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海口市2020年七年级上学期期末英语试题(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . I _ 11 and you _ 12.Aare; isBam; areCis; am2 . _does it take them to travel from the park to the museum?AHow oftenBHow muchCHow farDHow long3 . There is _ useful saying , “The early bird catches the worms(虫子).Aa B. an C. the D. 4 . 一Can we _ ping-pong?No_ tennisAplay;Lets playBplays;Lets playCto play;Lets playDplays;Lets play to5 . The 2016 G20 Summit started _ September, 2016 in the city of Hangzhou.AfromBonCinDat6 . _Its an apartment buildingAWhats your home?BWheres your house?CWhat kind of house do you live in?DWheres the home?7 . _ your e-friend come from England?No. She _ from England. She is an American.ADoes; doesntBAre; isntCIs; isntDDoes; isnt8 . Simon listens to the teacher as _ as Tony.AcarefulBcarefullyCmore carefully9 . _ are from _.AChinese, ChinaBAustralian, AustraliaCa Japanese, JapanDa Chinese, China10 . After _ training, Polo could stand up.Afive monthsBfive monthsCfifth-monthDfive-months二、补全对话7选511 . A: What do you usually do after school , David ? B: _1_ How about you , Jenny ? A: I usually do my homework . _2_ B: What sport do you usually play ? A: _3_ B: I dont like basketball . My favorite sport is tennis , and I often play tennis . A: _4_ B: No , I cant . _5_ He often plays volleyball with his friendsI usually draw pictures .I like playing basketball .But my brother can .I cant play basketball .Can you play volleyball ?But sometimes , I play sports with my brother .三、完型填空All students_to have good study habits. When you have good study habits, you learn things_You also remember_easily.Do you like to study_the living room? This is not a good place,_it is usually too noisy. You need to study in a quiet place, like your_A quiet place will help you only to think about_When you study, do not think about_things at the same time. Only think about your homework. If you do this, you will do your homework_quickly, and you will make_mistakes.Good study habits are very important. If you do not have them, try to learn them. If you are already good, try to make them better.12 . AneedBmustCcanDmay13 . AquickBeasyCslowlyDeasily14 . AitBthisCthemDthey15 . AonBwithCupDin16 . AbecauseBsoCso thatDunless17 . AkitchenBbedroomCbathroomDliving room18 . Aone thingBmany thingsCnothingDeverything19 . Athe otherBotherCothersDthe others20 . Amore muchBmuchCmuch moreDmost21 . AfewBlessClittleDfewer四、阅读单选Everybody wants to be healthy. You know food is very important. There are many healthy foods. You can have more bananas, apples, oranges, tomatoes and lettuce because fruit and vegetables are good foryou. But dont eat too much chocolate. Its not good for you. Its not healthy food. Healthy food can make you grow and make you strong and happy. Remember there is a saying, An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Sports can also keep you healthy. Get up early and do some sports every day. Dont be lazy! You will be healthy and happy.22 . What are healthy food?AFruits and vegetablesBBananas, apples and chocolateCFruits and chocolateDOrange, tomatoes and chocolate23 . Why are healthy food good for you?AThey make you happy.BThey can make you grow and make you strong and happy.CThey are delicious.DThey can make you happy and clever.24 . An apple a day keeps the doctor away.means( 意思是)?AThe doctor goes away when he sees an apple.BThe doctor runs away when you give him an apple.CYou eat an apple every day and you can be healthyDApple is a famous doctor in the worldAmy has a big birthday party on Sunday. But she is not happy. She doesnt have any new clothes. All her friends have new clothes. Sally has expensive new T-shirts. Kerry has beautiful new dresses.So Amy asks her mother to buy her something new, but she doesnt have the money. Then Amy comes to her grandma. She loves clothes and shopping. The next day they go to the shopping mall(购物中心)together. Amy chooses and tries on lots of clothes there. But she cant find the one she likes. Then she gets very tired and begins to cry.I am afraid that I can never find the perfect(完美的)thing to wear, says Amy. Let me tell you a secret. I know the perfect thing for you. It can make you feel(感到)great and