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人教版英语九年级Unit1单元测试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Damin sat on the side of the river cooking a meal, _ a bird on his head.AfromBintoCaboutDwith2 . _in the dictionary,and you will know the meaning of the word.ALook them upBLook up themCLook it upDLook up it3 . Look! Some fruit_ in the Case and some video tapes_ on the tableAis;isBare;isCis;areDare; are4 . Its _ beautiful music that we like it very much.AsuchBsuch aCsoDso a5 . There are _ people in the bus.Atoo muchBtoo manyCmuch tooDmuch6 . _ modest and confident person he is!AWhatBWhat aCHowDHow a7 . Could you go and _ the new books for me?AtakeBcatchCgetDput8 . We will have a_ holiday after the exam.Atwo monthBtwo-monthCtwo monthsDtwo-months9 . The math teacher got angry with me because I did not _what he said in class yesterday.Alook forBtake careCpay attention toDfall asleep10 . We may meet all kinds of difficulties in the future, but we should be confident enough to _any challenge.Aput onBget onCtake onDtry on二、完型填空a spring afternoon,I came home from school and saw that my mother was airing her quiltsI decided to air_I carried my quilts out in my arms and hung them at the end of the clothes lineAfter lunchI went straight back to schoolWhen I came home I saw my quiltsSince the afternoon,they had been moved to the_place on the lineThe quilts were in the sun_my mothers quilts were hanging in the shadows(阴影)at the ends of the clothes lineI touched my quiltsThey_warm,as warm as the palms(手心)of a motherI also touched my mothers quiltsThey were cool,as cool as the_of a mothers handsAll of a sudden,a stream of memories appeared before my eyes:the finest quality bed sheets in my home,the room in the best position,the most delicious dishesall_were mine,just like the sunshine where I stood On the short road of life,it might be your friends who give you happiness;it might be your lover who can make you feel loving;and it might be your job that can enrich youHowever,it_your mother who makes you warmShe does_she can do to love and help youWith the backs of her hands,she protects you from difficulties;with her palms,she shines on you_warm sunlight11 . AInBOnCAtDBy12 . AmyBhersCmyselfDmy own13 . AsunniestBcoolestCcoldestDfarthest14 . AalthoughBbecauseCwhileDafter15 . AfeltBtastedCsmeltDtouched16 . AbacksBpalmsCarmsDfingers17 . AtheyBthemCthisDthese18 . ACan beBmay beCmight beDmust be19 . AwhichBthatCwhatDhow20 . AasBlikeClikesDis like三、阅读单选In 2012, Li Taos mother was badly ill. He was worried because he needed lots of money. So he sent a message for help on his Wechat. He promised he would return all the money in 3 to 5 years. In this way, he raised over 100 thousand yuan in several months. Two years later his mother died. After he finished his college. He worked hard and saved all his money. He wanted to return all the money as soon as possible.Last week, Miss Zhou received a call. On the phone, a man said he wanted to give some money back to Miss Zhou. Miss Zhou didnt believe what she heard at first. But five minutes later, she got a message from the bank. The message told her that she got some money. The man was Li Tao, the college student she ever helped 5 years ago! A reporter knew about it, and he wrote an article on the Internet. Soon, more and more people knew about Li Tao. They thought Li Tao did what he should do.The story tells us, whenever we make a promise, be sure to keep it!21 . What happened to Li Tao in 2014 ?A. His mother was ill. B. His mother was saved. C. His mother died.22 . Who wrote the article on the Internet ?A. Li Tao. B. Miss Zhou. C. A reporter.23 . How did Li Tao raise money for his sick mother?A. He borrowed some money from the bank.B. He sent a message for help on his Wechat.C. He borrowed some money from his relatives.24 . We can infer(推测)from the passage that _?A. Li Tao will return all the money he borrowed.B. Li Tao only returned the money to Miss Zhou.C. Li Tao will only return part of the money he borrowed.25 . Whats the main idea of the passage?A. Its difficult to be famous.B. Its important to keep our promises.C. Its easy to borrow money on Wechat.四、句型转换句型转换26 . She can play the piano.(改为一般疑问句)_ play the piano?27 . Jane goes to work by train.(对划线部分提问)_ Jane go to work?28 . He goes to school by bike on Monday.(改为同义句)He _ a_ to school on Monday.29 . It takes him about 30 minutes to get to school.(对划线部分提问)How _ does it _ him to get to school?30 . 从学校到你家有多远?(翻译)_。五、完成句子一、完成句子31 . 在那个时候,除了等待救援,他们什么也干不了。They _ rescue at that time.32 . 很多人不知道怎样处理废弃的电池,因此有必要建立一个机构回收电池。Many people dont know _ waste batteries, so its necessary to set up an organization to recycle them.33 . 这个报告必须要按时上交,否则就没时间讨论了。The report must be _. Otherwise, there will be no time to talk about it.34 . 简怎么了?她好像担心很多事情。Whats wrong with Jane? She seems _.35 . 你介意把电视机声音调低一点吗?我在写报告。Would you mind _ the TV a little? I am writing a report.36 . 这个小男孩喜欢和别人开玩笑。The little boy likes to _ others.37 . 晚会在歌声中结束了。The party _ with a song.38 . 我们应该帮助那些在困难中的人们。We should help those people _.39 . 这个男孩总是想着别人,从不考虑自己。The boy always thinks of others and never _.40 . 你知道传播快乐和爱的重要性吗?Do you know the _ of _ love and joy?六、用单词的正确形式完成句子用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空science;finish;act;be;help41 . Mary wanted to be a singer when she _ college.42 . How often does your sister take _ lessons?Three times a week.43 . What do you want _ when you grow up?44 . Mike and Grace _ their mother with the housework tomorrow morning.45 . The _ has failed in the test many times,but he never gives up.七、单词填空根据短文内容和括号内所给汉语意思,写出空白处各单词的正确形式(每空一词)。Dear Nancy,Chinese Spring Festival is 46 . (到来)Its the most47 . (重要的)festival in China.Let 48 . (我)tell you something about it.49 . (在之前)the festival,we usually 50 . (打扫)the house,51 . (买)lots of things,52 . (烧)some food and 53 . (制作)lanterns.On that day we are wearing new 54 . (衣服)and visiting our friends.Usually we get hongbao from 55 . (父母亲)I like Spring Festival very much.Li Ming八、话题作文56 . 书面表达根据以下内容提示,写一篇意思连贯、结构清晰的短文,70个词左右。假设你们学校有一个校园广播站,它刚成立不久,广播站有两名主持人和几名编辑。每天广播从早上七点开始到下午五点结束。广播节目的种类有很多,如英语、音乐、故事等。同学们都很喜爱校园广播,同时也学到了很多知识。第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、完成句子1、六、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、七、单词填空1、八、话题作文1、


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