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人教版2019-2020学年度10月联考九年级英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . _ he is ill, _ he goes to school on time.AAlthough, butB/, althoughCAlthough, /2 . When did your uncle _in Shanghai?AarriveBgetCreachDarrived3 . Lets go shopping for some vegetables.AThank youBYoure welcomeCMe, tooDGood idea4 . -Seven thirty _ be too late. What about six thirty?-No problem. Lets make it at six thirty.AneedBcan notCmayDmay not5 . When I was young,my father used to _ me some interesting stories.AsayBtellCtalkDspeak6 . My daughter and son are _ teachers.AallBbothCevery7 . There are some new words in this sentence. Please _in the dictionary.Alook it upBlook up itClook them up8 . Why were you late for school this morning?Well, my bike just didnt _ on the way. So I had to walk to school.AcatchBworkCreturn9 . I went to the park yesterday. _. But I didnt see you.ASo do IBSo did ICNeither did IDNeither I did10 . -Does Alan live far from his school?-No, he moved here months ago. His family spent a large amount of money buying a flat near the school.Aa number ofBthe number ofCa lot of11 . Mr. Smith teaches _ and he is a _ teacher.Agood; goodBwell; wellCgood; wellDwell; good12 . , is this your eraser, Eric?AOkBGood morningCHelloDExcuse me13 . 一Hey, Jeremy. Tony and I want to _the new Italian restaurant tonight. Come with us!一Why not?AtryBtasteCchooseDsearch14 . -_, sir?-Size 40, I think.AWhat size do you needBCan I help youCHow do you like these shoesDWhat are you doing15 . Excuse me, do you know?About five minutes walk.Awhere the hospital isBhow far the hospital isChow I can get to the hospitalDhow far is the hospital二、完型填空Sunday is the last chance to catch your breath before another busy week starts. I grew up inSingapore and spent a number of years in Britain. Ive experienced Sundays in _ countries. It may be the same day, but oh my, how _ they are !You can easily _ Sundays in Singapore from those in Britain. You just look at the_each country has with the sun. Singapore is a tropical(热带的) is land with two seasons: rainy andsunny. When it rains, its hot. When it shines, it _. This is why Singaporeans_ tospend their time indoors. These days, indoor activities like trampolining (蹦床) are getting _among young people.In Britain, however, sunny days are _ and people try to make use of them as_ as they can. While I was _ my way to the library one Sunday. I met a group of college students outside. They enjoyed the sun as they wore their beach clothes.Sunday roast is by far one of the most British things about Britain. It _ every weekend This is a _ of roasted meat roasted potatoes and roasted or boiled vegetables , Of course, we eat lunch and dinner inn Singapore on Sunday. But British Sunday roast isnt just about the fool. Its a _ to keep company (陪伴) with family and friends.One way of another ,_ you prefer trampolining or sunbathing(日光浴), Sundays in either country do have their _ special charm (魅力)16 . AallBbothCeachDevery17 . Ainteresting.BboringCamazingDdifferent18 . AfindBnoteCtellDcreate19 . ArelationshipBattentionCdirectionDinfluence20 . Aboils.Bpolishes.CburnsDheats21 . AavoidBpreferCfailDadmire22 . Aactive.Bconvenient.CnormallyDpopular23 . AfewBsuddenlyCnormally.Dexactly24 . AmanyBmoreCmuchDmost25 . AdiscoveringBmakingCpassingDspreading26 . AincreasesBreviewsCtreats.Dhappens27 . Ameal.Bgarden.CfestivalDfair28 . Abusiness.BtimeCpresentDtrick29 . AwhateverBwhenCwhetherDwhy30 . Ageneral.BprivateCcorrectDown三、阅读单选Imagine having a simple app (应用程序) that works like: When you need help, just open the app, touch the “notOK” button and a message will be sent to five pre-selected (预先设定的) people, along with a location to show where you are. The message reads: Hey, Im not OK. Please call me, text me, or come to find me.US teenagers Hanaah Lucas, 15, and her brother Charlie, 13, have created an app called notOK. People just need to pay $1.99 each month to use it.Hannah was inspired to create the app during a dark time in her life last year. She developed an illness that made her pass out at school. Other kids sometimes bullied (欺凌) her about this. She felt sad and wanted to find an app that would allow her to get help when she wasnt feeling OK.She asked her brother Charlie to find such an app. When they couldnt find, they decided to create one themselves.The came up with some designs for the app first. Charlie took a programming class last summer and built a website for the app. Hannah also shaerd her idea in her summer class. Some app developers showed interest and decided to help her. At last, the app came out in the US and Canada on January 31.Hannah is happy that her app is helping others.31 . Who will know youre in nee when you touch the “notOK” button?AFive people who were pre-selected.BFive people who bullied you.CFive people who are the developers.DFive people who are your family members.32 . What do the underlined words “text me” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?ASend me a report.BSend me a letter.CSend me a message.DSend me a paper.33 . The main purpose of creating the app is to allow people _.Ato bully othersBto build a websiteCto make moneyDto ask for help34 . Which one is the right order of the following statements about the invention of the app?a. Hannah developed an illness last year.b. Charlie took a programming class last summer.c. The app came out in the US and Canada in January.d. Hannah and Charlie didnt find such