外研版九年级英语册Module 2 Public holidays Unit3同步练习

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外研版九年级英语册Module 2 Public holidays Unit3同步练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、阅读单选阅读下列短文,然后从每小题A、B、C、D 中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。On Thanksgiving Day, about 88 percent Americans will eat turkey. But one lucky turkey not only will not be eaten but also will become famous! Every year, turkey farmers present a turkey to the US president. But instead of eating this turkey, the president gives it a “pardon”. The turkey is flown to Florida for a Thanksgiving Parade(游行). Then it lives on a farm for the rest of its life.Turkeys come from America and have been part of American culture for centuries. Benjamin Franklin even wanted the turkey to be Americas national bird. Turkeys that are kept on farms are large, awkward birds that can not fly. But wild turkeys are quite fast. They can fly at speeds up to 88 kilometers per hour. They can also run at 40 kilometers per hour. Turkeys dont have ears. They hear by using a growth above their beaks(尖喙). But their hearing is five times better than human hearing. Turkeys are such interesting birdsno wonder Benjamin Franklin wanted them to be Americas national birds!1 . people eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day in America.AA fewBSomeCMostDAll2 . The underlined word “pardon” means.A赦免B赐死C礼物D原谅3 . A wild turkey can fly at the speed of.A88 kilometers per hourB40 kilometers per hourCas fast as a kept oneDfive times faster than man4 . The turkey doesnt have.AeyesBearsCa mouthDwings5 . Whats the best title for this passage?AThe turkey on the farmBThe history of the turkeyCHow to keep the turkeyDThe star of Thanksgiving二、用所给单词的正确形式填空Fill in the blanks with the given verbs6 . By the end of last term, I _reading ten books. (finish)7 . I used to see them _in the playground.( play)8 . Comrade Li Dazhao _into prison in 1927.( put)9 . Yesterday Mr. Green _(tell) that the sales meeting_(hold) in the following week.10 . We _(mop) the floor at four yesterday afternoon.11 . He admitted _(steal) the vase from the rich man.三、语法填空In many countries people celebrate Fathers Day.In the U.S.Fathers Day is on the12 . (three) Sunday of June.Some Chinese people celebrate Fathers day on August 8th, because the Chinese words “eight” and“ father” sound the s13 . .14 . fact, Fathers day has a very short history.It15 . ( start)because there is a Mothers Day, and some people say, “We have a Mothers Day, s16 . we should also have a Fathers day.”On this day,17 . (child ) can show their love to their fathers. Some children give gifts to their fathers. Others enjoy18 . (play)fun games with their fathers. Shopkeepers find it is19 . good way to sell their products.Fathers Day is a day for Dad Good dads do a lot for their children They listen to20 . (they) childrens dreams and encourage them. A good dad is one of the21 . (great) blessings(福气) a child can have!第 4 页 共 4 页参考答案一、阅读单选1、二、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、三、语法填空1、

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