人教版八年级英语下 Unit 10 I’ve had this bike for three years. 测试题

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人教版八年级英语下 Unit 10 I’ve had this bike for three years. 测试题_第1页
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人教版八年级英语下 Unit 10 I’ve had this bike for three years. 测试题_第2页
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人教版八年级英语下 Unit 10 I’ve had this bike for three years. 测试题_第3页
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人教版八年级下 Unit 10 Ive had this bike for three years. 测试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Id like to buy Guo Jingmings Tiny Times.You had better _ his books. The stories he tells are far from real life.AreadBnot readCcountDnot count2 . Could you tell me how many places of interest you _ so far?Avisited toBhave beenChave traveled toDhave gone to3 . -How was the yesterday, Cindy?-Wonderful! I saw many photos about the changes in China over 70 years.AoperationBinterviewCexperimentDexhibition4 . is your P.E. lesson today?At 3:20 p.m.AHowBWhenCWhatDWhere5 . She was _ angry _ she walked out angrily without saying anything.Aso, thatBsuch, thatCtoo, toDtoo, that6 . He has already gone to England.When_ he_ there?Awill; goBis; goingCdid; goDhas; gone7 . The man reached _a small village _ a cold morning.Ain; onB不填; inCat; inD不填; on8 . Many scientists say that its important for us to have _ food in our diet.Aa variety ofBa great dealCa large number ofDa good many9 . Lets meet _eight _ the morning.Aat;onBon;inCin;inDat;in10 . _ Its under the chair.AWhere is my basketball?BWhat is that?CWhere are my keys?DIs it a basketball?11 . My father hasfor two weeks. I miss him so much.Aleft our homeBgot thereCgone abroadDbeen away12 . The driver feels _when driving the old car, which is polluting our city.AgoodBwellCguiltDguilty13 . Jack, can we park our car here? No, we cant. The public sign there _ that we cant park the car here.AtellsBtalksCspeaksDsays14 . Meng Ruipeng saved two boys from the water. What aman he is!AcarefulBbraveCfriendlyDsurprised15 . He is so careless that he always _his school things at home.AforgetsBforgotCleavesDleft二、完型填空One very cold morning, my father and I were working on the farm. I asked him how long I must stay in the _.About an hour. he answered.I wish I could go hone now- my _aches.I am sorry, but cant you stay till lunch time? said my father.But my headache is getting _.Well, said he, you may go home. I dont want you to work if you are sick. Go straight home _tell your mother to give you some rhubarb(大黄,一种苦药). It will _ you a lot. I went back home. However, I told my mother that my head was better, hoping not to _ the terrible medicine. But it was too _. She understood my _ as well as my father. So she prepared the rhubarb.I had to swallow(吞)all of the rhubarb. Dear me! How bitter it was! I would rather work all day in the field. But it cured(治愈)my laziness, and I learned that it is important to be _.Friends, keep it, though there is another and a better reason.16 . AfieldBhospitalCfactoryDschool17 . AtoothBheadCstomachDleg18 . AbetterBworseClessDmore19 . AbutBorCandDyet20 . AhurtBworryChelpDwork21 . AtakeBbuyCmakeDbring22 . AearlyBdifficultCeasyDlate23 . AjokeBdutyCproblemDsecret24 . AkindBhonestChelpfulDhard三、阅读单选New York is 3 hours ahead of California but it does not make California slow. Someone graduated at the age of 22, but waited 5 years before getting a good job! Someone became a CEO at 25, and died at 50While another became a CEO at 50, and to 90 years. Someone is still single, while someone else got married. Obama retires(退休) at 55, but Trump starts at 70 Absolutely everyone in this world works based on their Time Zone.People around you might seem to go ahead of(在.前) you, some might seem to be behind you. But everyone is running their own RACE, in their own TIME.Dont envy them or laugh at them. They are in their TIME ZONE, and you are in yours! Life is about waiting for the right moment to act.So, RELAX.Youre not LATE.Youre not EARLY.You are very much ON TIME, and in your TIME ZONE.25 . We can know that when its 6 a.m. in New York, its _ in California.A9 a.m.B9 p.m.C3 a.m.D3 p.m.26 . Who is the President of the USA now?AObamaBTrumpCClintonDBush27 . If someone is ahead of or behind you, you shouldnt _them.Abe worried aboutBfeel happy forCget angry withDenvy or laugh at28 . The best word for the blank in the poem is _.AbornBgrewClivedDmarried29 . What can we learn from the poem?AObama starts at 55,but Trump retires at 70.BLife is all about waiting for time zones.CThe earlier we succeed, the better we will be.DDont hurry and take your own steps.Tony has always loved going to the beach. He spends as much time there as he can. It was a bright, sunny day. The beach was full by the time Tony and his mum got there. It seemed that everyone had the same idea today. When they found a spot(地点), Tony sat down and began to relax.Soon Tony noticed something strange. There was an empty water bottle in the sand. Then, a paper bag was blowing down by the water. People had littered(乱扔废物)all over the beach!Tony was