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河北省2020年七年级上学期期末英语试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、补全对话6选5根据对话内容,用方框中所给的句子选项补全对话。选项中有一项是多余的。A:Do you have a volleyball game at your school?B: Yes, we do. A: 1 . B: Its on September 28th.A: 2 . B: Yes, we do. Its on October 17th. 3 . A: When is your school trip?B: Its on May 20th. 4 . A: Oh? Thats great.B: I want to have a birthday party on that day. 5 . A: OK.ACan you come?BWhen is it?CThat day is also my thirteenth birthday.DDo you have a soccer game?EAnd we also have a basketball game on October 25th.FWhere is the soccer ball?二、完型填空A small shop by the road in Japan has a dog shopkeeper. Its selling roasted(烤的)Sweet _there.The friendly dog is _ Kenkun. Because the shop is a selfservice one, what the dog should do is just to be cute for customers and he does well_that. The roasted sweet potatoes are kept in a heated box outside the shop. So customers can help_directly. They need to_100 yen(日元)into the money box for each potato they take. It seems to be working fine now. _, who would steal a dog? Actually, the three-year-old dog is a good shopkeeper. Its _cute and lovely that some of the customers come to see him and of course, they will leave with _ one or two potatoes.People online have different opinions about this. Some of them think thats interesting and they say the dog is the_one theyve ever seen. But others think its crazy to keep a dog _ near a box for several hours a day. In their opinion, dogs should run and play here and there in the sun.6 . AcornBtomatoesCpotatoesDbread7 . AgivenBnamedCshownDoffered8 . AatBinConDfor9 . AherselfBhimselfCyourselvesDthemselves10 . AputBmakeCraiseDborrow11 . ASo farBFirst of allCOnce in a whileDAfter all12 . AsoBsuchCtooDvery13 . Aat onceBat firstCat leastDat last14 . AoldestBscariestCloveliestDheaviest15 . AsleepingBrunningCswimmingDsitting三、阅读单选The students in Grade Nine have to take a P.E. test in many places around China. The full mark is usually 50 points and it counts for much in the high school entrance exam. In Shizong the test is held in April. Students have the test in their own or the other school. Each student is tested on three sports. They can choose long jump, basketball dribbling(运球) or volleyball. The pull-up(引体向上) is for boys and girls can choose the sit-up. Both boys and girls must pass in the test, or they cant go to the higher school to go on studying.Most students find the test easy and more than 90% of them can get full marks. Thats because they have been training for it during the whole three years. Students in Grade 9 usually do lots of practice in P.E. classes and after class. The training makes the test easier than it seems to be.Students in Kunming dont need to run a lot for the test, but students in Shizong must do lots of running for the test. In Shizong running is one of the sports in the test. So in P.E. classes, they usually run a lot. Sometimes they have to run 3,000 meters in one class. Most teachers and parents welcome the P.E. test. They say it helps students build up their bodies.16 . Students take the test _ in Shizong.Ain Grade SevenBin AprilCin another schoolDin autumn17 . The PE test in Shizong includes(包括) all of these sports except(除了) _.AbaseballBbasketballCvolleyballDlong jump18 . Most students find the test is easy, because_.AP.E test is not so important for their entrance examBstudents have been training for a long timeCteachers and parents can help them pass it.Dall students do well in P.E.class.19 . Running is one of the sports in test in _.AKunmingBChongqingCShizongDShanghai20 . Most teachers and parents think that the P.E. test is_.AdifficultBeasyCbadDgoodChoose the best answer (根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案)Everyone is talking about bird flu. Yes, it is a very dangerous disease that could make people very sick.But that doesnt mean you cant do anything to prevent it now.So far, all the people who have caught bird flu have been those who touched sick chickens or their droppings. So its a good idea for people to stay away from live chickens.“People used to go to the markets to buy live chickens to eat, but now they have to change that habit, ” said Peter, an expert from World Health Organization.But if you do touch a sick bird, remember to wash your hands carefully with soap right away.Experts also say having good habits and a healthy body will help keep you safe from bird flu.For example, do not buy or eat birds that have not been checked. Do not eat anything that has touched raw meat.Also, dont forget to open your windows often and exercise regularly. Getting enough sleep is also very important for fighting illness.If you feel sick, see a doctor right away.WHO says children under 12 years old could easily get sick with bird flu.Try to stay away from people who