北师大版英语九年级上Unit5 Literature基础练习

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北师大版英语九年级上Unit5 Literature基础练习_第1页
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北师大版英语九年级上Unit5 Literature基础练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Darren is from_. He can cook delicious_curries.AIndia, IndiaBIndia, IndianCIndian, IndiaDIndian, Indian2 . The story _ I read in the newspaper was about a common problem among teenagers.AwhoseBwhoCthatDwhere3 . We _ cry after we saw the sad movie.Aare madeBmakeCwere madeDwere made to4 . What kind of movies do you like? I like movies can cheer me up.AwhoBwhatChowDthat5 . Manon the earth for millions of years.Abegan to liveBlivedChas livedDhave lived6 . Clerks are not allowed _ the telephone in our company.AuseBto useCusingDused7 . Please remember “Roads are countless, safety is foremost.” Everyone needs to_the traffic rules.AbreakBfollowCmake8 . The elephant about 2,000 pounds. Nobody can carry it.AweightBis weighingCweightsDweighs9 . So far, we have 56,000 yuan for children in poor schools.AraisedBrisenCspendDtook10 . In America and Canada, families get together the harvest.Ato singBto danceCto celebrateDto learn11 . Miss. Li is a new_. She _ us English.Ateaches; teachesBteacher; teachCteaches; teacherDteacher; teaches12 . Dont leave the child alone.He is not old enough to take care of.AheBhimChisDhimself13 . - Frog, Mo Yans latest novel, please!- Sorry, it just now. But it will come out again soon.Asold outBis sold outChas sold outDwas sold out14 . We need some fruit and vegetables.Lets _ after lunch.Ago swimmingBplay basketballCwatch TVDgo shopping15 . Do you think _ computer games _ much time?Aplay; spendsBplaying; takesCplay;costsDplaying; spends二、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及汉语意思写单词16 . Mr. Brown _ (敲) on the door, but no one answered.17 . Please look at the _ (黑板)18 . Its important for us to_ (记得) the knowledge of firstaid.19 . This is a good book, and it is _ (值得) reading.20 . Beihai is on the south _ (海岸) of China, which is famous for seafood.21 . You must take the _(护照) with you when you go abroad, Kate!22 . Spring seems to be the shortest _ (季节) in Huanggang.23 . Heilongjiang is in the _ (北部的) part of China.24 . Please pass me some red _ (粉笔).25 . Do you want to know about the Chinese table _ (礼仪)?根据下列句子及所给的首字母,在答题纸上按题号写出各单词的正确形式(每空仅限一词)。26 . During summer vacation, I helped parents do a lot of h_.27 . The doctor told me to take the medicine t_ a day.28 . N_ is impossible! is the slogan of Adidas.29 . Dont l_ at others, and its not polite.30 . The w_ thing in my trip to Tibet was the terrible food.31 . T_ we were tired and thirsty, we still went on walking to the top of the mountain.32 . In f_, no one really knows what the future really be like.33 . At the beginning of the new term, I d_ to work harder to get good grades.34 . Dont talk l_ in the hospital. You have to be quiet.35 . In winter, the temperature in Hangzhou is hardly b_ zero.第 5 页 共 5 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、2、


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