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人教版2020年(春秋版)九年级上学期期中考试英语试题(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Im sorry Im late._. Come earlier next time.AMy pleasureBNo problemCIt doesnt matterDAll right2 . All the animals will die out if we dont protect them.AdestroyBsurviveCdisappear3 . Bob has a good time _his parents.Ato visitBvisitedCvisitingDvisit4 . What _ dumplings would you like?Id like beef dumplings,please.Akind ofBkindCtimeDsize5 . I am thirsty.Please _me a bottle of water.AtakeBholdCpullDbring6 . Hello! Could I speak to jim?_.AYes, I amBNo, Im notCHold on for a momentDPlease dont go7 . Its very warm-hearted _ you to get the tickets _ the World Cup.Afor, ofBof, forCof, toDto, for8 . _ hard work it is!Yes, but he seems _ to do it.AWhat a , happyBWhat , happyCWhat a , happilyDHow , happy9 . I like a _ for dessert( 甜点). Fruit,you know,is good for health.ApotatoBbananaCbreadDburger10 . He said life without old friends was_ .He will visit some of his old friends tomorrow.Aa bit of boringBa bit boringCa bit boredDa bit of bored11 . This special pen _ for writing large size words.AuseBusesCis usingDis uesd12 . -What are you going to do tonight, Cindy?-Im not sure. I _go to see a movie with my friends.AmustBshouldCmightDhave to13 . Smart phones have become an important part of peoples life.AdailyBhappilyCrecentlyDquickly14 . There _ some milk in the cup.AisBisntCareDarent15 . Forty-five percent _ the teachers _ women in our school.Aof; isBof; areC不填; areD不填; is二、完型填空Jess really felt very happy. When he arrived at his seat in the _ that morning, he found an _ on his desk. It was from several of his _ asking him to join them in a camping trip. This was the _ time he was asked to join in an out of school activity. Why were they asking him then? _ seemed to like him. In fact, he was so lonely that he put his feeling with _. As a _, he had put on a lot of weight,and this gave the kids something more to make fun of him. Cindy, who was standing near Jess when he _ the invitation, went _ quickly to tell the others that the trick had _.Everyone was so _ that Jess thought that was true. But there was no camping trip. The whole thing was made up.At first, Cindy thought it was fun._ later, when Jess told her that he was going to buy a sleeping bag with his savings, Cindy had second thoughts. She knew that Jesss family had _ money, and she hated to see him _ his savings on something he would never use. Cindy also hated to tell Jess the truth. Her close friends would be angry with her._ could she do now?16 . Ateachers officeBhomeCclassroomDplayground17 . AadviceBumbrellaCeraserDinvitation18 . AclassmatesBgood friendsCteachersDbrothers19 . AlastBfirstCsecondDthird20 . ANo oneBEveryoneCAnyoneDSomeone21 . AbooksBfoodCfilmsDTV22 . AdifficultyBreasonCstartDresult23 . AsawBreadCwatchedDfound out24 . AintoBinCoutDout of25 . AworkedBwalkedClostDmissed26 . AgladBangryCworriedDnervous27 . AAndBThenCOrDBut28 . AmuchBmanyCa lot ofDlittle29 . AspendBcostCtakeDpay30 . AWhatBWhereCHowDWhyWhen I was about six years old, my brother David and I visited our aunt, Mary. We stayed in her house for a night. David was only 4 years old, and was still_of the dark., so Mary left the hall light on when we slept.However, David_the grey moths(蛾) flying around the hall light. He asked Mary to make the moths go away. When she asked_, he simply said, “Because they are ugly and scary, I dont like them.” Mary laughed and said, “Being ugly outside doesnt_not being beautiful inside. In fact, moths are one of the most beautiful animals in the animal world.“Once, the angels (天使) were_They were sad because it was raining heavily. The_little moths hated to see others so sad. They decided to make a rainbow(彩虹) to cheer up the angels. They thought if the butterflies(蝴蝶)_, they could make a beautiful rainbow together.“Then one of the moths went to ask the butterflies for help. But the butterflies didnt want to_any of their colors, so the moths decided to make a rainbow themselves. They beat their wings very hard and the colors on them made a rainbow. They kept giving a little more and a little more_the rainbow went across the sky. They had given away all their colors except grey, which didnt match the beautiful rainbow.“Then the once-colorful moths became_The angles saw the rainbow and smiled” My brother went to sleep with that story and hasnt feared months since then.31 . AafraidBsureCproudDhappy32 . AlikedBhatedCletDkilled33 . AhowBwhatCwhenDwhy34 . AmeanBmakeCknowDhope35 . AlaughingBplayingCcryingDtalking36 . AkindBangryCuglyDsad37 . ArefusedBadvisedChelpedDleft38 . Agive upBpick upCturn upDlook up39 . AunlessBuntilCafterDsince40 . AredByellowCgreenDgrey三、阅读单选Its not like Talia Randle grew up dreaming of being the fastest grocery (食品杂货店) bagger in the West.But when the 17-year-old university student started her first job this summer as a clerk at Metropolitan Market in Washington, US, her natural skills appeared according to store manager Glen Hasstedt, her coach.Hasstedt has trained four Washington State Best Baggers. He said every great bagger has a few key talents.“They have to be fast, have great hand-eye coordination (协调能力) and be competitive and focused.” Hasstedt said.Randle said bagging seemed natural to her and within a week of starting, co-workers were commenting on her speed.