have the flu, and always cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze.21 . Which sentence is not true according to the passage?ABird flu is widely known to people.BBird flu is a very dangerous disease.CBird flu could make people sick.DWe have good medicine for bird flu now.22 . How do people catch bird flu?ABy eating boiled eggs.BBy eating checked birds.CBy touching sick chickens or their droppings.DBy forgetting to open windows.23 . What does WHO mean?AA person.BSomeone who has bird flu.CA child.DWorld Health Organization.24 . Which habit is not safe for fighting the illness?ATo go to the market to buy live chickens to eat.BTo wash hands carefully with soap if you do touch a sick bird.CTo do some exercise regularly and keep healthy.DIf you feel sick, see a doctor right away.25 . Who is easy to get bird flu?AEveryone.BGrown-ups.CExperts.DChildren under twelve.26 . What should you do when you cough or sneeze?AStay away from other people.BAlways close the windows.CCover your mouth and nose.DHave enough sleep.Fred is Bens classmate, One day, Fred comes to Bens home. When he sees many books on the shelf of Bens study, he says to Ben, “Ben, you have so many good books. Can I borrow a book from you?”Ben doesnt want to lend a book to his classmate, so he says, “Why do you want to take my book home? You can read it here in my home.” Fred sees that his classmate is very selfish(自私的),but he doesnt say anything. The next day, Ben comes to Freds home and asks, “Fred, you have a good garden-knife(园林剪刀). I want to work in my garden tomorrow. Can I use it for two days?” Fred says, “Why do you want to take my garden-knife home? You can work with it in my garden.”根据短文内容,选择正确答案。27 . Fred wants to borrow from Ben.Aa knifeBa bookCa garden-knifeDa shelf28 . Fred is Bens .AteacherBcousinCfriendDclassmate29 . The underlined(加下划线的)word “lend” means “” in Chinese.A交换B传递C借给D4包装30 . From the passage, we can know .AFred and Ben each have a garden.BFred doesnt like reading books.CBen wants to work in Freds gardenDBen has a good garden-knife.31 . Which is RIGHT?AFred wants to have other peoples things very much.BBen doesnt borrow Freds garden-knife.CBen doesnt like Fred, so he doesnt lend his book to Fred.DFred will work in his garden tomorrow.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母或中文提示完成句子32 . Helosthis_(戒指)inthewedding.33 . IhavetwoEnglish-Chinese_(字典)forschool.34 . Sandylikesreadingbooksinthe_(图书馆).35 . Havingasonanda_(女儿)isthehappiestthingintheworld.36 . _(欢迎)toWandaCinema.37 . Thereisasetof k_intheLostandFoundcase.38 . Pleasewritedown(写下)thesewordsonyourn_39 . Achild(孩子)ofyourauntoruncleisyourc_40 . JohnisinNo.5_School(中学).41 . ThebluebagisntNancys.H_isbrown.五、句子配对42 . Your new dress looks very nice! AYes, it is so nice.BWhere? Where?CThank you.DThats all right.六、语法填空动词的适当形式填空Jims father43 . (work) in a bank. He 44 . (go) to work by bus every morning, sometimes he45 . (ride) his bike. But he46 . (be) never late for work. He 47 . (work) very hard. Jim48 . (like) his father very much. They often49 . (play) badminton(羽毛球)in front of their house, sometimes they (play) table tennis in Jims school. Jim50 . (like) to talk with his father. His father51 . (like) to hear Jim talking about his friends and his school. On Saturday or Sunday, they often52 . (play) on the computer. Jim 53 . (have) many computer games. But he doesnt 54 . (play) them every day. He also 55 . (work) hard at his lessons.七、信息匹配任务型阅读。阅读下面各段落,然后从文后所给的AE五个选项中选择正确的小标题,将其序号填入第7175题前的括号中。71.What animals do you like? My favorite animals are pandas and koalas. Because they are very smart. I often draw pictures of them.72.There is a new clothes store between my home and the park. The clothes are cheap and nice. Many people go there every day.73.I keep a pet dog called Xiaohei. She is three years old. She can dance and play with a ball. All people in my family like her.74.Julie is my good friend. She is a good girl. At home, she often helps mom do the dishes. At school, she often helps her classmates with their studies.75.Elephants are smart animals, and they are kind and interesting. Some elephants can draw pictures with their noses(鼻子)AMyGoodFriendBElephantsCMyPetDANewClothesStoreEMyFavoriteAnimals56 . _57 . _58 . _59 . _60 . _八、书信作文61 . 首都北京有很多蕴含历史和文化的旅游景点,如故宫(the Palace Museum)、长城(the Great Wall)、老舍茶馆(Lao She Teahouse)等。它们吸引了众多外国游客。假知你是李华,你的外国笔友Peter即将到北京旅游。请你用英语写一封电子邮件,向他推荐一个能了解中国历史和文化的景点,告诉他在这个景点可以看到什么或者做些什么,以及他需要做什么准备。提示词语:ancient buildings, art works, handcrafts(手工艺品),book a ticket提示问题:Which place do you advise Peter to visit?What can he see or do there?What preparations does Peter need to do?第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、补全对话6选51、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、句子配对1、六、语法填空1、七、信息匹配1、八、书信作文1、


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