mad. His mum explained that a lot of people littered instead of using garbage cans(垃圾桶). If Tony wanted to stop it, he would have to work to save the beach.He worked hard. Tony got a group to help clean up. He put up signs saying“_” and got his town to add more garbage cans in the area. Most of all, he let people know how bad littering is for the environment.Tony worked hard to make a difference!30 . What was the weather like on that day?ARainy.BCloudy.CSunny.DWindy.31 . Who went to the beach with Tony?AHis best friend.BHis dog.CHis mum.DNobody.32 . What problem did Tony notice on the beath?AIt started to rain.BPeople littered on the beach.CHe lost his beach ball.DThe water was too cold.33 . What did the signs that Tony put up say?ANo swimming.BNo Food or Drinks.CNo Dancing.DNo Littering.34 . What is Tony like according to the passage?AHard-working and caring.BHard-working but careless.COutgoing(开朗的) but lazy.DLazy and careless.四、句型转换按要求完成下列各题35 . I need two cups of yogurt.(对画线部分提问)_ of yogurt do you need?36 . The cheese is three_dollars_a_kilo(对画线部分提问)_ is the cheese?37 . You shouldnt turn on the blender.(改为祈使句)_ on the blender.38 . His father covered the chicken with foil.(改为同义句)The chicken _ foil by his father.39 . The meeting room is crowded with people.(改为同义句)The meeting room _ people.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空五、词汇运用40 . The _(角色)in the new film Wandering Earth have lots of fans now.41 . We havent seen each other for a _(几个) of years.42 . How I hope I can _ (实现) my dream in the near future.43 . _ (交流) will become much easier as the 5G times have come.44 . All of us must try our best to improve the _.(形势)45 . - Where is your father? - He has gone to Shanghai on _ (busy).46 . Lianyungang is at the _ (north) end of Jiangsu Province. Its a little far away from here.47 . What terrible weather! There has been _ (rain) these days.48 . Dont you know these expensive handbags belong to those gentlemens_(wife)?49 . It was _(possible) for him to remember these than before. He was older after all.50 . The class except Zhang Lei _(get) on the bus already. Where is he?51 . The life we were used to _ (change) a lot in the past years.52 . - Turn off the radio, dear. Baby is sleeping. -There is no need. He _(wake) up.53 . Nobody knows what _ (happen) in a few years.54 . -What do you think about the city of Lijiang?-Its so beautiful. I like the places of natural beauty here and I _(stay) here for another week.六、用单词的正确形式完成短文has or doesnt big some play glass watch health inRick is a fat man. He gets up late _ the morning. He has a _ breakfast every morning. He has some meat, three _ four eggs and some pieces of bread. He drinks two _ of milk, some apple juice, a cup of coffee and some fruit. His wife, Vicky _ a cup of tea, a piece of bread and a banana for breakfast. Rick _ like any ball games. He thinks they are too hard for him, but he likes listening to the music and _ TV and he doesnt do _ housework. Vicky _ sports every day. In fact, she is in a swimming club. So she is very _ .55 . _56 . _57 . _58 . _59 . _60 . _61 . _62 . _63 . _64 . _七、回答问题根据短文内容,回答下列问题。Lei Haiwei, a 37-year-old fast courier(快递员) from Hunan Province, got first place in a televised Chinese poetry knowledge competition. He beat other competitors, including a masters degree (硕士学位) graduate from Beijing University, in the third season of the Chinese Poetry Competition on CCTV on April 4.2018.“My interest in ancient poems began as early as I was six years old. My father hoped I would grow up to be a man who keeps the mountains, rivers. lakes and seas in mind, the courier said.In 2001 the younger Lei found a job in Shanghai and began to read books related to ancient poems at bookstores or libraries in his spare time, since he didnt make much money. The young man also developed a habit of reciting poems he liked and writing them dawn after returning home.Though Lei works 88 a fast food courier in Hangzhou later, his love for poems never died.Even on his busiest work days, he used any available moment to recite poems. For example, I am used to reciting poems when I wait for food at restaurants and traffic lights on my way to deliver food. Reciting poems not only enriches my knowledge but also makes my job less boring. As for my future plan, I will stick to reading and reciting poems, Lei said.65 . What is Lei Haiwei? _.66 . What place did he get in the competition? _.67 . Lei Haiwei doesnt have great interest in ancient poems,does he?_.68 . When was the third season of the Chinese Poetry Competition held?_.69 . What is Lei Haiweis future plan for the poems?_.八、材料作文70 . 书面表达不同的人有不同的爱好,有人喜欢唱歌,有人喜欢旅游,假如你喜欢读书,请根据下面表格的信息,以“My Hobby is Reading”为题,写一篇80词左右的短文向同学们介绍一下你的爱好。喜欢读书喜欢的原因增长知识、丰富生活、娱乐方式读书的计划读书的时间、地点、购书方式你的建议注意事项:短文必须包含所提示的信息,可适当发挥;意思清楚,表达通顺,行文连贯,书写规范;请勿在文中使用真实的姓名、校名及提示信息以外的地名。参考词汇: colorful多彩多姿,enjoyment享受My Hobby is Reading第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、句型转换1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、七、回答问题1、八、材料作文1、

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