“I enjoy it,” Randle said. “Heavy things should be on the bottom, and everything should be standing up. Its a little bit like Tetris (俄罗斯方块) or a puzzle.”To represent Metropolitan Market at state level, competitors first have to be the winner in their store. They then compete against the best baggers in each of the companys five other local stores.In bagging contests, competitors are asked to place a number of items into a certain number of paper bags.Judging is based on four criteria (标准): how fast the items are bagged, whether the bags are filled in such a way that items inside remain standing when placed on a table, how evenly (平均地) the weight is distributed among the bags and whether the bagger has a good attitude.In some contests, judges slice away (撕开) one side of the paper bags to make sure items remain standing. Hasstedt said. Theyre also looking to see if the bags are too full for a customer to pick up with on hand, he said.Randle was a favorite to win the state competition. But once there, she was up against several very experienced competitors and had to deal with a loud audience that almost made her nervous.“There were people wearing cow bells and yelling,” she said. “It was loud.”Thats where Hasstedts mantra (原则) of “just stay focused and dont let things distract you” came into play, she said.But Randle did what her coach told her and ended up winning the state title, filling three bags in 47 seconds.41 . According to the article, Talia Randle _.Ahas always dreamed of being the fastest baggerBdidnt get along well with her workmates in the storeCshowed talent for bagging when she started doing itDfound it hard to stay focused in the bagging contest42 . What does the underlined word “bagger” mean in the first paragraph?A装袋工B矿工C吹牛者D售货员43 . Which of the following is one of the rules of bagging contests?ADifferent items should not be placed in the same bag.BThe weight of the filled bags should be similar to each other.CSpeed is the one and only measurement for a skillful bagger.DThe audience has to keep quiet during the bagging contest.44 . Which one is TRUE according to the article?ATalia Randle learned how to bag items in her university.BBagging needs to use hands and eyes at the same time.CThe heavy items should lie on the top of the bags.DBaggers must place as many items as they can in the bags.45 . What is the article mainly about?AThe popularity of bagging contests in the West.BHow Talia Randle discovered the fun of bagging.CGlen Hasstedts secret training method for champion baggers.DTalia Randles road to becoming a star bagger in Washington State.Christmas Day, the birthday of Jesus Christ, is the most important festival in Britain and some other countries. On Christmas Eve, parents usually tell their children to put their stockings(长筒袜) at the end of their beds before they go to sleep. Children believe Santa Claus, with the other name of Father Christmas, will come in the night and fill their stockings with Christmas presents.Actually (实际上), Father Christmas is childrens father. He dresses up in a red coat and waits until children fall asleep. Then he goes into childrens bedrooms, and puts small presents in their stockings. When children are no longer young, they know who Father Christmas really is.46 . Christmas Day is _.Athe most important festival in ChinaBthe birthday of Jesus ChristCthe only day to give presentsDthe birthday of childrens father47 . What do all the British children do on Christmas Eve in the story?AThey talk all the night.BThey sing and dance.CThey put their stockings at the end of their beds.DThey wont sleep until Father Christmas comes.48 . “Santa Claus” is another way of saying _.AChristmas DayBChristmas presentsCChristmas EveDFather Christmas49 . From the story we know that on Christmas Day children feel very happy because they can receive _.Ared clothesBstockingsCpresentsDfood50 . What is the best greeting (打招呼) early on the morning of Christmas Day in Britain?AGood luck!BHappy New Year!CBest wishes to you!DMerry Christmas!Once there was a rich man who had two sons. The elder brother Nolbu was greedy(贪婪的)and lazy. But his younger brother Hungbu was hard-working and kind-hearted. When their father died, Nolbu got their fathers house and land, but Hungbu received nothing.One day when Hungbu was working in the fields, he found a bird which had broken its leg. He took the bird home and looked after it carefully. Day after day, the bird became stronger. When winter came, it flew away to a warmer place. The next spring the bird flew back and gave Hungbu a seed(种子). Hungbu put the seed in the ground and it soon grew into a plant which produced many gourds(葫芦). When Hungbu opened one of the gourds he was very surprised to see that it was full of treasure. The next day he bought a big house and moved there with his family.When Nolbu heard about his brothers good luck, he decided to do the same thing as his brother. He also found a bird, but he broke its leg and looked after it until it became strong. The bird also gave him a seed, which produced several gourds. However, when Nolbu opened one of the gourds, goblins(小妖精)came out of it and stole all his money. After that Nolbu felt ashamed(羞愧的)so he went to his brother