八年级英语下册Module 2 Experiences Unit 2 They have seen the Pyramids.

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八年级英语下册Module 2 Experiences Unit 2 They have seen the Pyramids.姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Why do you look so upset ?What are you worrying about ? _I got a bad grade again though I kept working hard all the time? Dont worry . We can give a you a helpful hand .AWhat ifBHow comeCWhy2 . (题文) Dont be angry with him. _, he is a kid.AIn allBAbove allCFirst of allDAfter all3 . Mother warned _ the electric lamp.Anot to touchBhim not to touchChim not touchingDhim not touch4 . I remembered Dave was taller than in his class last year.Not any more. He isTom now.Aanyone; taller thanBanyone; not so tall asCanyone else; taller thanDanyone else; not so tall as5 . -Wheres your father? -He _ to work.Ahas goneBwentChas beenDwill go二、完型填空第二节词语填空A rich father took his son on a trip to a village where he was born. He wanted to show his son the great differences _ their life and the villagers so that his son could cherish(珍爱) what he have had. They _ quite a few days with a family there.On their way back home, the father _ about his sons ideas about the trip. So he asked, “how was the trip?”“It was _. Dad!”“What did you learn from the trip?” the father couldnt _ to ask.The son answered without _, “We have one dog, while the family has four. We have a swimming pool while they have a big river with many ducks swimming in it. We have very expensive lights while they have _ stars at night. We buy food in the supermarket while they _ food in their garden for themselves. We have walls around the house to _ us while they have friends to make them feel safe. Dad, thank you for making me realize how poor we are.”The father couldnt say anything, and he just stood there _.6 . AfromBatCbetween7 . AtookBspentCcost8 . Awondered.BdislikedCplanned9 . AterribleBamazingCawful10 . AwaitBseemCdecide11 . AdirectionBdiscoveryCdoubt12 . AbrightBuglyCunexpected13 . AorderBgrowCexchange14 . AdisappointBpreventCprotect15 . AquietlyBhappilyCpolitely三、阅读单选Abingdon School Open DayThe Open Day this year will be on Saturday, 3 December. The Open Day is for all the family, with activities and displays(展示)about the school. All the teachers, students and parents will attend(参加). The day starts at 9: 30 a. m. and finishes at 2: 30 p. m. The lessons start from 8 oclock. The school gate will be open at 10 oclock. You are welcome to arrive at any time during the lessons in the morning and afternoon.If you cant come to the Open Day, thats all right. There are many other chances(机会)to visit Abingdon School. You can make an appointment with the class teachers to visit some other day.Parking(停车)at the school on the Open Day may be limited(有限的),so you can also park your cars in the car park nearby. Its just a three-minute walk away. The map of Abingdon School can be found on the school website一www. abingdon. edu.16 . Who will attend on Abingdon School Open Day?ATeachers.BParents. C. Students.CA, B and C.17 . If Toms parents want to come to the Open Day, they can get in at_ .A9:40B10:40C8:40D8:0018 . If parents cant go to the school on the Open Day,_.Athey can never visit Abingdon SchoolBthey will be scolded(被批评)Cthey can go to the school on other daysDtheir children cant go to school19 . The Open Day is on _.ASaturdayB3 OctoberC1 DecemberDSunday20 . Which of the following states is true?AParents cant park cars in Abingdon School.BParents cant drive cars to Abingdon School.CParents can park their cars in the car park.DAll the parents can park cars in Abingdon School.21 . Parents can get the map of Abingdon School_.Afrom the teachersBon the school websiteCin the shopsDat the school gate四、根据首字母、中文提示填空单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)22 . Many new _(发现)were made with the help of compass.23 . Are there any _(实验室) in your school?24 . We all know a _(世纪) means a hundred years.25 . Our monitor is very clever. He can almost answer all the questions _(正确).26 . The doctor treated his headache with a new drug but didnt _(治愈) him.27 . Being _(耐心) is very important for a teacher.28 . At _(现在), more and more people like reading books.29 . The thing has a bad _(影响) on the children.30 . Its a great _(荣誉) to be invited to your house.31 . It is a new _(发现) in science.32 . Mary has science classes in the _(实验室).33 . Its said that the world will change a lot during the next two _(世纪).34 . The girl students can write all the words _(准确无误地).35 . It might be several months before shes fully _(治愈).36 . The nurse looked after so many _(病人) but she felt very happy.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空五、动词填空用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空,并将答案写在答题卡对应题号的横线37 . The Leaning Tower of Pisa _ (lie) on Miracle Square since 800 years ago.38 . The sign on the door warns people _ (not enter) the room with food and drinks.39 . The boy who was always cared too much about _ (do) homework when his parents came back.40 . What about going with us together? Thanks. Tom hasnt come yet, I _ (wait) for him.41 . What kind of drink is the most popular in China? Tea is without doubt the most popular. It _ (drink) by many people.42 . He promised that he _ (complete) all the tasks alone the next week.六、完成句子根据所给汉语完成下列句子,词数不限43 . 他喜欢一周两次沿着湖散步。He enjoys _ the lake _.44 . 一年被划分为12个不同的星座.。A year _ 12 _.45 . 我期待着收到你的来信。Im _.46 . 不仅他们而且吉姆对音乐感兴趣。_they but also Jim _ in music.47 . 他经常第一个到达教室。He is often _ one _the classroom.七、用单词的正确形式完成句子根据语境,从方框中选择恰当的短语填空half an hour, lots of, get to, take a walk, do ones homework48 . Now _ people are in the park.49 . How can I _the zoo?Sorry, I dont know.50 . My mother likes _after dinner.51 . I usually do sports for _ in the morning.52 . I _ at home at night.八、填写适当的句子补全对话补全对话。A: What are you going to do after the exam?B:53 . . Do you have any good ideas?A: Yes. I want to relax myself. So I want to go on a trip.B: Sounds great!54 . ?A: Id like to go somewhere interesting and exciting.B: There is a new zoo in Zhengzhou.55 . ?A: No, I havent. What about you?B:56 . . But my cousin went there last week. He told me people could watch the animals there in a more natural environment.A: Really? That sounds interesting. Lets go to the zoo together.B: OK. We can go there by bus tomorrow.A:57 . ? Its not too far from here. And riding a bike is a kind of good exercise.B: OK. I cant wait!第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、完成句子1、七、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、八、填写适当的句子补全对话1、

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