it can make everyone want to be your friends, says grandma. After knowing what it is, Amy is happy again. That night, she tells her mother she finds the perfect thing to wearWhat is it? asks her mother.I am wearing it now. A smile! She smiles. You are right, Amy. You dont need new clothes or money. A smile is all you need.Yes, says Amy. Its the perfect thing.25 . Amy isnt happy at first because _.AShe hasnt got any presents.BShe has no friends at school.CShe doesnt have new clothes.DHer mother doesnt want to buy her clothes.26 . How does Amy feel after trying on lots of clothes in the shopping mall?ATired.BHappyCAfraidDLucky27 . Who makes her happy again?AHer mother.BSally.CKerry.DHer grandma.28 . What is the perfect thing for Amy?AA special dressBA smile.CHer old clothesDMoney.29 . Where can you see the passage?AIn a history book.BIn a science book.CIn a guidebook.DIn a story book.Do you often go on a trip? Did you live in a hotel made of ice and snow? Well, there is one in North Chinas Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (内蒙古自治区). The hotel opened on January 1st, 2018.The hotel is the first of its kind in China. It is said that workers used about 1,500 tons of ice and snow to build the hotel. Almost all things in the hotel, like beds and tables, are made of ice and snow. The ice hotel is about 1,000 square meters (平方米), and it has 10 rooms. Each of them is 10 to 15 square meters. It also has a recreation (娱乐) hall, a reading room, a bar (酒吧) and a dining hall.You may think it will be very cold to stay in the hotel. Well, the temperature in each room is about 5 degrees below zero. But the beds are covered with warm bedclothes. You can also use sleeping bags when you go to bed, so you wont feel . What if the weather becomes warmer and warmer? Will the hotel melt? The answer is yes, of course. The hotel is expected to melt away in three months as it gets warm in spring. Would you like to visit the hotel and live in it?30 . Which of the following is TRUE about the hotel?AThe hotel opened one year ago.BChina has many ice hotels like this one.CThe hotel is built in Shandong.DThe beds in the hotel are made of ice.31 . There is NOT _ in the hotel.Aa dining hallBa recreation hallCa swimming poolDa reading room32 . Which word can be put in ?AhotBcoldCwarmDcool33 . The underlined word “melt” means “_” in Chinese.A融化B扩建C升值D蒸发34 . In which part of the newspaper can we find this passage?APEOPLEBSCIENCECTRAVELDSPORTFor thousands of years,poetry(诗歌) has been one of the favorite types of literature(文学) in China. There were many famous poets in Chinese history,and many of their poems are still read and loved today.Recently,a popular TV showChinese Poetry Competition has attracted many people. Now lets interview some people and listen to what they said.I like Wu Yishu very much. She studies at the High School Affiliated(附属) to Fudan University in Shanghai. She came out on top. She can recite(背诵) more than 2,000 Chinese poems fluently(流利地).I really admire her knowledge of poems. She is tall and beautiful,and she always stays calm whether the questions are easy or hard.The woman that impresses(给以深刻印象) me is Bai Ruyun. She comes from a village in Xingtai. She is a farmer. She is not rich and she is badly ill in hospital,but she has been so confident (自信的)in herself since she began to read and recite Chinese poems.Among the competitors(选手),I like Wang Zilong best. He is 34 years old. He teaches Chinese in Shijiazhuang College. He said when he was only two years old,his parents began to teach him to recite Chinese poems.Do you know the young boy? He is Ye Fei,13,from Anqing No. Two Middle School in Anhui. In one competition, he answered all the questions correctly. Now he is a young star in his school because of his love of Chinese Poems.35 . Who can recite more than2,000 Chinese poems fluently?AWu Yishu.BBai Ruyun.CWang Zilong.DYe Fei.36 . What is Bai Ruyuns job?AA teacher.BA farmerCA worker DA student37 . When did Wang Zilong learned to recite Chinese poems?AWhen he was 30 years old.BWhen he was 10 years old.CWhen he was 6 years old.DWhen he was 2 years old.阅读理解。