Games.Atake upBtake placeCtake partDtake on8 . - What did the policeman say to you, Liu Ying?- He told me _ my purse in the bicycle basket. Its too dangerous.Anot putBto putCdont putDnot to put9 . Your new bike is so cool.Thank you! In fact I have _ it for two months.AboughtBbuyChadDhas10 . quiet boy Joe is! He has few friends to.AHow, playBWhat a, playCHow, play withDWhat a, play with二、句型转换Complete the following sentences as required(根据所给要求完成下列句子)11 . Jonathan has physics lessons four times a week.(改为否定句)Jonathan _ physics lessons four times a week.12 . Harry was too busy with his work to help his wife with the cooking.(保持句意不变)Harry was _ busy with his work that he _ help his wife with the cooking.13 . Shakuntala had a very powerful brain.(改为感叹句)_ powerful brain Shakuntala had!14 . The new dictionary as a gift for my friend cost me 100 yuan.(改为反意疑问句)The new dictionary as a gift for my friend cost me 100 yuan, _?15 . Mary continued dancing when the music stopped suddenly.(保持句意不变)Mary _ dancing when the music stopped suddenly.16 . Shanghai global Financial Hub is meters high.(对划线部分提问)_ is the _ of Shanghai Global Financial Hub?17 . My mother is as old as my former teacher.(保持句意不变)My mother and my former teacher are of the _.18 . the police, the accident, to deal with, is the only way; to call(连词成句)_三、用所给单词的正确形式填空根据句子的意思,用括号中所给汉语提示或英语单词的适当形式填空。在答题卡标有题号的横线上,写出空缺处所填单词的正确形式。(每空一词)19 . Its very dangerous for you to leave the door _(未锁上的) when you are out.20 . Please let me know it as soon as you make_ (决定).21 . I am sure these backpacks are those _ (登山者).22 . He never _ (回复) to any of my letters in the past.23 . The bright sunshine goes _(穿过)the window and makes the room warm.24 . You should give me at _ (little ) ten thousand yuan.25 . The girl is opening her birthday present _(excite).26 . Mike was blind from _(born).27 . It is _ (usual) for my father to come home later than usual.28 . Dont be so_ (care)with your spelling. You should do it as carefully as your sister.四、单词填空Tom was invited to a job interview in a university. The interview started at 10: 00 a m. When he was near the downtown(市中心), his bus was only able to move forward at a very slow speed29 . there were so many cars on the road. So he reached30 . university an hour later and missed the interview. 31 . (luck), he was offered another interview. Tom was very sorry about 32 . (be) late. So he started out very early33 . the day of the second interview. It was a freezing winter morning and Tom made34 . (he)way in the falling snow. He reached the university two hours early and waited in front of the35 . (build). When the director(院长)came to work,he was36 . (surprise) to see Tom so early. Tom explained that he did not want to be late again. The director called him in and 37 . (give) him an offer right away, saying that a man who cared so much about time should38 . (trust).五、回答问题Ann dreams of being a dancer .She has taken dance lessons ,and all her teachers think she is a good student. One day she heard a famous dance group would perform in her hometown. The leader of the group was very famous. She decided to show the leader her skills.The leader looked at her carefully as she told him her dream. “OK, you dance and I will give you my advice.” But halfway through the dance he stopped her and said , “Im sorry. You are not good enough!” Hearing this, Ann was sad. She wanted to give up her dream, but she really loved dancing. She cried the whole night. The next day she asked her teachers for more exercise and took more dance lessons to improve her skills.Two years later, the same dance group performed in her hometown again. She decided to meet the leader again. After watching her performance, the leader told Ann the she was a talented dancer. “Two years ago you told me I wasnt good enough ,but my teachers didnt think so. Why?” Ann asked. “ Oh, I tell this to every student. But you are one of the few students who keep the dream after hearing my words. Im glad to invite you to join my group.” Ann smiled with tears in her eyes. “You are really brave. Dreams are only for the brave persons.” the leader said.39 . What does Ann want to be in the future?(不超过6个单词)_40 . When did the same dance group perform in her hometown again?(不超过5个单词)_41 . According to the passage, whom do the dreams belong to ?(不超过8个单词)_第 6 页 共 6 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、句型转换1、三、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、四、单词填空1、五、回答问题1、

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