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河北省2019版英语九年级全册Unit5Lesson25-26课时练习(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . My bedroom is about _of the size of yours.Athree-fourthBthree-fourCthird-fourDthree-fourths2 . It shows that the population incountries is larger thanin developed countries.Adeveloped;thatBdeveloping;thoseCdeveloping;thatDdeveloped;those3 . The man _ glasses is our History teacher.AinBonCwithDwears4 . Whats your name?Oh, my name is _.AWang Xin YuBWang XinyuCWang XinYuDWang xin yu5 . There is plenty of water in the kitchen.Aa large number ofBa littleCa large amount of6 . When will you finish building the apartment?_ two years.AOnBInCAtDOf7 . Have you returned the book to the library yet?Not yet. Dont worry. I _ it soon.AreturnBreturnedChave returnedDwill return8 . I cut my finger. I think you should _.Alie down and restBput a bandage on itCtake your temperatureDput your head back9 . _ he tried many times, he still didnt move the heavy box.ASo that BFirst of allCEven thoughDIn the end二、完成句子Complete each sentence according to the Chinese given.10 . 我的英雄是花木兰。相传她是南北朝时期的一个女战士。她代替父亲参军,并且在战争中英勇作战。即使在困难的情况下,她也不放弃。My hero is Mulan. It is said she was a female _ in the Northern and Southern Dynasties. She joined the army instead of her father and fought bravely in the war. She never gave up, even _.11 . 三次世界冠军迈克尔喜欢在业余时间和另外五个志愿者一起在学校工作。Michael, three _ world _, likes working with _ at a school in his spare time.12 . 当凯伦从礼品店里出来走在人行道上时,她尽量不去回头看橱窗里那条漂亮的项链。When Karen walked out of the gift shop and walked _ the _, she _ look back at the beautiful necklace in the shop window.三、用单词的正确形式完成句子从方框中选择适当的单词并用其适当形式填空She,box,photo, be13 . Tom and Jim _ my cousins.14 . The boy is _ brother.15 . Those English books _ my sisters.16 . Where are your tapes?Theyre in the _.17 . Are these _ of your family?四、将所给单词连成句子Complete sentences with the given words or phrases(连词成句):18 . plant, we, need to, for animals, more bamboo_.19 . to Animals, for the Prevention, means, the Society, see the film, the SPCA, of Cruelty_.20 . their homework, after school, to finish, the teacher, asks, his students_.21 . promises to, Tom, his, take care of, new pet_.22 . going to, Im, you, not, be unkind to, again_.23 . do, after school, you, your, help, do some housework, mother ?_.第 5 页 共 5 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、二、完成句子1、三、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、四、将所给单词连成句子1、


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