I know my brother better than anyone else in the world. Since the moment of his birth, Ive been part of his life. I had spent seven happy years in the world with the attention of those around me. But when Rohan was born, life changed. All of a sudden, I had to share my toys and there were no more bedtime stories or my own choice of food.Finally, I hated this small boy. The poor baby had no idea what had made me so unhappy. Maybe he found me strange, the only person in this house who did not like him. Whatever the reason was, he loved following me around. However, I seldom talked to him and always asked him to leave me alone.Then all that changed. I hardly remember everything of that day six years ago, but I do remember that I was feeling very angry. Then I found myself in my brothers room. I couldnt help reaching my hand through the bars(栏杆)of his bed. At once, he reached his small hand and softly touched mine. And that was all I needed. Through all the unhappiness of the day, that one moment changed everything. How could I hate someone who made me feel so important? For the first time, I saw my brother through the eyes of a sister. Suddenly I realized love from my family was always with me.To this day, I cant imagine life without my brother. It is unbelievable(难以置信的)how much I have learned about life from a seven-year-old boy. Above all, Rohan has taught me that one should not care only for himself.38 . The sister was _ years old when her brother was born.AsixBsevenCeight39 . The sister used to be the only person in the house who _.Adidnt like the babyBfollowed the baby aroundCoften talked to the baby40 . The underlined phrase “that one moment” refers to the time _.Awhen there were no more bedtime stories for the sisterBwhen the sister found herself in her brothers roomCwhen Rohan softly touched his sisters hand41 . Which of the following is TRUE?AThe sister doesnt know her brother very well.BThe sister lives with love from her family all the time.CThe sister remembers everything of that day six years ago.42 . From this story we learn that its important to _.Acare for othersBshare with othersChelp others五、单词填空(题文)读琳达的家谱,用适当的单词完成下面的短文Hello, Im Linda. This is my (小题1) tree. Cindy and Jack are my (小题2). My (小题3) is David and my mom is Jane. This is my(小题4) . Her names Sally. John is my uncle. Oh, whos the girl? Shes my (小题5)my uncles daughter.阅读下面短文,在空白处填上一个合适的词。 Fill in the blanks with proper words.I often asked my mother for help when I had43 . difficult to do. But she always said, “Do it yourself, dear.” I was not happy about this at all I.44 . she was the laziest mother in the world!For example, one day, I decided to invite some friends of45 . to my home. My bedroom was in a mess. Books were46 . , and I didnt make the bed. I asked my mother to help me clean it, 47 . she still said, “Do it yourself.”Because of my “lazy mother”, I48 . to wash my clothes and clean my room. I had to help my parents do 49 . . I even had to go to the dentist by50 . . It was really hard for me to do everything well, but I have learned a lot. As time 51 . by , I understand by mother. She52 . me clever and diligent (勤奋的). She is a great mother.六、填空How time flies! My best friend and I have changed a lot.My best friend Gina used to be an outgoing girl. She often played soccer after school. She never wore skirts. But now she is very quiet and shy. She often reads in the library and wears white skirts.Im Eric. I used to be short and thin. But now I am tall and strong. I often play volleyball with my friends. In the past,my math was so bad. Every class was like a bad dream. Im afraid to ask and answer questions in class. I tried my best to study and often learned from others.Fortunately,I can get good scores on my math exams now. My classmates say Im a clever and handsome boy. Im glad to hear that.根据短文完成表格填空。NameIn the pastNowGinaOutgoing53 . 54 . after schoolReads in the libraryEricShort and thinTall and 55 . Was not good at 56 . 57 . on the math exams七、材料作文58 . 假设你是李敏,下面的表格中是有关你的一些情况。请根据表格中的信息写一篇60词左右的英语短文,介绍一下你自已。要求:要涵盖以下要点,可适当发挥。语法正确,语句通顺,衔接自然,书面整洁。NameLiMinTelephoneNumber87530299FavoriteColorsblack,blueand greenFamilyfather,mother,sisterandmeSportsoccer_第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、4、5、五、单词填空1、2、六、填空1、七、材料作文1、


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