a useful app.Ac, d, a, bBc, d, b, aCa, d, b, cDa, d, c, b35 . What are the best words to describe the app?ASimple and helpfulBPleasant and dangerousCCreative but expensiveDInteresting and pre-selectedOh, how large he is!Isnt he? And such wonderfully strong legs!See his trunk(象鼻), too! Isnt it cute! And he is well stuffed(填充的)! This is really one of the best toys in the UK that ever came into our shop, Geraldine, dont you think so?Yes, Angelina. I must call father to come and look at him. He will make a lovely present for some boy or girl - I mean this Stuffed Elephant will make a lovely present, not our father! and Miss Angelina Mugg smiled at her sister across the big packing box of Christmas toys they were opening in their fathers store.Oh, no! Of course we wouldnt want father to be given away as a toy! laughed Geraldine. But this Stuffed Elephant-oh, I just love him!Miss Geraldine Mugg caught up the rather large toy animal and hugged it tightly in her arms.Be careful called her sister. You may break him!Oh, hes just a Stuffed Elephant! laughed Geraldine. I mean he hasnt any works inside him to wind up(结束).Theres nothing but cotton inside him. But I am beginning to like him more than I cane for some of the toys that do wind up. I almost wish I were small again, so I could have this Elephant for myself!He is nice, admitted(承认)Angelina.Well, Im glad they like me, thought the Stuffed Elephant to himself, for just now he was not allowed to speak out loud or move around, as the Make Believe toys could do at certain times.An excerpt(节选)fromThe Story of a Stuffed Elephant36 . From the passage, we can know that the sisters father is a(n).Atoy makerBanimal keeperCshop ownerDsalesman37 . What can we learn about Geraldine from the underlined part in Paragraph 4?AShe is very excited to find the cute Stuffed Elephant.BShe doesnt like her father and wants to leave him.CShe wants her father to make a lovely toy for her.DShe wants to get a toy as a present from his father.38 . When does the story happen?AIn spring.BIn summer.CIn autumn.DIn winter.39 . What does the paragraph following the passage probably discuss?AThe story about the girls family.BWho gets the Stuffed Elephant as a gift.CSomething about Make Believe toys.DSome other toys the sisters have.Some years ago, the great boxer (拳击家), Tom Brown, went to a restaurant for dinner. He had a bag with him. The bag was made of fine leather and cost him a lot of money. He put his bag near the door, but he was afraid that someone would take it away. So he got out a pen and asked the waiter for a piece of paper. On the paper he wrote: “The great boxer, Tom Brown, put his bag here. Hell come back in a few minutes.” Then he put the paper on his bag and went to have his dinner. Half an hour later, he came back. But his bag wasnt there. He looked around but he couldnt find his bag. There was only a piece of paper on the ground. It said: “A great runner went away with your bag, and he will not come back.”40 . Tom Brown went to the restaurant _.Afor his bagBto see the runnerCto have his mealDfor his pen41 . Mr Brown was afraid _.Ato put down his bag near the doorBhe couldnt find his penCsomeone would take his bag awayDhe couldnt eat well in the restaurant42 . Mr Brown wrote the words on the paper because he _.Athought someone would take his bag awayBwas a boxerCwanted to catch the thief(贼)Dwanted to get to know the runner43 . What do you know about his bag?AIt was made of silk.BThere was something expensive in it.CIt was quite expensive.DMr Brown got back his bag at last.44 . Which is not right?AMr Brown was very clever.BThe runner was a thief.CMr Brown didnt know the runner.DThe runner played a trick on Mr Brown.四、用单词的正确形式完成句子用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。music win success high last45 . The plane has _ landed on the airport after the two-hour flight.46 . His classmates all think of him for his help with their study.47 . 1 think these bags are those _, as there are some medals in them.48 . To our joy, some_ will come and sing some classical songs.49 . If you want to have _ change in your life, you need to change your mind first.五、单词填空(题文)用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,使文章意思通顺、完整。peace, about, instead, reason, or, game, carry, fight, perhaps, hidepeace, about, instead, reason, or, game, carry, fight, perhaps, hideToday it is quite natural to find people shake hands in some situations. People all over the world shake hands for many different(小题1). We shake hands when we meet new people(小题2)during special festivals. Players often shake hands before or after(小题3). Business people shake hands when they make a deal. Why do people shake hands(小题4)of shaking feet? This is because of the fact that a long time ago most people(小题5)knives or guns. If some of them decided that they did not want to(小题6), they would show their empty hands. (小题7)people shook hands so that they could not(小题8)knives in the sleeves(袖子). Later on, hand-shaking became a symbol of(小题9). Now we dont have to worry(小题10)guns or knives. However, people still shake hands all the time! The reason is simple-it is still a way to show friendship.六、材料作文50 . 书面表达。假如你是Ann,Amy是你的同班同学,你们两个在相貌上有很大不同。请根据下表中提供的信息,描述一下你和你同桌的外貌特征。NameThe color of eyesHairBuildAnnbluebrown,long,straightshort and heavyAmybrownbrown,short,curlytall and thin第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、五、单词填空1、六、材料作文1、

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