for help. Hungbu was so sorry for his brother and invited him to share his house. Both the brothers and their families lived happily ever after.51 . When Hungbus father died, Hungbu got _ from him.Aa houseBlandCtreasureDnothing52 . When Hungbu found a bird, _.Ahe broke its legBhe looked after it carefullyChe sold it at a good priceDhe gave it to Nolbu as a gift53 . In which season did Hungbu get a seed from the bird?ASpring.BSummer.CAutumn.DWinter.54 . Nolbus money was stolen by _.Ahis birdBgoblinsCHungbuDHungbus bird55 . Although Nolbu did something wrong, Hungbu was still _ his brother.Acruel toBhard onCkind toDangry withMy parents seldom encourage me to ask for help, so I trained myself to become as independent as possible.I thought if I asked for help, I would be a problem to other people.A few years ago, I was on a trip.In order to save money, I planned to stay in a strangers house by couchsurfing (沙发客)When I arrived in the hosts city, it was raining hard.My host was very friendly.She invited me to go on a walk with her around her city.At that time, I didnt even have the right shoes for the bad weather.I wanted to ask her whether she had any shoes for me, but I didnt want to trouble her.Finally, I said nothing.It was really cold outside, and the heavy rain made my shoes wet.When we got home three hours later, I had lost all feeling in my feet.That was all because I wouldnt ask.I wouldnt ask a simple thing like, “Hey, could you find a pair of good shoes for me?”From that day, I tried hard to get through my fear of asking.It has taken me a long time.From my experiences, I have discovered that people are always happy to offer help.Whats more, I have finally realized that asking isnt a sign of weakness (脆弱)Asking gives you the chance to discover the kindness of others.So ask.The worst that can happen is a “no”The best that can happen is an experience youll never forget.56 . Why did the writer say nothing in the end?AThe host was not friendly enough to him.BThe writer didnt want to trouble the host.CThe host didnt have any good shoes for him.DThe writer didnt want to be independent any more.57 . From the passage we can learn that the writer _.Agot some good shoes in the endBspent six hours visiting the city with his hostCgot through his fear of asking quite quicklyDlearned a lesson from the trip58 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AWhen getting home, the writer lost all feeling in his feet because his shoes were wet.BThe writer discovered that people hated offering help to others.CIn the writers opinion, asking for help is always a sign of weakness.DAsking for help can also give you a chance to help others.59 . What can we learn from the passage?AStay at home on rainy days.BRemember to take a pair of shoes during your trip.CDont be afraid to ask for help if you are in trouble.DBeing independent is always a good thing.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空60 . A good friend is always a good _ (听者).61 . Alan becomes very _ (强壮的)after exercising for two years.62 . You should choose _ (明智地)how you spend your spare time.63 . Tony likes drawing so much that he wants to join the art _ (俱乐部).五、回答问题阅读下面短文,简略回答所提出的问题。Once upon a time, there was a king. He only had one leg and one eye, but he was very smart and kind. Everyone lived a happy and healthy life because of the king. One day, the king was walking through the palace hallway and saw the paintings of his ancestors(祖先).He thought that one day his children would also walk in the same hallway and remember all the ancestors through these paintings. He wanted his children to remember him, too. So he invited many famous artists to his palace.All of the artists began to think about the kings physical disabilities(生理缺陷). How could his painting be made very beautiful? It was not possible. They werent sure what his painting would be like. So one by one, they all started to politely refuse to make a painting of the king.But suddenly one artist raised his hand and said he would make a very nice painting of the king. The king became happy hearing that. Then the artist started painting. After a long time, the painting was ready.When the artist showed the painting, everyone was shocked. In the painting, the king was sitting on a horse, on the one-leg side, holding his bow (弓箭) and aiming (瞄准) something with his one eye closed. The king was very happy and gave him lots of money.As we all know, no one is perfect. So we should try to focus on (关注) others advantages instead of their disadvantages. Just take an optimistic view (乐观的观点) of the event. Everyone can do a good job.64 . What did the king see in the palace hallway?65 . Why did the king invite artists to draw a painting of him?66 . Was it an easy job or a hard job to draw a painting of the king.67 . How did the king like the painting?68 . What can we learn from the artist?六、材料作文69 . 对于英语学习;人们各有方法。假设你随机调查了你校50名同学课外学习英语的现状,见下面图表。请你就此图表用英语写一篇短文,谈谈你的看法和建议。要求:l.短文须包括图表中的四项内容,可适当增加细节。2.至少写出两条看法和建议。3.文章开头已给出,不计人总词数。4.词数80一100。参考词汇:背诵reciteI have recently done a survey about how students learn English out of class._第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、2、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、回答问题1、六、材料作文1、

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